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1、2022英语经典美文阅读翻译篇一:经典美文翻译 1. our miserable, detestable, deplorable jobs if you love your job, great news. if youre like the other 95 of the population, then it sucks. our jobs, although we may only be there for 40 hours a week, can feel like a life-without-parole prison sentence. like with prison, we
2、feel trapped, hopeless, and doomed to a life we dont want. 可怜可憎可悲的工作 假如你热爱你的工作,那么恭喜你。如果你和95的人们一样,那么糟透了。我们或许一周只花40个小时工作,但感觉上却像是被判了无期徒刑。就像蹲监狱一样,我们觉得受束缚,绝望,注定要过一辈子我们不想要的生活。本文由一起去留学编辑整理,转载自一起去留学http:/转载请保留出处。 2. family stress having children is a true blessing and is the most wonderful thing in the worl
3、d, but can also be (and usually is) the cause of an enormous amount of stress. kidnapping, pedophiles, traffic accidents, injuries, and home invasions are all major concerns for any parent, but its the whining, disrespectful behavior, tantrums, hitting, and lack of sleep that really gets to us. 拥有孩子
4、是真正的恩典,是世界上最美好的事情,但同时也可能成为并且通常是源源不断地压力的根源。绑架,恋童癖者,交通事故,受伤和入室行窃是每一个家长担心的主要问题。但是抱怨,不尊重的行为,发脾气,打架,睡眠不足的问题才是真正困扰我们的。 3. being apathetic so many people have seemingly given up on ever having the life they want. life truly wears them down and out and there is nothing but a shell of a person left. this is
5、unbelievably sad but all too common. these folks are just going through the motions of life without any real direction, passion, or interest. 如此多的人已经放弃了过上自己想要的生活。生活令他们精疲力竭,徒剩一副躯壳。这是相当可悲但同时又相当普遍的情况。这些人只是毫无方向、毫无激情的随波逐流着。 4. being ordinary the world needs more leaders, out of the box thinkers, action s
6、eekers, risk takers, and passionate people. what the world does not need is another average joe living paycheck to paycheck. 这个世界需要更多的领导、能够跳出固定思维的人、探索者、敢冒风险的人以及充满激情的人。不需要另一个沉迷于从薪水到薪水的世俗的人。 5. no direction with no goals or dreams, how can we expect to achieve anything significant? dream big and get b
7、ig results. dream small and get small results. dont dream at all and get nothing. 没有目标, 没有梦想,我们怎么能成就大业?有小梦想就会有小成就。没有梦想就什么也得不到。 6. not having passion for something when someone can find their real passion in life, that should be a momentousness event for them. many people will go through their whole
8、life without ever realizing what it is that gets their heart pumping, mind racing. 当一个人发现生活中真正的激情时,那一刻堪称生命的里程碑。大多数人终其一生都不明白什么能让他们心跳加速、大脑飞转。 7. being selfish giving something of yourself without the desire for anything in return is one of the most beautiful things in the world. our society has taught
9、 us a “what do i get out of this” mentality which is breeding a generation of takers。 what we need more of is people who truly understand the power behind selflessness. 世界上最美好的存在之一是付出而不求回报。这个社会总是让我们关心“我能得到什么”,于是我们变成了“索取的一代”。我们更需要那些能够真正懂得无私的伟大力量的人。 8. not having a release with the constant stresses l
10、ife places on us, we all need a release. finding a hobby, activity, or interest can be a life saver. take up tennis, join a local business group, or learn another language. without a release, life will almost assuredly bring you down. 在生活给于的持久压力下,我们都需要放松。发现一个爱好,活动或兴趣可以成为我们生活中的“救生圈”。打打网球,参加一个当地的商业组织,
11、或者学一门外语。缺少了放松,生活必定是令人失望的。 9. not bettering yourself life is about growing, learning, and being a better person. never trying to improve yourself is a guaranteed path to living a completely average life. can anyone honestly say they want an average life? of course not. 生活就是不断成长,学习,完善自我的过程。从不努力提升自我是通往
12、平庸生活的必经之路。说实话,有谁愿意过平庸的生活呢?当然没有。 10. being empty inside if you are walking around feeling like there is something missing in your life, you are far from being alone. sadly, many people will spend their lives feeling this way. some fill this void with religion, some fill it by having children, and som
13、e even fill it with drugs or alcohol. 如果你走来走去总会觉得生活中少了点什么,那么你就离孤独还远。不幸的是,很多人终其一生都有这种感觉。有人用宗教来弥补这种空虚,有人用孩子,还有的甚至用毒品和酒精。 相信您对下列内容也会感兴趣: 篇二:雅思考试晨读经典美文101篇 智课网IELTS备考资料 雅思考试晨读经典美文101篇 摘要: 雅思考试晨读经典美文101篇,写作是很多考生都头疼的一部分,今天小马过河小编为大家带来关于雅思考试晨读经典美文101篇的相关介绍,希望能对大家的雅思考试有所帮助,更多雅思考试机经、雅思报名相关资料尽在小马科技雅思频道官网。 雅思 考
14、试晨读经典美文101篇,以下内容是小编带来的关于 雅思考试 晨读经典美文101篇的详细介绍,大家快来看吧,可直接点击文章内的链接进行下载即可。 编辑推荐 雅思考试晨读经典美文101篇是作者在总结多年 雅思阅读 的教学经验和命题规律之后的倾心之作。作者搜索雅思真题题源,精选了20篇雅思真题题库中的文章,20篇在文章长度、内容难度、题材体裁与真题十分接近的真题题源时文阅读,又配以60篇文笔流畅的经典美文。所有选材分类科学、针对性强、内容丰富、语言凝练,每一篇都堪称经典之作,集欣赏性、趣味性、知识性、阅读性、收藏性于一体,并配以优美流畅、准确专业的中文翻译,力求为广大读者提供最地道、最权威、最优美、
15、最轻松的考试阅读素材,让读者在阅读时既能够尽量贴近考试内容,又能脱离考试的形式,达到在朗读和欣赏中潜移默化地提高雅思阅读所考查的英语能力。 内容推荐 雅思考试晨读经典美文101篇主要分为以下几部分:名家名篇、科学前沿、经典散文、心灵励志、精选故事、社会文化、真题回顾。“名家名篇”让读者感受文学大家的风格,重温文学经典篇目;“科学前沿”精选科学杂志、美国科学家等科技刊物当中与雅思阅读难度相当的篇目,让读者在阅读中体验科学的奥秘;“经典散文”中的篇篇都耐人寻味,让人在不经意间悟出人生真谛;“心灵启迪”为读者打开心灵之窗,解读内心世界,启迪人生;“精选故事”讲述感动你一生的故事,教导受用一生的哲理;
16、“社会文化”带读者领略不同国家的文化风俗,让读者在文字中体验五彩斑斓的外国文化;“真题回顾”对雅思阅读试题整体进行严格筛选,挑选出趣味性稍强,适合晨读的真题,便于读者在阅读时揣摩出题人的选材倾向,熟悉雅思阅读考试的特点。 另外,每篇文章的结构基本涵盖导读、英文原文、中文译文、注释、长难句分析、重点词汇点拨和延伸知识七大部分。其中导读部分言简意赅,激发阅读兴趣,发人深省;英文原文表达地道,原汁原味;中文译文文字优美流畅,准确地道;注释紧贴考纲词汇,为备考雅思打下坚实的基础;长难句分析锻炼复述及剖析句子主干的能力,让读者在一头雾水时豁然开朗;重点词汇点拨在注释之后,精讲生僻单词和词组,明晰词汇用法
17、及同义词,让读者每天提高同义词替换的能力;延伸知识让读者在阅读文章之后纵向深度地挖掘文章相关知识,培养阅读兴趣。 作者简介 刘昕蓉,天津外国语大学,副教授,研究方向为翻译理论与实践。曾出版过多本翻译类图书,有着深厚的翻译功底。 崔杰,天津培训学校国外考试部雅思阅读、 托福 阅读、 SAT 阅读、语法及词汇基础课讲师。曾出版多本英语考试学习用书。 目录 名家名篇 【C】1. Of Love 论爱情 【C】2. ACountrySunday 乡村星期天 【C】3. AHandel ofClay 撮黏土 【C】4. Whistling ofBirds 鸟啼 【C】5. AModest Proposa
18、l 个谦卑的建议 【I】6. ANightAmongthe Pines 夜宿松林 【C】7. Beauty 美 以上就是 小马 过河小编为大家带来的关于雅思考试晨读经典美文101篇一书的详细介绍,供大家参考和学习 ,希望在小编的帮助下,考生们能早日通过雅思考试,最后小编祝大家都能取得好成绩。 编辑推荐: 80天攻克雅思写作(第三版) 雅思作文母题40篇 雅思大作文17小时速成手册 雅思作文必备语素1010句 相关字搜索: 雅思考试晨读经典美文101篇 篇三:钱钟书经典美文翻译 Business Sees Profits in Education: Challenging Public Scho
19、ols By Irving H.Buchen 由于私人企业的介入,美国的教育正在经历一系列快速、惊人的变化。 1.Education in the United States is undergoing a rapid and dramatic series of changes caused by private enterprise moving into the field. 教育吸引私人企业有三个原因。第一是财务上的回报。估计教育是个有6000亿美元的市场,超出国防部的预算。从幼儿园至12年级是最大的单个市场,1998年的价值达到了3101百亿美元。除此之外,人们对学习的毕生追求,企业
20、与机构进行的培训项目是不断增长的领域。 2.Education attracts the private sector for three reasons. First, it can be financially rewarding. Education is estimated to be a $600 billion market, more than the budget for the Department of Defense. The biggest single market is kindergarten through twelfth grade (K-12), value
21、d at $310 billion in 1998. Additionally, lifelong learning and training programs for businesses and organizations are growing areas. 第二,教育受到严重的压力,虽然内部尽全力进行改革,但人们对这个既有的体制信心不足。针对公共教育的种种败笔,居家自学者和公办民管学校有了增加,他们都是教育产品和教育服务的对象。居家自学者的家长们定期参加承办者们推荐其教育产品和教育服务的地区会议。 3.Second, education has received such a bad
22、press that confidence in the established system is low in spite of all the internal efforts at reform. In response to public education's many failures, home schoolers and charter schools have increased, and both are customers for educational products and services. Home-schooling parents regularl
23、y attend regional conferences at which exhibitors offer their products and services. 第三,教育就在人们身边,伸手可及。人们普遍认为专业的公共教育家们有充足的时间来彻底改变这一体制。私人企业即便是以营利为动力介入来纠正这种体制,只能怪教育家们自己,尤其是因为这类介入许诺会产生效果。 4.Third, education is there for the taking. The general attitude is that professional, public educators have had suf
24、ficient time to turn the system around. They have no one but themselves to blame for corrective intervention from the private sector, even if that intervention is financially motivated, and especially since these actions promise to achieve results. 目前几乎所有在营销的新的教育产品和教育服务都带有技术的特征。这种技术能替代全部教师或减少教师的数量,从
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