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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上1. William Shakespeare1. 维纳斯与阿多尼斯路克丽丝的被奸:两首叙事长诗题献给南安普敦伯爵。2. 喜剧生涯第一阶段:五部历史剧:亨利六世上中下、理查三世泰特斯。安装尼克斯;四部喜剧:错中错维罗纳二绅士驯悍记空爱一场3. 第二阶段:五部历史剧:查理二世约翰王亨利四世上下亨利五世;六部喜剧:仲夏夜之梦威尼斯商人无事生非皆大欢喜第十二夜温莎的风流娘们儿;两部悲剧:罗密欧与朱丽叶裘利斯。凯撒4. 第三阶段:悲剧:哈姆雷特奥赛罗李尔王麦克佩斯安东尼与克里奥特佩拉特洛伊勒斯与克莱希达考利欧雷诺斯;两部喜剧:终成眷属恶有恶报5. 最后一个阶段:包括他主要的浪漫
2、悲喜剧波里克利斯新柏林冬天的故事暴风雨;他最后的两个剧本亨利八世二位高贵的亲戚6. 亨利四世上下两部莎士比亚历史剧中最受广泛阅读的剧本。揭示了15世纪混乱的统治。一边为英国失去领土而悲痛,一边表现爱国主义精神。用戏剧性表现了1450年杰克。凯德起义期间压迫者与被压迫者之间的阶级斗争。谴责由封建贵族发起的玫瑰战争,在战争中无辜人民惨遭杀害。7. 威尼斯商人是喜剧作品中最重要的剧本。莎士比亚在该剧本中创造了紧张、模棱两可和同时既在心智上令人激动又在情感上引人入胜的自我意识的、自我愉悦的技巧。该剧暴露出犹太人永不满足的贪欲。8. 罗密欧与朱丽叶是成功的浪漫悲剧,它歌颂对爱情的忠诚和追求幸福的精神。虽
3、是一部悲剧,但充满着乐观主义精神。9. 最伟大的悲剧:哈姆雷特奥赛罗李尔王麦克白。它们的共同特点:都描写某一位高贵的主人公,他面对人类生活的不公正并陷入困境,他的命运与整个民族的命运紧紧相连。每个主人公都有他的性格弱点:哈姆雷特面对着行动与思考之间的困境;奥赛罗的内心特点被外部邪恶势力所利用;老李尔王不愿意完全放弃权利,使自己忍受遭受背信弃义和不忠的痛苦;麦克白的权力欲激起他的野心并导致他的连续犯罪。10. 暴风雨是一个精心计划的幻想故事,被认为是他最后的浪漫传奇中最优秀的作品。是他晚年对人生和社会的悲观主义观点的典型例证。William Shakespeare1. Venus and Ado
4、nis The Rape of Lucrece: both of which were dedicated to the Earl of Southampton.2. The 1st period of Shakespeares dramatic career: 5 history plays: Henry VI, Parts I, II and III, Richard III and Titus Andronicus; and 4 comedies: The Comedy of Errors, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, The Taming of the S
5、hrew, and Loves Labours Lost3. 2nd period, 5 histories: Richard II, King John, Henry IV, Parts I and II, and Henry V; six comedies: A Midsummer Nights Dream, The Merchant of Venice, Much Ado About Nothing, As You Like It, Twelfth Night, and The Merry Wives of Windsor; and two tragedies: Romeo and Ju
6、liet and Julius Caesar4. 3rd period: Tragedies: Hamlet Othello King Lear Macbeth Antony and Cleopatra Troilus and Cressida Coriolanus; two comedies: Alls Well That Ends Well and Measure for Measure5. Last period: includes his principal romantic tragicomedies: Pericles, Cymbeline, The Winters Tale an
7、d The Tempest; and his two final plays: Henry VIII and The Two Noble Kinsmen6. Henry IV Parts I and II are undoutedly the most widely read among his history plays. It reveals a troubled reign in the 15th century. Shakespeare presents the patriotic spirit when mourning over the loss of English territ
8、ories in France. He also dramatizes the class struggle between the oppressors and the oppressed during Jake Cades rising of 1450. He condemns the War of the Roses waged by the feudal barons in which innocent people were killed.7. The Merchant of Venice is the most important play among the comedies,
9、in which Shakespeare has created tension, armbiguity, a self-conscious and self-delighting artifice that is at once intellectually exciting and emotionally engaging. The Traditional theme of the play is to praise the friendship between Antonio and Bassanio, to idealize Portia as a herioine of great
10、beauty, wit and loyalty, and to expose the insatiable greed and brutality of the Jew.8. Romeo and Juliet, the successful romantic tragedy, eulogizes the faithfulness of love and the spirit of pursuing hapiness. Though a tragedy, it is permeated with optimistic spirit.9. His greatest tragedies are: H
11、amlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth. They have some characteristics in common. Each portrays some noble hero, who faces the injustice of human life and is caught in a difficult situation and whose fate is closely connected with the fate of the whole nation. Each hero has his weakness of nature: H
12、amlet faces the dilemma between action and mind; Othellos inner weekess is made use of by the outside evil force; the old king Lear who is unwilling to totally give up his power makes himself suffer from treachery and infidelity; Macbeths lust for power stirs up his ambition and leads him to incessa
13、nt crimes.10. The Tempest, an elaborate and fantastic story, is known as the best of his final romances. It is a typical example of his pessimistic view towards human life and society in his late years.2. John Milton1. 列西达斯献给淹死在爱尔兰海剑桥时的同学爱德华。金的挽歌集。弥尔顿发问:为什么正直善良的人要忍受痛苦。诗的高潮是对因自私自利而腐败的教士阶层,即“牧羊人”的狠狠抨击
14、。2. 论出版自由可能是他最令人难忘的散文作品,它是一个为出版自己有所作的伟大的抗辩。与其他散文作品的猛烈风格比较,它则显得很流畅且平静。3. 1660年王政复辟之后,当他失明并忍受痛苦、贫困及孤独之时,弥尔顿写了他的三部重要诗歌作品:失乐园复乐园力士参孙4. 失乐园是最伟大的一部,实际上也是贝奥武甫之后英国文学中惟一公认的史诗。原故事选自圣经的创世纪3:1-24. 主题是“人的堕落”,即人的不服从和失去乐园,其主要原因是撒旦。弥尔顿遵循基督教人文主义传统,创作失乐园,意在暴露撒旦的反叛行为并“证明上帝处罚人类的正当性”。5. 复乐园表现以基督为代表的人类怎样抵制诱惑并重新获得天赐恩惠的。基督
15、在荒野中受到诱惑是作品的主题。6. 力士参孙模仿希腊风格用英语创作的诗歌剧最完美的样板。转向更重要的个人的主题。John Milton1. Lycidas is composed for a collection of elegies dedicated to Edward King, a fellow undergraduate of Miltons at Cambridge, who was drowned in the Irish sea. With the bitter sense of loss, Miton asks why the just and good should suf
16、fer.The climax of the poem is the blistering attack on the clergy, i.e. the “shepherds”, who are corrupted by self-interest.2. Areopagitica is probably his most memorable prose work. It is a great plea for freedom of the press. Compared with the tough style of the other prose work, it is rather smoo
17、th and calm.3. After the Restoration in 1660, when he was blind and suffering, and when he was poor and lonely, Milton wrote his three major poetical works: Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained Samson Agonistes. Among the three, the first is the greatest, indeed the only one generally acknowledged epic
18、in English literature since Beowulf; and the last one is the most perfect example of the verse drama after the Greek style in English.4. Paradise Lost is the greatest, indeed the only one generally acknowledged epic in English literature since Beowulf. The original story is taken from Genesis 3:1-24
19、 of the Bible. The theme is the “Fallen of Man,” i.e. mans disobedience and the loss of Paradise, with its prime cause - Satan. Working through the tradition of a Christian humanism, Milton wrote Paradise Lost, intending to expose the ways of Satan and to “justify the ways of God to men.”5. Paradise
20、 Regained shows how mankind, in the person of Christ, withstands the tempter. Christs temptation in the wilderness is the theme.6. Samson Agonistes is the most perfect example of the verse drama after the Greek style in English. He turns to a more vital and personal theme.3. Daniel Defoe1. 鲁滨逊漂流记是他第
21、一部小说,一经出版就获得成功。2. 辛格顿船长莫尔。弗兰德斯杰克上校洛珊娜传四部小说清楚地表现了笛福对他那个社会的穷人和不幸者的深切关心。它们最早专用于研究下层社会人民问题的文学作品。Daniel Defoe1. Robinson Crusoe was his first novel and an immediate success.2. Captain Singleton, Moll Flanders, Colonel Jack and Roxana, these four novels clearly manifest Defoes deep concern for the poor an
22、d the unfortunate in his society. They are the first literary works devoted to the study of problems of the lower-class people.4. Jonathan Swift1. 一个木桶的故事书的战争确立了他讽刺家的声誉。2. 一个温和的建议被公认为完美的范例:他的讽刺通常以外表的严肃和表面的认真为标志。通过建议贫穷的爱尔兰父母把他们1岁婴儿作为食物卖给有钱的英国爵士和女士们,斯威夫特对英国统治阶级对爱尔兰人民所作的非人的剥削和压迫做了最强烈的抗议。3. 斯威夫特的主要作品有:一
23、个木桶的故事书的战争布商的书信格列佛游记 一个温和的建议 Jonathan Swift1. A Tale of a Tub and The Battle of the Books established his name as a satirist. 2. A Modest Proposal is generally taken as a perfect model for his satire, which is usually masked by an outward gravity and an apparent earnestness. By suggesting that poor
24、Irish parents sell their one-year-old babies to the rich English lords and ladies as food, Swift is making the most devastating protest against the inhuman exploitation and oppression of the Irish people by the English ruling class.3. Swifts chief works are: A Tale of a Tub, The Battle of the Books,
25、 The Drapiers Letters, Gullivers Travels and A Modest Proposal.5. Henry Fielding1. 被一些人认为是“英国小说之父”,因为他对现代小说形式的确立做出了贡献。2. 咖啡屋政客悲剧作家的悲剧讽刺诗文1736年历史记事是他最著名的剧本。 3. 约瑟夫。安德鲁传,模仿塞万提斯风格所作是他第一本小说。“散文喜剧史诗”,它的题材是人本质中的“真正可笑之处”。4. 大伟人乔纳森。魏尔德传以一个臭名昭著的小偷的一生为主题,来表现一个伟大流氓和一名伟大战士或一名伟大政客之间的微小差别。 5. 汤姆。琼斯阿美利亚,前一本是关于人的本质
26、题材的杰作,而后一本是关于一位理想化女性不幸生活的故事,是关于当时社会生活的伤感的描写。.Henry Fielding1. Fielding has been regarded by some as “Father of the English Novel” for his contribution to the establishment of the form of the modern novel.2. The Coffee-House Politician, The Tragedy of Tragedies, Pasquin, and The Historical Register f
27、or the Year 1736 are his best known plays.3. The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and of his Mr. Abraham Adams, Writen in Imitation of the Manner of Cervantes, is his first novel. A “comic epic in prose,” whose subject is “the true ridiculous” in human nature4. The History of Jonathan Wil
28、d the Great takes the life of a notorious real-life thief as a theme for demonstrating the petty division between a great rogue and a great soldier or a great politician.5. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling and The History of Amelia. The former is a masterpiece on the subject of human nature and
29、 the latter the story of the unfortunate life of an idealized woman, a maudlin picture of the social life at the time.6. William Blake1. 素描诗集是他的第一部印刷作品,是一部青春诗集。欢乐、欢笑、爱情与和谐是主调。.2. 天真之歌表现了一个幸福而又天真的世界,尽管不排除它的邪恶与痛苦。在这个诗集中,布莱克以其对新诗歌形式和技巧的急切探索与18世纪传统完全决裂。3. 经验之歌以忧郁的语气描绘了一个不同的世界,一个悲惨、贫困、疾病、战争和镇压的世界。愚昧的英国成为
30、黑暗森林和哭泣预言家的世界。4. 这两首扫烟囱的孩子诗是揭示经济环境与意识环境之间关系的很好例子,即儿童劳动受到的剥削与宗教所扮演的使人们顺从于剥削的角色之间的关系。选自天真之歌的这首诗表现了使宗教成为一种安慰的条件,一种“虚幻幸福”的指望;选自经验之歌的那首诗揭露了给穷苦儿童带来悲惨的宗教的本质。5. 天堂与地狱的婚姻标志着他进入成熟。这首诗创作于法国革命高潮期,它承载了讽刺和革命预言的双重角色。这首诗里,布莱克探求了相反事物的关系。“没有矛盾就没有进步”,布莱克认为,“婚姻”是对矛盾的一种调和,不是一方对另一方的服从。6. 在他的后期,布莱克写了好几部预言书,这些书揭示了他是一位普遍政治和
31、精神自由的预言家,并表明诗人本人就是反叛的代言人。主要的预言书有:尤里真之书洛斯之书四个佐亚弥尔顿William Blake1. Poetical Sketches , his first printed work, is a collection of youthful verse. Joy, laughter, love and harmony are the prevailing notes.2. Songs of Innocence is a lovely volume of poems, presenting a happy and innocent world, though no
32、t without its evils and sufferings. In this volume, Blake, with his eager quest for new poetic forms and techniques, broke completely with the traditions of the 18th century.3. Songs of Experience paints a different world, a world of misery, poverty, disease, war and repression with a melancholy ton
33、e. The benighted England becomes the world of the dark wood and of the weeping prophet.4. The two Chimney Sweeper peoms are good examples to reveal the relation between an economic circumstance, i.e. the exploitation of child labor, and an ideological circumstance, i.e. the role played by religion i
34、n making people compliant to exploitation. The poem from the Songs of Innocence indicates the conditions which make religion a consolation, a prospect of “illusory happiness”; the poem from the Songs of Experience reveals the true nature of religion which helps bring misery to the poor children.5. M
35、arriage of Heaven and Hell marks his entry into maturity. The poem was composed during the climax of the French Revolution and it plays the double role both as a satire and a revolutionary prophecy. In this poem, Blake explores the relationship of the contraries. “Without contraries, there is no pro
36、gression”. The “marriage” to Blake means the reconciliation of the contraries, not the subordination of the one to the other.6. In his later period, Blake wrote quite a few prophetic books, which reveal him as the prophet of universal political and spiritual freedom and show the poet himself as the
37、spokesman/endorser of revolt. The major ones are: The Book of Urizen, The Book of Los, The Four Zoas and Milton7. William Wordsworth1. “桂冠诗人”“自然的崇拜者”“自然预言家”之一。是大自然赐予他“充满和平的力量与知识”;认为普通人的普通生活应该是文学创作的主题,他的作品大多描写普通百姓的喜怒哀乐,诗人心中充满了对穷苦人民的深切同情。2. 描绘速写夜晚漫步,1793是华兹华斯第一部诗集。3. 增补在1800年版抒情歌诗集的诗歌属于他的最佳作品。4. 序曲完成于
38、1805年,在他逝世后的1850年出版。在此杰作中他的人生哲学得到阐释:人生是一个循环的旅行。它的开始最后证明是它的结束。5. 二卷本诗集出版于1807年。包含了华兹华斯很多最优秀的诗歌,如:不朽颂、自传体叙事诗决心与独立和他许多著名的十四行诗。6. 远足出版于1814年。7. 根据题材,他的短诗可分为两组:关于自然的诗和关于人生活的诗。雀巢云雀颂杜鹃颂蝶颂等诗就正式表现出他对自然美的真爱的几个例子。独自云游黄昏漫步我心驿动帝恩顿寺都是歌颂自然的杰作。8. 独自云游可能是英国文学中被收入选集次数最多的一首诗,而且是使我们接近华兹华斯诗歌信仰核心的一首诗。9. 孤独的收麦女致高地姑娘用乡村人物来
39、解释悲哀人性的永恒神秘及其光芒四射的美。10. 不幸的毁庐之妻在她全部生活方式的崩溃之中奄奄一息,但她在读者心中激起那些生活在存在的永恒真实中的人们所具有的温柔而平静的同情。11. 迈克尔暗示了作者对人、人心与生命的思考。12. 露西诗集(独自幽居选自其中)抒发了对时间与死亡的冥想。William Wordsworth1. Poet Laureate; Worshipper of nature, one of the Prophets of nature. It is nature that gives him “strength and knowledge full of peace”. W
40、ordsworth thinks that common life is the only subject of literature. The joys and sorrow of the common people are his themes. His sympathy always goes to the suffering people.2. Descriptive Sketches, an Evening Walk, 1793 is his first volumes.3. The 1800 edition of the Lyrical Ballads are among the
41、best of his achievements.4. The Prelude was completed in 1805 and published posthumously in 1850, in which his philosophy of life is presented: Life is a cyclical journey. Its beginning finally turns out to be its end.5. Poems in Two Volumes was published in 1807, which contains much of Wordworths f
42、inest verse, such as Ode: Intimations of Immortality, the autobiographical narrative Resolution and Independence, and many of his well-known sonnets.6. The Excursion was published in 1814.7. According to the subjects, Wordsworths short poems can be classified into two groups: poems about nature and
43、poems about human life. The Sparrows Nest, To a Skylark, To the Cuckoo and To a Butterfly are just a few examples to show his genuine love for the natural beauty. Other poems, such as I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, An Evening Walk, My Heart Leaps up and Tintern Abbey are all masterpieces on nature.8.
44、 I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud is perhaps the most anthologized poem in Engish literature, and one that takes us to the core of Wordworths poetic beliefs.9. The Solitary Reaper and To a Highland Girl use rural figures to suggest the timeless mystery of sorrowful humanity and its radiant beauty.10. Th
45、e hapless wife of The Ruined Cottage,dying amid the disintegration of her entire way of life, rouses in the reader the tender, quiet compassion of those who are at one with the timeless truths of existence.11. Michael suggests the grave and tender dignity of Wordsworths meditations on “man, the hear
46、t of man, and human life”12. Lucy Poems ( including She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways ) holds a meditation on time and death.8. Percy Bysshe Shelley1. 无神论的必然性,否认神的存在。导致他被学校开除并被他刚愎自用的父亲取消了继承权。2. 麦布女王:一首哲理诗,第一部哲理长诗集,强调“自然的精神”如何在所有人心中跳动并使自私和骄傲显得荒唐可笑。3. 阿拉斯特,或孤独的精神是一份雪莱对自己生活孤独的强烈意识和他对死亡神秘性的热烈思考的记录。4. 雪
47、莱在自由颂那不勒斯颂十四行诗:1819年的英国等几首抒情诗中,表达了他对自由的爱和对暴政的恨。5. 雪莱最伟大的政治抒情诗之一给英国人的歌不仅是号召所有劳动人民起来反对他们的政治压迫者的战斗呐喊,而且是一篇致他们的指出难以忍受的经济剥削的不公正的演讲。这首诗后来成为英国国产党的战歌。6. 云之歌塑造了一个柏拉图式的人的精神,美与再生力量的象征。7. 云雀颂向诗人暗示了天上的狂喜也暗示了人的局限性。8. 阿多那伊斯是一支为约翰。济慈所作的挽歌,雪莱认为敌意的评论加重了济慈的肺结核病,使其早逝。在这支挽歌里,这些人成了市侩作风和反对力量的化身,真理的敌人。9. 西风颂是雪莱所有著名抒情诗中最好的。雪莱狂诗和雄辩的倾向在这里找到一个完全适合于它们的题材。埋葬旧年迎接新春的秋风成为雪莱本人的形象,因为他想要在秋风的自由中,在秋风的既破坏又建设的潜势中,成为它的普遍性。10. 最伟大的成就就是他的四幕诗解放了的普罗米修斯。这个剧本是一部赞扬人类潜能的欢欣鼓舞的作品,雪莱自己也认为这个剧本是“我作品中最完美的”Percy Bysshe Shelley1. The Necessity of Atheism, repudiating the existence of God,