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1、新视界大学英语综合教程第二册 课后翻译题答案Unit11独立思考能力是大学生必备的素质之一。(thinkforyourself;quality)Theabilitytothinkforyourselfisoneofthequalitiesthatcollegestudentsmusthave.2虽然大家对这部电影好评如潮,我却不怎么喜欢这部电影。(despite;notthinkmuchof)Despiteallthegoodcommentsthefilmreceived,Ididntthinkmuchofit.3有陌生人或外国人在场时,她总是不愿意说话。(inthepresenceofsb;
2、reluctant)Inthepresenceofstrangersorforeignerssheisalwaysreluctanttotalk.4正要离开书店时,他发现了自己一直在寻找的一本书。(beabouttodosth)Hewasabouttoleavethebookshopwhenhefoundabookthathehadbeenlookingfor.5会上,大家对如何提高学生的阅读技能进行了更详细的探讨。(atlength)Howtoimprovestudentsreadingskillswasdiscussedatgreaterlengthatthemeeting.1 But i
3、n most circles, particularly in places that shape our lives families, schools and most workplaces thinking for yourself is regarded with suspicion. 然而,在大多数圈子里,尤其是在我们生活中的重要场所如家庭、学校以及大部分工作场所独立思考受到人们的质疑。2 Hardly anyone has been encouraged, much less trained, to think for themselves, and their teachers
4、and parents and bosses werent either.很少有人受到鼓励进行独立思考,更别提接受相关的训练,就连他们的老师、父母和老板也是如此。3 I saw the girl across the aisle from me lean forward and peer over the shoulder of the boy in front of her who was scribbling something.我看见跟我隔着过道的那个女同学向前探了一下身子,从前座男生的肩膀上方偷窥他正在草草写些什么。4 I was too scared around that teac
5、her for the rest of my young life to think very well in her presence.在后来的青春岁月里,我一见到这位老师就害怕,只要她一出现,我就无法好好思考。5 Had she affirmed our intelligence first and spoken about the joy of thinking for ourselves, had she not fanned our fear of her, we would all have learned even more powerfully what it meant to
6、 do our thinking.如果她能首先肯定我们的聪明才智,跟我们谈谈独立思考的乐趣,如果她没有激起我们对她的畏惧,我们就可以更深切地体会到独立思考的意义。Unit21虽然体育运动的形式多种多样,但它们有一个共同之处:所有的运动都是为了增强人们的体质(despite;haveincommon)Despitethedifferentformsofsports,theyhaveonethingincommon:Allofthemaretostrengthenpeopleshealth.2四年一次的奥运会对促进各国间的友谊起着重要作用。(playarole;promote)TheOlympic
8、nosubstituteforhealthydiet.5在中国,只要说到国球,人们自然会想到乒乓球。(whenever;speakof)WheneverpeoplespeakofthenationalballinChina,peoplewillthinkoftabletennis.1 It is true that in the ancient period, the Silk Road served as a channel of trade and cultural exchange between the East and West, which may have allowed an
9、awareness of the ancient Olympic movement to pass from Greece to China.古时候,丝绸之路作为东西方贸易往来和文化交流的渠道,确实可能让中国了解到希腊古代奥林匹克的发展。2 Yet sport appears to play a more fundamental and deeply-rooted role in national culture and socio-political life in all social communities at all times.然而,纵观古今,体育运动在任何一个国家的文化和社会政治
10、方面似乎都发挥着更为重要、更为根深蒂固的作用。3 In due course, these same skills were called into play not just in the Olympic Games but also in the sporting events which were held in China and elsewhere. 到了适当的时候,不仅仅奥运会,在中国以及其他地方举办的体育赛事中也用到了这些技能。4 Sport was used as a form of military training, to improve an armys ability
11、to beat the enemy with or without weapons.体育被用作军事训练的一种形式,以增强军队徒手或用武器击败敌人的能力。 5 The Greek philosopher Plato advised that physical training and health education should be included in the school curriculum, alongside philosophy, music, literature and gymnastics.希腊哲学家柏拉图主张将体育锻炼和健康教育包含到学校的课程中去,和哲学、音乐、文学、
14、epappearing.1 People took up more gentle leisure activities like bird-watching, and gardening, and it was even possible simply to watch a sport and be satisfied that you were actually doing something useful. 他们还开始从事更温和的休闲活动,如观鸟、园艺,甚至可能只是观看一项运动。这给他们一种有事可做的满足感。2 In the 1990s a new leisure creature evo
15、lved, one who thinks that lying on the sofa watching sport or DVDs on the television is the most exciting inactivity they can manage20世纪90年代,一种新的休闲方式诞生了,一些人认为躺在沙发上看电视体育节目或是DVD是他们能做的最令人激动的闲暇无为活动了。3 Without the freedom to change channels without moving from the couch, no couch potato would be worthy o
16、f the name.如果没有无需离开沙发就能改换频道的自由,那沙发土豆就徒有虚名了。4 Perhaps the greatest of these results from the lack of exercise, and is referred to by professional couch potatoes as telly belly最大的危害也许是由缺乏运动导致的,后果就是专业沙发土豆所称的电视肚了 5 In fact, leaving the computer not only lacks purpose but also risks a threat by some riva
17、l or more skilful mouse potato in a brighter time zone across the world 实际上,离开电脑不仅毫无意义,而且还会遭到对手或是世界上较早时区且技术更高超的鼠标土豆的威胁Unit61.再和他争论没有意义,他一旦作了决定就不会改变。(Theresnopointindoingsth)Theresnopointinarguingwithhimanymore;hewillnotchangeitoncehehasmadeadecision.2.从长远看,为自己设定目标的人成功的机会更大。(inthelongterm)Thosewhoset
19、morepeoplearemovingtosmalltowns.5既然你已经为自己设定了目标,那就朝着自己的目标前进吧,无论遇到什么困难。(nowthat;whatever;encounter)Nowthatyouhavesetgoalsforyourself,moveontowardsyourgoalswhateverdifficultyyoumayencounter.1.According to new research,people who know when to give up on impossible goals,the socaledquitter,are physically
20、 and mentally healthier than bulldogs who persist at any cost.根据新的研究,知道什么时候放弃不可能实现目标的人,即所谓的“懦夫”,其身心要比不惜任何代价而坚持下去的“硬汉”健康。2.On the one hand, it seems that persistence and self-discipline increase the chance youll succeed in the long term,and that personal success is closely linked to well-being.一方面,从长
21、远来看,坚持和自律似乎增加了你成功的几率,同时,个人的成长与身体的健康也似乎密切相关。3.ln terms of human evolution, scientists think that depression is what told our bodies to slow down, to analyse the situation and to be cautious.从人类进化论的角度来说,科学家们认为,消沉在告诉我们要放慢节奏,审时度势,谨慎小心。4.But as we grow older, were liable to adjust these aspirations or ab
22、andon them when we find that either we cannont achieve them or other, more important targets attract us.但是随着年龄的增长,当我们发现要么实现不了这些目标,要么被别的更重要的目标吸引了,我们就会调整期望或者放弃这些目标。5.Consequently, we find other, more feasible objectives in our lives,which are more appropriate to our circumstances than our previous one
24、owthatitisnottheonlyfactorinrealizingourdream.4希望工程帮助那些因为贫困而辍学的学生重返校园。(dropout)TheProjectHopehelpsthosestudentswhoroppedoutofschoolbecauseofpovertyreturntoschool.5为了孩子能受到良好的教育,父母往往要做出很大牺牲。(makesacrifices)Parentsusuallyhavetomakemanysacrificestoensurethattheirchildrenreceiveagoodeducation.1 On occasi
25、ons like this, youd expect someone like me to stand before you and give you advice about how to conduct your lives at college over the next three years.在这样的场合,你们会希望有个人,比如说我,站在你们面前,给你们一些关于怎样安排未来三年大学生活的建议。2 I thought we were told that doing well in our studies was the surest way to equip us for the be
26、st occupations, and to facilitate something which is in our constitution: the pursuit of happiness. 我想我们总被教导说搞好学业是获取好工作和帮助我们追求幸福的最可靠的途径(追求幸福的权利是写在宪法中的)。3 Ever since we began our formal education, weve been told time and again that high school dropouts were not meant to be our role models, they were
27、people whose example was to be avoided at all costs.自从我们开始接受正规教育,就一再有人告诉我们,中学辍学的人并不是我们的榜样,我们无论如何都不能成为他们那样。4 The point is this: Our education system is often too concerned with academic success at the expense of the overall development of the child and the young adult.关键就在这里:我们的教育体系往往太过于注重学生的学业成就,却牺牲了孩子们和年轻人的全面发展。5 They need to be taught and constantly reminded by their parents and teachers that they have gifts which can benefit the world and bring them fortune.他们的父母和老师应该时时教导他们,不断地提醒他们,他们拥有造福世界、创造财富的才能。