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2、学生所理解。 2.阅读四篇短文,总阅读量在10001200词之间。每篇短文后5个题,总计20题,每题2分,共40分,要求根据文章从四个选择项中选一个最佳答案。 三、影响阅读理解解题的四大恶习在做阅读理解试题的过程中,几乎所有的考生或多或少都会受课文学习阅读习惯的影响,不知不觉地养成了不好的阅读习惯。只有戒除这些坏习惯才能顺利完成阅读理解试题,取得更好的成绩。这些坏习惯包括: “指读”(pointing reading):即为了“集中注意力”,用手指或笔尖指着文章逐词阅读。一遇到生词,便停顿下来。无法在通篇理解的基础上进行快速流畅的阅读。“唇读”(lip reading):即有的学生在阅读中喜欢
3、读出声来,即使不出声,嘴唇也在动,或脑子里也在想着读音。影响了大脑的思维速度。 “回读”(repeated reading):即在阅读中遇到生词或不熟悉的短语时,返回句首甚至段首重读;还有相当多的学生对阅读已经产生心理定式,认为自己第一遍肯定读不懂,因此反复多遍阅读。阅读做题效率低,浪费时间。 “译读”(translation reading):即在阅读过程中,不断地进行逐词逐句的翻译,通过译成母语来辅助理解。由于没有掌握正确的阅读方法,习惯于在不加限定的时间内,对一小段文章精雕细琢,导致了养成逐词阅读接受信息的习惯。无法整体把握文章,理解支离破碎。 四、专升本的题材1.题材=信息(文章内容)
4、阅读理解是考查考生以语言知识和能力为工具获取有用信息的过程。所谓信息就是指文章所涉及的内容,即题材。2.专升本文章题材专升本英语阅读理解文章题材较为广泛,几乎包括了我们日常学习的各个科目,如:社会生活、人物传记、社会文化、日常知识、经济、科普常识等。根据命题要求,所涉及的背景知识应能为学生所理解。 五、阅读理解的体裁1.议论文:是对某个问题、现象或某件事进行分析、评论,表明自己的观点、立场、态度、看法和主张的一种文体。 议论文三要素包括:论点、论据和论证方法。论点是观点,论据是事实依据或公认的真理,论证是得出结论的方法,如归纳法、 推理法 、 对照法 、驳论法等。2.记叙文:以记叙为主要表达方
5、式,综合其他表达方式;以写人、叙事、写景、状物为主要内容;通过描述人物、时间、地点、事件或状物、写景来表达一定的中心。记叙文包括六个基本要素:时间、地点、人物、起因、经过、结果。 3.说明文:是以说明为主要表达方式来解说事物、阐明事理而给人知识的文章体裁。它通过揭示概念来说明事物特征、本质及其规律性。说明文一般介绍事物的形状、构造、类别、关系、功能,解释事物的原理、含义、特点、演变等。说明结构包括:总分;分总;总分总。六、专升本阅读理解篇章结构类型1.问题型:提出问题分析问题解决问题。这类文章的基本模式是:通常以某种现象或话题开篇,该现象或者话题可能涉及社会生活、文化教育等各个领域。接着,针对
7、现象的看法(也可能会涉及大众的舆论)。在阐述自己看法的同时,作者会表明自己的态度,或赞成或反对。如果作者持赞成态度,就直接对它加以论证;如果持反对态度,则还要提出自己的观点,并给出充分论据证明。考生首要的任务就是通读全文,弄清楚哪个是作者的观点,哪个是作者要驳斥的观点,每个观点都有哪些论据作为支撑。由于文章表述中大多有明显的转折意思,考生可以去找一些提示语,比如:However/But/Nevertheless/As a matter of fact。这些词语常常可以作为作者观点和其他观点的分水岭。4.因果型:结果/现象原因/成因。这类文章接近于说明文。文章大多以一种现象或者一种结果开篇,然后
8、进一步探讨导致这种现象或结果的原因或成因。文章大多围绕社会生活、文化教育等领域展开。七、做题三步走1.阅读文章做路标 (针对文章)2.明确题干找考点 (针对题干)3.重叠原文定答案 (针对选项)八、五路标1.主题句(theme)小结:2.转折句 显性转折词but,however,although,though,despite,in spite of,on the contrary,otherwise,while 隐性转折词:strongly,in fact,actually小结:3.强烈表达句 含有绝对意义的词:all,no,never, must,everything,nothing,any
9、thing,anybody,nobody,everybody 表示唯一等特定的词汇: Only,merely,unique,just 重要的:important,essential,vital,crucial,significant,unavoidable,fundamental 最高级(强烈表达引人注意):top,first,No.1,extreme,favorite,limitless seldom,not,few,little,hardly,rarely等否定副词位于句首时引导的倒装句4.因果条件句(题型:给果求因,给主句求条件句)因果句标志性词汇: as,since,because,f
10、or reason,cause result in,result from,so,thus,therefore条件句文章标志性词汇:If, unless小结:5.例证句九、英语长难句的分析专项练习根据句子结构,长难句分为四种类型:环环相扣式;并列式;插入语式;改变语序式。1. 环环相扣式这类句子往往有多重句子修饰成分,这些修饰成分往往由非谓语动词或从句充当。在阅读过程中,对于这类句式应当先找到句子的主干,然后再看修饰成分。例1: A mere hundred species (物种) are the basis of our food supply,of which but twenty ca
11、rry the load. Wilson suggests changing this situation by looking into ten thousand species that could be made use of,which will be a way to reduce the clearing of the natural homes of plants and animals to enlarge farming areas. 解析:第二句是多层结构。第一层:Wilson suggests changing by looking ;that could be made
12、 use of 做定语修饰species。第二层:which引导的非限定性从句修饰changing use of。第三层:不定式 to reduce 做定语修饰 a way。 第四层:不定式 to enlarge 做目的状语,修饰clearing。例2: This process is also found among scholars and authors: a statement of opinion by one writer may be restated by another,who may in turn be quoted by yet another;and this pro
13、cess may continue,unless it occurs to someone to question the facts on which the original writer based his opinion or to challenge the interpretation he placed upon those facts.解析:冒号前是句子主干,冒号后进一步解释。解释中,分号分开两个句子。第一句中含有一个who引导的非限定性定语从句。第二句中含有一个unless引导的条件状语从句;状语从句用it做形式主语,to question or to challenge是真
14、正主语;两个不定式宾语the facts和the interpretation各有定语从句on which 和he placed 修饰。2.并列式这种类型的句子包含多个并列成分,如并列主语、并列谓语、并列宾语等,这些并列结构常由连词连接。在解读这类句式时,要注意利用连词和标点符号来判断并列部分。例1: The thing I like best about them is that your money is going to be a good cause and not into the pockets of profitdriven companies,and you are not d
15、amaging the planet,but finding a new home for unwanted goods.解析:该句表语从句部分用了两个并列的句子:第一个是that your money is going ,第二个句子是you are not but finding ,并且两个句子用and连接。例2: The real attractions of the Hollowell farm to me were its position, being about two miles from the village, half a mile from the nearest nei
16、ghbor, bounded (相邻) on one side by the river, and separated from the highway by a wide field.解析:该句主干是“主语 + 系表结构”,从being到句末都是position的同位语。3.插入语式有些句子其中一部分会用逗号或破折号与其他部分分开,而处于逗号或破折号之间的内容通常被称为插入语。阅读时,要先将插入语部分跳过,先读主句,然后再读插入语部分。 例1: The lack of right male role models in many of their lives at home and part
17、icularly in the school environment means that their peers are the only people they have to judge themselves against.解析:该句中破折号中间部分可以先略过不看,首先要找到句子的主干,即:The lack means that 。that 从句中又包含一个省略了关系代词whom或that的定语从句,即they have to judge themselves against,修饰先行词the only people。而破折号之间的部分为插入语,通常情况下略去插入语不影响对句子大意的理
18、解。例2: Her workthought to be the first of its kind to test the pressure theoryresulted from the observation that juvenile blacktip sharks off Florida moved into deeper water ahead of a violent storm in 2001.解析:破折号之间部分可以先略过不看,首先要找到句子的主干,即:Her work resulted from the observation 。然后再理解细节部分:插入语thought th
19、eory是补充说明的成分,做非限定性定语,修饰主语her work。 that 从句用来说明observation的具体内容,是同位语从句。4.改变语序式有时候,有些句子会使用改变语序的手段,主要以强调结构和倒装来使句子复杂化。正确掌握强调句型和倒装语法是理解这类句型的关键。例:It was then that I realized that I had not really come to help, but to learn about and experience another culture that helped improve my own understanding of li
20、fe and the world.解析:该句主干用了强调句型It was then that I realized ,强调时间then。原句顺序应该是I realized then。在该句第二层结构中,即that引导的宾语从句中,又用了一个not but连接的句式。该句的第三层结构是culture后面that引导的定语从句,修饰culture。十、四考点专升本英语阅读部分要求考生理解所读文章的大意,掌握主要事实和有关具体细节,通过上下文猜测某些词语的意思,辨别作者的基本态度和观点,根据有关信息进行一定的推理、判断或引申。这些要求表现在阅读理解的题型上分为四种类型:主旨大意题,词语理解题,事实细
21、节题和推理判断题。1.主旨大意题(1)基本概念:考查文章的灵魂与中心。测试考生把握主题与中心思想的能力,旨在考查考生归纳总结能力以及对文章整体上的理解把握能力,特别是加工与浓缩信息的能力。 常就文章主要内容、主题或标题设问。这类题目的正确选择项绝不会是原文主题句的简单重复,而是其意思的重新表述。(2)题型细分为三类:主题型主旨大意题,标题型主旨大意题和目的型主旨大意题。(3)主题型主旨大意题的设问方式The main idea /central idea /major point of the passage is.The passage is mainly about/ mainly dis
22、cusses .The passage is concerned primarily about .Which of the following statements best expressed the main idea of the passage?What is the passage mainly about? What is the main topic /main subject of this passage?Which of the following best states the theme of the passage?(4)标题型主旨大意题的设问方式The best
23、title for the passage might /would be .Which of the following titles best summarize the main idea of the passage? The title best expresses the idea of the passage is .The passage can be entitled .(5)目的型主旨大意题的设问方式The authors purpose in writing the passage is to .The passage is meant to .The authors p
24、urpose is to show .The purpose of the article is to .What is the authors main purpose in the passage?例1:People have different tastes in food. Some feel that they havent eaten a meal unless they have had steak or other red meat. Some prefer chicken or fish and eat one or the other at every meal. Othe
25、rs prefer vegetables and fruits or grains and would enjoy a meal of spaghetti, eggplant, and fresh fruit. Still others could live on what were called fast foods: a hamburger or hot dog, French fries and a soft drink.Which of the following is the main idea of the paragraph?A. Some people like steak a
26、nd others red meat.B. Vegetables are very healthy for you.C. How food is prepared has a lot to do with how well a person may like it.D. Different people have different tastes in food.解析:主题句在段首,根据文段大意可知正确答案为D。例2:Americans might be embarrassed because their Japanese friends are so formal with them. Ja
27、panese might feel insulted because American acquaintances greet them casually. Still, the forms of greeting in both countries only show respect for others. It just happens that Americans and Japanese have a different way of looking at human relationships and thus have a different way of showing resp
28、ect.This passage mainly tells us .A. how Americans show respect to othersB. how Japanese show respect to their American acquaintancesC. Americans and Japanese have different ways of showing respectD. Japanese are not satisfied with American casual behavior解析:主题句在最后,根据文段大意可知正确答案为C。2.细节题(60%)(1)基本概念:考
30、来决定取舍。 (3)提问方式The study shows that .The real cause of is that .According to the passage, who/what/where/which/when/why/how ?Which of the following is incorrect/not mentioned/not included?The author mentions all of the items listed below except .The writer wants to prove with example of that .The exa
31、mple of is used to.What dose the example of show /illustrate? Which of the following is true/false except? Which of the following is mentioned except?Which of the following (statements) is Not mentioned in the passage?According to the passage,which of the following statements is true?According to th
32、e passage, all of the following are true except .(4)答案选项类型直接辨认类:不要求对客观事实解释判断,只要求从材料中直接获取信息。要求记住必要细节,并准确迅速地回忆出来。这种类型的答案几乎可以直接从短文中获得,正确答案和原文中含相关信息的句子和用词也几乎相似。直接辨认类细节题举例: Students in Junior One had a great time on the school trip on Childrens Day. They went to Blue Water Aquarium by bus. The teachers w
33、ere very happy because the students cleaned the buses after the trip.Junior One students on Childrens Day.A. visited Beijing B. watched a match C. took a trip D. gave a talent show解析:由文段首句“had a great time on the school trip”可以直接判断答案为C。间接辨认类:要求对客观事实解释判断,答案是从阅读材料中获取的信息用同义或近义的形式复述出来。有时在原文中找不到同正确选项相近的词
34、,正确答案可能是原文某一事实的结果、原因、前提等。间接辨认类细节题举例:Some East Africans spit four times as a kind of blessing. They do it to show that they want a sick person to get well, or to bless a newborn baby. In most other places, spitting means something completely different. It usually shows an unhealthy habit. In many cou
35、ntries, it may mean that you hate someone.In many places, spitting may mean .A. you give a newborn baby the blessingB. you want a sick person to get wellC. you quite dislike someoneD. you show your love to your relatives or friends解析:根据文段最后一句“In many countries, it may mean that you hate someone.”可知答
36、案应选C,其中quite dislike与原文中hate同义。细节题的错误类型特点:a) 无中生有b) 正话反说c) 混淆(张冠李戴,类而不同)d) 超越范围(比如限定词的范围,文章里说all,选项换成了most)3.推理题(1)基本概念:主要测试考生在理解字面意义的基础上,根据材料进行判断和推论,进而理解文章的隐含意义和深层意义。 这类题综合性强,难度较大,需要综合运用各种阅读技巧,合理地根据内容、逻辑关系、关键词语以及相关背景知识进行推断。在准确把握全篇主旨或段落主题的基础上,分析句与句之间的关系,捕捉语言线索,揣测作者的意图,不可死抠字面意思。 (2)(3)推理题特征词汇:infer,b
37、e suggested(implied) but not stated,indicate,possible,probably, 4.词语理解题(特殊变体是指代题)这类题主要考查对文中某个单词、短语或者句子的理解,通常根据特定语境选择正确答案。对于不认识的生词,考生可结合上下文进行大胆猜测。(1)提问方式The word “” in the passage means. The word “” (line) could best be replaced by. According to the passage, the word “” is known as.From the passage,
38、we can infer that the word “” means. As used in the passage, the phrase “” suggests. The expression “” is closest to. The passage used the word “”to refer to .By “” the author means .The phrase “” in the passage most properly means .The sentence “” in Para. can be best replaced by .The word “” in Pa
39、ra. is closest in meaning to .(2)词语理解考查的三种命题思路:例:Can we pay too much attention to details? Absolutely. Perfectionists struggle over little things at the cost of something larger than they work toward.The word “perfectionists” refers to those who .A. pay too much attention to details only to lose the
40、ir major objectiveB. know how to adjust their goals according to the circumstancesC. are capable of achieving perfect results in whatever they doD. demand others to get everything absolutely right解析:文段第三句即perfectionists所在句对其进行了解释,即 “struggle over little things at the cost of something larger than th
41、ey work toward”,其意思是:以牺牲要做的大事为代价而注意一些鸡毛蒜皮的小事。可见,perfectionists是一种事无巨细一概追求尽善尽美,但往往又失去主要目标的人。故选A。(3) 指代题提问方式如:What does“this” refers to?出题方式一般为问It,this,that,he/she,they,we这些代词指代部分的内容。做这类题时切忌全文通读或查读距离代词过远的部分。要注意句内指代和句间指代。句内指代常指所有格附近的名词,如I love this apple and its color中,its指代的是前边的apple。句间指代指的通常是前边的整个句子。
42、十一、十二法宝(针对选项,是最后实在没办法的情况下怎么“蒙”的)十二、 一要素查找细节,把握主旨。 读文章时宏观把握很重要,不要陷入句子里,应该用全局的眼光来看整个文章,要“把握主旨”,再适当看点儿细节。十三、 三原则阅读理解专项练习Passage 1The management of logistical (物流的) operation is about movement and storage of material and finished products. Logistical operations start with the initial shipment of a mater
43、ial or component part from a supplier and are finished when a manufactured or processed product is delivered to a customer.From the initial purchase of a material or component, the logistical process adds value by moving inventory(移动库存) when and where needed. If all goes well, a material gains value
44、 at each step of its transformation into finished inventory. In other words, an individual part has greater value after it is put into a machine. Likewise, the machine has greater value once it is delivered to a buyer.To support manufacturing, workinprocess inventory must be moved to support final a
45、ssembly. The cost of each component and its movement becomes part of the valueadded process. The final or meaningful value that is added occurs only with final ownership transfer of products to customers when and where specified.For a large manufacturer, logistical operation may consist of thousands
46、 of movements, which finally develop into the delivery of products to an industrial user, retailer, wholesaler, dealer, or other customer. For a large retailer, logistical operations may start with gaining products for resale and may finish with consumer pickup or delivery. For a hospital, logistics
47、 starts with purchasing and ends with full support of patient surgery and recovery. The significant point is that regardless of the size and type of enterprise, logistics is essential and requires continuous management attention. For better understanding it is useful to divide logistical operations into three areas: physical distribution, manufacturing support, and procurement (筹措,采购).1. Logistical operations are concerned with .A. transfer of materials and finished productsB. manufacturing of materials and finished productsC. inventory of materials and finished productsD. both A and C