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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上1.andesite:an intermediate type of volcanic rock between basalt and rhyolite.2.back-arc basic:a seafloor spreading system of volcanoes caused extension behind an island arc that is above a subduction zone.3.barrier island:a low,elongated coastal island that parallels the shoreline and p
2、rotects the beach from storms.4.basalt:a dark,volcanic rock rich in iron and magnesium and usually quite fluid in the molten state.5.carbonate:a mineral containing calcium carbonate such as limestone and dolostone.6.Cenozoic:an era of geologic time comprising the last 65 million years.7.Circum-Pacif
3、ic belt:active seismic regions around the rim of the belt Pacific plate coinciding with the Ring of Fire.8.continental drift:the concept that the continents drift across the surface of Earth.9.continental shelf:the offshore area of a continent in shallow sea.10.continental slope:the transition from
4、the continental shelf to the deep-sea basin.11.Convergent Plate margin:the boundary between crustal plates where the plates come together;generally corresponds to the deep-sea trenches where old crust is destroyed in subduction zones.12.delta:the wedge-shaped pile of sediments deposited at the mouth
5、 of a river.13.divergent plate margin:the boundary between lithospheric plates where they separate;it generally corresponds to midocean ridges where new crust is formed by the solidification of liquid rock rising from below.14.erosion:the wearing away of surface materials by natural agents such as w
6、ind and water.15.fossil:any remains,impressions,or traces in rock of a plant or animal of a previous geologic age.16.geologic column:the total thickness of geologic units in a region.17.granite:a coarse-grain,silica-rich rock consisting primarily of quartz and feldspars.18.guyot:undersea volcano tha
7、t once existed above sea level and whose top was flattened by erosion;later,subsidence caused the volcano to sink below the ocean surface,preserving its flat-top appearance.19.hydrocarbon:a molecule consisting of carbon chains with attached hydrogen atoms.20.igneous rocks:all rocks solidified from a
8、 molten state.21.island arc:volcanoes landward of a subduction zone,parallel to a trench of a subducting plate and above the plates melting zone.22.lava:molten magma that flows out onto the surface.23.limestone:a sedimentary rock composed of calcium carbonate that is secreted from seawater by invert
9、ebrates and whose skeletons compose the bulk of deposits.24.lithospheric plate:a segment of the lithosphere,the upper-layer plate of the mantle,involved in the interaction of other plates in tectonic activity.25.magma:a molten rock material generated withn Earth and that is the constituent of igneou
10、s rocks.26.midocean ridge:a submarine ridge along a divergent plate boundary where a new ocean floor is created by the upwelling of mantle material.27.Ring of Fire:a belt of subduction zones around the Pacific plate related to volcanic activity.28.seafloor spreading:a theory that the ocean floor is
11、created by the separation of lithospheric plates along midocean ridges,with new oceanic crust-formed from mantle material that rises from the mantle to fill the rift.29.seamount:a submarine volcano that never reaches the surface of the sea.30.sedimentation:the deposition of sediments.31.subduction z
12、one:a region where an oceanic plate dives below a continental plate into the mantle;ocean trenches are the surface expression of a subduction zone.32.tectonic activity:the formation of Earths crust by large-scale movements throughout geologic time.33.transform fault:a fracture in Earths crust along
13、which lateral movement occurs;a common feature of the midocean ridges created in the line of seafloor spreading.34.trench:a depression on the ocean floor caused by plate subduction.35.turbidite:a slurry of mud that periodically slides down often gentle slopes toward the deep-sea floor.1. The plate t
14、ectonics model.New oceanic crust is generated at spreading ridges,and old oceanic crust is destroyed in subduction zones,which moves the continents around Earth.The discovery of many mysteries on the seabed,including spreading ridges and deep-sea trenches,led geologists to develop an entirely new wa
15、y of looking at Earth,called the theory of plate tectonics(fig1).Tectonics is the geologic process responsible for features on Earths surface.The theory incorporated the process of sea-floor spreading and continental drift into a comprehensive model.The Atlantic Ocean is bisected by the Mid-Atlantic
16、 Ridge,which manufactures new oceanic crust as the continents surrounding the Atlantic basin spread apart.The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is the center of intense seismic and volcanic activity.It is the focus of high heat flow from Earths interior.Molten magma originating from the mantle rises through the li
17、thosphere and erupts onto the ocean floor,adding new oceanic crust to both sides of the ridge crest.2. (The oceanic crust comprises a top layer of pillow basalts,a second layer of sheeted dikes,a third layer of gabbros,and an underlying layer of layered periditities above the mantle)Oceanic crust do
18、es not from as a single homogeneous mass.Instead,it comprises long,narrow ribbons laid side by side with fracture zones in between.The oceanic crust is comparable to a layer cake with four distinct strata.The upper layer is pillow basalts,formed when lava extruded undersea at great depths.The second
19、 layer is of a sheeted-dike complex,consisting of a tangled mass of feeders that brought magma to the surface.The third layer is of gabbros,which are coarse-grained rocks that crystallized slowly under high pressure in a deep magma chamber.The fourth layer is of peridotites segregated from the mantl
20、e below.Gabbros containing higher amounts of silica solidify out of the basaltic melt and accumulate in the lower layer of the oceanic crust.3. (A profile of the ocean floot)The sediments settle onto the continental shelf,which extends up to 100 miles or more and reaches a depth of roughly 600 feet.
21、In most places,the continental shelf is nearly flat,with an average slope of only about 10 feet per mile.Beyond the continental shelf lies the continental slope,which extends to an average depth of more than 2 mile.It has a steep angle of several degrees,comparable to the slopes of many mountain ran
22、ges.Sediments reaching the edge of the continental shelf slide down the contiengtal slope under the pull of gravity.Often,huge masses of sediment cascade down the continental slope by gravity slides that can gouge out steep submarine canyons.They play an important role in building up the continental
23、 slope and the smooth ocean bottom below.4. (A stratigraphic cross section showing a sequence of sandstones,siltstones,and shales overlying a basement rock composed of limestone)Cementing agents such as silica or cdcium and the tremendous weigh of the overlying sedimentary layers pressing down onto
24、the lower strata lithifies the sediments into solid rock.This provides a geologic column of alternating beds of lime-stone ,shales,siltstones,and sandstone.Abrasion eventually grinds down all rocks to clay-sized particles.Because clay particle are so small and sink so slowly,they normally settle out
25、 in calm,deep waters far from shore.Compaction from the weight of the overlying strata squeezes out water between sediment grains,lithifying the clay into mudstone or shale.5. (A cutaway view of intrusive magma bodies that invade Earths crust and erupt on the surface as volcanoes)The oceanic crust,c
26、omposed of basalts originating at spreading ridges and sediments washed off continents and islands,gradually increases density and finally subducts into the mantle.On its way deep into Earths interior,the lithosphere and overlying sediments melt.The molten magma rises toward the surface in huge bubb
27、lelike structures called diapirs,from the Greek word diapeirein,meaning”to pierce.”When the magma reachers the base of the crust,it provides new molten rock for magma chambers beneath volcanoes and granitic bodies called plutons such as batholiths,which often form mountains.In this manner,plate tect
28、onics is continuously changing and rear-ranging the face of Earth.油气储层的形成需要一系列特定的地质条件,包括生成石油的烃源岩、作为储层的孔隙性岩石和圈闭油气的构造。石油的生成需要数千万年到数亿年的时间,主要取决于沉积盆地的温度和压力条件。烃源岩是有机碳保存在细粒、富碳的沉积物中。例如砂岩和石灰岩这些孔隙性、渗透性的沉积岩可以形成储层。沉积岩层的褶皱作用和断裂作用形成的地质构造可以圈闭并储存油气。石油常与厚层的盐有关,因为盐岩比上覆沉积层的重量轻,所以盐能够上升到地表形成盐丘构造,有利于圈闭油气。生成石油的有机质来源于微生物,这
32、来的巨浪强烈地侵蚀沙丘和海蚀崖。海浪的不断冲击也毁坏了许多防止海面上升的人工防波堤。美国过去的一个沙滩正在沉没于海面之下。沿美国东海岸和得克萨斯州沿岸的障壁岛和沙坝正在以惊人的速度消失。在加利福尼亚,海蚀崖正被侵蚀而伸入内陆,这种作用经常毁坏美丽的家园。大多数防护措施(如为阻止海岸侵蚀而修建的防波堤)常因海浪的不断拍打而被毁坏。地球是不断进化的行星,具有复杂的活动,例如流水和波浪运动。河流把大量的陆地冲刷物带入海洋,不断堆积在海岸地区。海岸在地形、气候和植被方面发生巨大变化,海岸带是大陆和海洋作用交互的地带,形成的地形总在发生快速的变化。海岸沙漠是独特的地形,在此海水沉积了沙漠沙。 在海底发生
33、的大多数沉积是非常缓慢的。大陆是侵蚀作用的主要场所,而海洋是主要的沉积作用场所,海洋沉积物由从大陆侵蚀的一些物质组成,大多数沉积岩沿大陆边缘或在内陆海盆地中形成。例如,在中生代。这些海水侵入到了北美洲、南美洲、欧洲和亚洲内部,高沉积速率形成了数千英尺的沉积物,这些沉积物暴露于地表,单一沉积层可以徐延数百英里。 当侵蚀作用侵蚀山脉,河水把剥蚀碎屑物搬运到海洋时,沉积岩层即开始形成了。沉积物源于表层岩石的风化作用,风化产物包括许多物质,从细粒沉积物到巨大的砾石。暴露于地表的岩石,有的被化学作用分解成黏土和碳酸盐,有的被机械作用破碎为粉砂、砂和砾石。 雨、风或冰的侵蚀作用形成的沉积物被带入河流,河流
34、把松散的沉积颗粒搬运到大海中。棱角状的沉积物颗粒表明搬运时间短,而浑圆的沉积物说明它在长时间搬运中受到严重磨损,或者经历了急流的改造作用,或者是由于岸边波浪的不断冲刷作用所造成的,确实,很多砂岩层曾经是海滩沉积物。 每年约250亿t沉积物经河流搬运到海洋并在大陆架上沉积。高耸的喜马拉雅山脉是最大的沉积源区。流经该区的主要河流包括著名的恒河和雅鲁藏布江,它们把占约全球40%的沉积物搬运到孟加拉湾,形成了3mile的沉积层。 当河流携带的沉积物到达海洋时,沉积物则会按颗粒大小从悬浮液中沉积下来。粗粒沉积物在动荡水体环境中沉积;细粒沉积物在远离海岸的静水环境中沉积。由于海岸沉积物的堆积或海平面的下降
35、,随着海岸线向海洋方向前进,细粒沉积物逐渐被粗粒沉积物所覆盖;由于陆地下沉或海平面上升,海岸线向陆地方向移动,粗粒沉积物又逐渐被细粒沉积物所覆盖。 随着海侵和海退,由于沉积速率的不同形成了砂、粉砂和泥的叠覆层序。砂是由与海滩沙粒大小差不多的石英颗粒组成,暴露于美国西部的海相砂岩是沿古海岸沉积的。大洋中的砾石很少,主要是海底滑坡从海底搬运到深海平原。在干旱地区沙尘暴盛行,风从该区搬走细粒沉积物,风携带的沉积物缓慢地落入海洋;日积月累形成了红色黏土沉积,其颜色表明它是陆地成因。由于胶结作用(如硅或碳酸盐)和上覆的沉积层的巨大重量挤压了下伏地层,使沉积物经成岩作用变为坚硬的岩石,形成了一幅由石灰岩、