《[重庆]农村建设用地复垦项目施工组织设计(土地整理).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《[重庆]农村建设用地复垦项目施工组织设计(土地整理).doc(27页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、exciting spirit, to , not up of urgency, and slow shall not of sense, and sat not of sense, moments has a lying sake thing, and sat with rules of procedure of the, and station with officer of momentum, keep a ran of drive, and Rob of consciousness, and race of momentum, and spell of courage, to fire
2、 as of passion input work. The only way to ensure the healthy development of the cause, did not live up to the Organizations trust and the porcelain people live up to expectations. (B) the practice of three Suns, requires that we adhere to the problem oriented, improving the effectiveness of Governm
3、ent. An idea that I have said many times, talking about issues is much more useful than the talk. Because the results are in the past, talking about there, but the problem is eternal, not free, ubiquitous, if not resolved, will never go away on their own, and then only by solving a problem, work in
4、order to move forward, before moving forward progress of society. Marxist philosophy tells us that catch to catch the nature of the problem, grab the contradiction to catch the main contradiction. This requires us not only to be good at resolving individual, specific issues, also to be good at looki
5、ng through the phenomenon of nature, found by accident law, so as to catch common, widespread problem. We some place and sector of comrade, work starting point is good of, wants to developed some policy, wants to help enterprise development, and for masses do points things, but is careless make a kn
6、ife cut pot, upper and lower general rough, led to file introduced Hou hard implementation, some even help has pour busy, to enterprise increased has burden, damage has masses of interests; some place in do city development planning or industry development planning Shi, to self for Center, pursuit w
7、ishful thinking, not focused on and city general planning phase convergence, Final conflict for planning land cannot be submitted for approval, the project cant fall, wasted time, energy and money. In addition, there are many comrades often complain about difficult, superiors know the problem instea
8、d of trying, often report to prepare funding conditions. In fact, if any conditions are prepared properly, who called that is not the same?, conversely, if you are really looking for the right reasons, there is a good solution, the Government will provide support in terms of manpower, material and f
9、inancial resources. Government agencies set is a science, departments does the difference between good and bad, the difference only work well. Can get the attention and support, the key achievements and contributions to the Department. We carry out Government work, do anything to stick to problem-or
10、iented, be sure to have clear links to, take practical measures to achieve real results. This requires that we must reach out before the decision, . Help, in order to help companies ride out the storm. Last month, the City Government carried out a steady growth and development of research, many comr
11、ades told me that, in the course of land, some farmers dont understand municipal government decisions, even plain, block construction. On this issue, we should not only see the appearance of land expropriation, but on the other hand, thought the masses why conflict? worried that without a job, there
12、 are still other worries? can then take specific measures to resolve it. For example, baic Changhe automobile new bases in the land acquisition process and for surrounding farmers making a special people Club sector statistics, finds out, and organizations develop the skills training, Government筑龙网
13、本文共116页 更多详细内容第1章 综述1.1 编制依据(1) 工程管理集团有限公司根据设计图纸、技术要求编制的xxxxxxxx农村建设用地复垦等2个项目工程的招标文件、xxxx国土资源和房屋管理局对于土地整理项目的有关规章制度以及xxxx土地整理中心有效法律文件;(2)现行国家及行业技术规范、规程、标准;(3)现场勘察及招标答疑文件。1.2 施工与编制的指导思想(1)以满足业主对施工工期、工程质量及安全生产、文明施工的要求,以及国家环境保护与水土保持的法规为前提;(2)优化施工组织、施工方案、施工资源,强化现场管理,确保建筑物外形美观;1.3 编制内容施工组织设计共十三章,分别对工程施工条件
14、、施工总平面布置、施工进度计划与措施、主体工程施工方案与技术措施、施工组织机构、质量管理体系与措施、安全管理体系与措施、文明施工及环境保护管理体系措施、计划统计、资源配备计划于先进性等进行了详细的阐述。1.4 项目目标我公司把土地整理工程作为一号重点形象工程,将集中公司精华,大力弘扬“敬业、诚实、创新、拼搏”的公司精神,科学实施“干一项工程、树一座丰碑”的经营战略,按照“建精品工程、创文明工地”的总要求,确保实现以下工期、质量、管理目标:(1)工期目标:180日历天。(2)质量目标:达到国家现行有关施工质量验收规范要求,并达到合格标准。(3)安全目标:杜绝重伤及以上人身伤亡事故;轻伤频率控制在
15、5以内;无重大的机械设备、火灾及交通事故;保证周围居民、设施的安全,杜绝因工程管理不善引发的各类事故的发生。第2章 工程概况2.1 工程概况工程名称:xxxxxxxx农村建设用地复垦项目项目工程;建设地点:xxxxxxxx;建设规模:重庆市xxxxxxxx农村建设用地复垦项目约152万元;计划工期:180天。2.2招标范围重庆市xxxxxxxx农村建设用地复垦项目红线面积为10.0669hm2,分为50个地块。主要包括土地平整、农田水利、田间道路三大工程第3章 施工总体布置3.1 布置原则1、根据施工区的地貌特征、地形特点和现有道路、水源、电源等设施及工程的布局形式,分多个工区片区,每个片区分
16、为施工区、辅助施工区,生活区统一布置。2、各区的临时房屋、辅助施工设施、生产性设施及施工场内临时道路、供电、供水线路等均按照招标文件提供的条件进行规划布置。3、各临时设施的规模、容量等按照施工进度计划与施工强度要求进行规划设计,并兼顾原有临时设施的规模。3.2 施工布置说明1、经现场勘察,生活区租用民房,砼拌和站、水泥库、机修车间、停车场、砂石料厂等根据施工场地布置,在附近村社边选址或在干渠边搭设临建。2、施工用水租农用井或打井由临时提水泵站将井水抽入临时水塔,再由临时水塔送到用水点,并配备拉水车2台。3.3 施工平面布置3.3.1施工道路施工道路分场内道路和场外道路。场外道路利用原有的乡村公
18、放。拌和系统供水,由临时水塔供水。砼拌和系统工艺流程见下图。粗骨料堆放储料斗细骨料堆放储料斗水源蓄水池水泵水泥水泥输送外加剂、掺料称重倒料搅拌机砼运送3.3.7综合仓库综合仓库建筑面积240m3,采用砖木结构,放置施工所必需的临时材料等,按施工区分别布置。3.3.8水泥库水泥库建筑面积300m2,水泥库结构形式为砖木结构,地面铺15cm厚砌石。第4章 施工现场组织机构和资源配置4.1 项目部机构组成1、本工程工期紧战线长、施工强度大,专业性强,适宜专业队伍合作施工,恰与我公司的现行管理体制和专业特长相吻合。2、我单位拟派承接过类似工程,经验丰富,善管理,懂技术,责任心强,善打硬仗的高级管理、技
19、术人员组建项目班子“重庆市xxxxxxxx农村建设用地复垦工程项目部”。4.2 项目部组成人员及项目部组织机构该项目部设项目经理1人,技术负责人1人。项目经理部主要组成人员有:施工员2人;质量检查员1人;测量员1人,试验员1人,预算员1人,资料员1人,材料员1人,安全员2人,后勤保障员3人,警卫员1人;设备员1人。项目部组织系统图如下:项目经理技术负责人项目副经理工程技术部质量督查部物资设备部综合办公室 财务部计划经营部安全环保部实验室构筑物施工一队构筑物施工二队土石方施工一队土石方施工二队土石方施工三队4.3 主要岗位职责1、项目经理1)主持项目经理部全部工作,全面贯彻执行国家和工程所在地政
21、工,发现技术问题及时解决。5、计划经营部1)负责本工程施工合同管理、计量工作。2)协助项目经理制定与各施工作业队内部经济责任制,会同有关部门做好按月、按项目分类进行成本分析。6、质量督查部1)质量督查部主要负责质量管理及试验和验收工作。2)严格执行国家、业主、监理及设计单位的施工质量规定,并进行质量控制检查,实行质量事故“三不放过”制度、“三检制度”,质量督查部有“质量一票否决权”。第5章 施工进度计划5.1 概述该工程的主要工程内容包括土地平整、农田水利、田间道路三大工程。计划工期180日历天。5.2 编制依据和原则1、据招标文件相关技术规范;2、据公司机械设备、技术人员及类似工程施工经验;
22、3、据分析各具体施工方案,力求进度计划可靠;5.3 施工进度计划安排1、施工准备:7日历天内完成临时用房,水电系统调试、临时施工道路的修建、各仓库的建设与布置,施工机械的调度进场,施工队伍的组织及培训等工作。2、土地平整工程:130日历天内完成土地平整工程。5.4 施工进度计划表序号工程名称计工期180日历天1020304050607080901001101201301401501601701801进场准备2土地平整工程3农田水利工程4田间道路工程5场内清理5.5 工期保证措施5.5.1从组织管理上保证工期1、如果我公司中标,我公司将组织充足精干人员,调集精良设备投入到本工程施工,并成立由主管
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- 重庆 农村建设 用地 复垦 项目 施工组织设计 土地 整理