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1、2020 年秋季工商银行校园招聘考试真题年秋季工商银行校园招聘考试真题1.货币的最基本职能是() 。A.价值尺度和价格标准B.价值尺度和流通手段C.流通手段和支付手段D.流通手段和贮藏手段2.下列资产流动性最强的是() 。A.短期证券B.短期贷款C.现金资产D.信用社房产3.在项目融资中一般需要() 。A.抵押担保B.质押担保C.保证贷款D.严谨的担保体系4.一国为了扩大本国大型机器设备或成套设备出口, 指定商业银行或进出口银行向外国进口商或进口商所在地银行提供的贷款,称为() 。A.直接信贷B.间接信贷C.买方信贷D.卖方信贷5.如果某债券实际预期收益率约为 6%,预期通货膨胀率约为 4%,
2、则该债券名义收益率约为() 。A.10%B.7%C.24%D.2%6.一张票面价值 200 万元,三月期(从 2008 年 5 月 1 日到 2008 年 7 月 31 日) ,月利息率 5的商业票据,2008 年 6 月 15 日持票到银行办理贴现,贴现的名义年利率为36%。贴现利息为()万元。A.200(36%/12)*1.5=9B.203*(36%/12)*1.5=9.135C.218*(36%/12)*1.5=9.81D.30(36%/12)*1.5=1.357.市场营销理论的中心是() 。A.消费B.交换C.需求D.欲望8.下列不属于新产品定价策略的是()A 撇脂定价策略B.渗透定价
3、策略C.温和定价策略D.分档定价策略9.厂家按照约定日期以现金付款的经销商, 在原定基础上给予一定比例的折扣优惠, 回款时间越早,折扣力度越大。这属于价格折扣中的() 。A.现金折扣B.数量折扣C.功能折扣D.季节折扣10.对企业的生产经营活动进行监督、监察、发现偏差、采用纠正措施等的工作是管理的()职能。A.计划B.组织C.领导D.控制11.要求职业安全、稳定,劳动保护,职业保障,社会保险等,以保证免于危险、恐惧及灾难等,这满足的是() 。A.安全需要B.尊重需要C.生理需要D.爱与归属的需要12.根据对“管理”定义分析得出,管理的对象是() 。A.组织活动B.组织目标C.组织资源D.组织活
4、动和组织资源13.美国管理学家卡茨认为,一个主管人员至少应具有的三大基本技能是() 。A.技术技能、人事技能、概念技能B.技术技能、学习技能、人事技能C.人事技能、学习技能、概念技能D.概念技能、学习技能、技术技能14.根据韦纳的归因理论,员工在工作中取得成功或遭受挫折时,管理者应让员工() 。A.认识到这是自己能力大小的问题B.认识到这是自己努力程度的问题C.认识到这是自己运气好坏的问题D.认识到这是工作难度高低的问题15.扁平结构下,管理幅度大,管理层次少,因此,它具有以下哪些优点?()A.信息传递较慢B.上级管理者可能很难真正地发现下级的问题,并采取纠偏措施C.信息传递过程中失真的可能性
5、小D.上级管理者可以有效地对员工进行指导16.买方的损失有限,卖方的损失无限,这种金融衍生工具是() 。A.远期B.期货C.期权D.互换17.下列属于大额交易的是() 。A.一笔 25 万元人民币的现金汇款B.当日累计支取人民币 18 万元C.个人银行账户之间当日累计 45 万元人民币的款项划转D.单位银行账户之间一笔 150 万元人民币的转账18.一般会成为整个金融市场利率体系的基准利率是() 。A.企业债券利率B.公司债券利率C.金融债券利率D.国债利率19.下列关于金融工具和金融市场的叙述,错误的是() 。A.银行间同业拆借市场属于货币市场,同业拆借是其中的一种短期金融工具B.股票属于直
6、接融资工具,股票市场属于资本市场C.银行间债券市场属于资本市场,债券回购是其中的一种长期金融工具D.贷款属于间接融资工具,其所在市场属于间接融资市场20.报废或毁损的固定资产,扣除有关赔偿款和残料价值后,应计入当期的() 。A.管理费用B.其他业务成本C.营业外收入D.营业外支出21. 2014 年 2 月 5 日, 甲公司以 1800 万元的价格从产权交易中心竞价获得一项专利权,另支付相关税费 90 万元。 为推广由该专利权生产的产品, 甲公司发生宣传广告费用 25 万元、展览费 15 万元,上述款项均用银行存款支付。甲公司取得该项无形资产的入账价值为()万元。A.1800B.1890C.1
7、930D.190522.下列银行中,与其他几家性质不同的是()A 中国工商银行B 交通银行C 中国银行D 中国进出口银行23.银监会规定的核心负债比率,即核心负债负债总额不得低于() 。A.25%B.50%C.60%D.100%24.中国人民银行的职责是() 。A.国家的银行B.人民的银行C.银行的银行D.向个人发放贷款25.货币政策四大目标之间存在矛盾,任何一个国家要想同时实现是很困难的,但其中()是一致的。A.充分就业与经济增长B.经济增长与国际收支平衡C.物价稳定与经济增长D.物价稳定与充分就业26.下列各项中,不属于我国货币市场的是() 。A.同业拆借市场B.债券回购市场C.外汇交易市
8、场D.商业票据市场27.我国的财务公司是由()集资组成的。A.投资银行B.政府C.企业集团内部D.商业银行28.下列哪项不是人民币制度的内容() 。A.唯一法定货币B.以“元”为单位C.银行统一印制发行D.辅币单位为角、分29.下列项目中,会引起企业其他综合收益总额发生变化的有() 。A.所有者投入资本B.可供出售金融资产公允价值变动损益C.交易性金融资产公允价值变动损益D.企业当期发生的业务招待费30.下列各项中,不应在资产负债表“存货”项目下反映的是() 。A.生产成本B.发出商品C.工程物资D.库存商品31.企业持有的可供出售金融资产期末按照()在报表列示。A.历史成本B.公允价值C.摊
9、余成本D.可变现净值32.资产负债表分为左、右两方。下列各项目,属于左方项目的是() 。A.所有者权益B.利润C.资产D.负债33.下列各项中,影响利润表中“营业利润”项目的是() 。A.盘亏固定资产净损失B.计提固定资产减值准备C.发生的所得税费用D.转让无形资产的净收益34.下列有关中华人民共和国宪法修正案中土地政策的说法,不正确的是() 。A.土地的使用权可以依照法律的规定转让B.任何组织不得以侵占、买卖或者以其他的形式非法转让土地C.国家因需要可以依法按照法律规定对土地实行征收或者征用并给予赔偿D.一切使用土地的组织和个人必须合理地利用土地35.在资本主义再生产周期中,既是上一个周期终
10、点又是下一个周期起点的阶段是() 。A.危机B.萧条C.复苏D.高涨36.市场在资源配置中起决定性作用意味着() 。A.政府不起任何作用B.政府起辅助性作用C.政府的作用可有可无D.政府要更好地发挥作用37.资本市场和货币市场基础性金融工具划分的标准是() 。A.交易对象不同B.金融工具发行时的地域不同C.金融资本发行和流通的特征不同D.偿还期限的长短不同38.国债的发行价格低于面值,叫做()发行。A.折价B.平价C.溢价D.竞价Reading ComprehensionDirections: there are 3 passages in this section. Each passage
11、 is followed by some questions orunfinished statements For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D).Youshould decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on On Monday, October 9th,Prolert Pharmaceuticals, Inc. will begin preliminary testing of the mechanical prototy
12、pe for thepackaging and labeling assembly line. If the prototype is successful, this sector will begin usingautomated production on the first of November, with other departments to follow when thetiming is appropriate. Packaging and Labeling will be the first of the company s divisions to makethe sw
13、itch to automated production. The automated technology is an industry standard and isbeing adopted by ProLert Pharmaceuticals in accordance with the decision reached by the boardvoted to directors. After two years of decreased profits and diminishing returns, the board votedto streamline the company
14、, which includes implementing the automated process. Thetechnology has been shown to lower labor costs, and maximize output.For details on the automated process and broader streamlining measures, you can visit ouremployee notice page under . For questions regarding how the newtechnology is forecast
15、to affect employee status, click on “streamlining measures”, or speak tothe Human Resources Manager, Richard Beacon.39. What is this notice mainly about?A. The new guidelines for product packagingB. A change in the method of manufacturingC. Early retirement package dealsD. The efficiency of the pack
16、aging staff40. How can readers find out more about the new processes?A. By visiting the companys main marketing website.B. By speaking to Human Resources managerC. By reading the memo entitled “streamlining measures”D. By looking up the employee notice page onlineNet Tech AgreementNet Tech guarantee
17、s that all of its machines conform to Net Tech specifications and are free frommanufacturing defects.During the warranty period, Net Tech agrees to repair or exchange anyNet Tech machine that does not meet specifications or contains defects of any kind. Thewarranty period begins on the date of the m
18、achines purchase and extends for one year. Themachines date of purchase can be found on the original sales receipt.If, during the warranty period, any part of the machine is removed for a Net Tech conversion orupgrade, the replacement part will fall under the same warranty agreement as the removed p
19、art.Unless otherwise specified, the warranty period and service level of the added part will be thesame as that of the Net Tech machine on which it has been installed. This warranty agreementapplies only in the country or region where the Net Tech machine was purchased.41. What type of document is t
20、his?A. A warrantyB. A sales receiptC. A gift certificateD. A set of instructions42. What is true about the document?A. It was issued by the manufacturerB. It does not have an expiration dateC. It is valid in more than one countryD. It does not apply to machine upgrades43. What is indicated about rep
21、lacement parts?A. They are not eligible for a discountB. They are covered under the original warrantyC. They should be installed by a licensed professionalD. They must be returned within seven days for a full refund.Our risk of cancer rises dramatically as we age. So it makes sense that the elderly
22、should beroutinely screened for new tumors or doesnt it?While such vigilant tracking of cancer is agood thing in general, researchers are increasingly questioning whether all of this testing isnecessary for the elderly. With the percentage of people over age 65 expected to nearly doubleby 2050, its
23、important to weigh the health benefits of screening against the risks and costs ofroutine testing.In many cases, screening can lead to surgeries to remove cancer, while thecancers themselves may be slow-growing and may not pose serious health problems in patientsremaining years. But the message that
24、 everyone must screen for cancer has become sodeep-rooted that when health care experts recommended that women under 50 and over 74stop screening for breast cancer, it caused a riotous reaction among doctors, patients andadvocacy groups.Its hard to uproot deeply held beliefs about cancer screening w
25、ith scientific data. Certainly,there are people over age 75 who have had cancers detected by routine screening, and gainedseveral extra years of life because of treatment. But for the remainder, the risk of cancer, whileincreased at the end of life, must be balanced with other factors like remaining
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- 2020 秋季 工商银行 校园 招聘 考试