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1、学位论文 李孔定抗痨经验方联合 FDC治疗继发性初治肺结核 70例 疗效评估及辨证论治初步探讨 Curative effect evaluation and preliminary study of Differential Treatment for 70 cases of secondary pulmonary tuberculosis in initial treatment treated with combination therapy of Li Kongdings empirical anti-tuberculosis formula and fixed-dose combina
2、tion 程威 指导教师姓名 : 沈其霖教授 申请学位级别 : 硕士 专 业名称 : 中医临床基础 论文提交时间: 2014年 5月 论文答辩时间 :2014年 5月 18日 二一四年五月 本论文系四川省中医药管理局项目研宄内容,编号: 2010-84 成都中医药大学 2014届硕士研究生学位论文 中文摘要 目的 :观察李孔定抗痨经验方联合固定剂量复合制剂 ( FDC)治疗继发性初治 肺结核病满 6个月临床疗效,判断中医证候、体质在治疗过程中的变化,兼顾各 型所占比例,评估经验方联合 FDC治疗方案的优势,为今后治疗耐多药肺结核 及新药研发奠定基础。 方法 :收集 2012年 6月至 2013
3、年 2月在四川省绵阳地区两所疾控中心确诊的 符合纳入标准的 140例继发性初治肺结核患者,将符合病例随机分为试验组和对 照组,每组各70例。试验组采取李孔定抗痨经验方联合 FDC-2HRZE/4HR化疗 方案,对照组采用 FDC-2HRZE/4HR化疗方案,对两组患者进行中医症状证型及 中医体质评分判定,观察中医症状证 型与体质在治疗 6个月前后的变化,并结合 胸部影像学、痰涂片,肝肾功、血尿酸等副反应指标,运用 SPSS17.0统计软件 整理数据,评价李孔定经验方的临床疗效和对中医证候、体质的影响。 结果 :在本研宄中,继发性初治肺结核患者中肺阴亏虚证 53例( 37.9%) 气 阴两虚证
4、42例( 30%)阴虚火旺证 39例( 27.6%),尚有瘀血痹阻证 5例( 3.6%)、 阴阳两虚证1例( 0.7%)。中医体质:阴虚质 45例 (32.1%)气虚质 27例 (19.3%) 湿热质 26例 (18.6%)气郁质 15例 (10.7%)平和质 13例 (9.3%)血瘀质 8例 (5.7%)阳虚质 5例 (3.6%)痰湿质1例 (0.7%)。 中医整体证候疗效治疗后对比:试验组、对照组总有效率分别为 98.6%、 95.7%,差异不明显;而试验组治愈率为 67.1%明显高于对照组 28.6% (; .05)。 痰检结果:治疗 2月末、 5月末、 6月末两组病例痰涂片结果均为阴性
5、,无 复发转阳例数。表明治疗满 6月疗程在痰转阴率方面两组病例并无差异。 副作用实验室指标治疗前后:试验组病例血尿酸在 3月末、 6月末升高程度 比对照组要低(尸 .仍 )。 结论:李孔定抗痨经验方联合 FDC治疗继发性初治肺结核疗效确切,对中医证 候改善及体质纠偏方面优于仅使用 FDC对照组,且副作用较低,具有临床推广 价值及进一步探索耐药性研究的意义。 关键词:抗 痨经验方疗效评价李孔定中医证型 中医体质判定 成都中医药大学 2014届硕士研究生学位论文 ABSTRACT Purpose: To observe the clinical efficacy of combination th
6、erapy of Li Kongding empirical anti-tuberculosis formula and fixed-dose combination(FDC) for secondary pulmonary tuberculosis in initial six-month treatmentjudging TCM syndromes and physical changes in the course of treatment, assessing the advantages of the combination therapy of Li Kongdings empir
7、ical anti-tuberculosis formula and FDC?and establish the foundation for future treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis and drug development. Methods: 140 cases of secondary pulmonary tuberculosis in initial treatment, diagnosed and met the inclusion criteria, were collected by two centers for
8、disease control and prevention in Mianyang9Sichuan province from June 2012 to February 2013. All patients were randomly assigned to the experimental group(70 cases) and the control group(70 cases). The experimental group were treated with combination therapy of Li Kongdings empirical anti-tuberculos
9、is formula and FDC.The control group were treated with chemotherapy of FDC-2HRZE/4HR.The two groups of patients were score determined with clinical symptoms,syndromes and TCM constitution.After 6 months of treatment,observing symptoms and physical changes combined with chest radiography, sputum smea
10、r result, liver and kidney function, blood uric acid and other indicators and using statistical software SPSS17.0 to analyze data,and so to evaluate the clinical efficacy of Li Kongdings empirical anti-tuberculosis formula and its effect to TCM syndromes along with constitution. Results: In all the
11、140 cases of secondary pulmonary tuberculosis in initial treatment?the type of lung Yin deficiency accounted for 53 cases(37.9%)?syndrome of deficiency of both qi and yin accounted for 42 cases (30%)?syndrome of hyperactivity of fire due to yin deficiency accounted for 39 cases(27.6%),blood stasis s
12、yndrome accounted for 5 cases(3.6%) and syndrome of deficiency of both yin and yang accounted for 1 case(0.7%).TCM constitution:yin deficiency accounted for 45 cases (32.1%),Qi deficiency accounted for 27 cases (19.3%)?dampness-heat constitution accounted for 26 cases (18.6%), constitution of qi sta
13、gnation accounted for 15 cases 3 成都中医药大学 2014届硕士研究生学位论文 (10.7%), mild physical accounted for 13 cases (9.3%), blood stasis accounted for 8 cases(5.7%),yang-insufficiency constitution accounted for 5 cases (3.6%),Phlegm -dampness constitution accounted for 1 case (0.7%). Curative effect of TCM syndro
14、me comparison:The total effective rate of the experimental group was 98.6%, compared to the control group (95.7%) there was no significant difference.The cure rate of the experimental group was 67.1 %,which was significantly higher than the control group (28.6%) (/?0.05). Changes of TCM constitution
15、: At the end of three-month treatment,the proportion of cases with mild constitution in the experimental group was higher than that of the control group(31.4% to 7.1%)(p0.05). 4 成都中医药大学 2014届硕士研究生学位论文 Sputum examination results:At the end of two and five and six-month treatment, all the oases were s
16、mear-negative,there was no significant difference between the two groups(p0.05). Side effects of laboratory parameters:At the end of three and six-month treatment,blood uric acid elevated degree of the treatment group was significantly lower than that of the control group(p0.05). At the end of one-m
17、onth treatment, abnormal AST of the treatment group was significantly different to that of the control group(/?0.05), 具有可 比性,结果如表 1、表 2所不: 13 成都中医药大学 2014届硕士研究生学位论文 表 1两组患者性别比较 组别 例数 男 女 统计量( X2) 试验组 对照组 70 70 50 41 20 29 2.543 注:两组患者性别分布经统计学 X2检验, P=0.111, P0.050.05; 两组患者身高比较 z=-1.826,双侧近似 P值 =0.06
18、8, P0.05; 两组患者体重比较 z= 1.484,双侧近似 P值 =0.138, P0.05; 两组患者病程比较 z= 0.027,双侧近似 P值 =0.978, P0.05。 两组病例中肺阴亏虚证共 53例,其中试验组 25例,对照组 28例;阴虚火 旺型共39例,其中试验组 22例,对照组 17例;气阴两虚证共 42例,其中试验 组 19例,对照组 23例;瘀血痹阻证共 5例,其中试验组 3例,对照组 2例;阴 阳两虚证共 1例,其中试验组 1例,对照组 0例。各型总比例:肺阴亏虚证 53 例( 37.9%) 气阴两虚证 42例( 30%) 阴虚火旺证 39例( 27.6%) 瘀血痹
19、 阻证 5例( 3.6%) 阴阳两虚证 1例( 0.7%)。两组各证型比例如表 3示,两组 各证型治疗前症状评分如表 4所示。 表 3两组患者治疗前五种中医证型构成比较 组另 IJ 例数 n 肺阴亏虚证 例( ) 阴虚火旺证 例( ) 气阴两虚证 例( ) 瘀血痹阻证 例( ) 阴阳两虚证 例( ) 试验组 70 25 (35.7%) 22 (31.4%) 19 (27.1%) 3 (4.3%) 1 (1.4%) 对照组 70 28 (40%) 17 (24.3%) 23 (32.9%) 2 (2.9%) 0 X2 0.273 0.889 0.544 / / P 0.601 0.346 0.4
20、61 / / 注:治疗前两组患者肺阴亏虚证、阴虚火旺证、气阴两虚证各型组间比较 ( P0.05),均具 有可比性;瘀血痹阻证和阴阳两虚证例数不足,故不计入证型统计。 14 成都中医药大学 2014届硕士研究生学位论又 表 4 两组患者治疗前 3种中医证型症状评分比较 ( x s) 组别 肺阴亏虚证 阴虚火旺证 气阴两虚证 例 评分 例 评分 例 评分 试验组 25 13.563_86 22 255.16 19 17.952.74 对照组 28 14.793.37 17 24.124.64 23 19.04 2.53 注:肺阴亏虚证两组评分对比, 1=-1.234,双侧?值 =0.601,? 0
21、.05; 阴虚火旺证两组评分对比, z=-0.497,双侧近似 P值 =0.619, P0.05; 气阴两虚证两组评分对比, t=-1.346,双侧 P值 =0.186, P0.05。 除去特禀质外, 8种体质两组病例中共计:平和质共 13例,其中试验组 4 例,对照组 9例;阳虚质共 5例,其中试验组 4例,对照组 1例;阴虚质共 45 例,其中试验组20例,对照组 25例;气虚质共 27例,其中试验组 16例,对照 组 11例;湿热质共 26例,其中试验组 12例,对照组 14例;痰湿质共 1例,其 中试验组 1例,对照组 0例;血瘀质共 8例,其中试验组 5例,对照组 3例;气 郁质共
22、15例,其中试验组 8例,对照组 7例。如表 5所示: 表 5 两组患者治疗前各体质 ( 8类)比较 组另 IJ 试验组 对照组 X2 p 总数 例数 n 70 70 / / 140 平和质例 ( ) 4 (5.7%) 9(12.9%) 2.120 0.145 13 (9.3%) 阳虚质例 ( ) 4(5.7%) 1 (1.4%) / / 5 (3.6%) 阴虚质例 ( ) 20 (28.6%) 25 (35.7%) 0.819 0.366 45 (32.1%) 气虚质例 ( ) 16(22.9%) 11 (15.7%) 1.147 0.284 27(19.3%) 湿热质例 ( ) 12(17
23、.1%) 14 (20%) 0.189 0.664 26(18.6%) 痰湿质例 ( ) (1.4%) 0 / / 1 (0.7%) 血瘀质例 ( ) 5(7.1%) 3 (43%) / / 8 (5.7%) 气郁质例 ( ) 8(11.4%) 7(10%) 0.075 0.785 5 (10.7%) 注:两组病例各类体质平和质、阴虚质、气虚质、湿热质、气郁质比较均 P0.05,具有可 比性;阳虚质、痰湿质、血瘀质因样本例数不足,不具有可比性。 15 成都中医药大学 2014屆碩士研究生学位论文 两组患者治疗前肝功、肾功、血尿酸实验室检测指标比较无统计学差异,且 都处于正常范围内(表 6 7)
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