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1、精品名师归纳总结workshop take full re sponsibilit y. 3, w ill receive a month s materials a nd consumpti on a nd ret urns from producti on te chnol ogy secti on for verificati on before the 26th of the mont h, reporting day of delay, asse ssment of 30 yua n. 4 organization pri or to 30t h at the e nd of eac
2、h quarter, bi otechnology section of each w orkshop a nd ware house che ck once, found st ock material inconsiste nt with t he reporting data, asse ssment w orkshop material s for 50 Yua n, 100 Yua n, Dire ctor. 5, table fill, found register for nucle ar materials mont hly 50 Yuan, 100 Yua n, Dire c
3、tor. 6, pr oduction technology secti on to organize t he inve ntory work , lacks a n assessme nt of 100 Yuan, delay inve ntory, asse ssment of 50 Yua n a mont h. Sixth re cycling a ssessment rul e 52nd part s and the availa bility of a fix value, by a repairma n to judge, judgment a s stipulated i n
4、 the releva nt asse ssment; obsolete e qui pment t he repair of usi ng value s determ ined by t he Busi ness Departme nt, business judgme nt, each assessme nt the responsi ble person 300 y uan, 500 Yua n, head, i s in charge of the com panys lea dership 1000 Yuan. 53rd w orkshop re cycli ng classifi
5、cation account should be esta blished, no accounti ng asse ssment person 100 Yuan. 54th i n the re cycli ng process, no w orker who resell or glove a nd social age nts steal, once di scov ered, la bor contra cts, and examination the compete nt hea d of 1000 Yuan, Manager 2000 Yua n 1000 Yua n, in ch
6、arge of the compa ny leader shi p. Sevent h Festival safety monitoring a ppraisal rules 55th cl othi ng with protecti on 1, one of the ha bitual vi olation of the foll owing a ssessment of 50: 1 enteri ng production site in high heels, slippers, dre sses, belts, coat s, windbre aker, he alth pa nts,
7、 vest, etc. 2 the electri cian on duty stoppe d .4, superior to vi sit our compa ny guidance, ne ed to l ook at, the l eadership re sponsible for re cepti on or service explain our system, depending on the circumstance s, responsi ble leaders safe. 56t h production safety management on site 1, from
8、superior issued customary in viol ation of provisi ons of, an asse ssment of hazard level s accordi ng to 50 -300. 2, daily easy violati on vi olation highlighted below and a ccordi ng to the foll owing standar d: 1 production plant must have sufficient lighti ng insi de and outsi de and found a lig
9、ht not lit check power Workshop 10, lamp a nd no light bul bs ea ch assessment w orkshop 10 Yuan. 2 inside a nd outsi de the plant, all lifts, size hole must have cov er plates, stair s and platforms must be not le ss tha n 1 m of railings not less tha n 100 mm in height and trim, little evaluation
10、10. 3 the duty roomdoors are not locke d, no bolts or ot her thi ngs, found a exa mination 10. 4 free to store gasoli ne, kerosene , alcohol i n the w orkpla ce should be pr operly kept or found a examination 10. 5 access to the distribution room shall be shut, distributi on r oom window, private pl
11、ate door cover should be tight, or find a Department asse ssment10. 6 all kinds of spe cial e qui pment must be used by t he per sonnel ma nagement and follows: spe cial equipme nt must be use d by the personnel manageme nt and non-professionals not al lowed to tamper with, a nd offenders a ssessmen
12、t 10 y uan per person. specialw orkshop take full responsi bility. 3, will re ceive a mont hs materials a nd consum ption and ret urns from producti on te chnol ogy secti on for verificati on before the 26th of the month, re porti ng day of delay, a ssessment of 30 y uan. 4 organizati on prior to 30
13、th at the end of each quarter, bi otechnology secti on of ea ch workshop and ware house che ck once, found stock material inconsistent w ith the re porti ng data, assessment work shop mat erials for 50 Yuan, 100 Yua n, Dire ctor. 5, table fill, found register for nuclear material s mont hly 50 Yua n
14、, 100 Yua n, Direct or. 6, production technol ogy se ction to organize the i nventory work, lack s an assessme nt of 100 Yuan, delay inve ntory, asse ssment of 50 Yuan a m onth. Sixth recycling assessme nt rule 52nd parts a nd the ava ilability of a fix value, by a repairma n to judge, judgment a s
15、stipulated i n the releva nt assessment; obsolete e qui pment the re pair of using val ues determined by the Busi ness Departme nt, business judgment, e ach asse ssment the responsible person 300 yua n, 500 Yuan, head, i s in charge of the compa nys lea dership 1000 Yua n. 53rd w orkshop recycli ng
16、cla ssificati on account should be esta blished, no accounti ng asse ssment person 100 Yua n. 54t h in the recycl ing pr oce ss, no worker w ho resell or glove a nd social agents steal, once discovered, labor contracts, a nd examinati on the com petent head of 1000 Yua n, Ma nager 2000 Yuan 1000 Yua
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- 新人教版三级上册数学知识点归纳 新人 三级 上册 数学 知识点 归纳