《2022英文版借款合同.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022英文版借款合同.docx(16页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、2022英文版借款合同篇一:中英文借款协议 借款协议 Loan Agreement 甲方(出借方): Party A (Borrower): 乙方(借款方): Party B (Lender): 甲方为乙方股东之一,就甲方借款给乙方相关事宜,经协商一致达成以下协议: Partyis one shareholder of Party B, regarding the issue that Party A lend a loan to Party B, after Parties friendly negotiation , agreed as follows: 第一条 借款金额 The amou
2、nt of the loan 甲方借给乙方人民币_。甲方所指定的第三人【姓名: 身份证号:】向乙方出借的款项视同出借方本人向乙方的出借款。 Party A lends to Party B. Capital that lending from the 3rd Party (name:ID NO.: ) that designated by Party A would be regarded as Party As lent capital to Party B. 第二条 借款期限 Term of the loan 借款期限自_ 年_ 月_ 日至_ 年_ 月_ 日止。 The term shal
3、l start from mm/dd/yyyy and end to mm/dd/yyyy. 第三条 借款利率 Lending rate 借款利率为【 】%/30天换算)。 The lending rate should be which would be calculated as actual number of lending days (one month account for 30 days). 第四条 还款方式 Method of repayment 1 / 3 借款期限届满到期一次性还清借款本金及利息。 Party B shall one-time pay off the pr
4、incipal and interest of the loan when the loan period expires. 第五条 协议的生效、变更与终止 Taking effect, modification and termination of the agreement 1. 本协议自乙方将本协议第一条的款项划入甲方指定的账户之日起生效,甲方指定账户信息如下: This agreement would take effect after Party B transfer the amount of the capital set forth in Article 1 thereof t
5、o Party As designated bank account; the information of the bank account would as follows: 账户持有人名称(Name of the beneficiary): 账号(Bank Account Number): 开户行名称(Name of the Bank): 开户行地址(Address of the bank): 2. 本协议自生效后,如须变更,须经双方协商一致并书面签章确认。 After the agreement come into force, if any modification needed,
6、Parties shall have common written confirmation to the modification. 3. 借款期限届满前一个月内,经乙方请求,如甲方同意续借前述借款,则本协议依照原计息方式自动延期一年。 Within one month after expiration of the lending term, if Party A agrees to renew the loan after Party Bs application, the lending term could be automatically extended for one year
7、 and remained the original lending rate. 4. 本协议自乙方全额归还借款本金及利息之日起终止。 This agreement would be terminated after Partyrepay the total amount of principle and interest to Party A. 第六条 其他 Miscellaneous 1. 本协议如有未尽事宜,甲乙双方经协商一致,可签署补充协议,补充协议与本协议具有同等效力。 Any issue that not covered in this agreement could be set
8、tled in the additional agreement after Parties negotiation; the additional agreement has same legal effect as this agreement. 2 / 3 2. 本协议履行过程中如产生纠纷,甲乙双方应通过协商解决,协商不成,任意一方均可向当地有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。 For any dispute comes from performance of this agreement, Parties shall firstly resolve the dispute through am
9、icable consultation, if not work, each party has the right to raise a litigation to the jurisdiction court. 3. 本协议一式两份,甲乙各执一份,均具有同等法律效力。 This agreement is in duplicate, each party hold one copy, and each copy has the same legal effect. 甲方(出借方): Party A (Borrower): 签章(Signature/chop) 日期: 乙方(借款方): Par
10、ty B (Lender): 签章(Signature/chop) 日期: 3 / 3 篇二:借款合同_中英对照版 借款合同 Loan Contract 贷款方(Lender): 身份证件号码(ID Number.):地址(Address): 电话(Tel): 借款方(Borrower): 法定代表人(Representative):职务(Title):地址(Address): 电话(Tel): 借款方是一家从事以下两种业务的公司: The Borrower operates two discrete businesses: 1. 生产销售喷砂和抛光研磨纤维石产品;(“砂石品业务) 1. Ma
11、nufacture and sale of the “spray-stone” and “super-stone” products (“the Stone Business”); 2. 生产销售柳制产品(“柳制品业务”) 2. Manufacture and sale of wicker products (“the Wicker Business”). 现借款方打算停止开展柳制品业务。 The Borrower intends to cease operating the Wicker Business. 借款方因生产经营需要,向贷款方借款。双方本着互惠互利的目的,友好协商,特制订本合同。
12、 For its production and operation, the Borrower intends to borrow money from the Lender. For the mutual benefits, both Parties agree to conclude this Contract. 第一条 借款金额 Article 1 Amount 借款金额280,000美元 (大写:贰拾捌万美元) US$ 贷款方在签订本书面合同之前,已向借款方提供280,000美元贷款。借款方在此确认已经收到贷款方通过银行转账方式提供的280,000美元贷款。 The Lender ag
13、rees to advance the Loan US$to the Borrower prior to the signing of this Contract. The Borrower hereby confirms that it has received the Loan US$ 第二条 借款用途 Article 2 Scope for Use 本合同所约定的贷款仅用于借款方生产销售砂石品业务,不得挪作它用。 The loan hereof is only for Borrowers Stone Business and shall not be appropriated for o
14、ther use. 第三条 利率及还款期 Article 3 Interest and Term 1. 如果借款方在合同约定的还期限内还清借款,贷款方则不收取借款利息。 1. The Lender agrees that no interest will be payable on the Loan for the term of the loan while the Borrower is not in default of repayment. 2. 借款方应按照以下还款期向贷款方偿还借款: 在本合同签订之日起十二个月内偿还借款美元; 在本合同签订之日起二十四个月内偿还借款 美元; 在合同
15、签订之日起三十六个月内偿还借款 美元。 2. The Borrower agrees to repay the Loan to the Lender in accordance with the following repayment schedule: 3. 借款方应根据贷款方合理要求的时间、场所和方式还款。 3. All repayments shall be made at the time and place and in the manner reasonably required by the Lender. 第四条 管理费用 Article 4 Management Fee 1.
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- 2022 英文 借款 合同