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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Chapter One The Renaissance Period 文艺复兴时期埃德蒙斯宾塞 Edmund Spenser 1552-15991、生平出生在伦敦受过良好的教育:泰勒商人学校、剑桥的潘布洛克学校后来,在伊丽莎白女王一世的宠臣莱特伯爵的帮助下,渐渐走上高的地位,获得好的财富在猖狂的爱尔兰民族起义后,被迫离开他的基尔格尔摩城堡因饥饿与贫困,死于威斯敏特的一个酒馆中,被葬于乔叟(其导师)的墓旁2、创作生涯(1)抒情诗(2)传奇史诗仙后的构思、情节、内容、主题3、选读仙后The Faerie Queen代表作, 传奇史诗The masterpiece 创作意图
2、:通过创作“历史诗”,描绘出一个完美的典型的绅士 To present through a “historical poem”, the example of a perfect gentleman, 塑造遵守道德规范的绅士或贵族 To fashion a gentleman for noble person in virtuous and gentle discipline. 主题:残酷战争与忠贞爱情 The theme is Fierce wares and faithful loves(romantic)线索:亚瑟与仙后格劳安娜 Arthur and Gloriana, the Fair
3、y Queen 该诗充满了惊险情节,以及奇异之物:龙、女巫、施了魔法的树、巨人、城堡、以及角斗的骑士。 Its full of adventures and marvels, dragons, witches, enchanted trees, giants, jousting Knights and castles. 也是一篇寓言诗:红十字骑士神圣的美德,自我节制的美德,英国国教圣公会 Its also an allegory: the Red-Cross Knight represents Holiness, represents Temperance, and symbolizing t
4、he Anglican Church. 其第一段在很大程度上是该诗的纲领缩影 Its in a way an epitome of the whole poem.4、斯宾塞诗节的构成及特点 The main qualities of his poetry 完美的韵律、罕见的美感、奇妙的想象、崇高的道德纯洁性与严肃性、一种献身的理想主义 Perfect melody, rare sense of beauty, lofty moral purity and seriousness, splendid imagination, dedicated idealism.克里斯朵夫马洛Christoph
5、er Marlowe1、生平与创作生涯出生在坎特伯雷鞋商之家先后靠奖学金在王室学校和剑桥大学读书在剑桥大学期间,创作了帖木儿1584年后,深受文艺复兴思潮影响,体现在浮士德博士的悲剧具备了放荡不羁的热情和初入知识王国的青年所拥有的自负死于一次在酒店与别人发生口角而引发的械斗中2、著名悲剧(1)铁木耳大帝 讲述一个普通牧民铁木耳如何登上国王宝座,成为一个野心勃勃、残暴无情的鞑靼统治者的故事。 Its a play about an ambitious and pitiless Tarta conqueror in the 14th century who rose from a shepherd
6、 to an overpowering king. 通过刻画一个百战百胜的枭雄,表达了文艺复兴时期人们渴望获得无穷力量与权势的心情。 By depicting a great hero with high ambitious an sheer brutal force in conquering one enemy after another, Marlowe voiced the supreme desire of the man of the Renaissance for infinite power and authority.(2)浮士德博士的悲剧Dr. Faustus 马洛最伟大的
7、代表作The greatest of Marlowes plays讲述了魔法师浮士德因为渴求知识而将自己的灵魂出卖给魔鬼的悲剧, Its a play of a magician aspiring for knowledge and finally meeting his tragic end as a result of selling his soul to the Devil.赞扬了人对知识、力量与欢乐的热爱,It celebrates the human passion for knowledge, power and happiness.揭示了人们在当时严酷的道德秩序中意识到这些渴求
8、要付出的代价。It also reveals mans frustration in realizing the high aspirations in a hostile moral order.选段是剧本的第一幕,是有关与魔鬼签协议的情节。The selection is taken from Art I which is about the signing of the bond.(3)马耳他的犹太人3、马洛的田园诗的主题与意象典型代表作激情的牧人致心爱的姑娘The Passionate Shepherd to His Love英国文学诗中最优美的抒情诗Its considered to
9、 be one of the most beautiful lyrics in English literature继承了田园诗的风格It derives from the pastoral tradition诗中牧人享受着乡村生活,酝酿着对爱人纯洁的感情The shepherd enjoys an ideal country life, cheering a pastoral and pure affection for his love.通过描写恋人在无世事尘嚣干挠的山野怀抱中,作者传达了一种不可言传的真情Strong emotion is conveyed through the bea
10、uty of nature where lovers are not disturbed by worldly concern.4、思想艺术成就 great achievement完善了无韵诗体,使之成为英国戏剧中的主要文体形式。It perfects the blank verse and made it for the principle medium of English drama.英雄任务形象的塑造具有强烈个性和叛逆精神的主人公His creation of the Renaissance hero for English drama: full of ambition, facin
11、g bravely the challenge from gods and men.威廉莎士比亚William Shakespeare 1564-16161、生平出生于商人家庭1586(1587?)为了生计,到伦敦1591-1611, 创作的黄金时代 In the prime of his dramatic career其一生创作了38个剧本,154首十四行诗以及2首长诗。2、创作生涯(1)第一阶段:学徒期浪漫喜剧Comedies 错误的喜剧The Comedy of Error 驯悍记The Taming of The Shrew 维洛那二绅士The Two Gentlemen of Ver
12、ona 爱的徒劳Lovers Labors Lost 历史剧 History Plays 亨利六世(上、中、下)Henry VI 泰托尔安东尼Titus Andronicus 理查三世Richard III(2)第二阶段:其风格与手法都高度人文主义化了 His style and approach became highly individualized 通过勾画不同角色之间及现实与表演之间复杂的模式,By constructing a complex pattern between different characters and between appearance and reality
13、微妙地触及了各种各样的人性的弱点 He made subtle comments on a variety of human foibles 历史剧 History Plays 其历史剧的主题大都是:在一个强大英明的君主统领下的国家,统一是非常必要的 His history plays are mainly written under the principle that national unity under a mighty and just sovereign is necessary.理查二世、约翰王、亨利四世(上、下)、亨利五世 喜剧仲夏夜之梦、威尼斯商人、无事生非、皆大欢喜、第十
14、二夜、翁莎的风流娘儿们 悲剧 Tragedies罗密欧与朱丽叶、泰利斯恺撒(3)第三阶段 悲剧 Tragedies 四大悲剧哈姆雷特、奥塞罗、李尔王、麦克白安东尼奥与克利奥佩拉、科里奥那斯、特洛伊勒斯与克利西达喜剧终成眷属、一报还一报(4)最后一个阶段 浪漫悲喜剧 Romantic Tragicomedies伯里克利、辛白林、冬天的故事、暴风雨最后的2部剧亨利八世、两位贵族亲戚4、部分作品赏析(1)威尼斯商人The merchant of Venice 表现了莎翁追求此生此世的幸福的人文主义新思想 His youthful Renaissance spirit of jollity can b
15、e fully seen in contrast to the medieval emphasis on future life in the next world.(2)罗密欧与朱丽叶Romeo and Juliet 颂扬了对爱的忠贞及对幸福的追求 He eulogizes the faithfulness of live and the spirit of pursuing happiness. 字里行间充满了乐观的精神 Permeated with optimistic spirits 体现了理智的现实主义精神(个人与社会邪恶力量之间的尖锐冲突) It embodies the shar
16、p conflicts between the individual and the evil force in the society, which shows that Shakespeare is a great realist in the true sense.(3)哈姆雷特Hamlet 剧中充满了险恶环生的情节与对生与死的极富哲理的剖析 Its fulfilled with the qualities of a blood-and-thunder thriller and a philosophical exploring of life and death. 剧作的魅力所在:融合
17、了阴谋、情感冲突、及对哲理与忧郁的探求 The timeless appeal of this mighty drama lies in its combination of intrigue, emotional conflict and searching philosophic melancholy.哈姆雷特独特的角色,大段的独白是他当然的抒情方式,也是他释放痛苦与感情必需的方式(揭示了角色内心的思想斗争。) For such a figure, soliloquy is a natural medium, a necessary release of his anguish. (Sha
18、kespeare states that literary works which have truly reflected nature and reality can reach immorality.)剧中为我们揭露了一个腐败的宫廷,通过揭示无尽的权欲,篡位的恶行,暗藏的阴险动机,及掩盖罪恶欲望的面纱-表面上的谦恭客套,严厉地谴责了皇宫内的虚伪、背信弃义及腐败成风。 By revealing the power-seeking, the jostling for place, the hidden motives, the courteous, superficialities that
19、 the veil lust and guilt, Shakespeare condemns the hypocrisy and treachery and general corruption at the royal court. (4)暴风雨 创作后期的代表,所塑照的角色极富寓言性,典型地反映了他晚年对人生、对社会持的悲观态度。His final romance the characters are rather allegorical and the subject full of suggestion.Its a typical example of his pessimistic
20、view towards human life and society in his late years. (5)李尔王King Lear 不仅深刻剖析了罪恶比比皆是的社会危机,也批评了新兴资产阶级的利己主义。 Shakespeare has not only made a profound analysis of the social crisis in which the evils can be seen everywhere, but also criticized the bourgeois egoism.5、戏剧的表现手法讽刺-乔装改扮是创造讽刺意味的重要方法 莎翁的无韵诗-雄浑
21、壮美 Irony is a good means of dramatic presentation Disguise is also an important device to create dramatic irony, usually with woman beautiful and mighty.6、对莎士比亚的整体评价古往今来,没有一个作家能与他媲美,他对后世文学家的潜移默化的影响也上无法估量的。在他之后几乎所有英国文学家都在艺术观点文学形式及语言技巧方面都受到他的影响。He is above all writers in the past and in the present ti
22、me. His influence on later writers is immeasurable. Almost all English writers after him have been influenced by him either in artistic point of view, in literary form or in language.弗兰西斯培根 Francis Bacon 1561-16261、生平其父是伊丽莎白女王一世的内务总管,自小享受门第的高贵和良好的教育事业巅峰期:詹姆士国王期间,他作为内务总管,后又当上英国法官最后五年,因被指控涉嫌受贿而被迫退出政界2
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