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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上5. 拟 声ONOMATOPOEIA1. 定义Onomatopoeia: The formation of words in imitation of natural sounds; the name of a thing or action by a more or less exact reproduction of the sound associated with it. ( WED ) Onomatopoeia是指模仿人、动物或事物的声响,或模仿与某动作或某运动有关的声响,借以达到语言生动形象、渲染气氛、感动读者的修辞格。凡是模仿事物或动作的声音而构成的词称
2、为拟声词(imitative words)。拟声词可以作名词、副词、动词、形容词用。大多数拟声词不仅指声音,而且指产生声音的动作。拟声词可以使语言生动、形象,情景逼真,从而使读者产生如闻其声、如临其境的感觉。拟声法不仅是一种重要的修辞方法,而且是一种构词方法,对丰富英语词库起了一定的作用。由于它的表现力和感染力很强,故在诗歌、小说等文学作品中应用很广,在论文、随笔、新闻中也屡见不鲜。2表达方式1)模仿人的声音 例如:Mm嗯、sh嘘、hey嘿、oh哦呀;ha哈、giggle格格(笑)、grumble闷声闷气地说,喃喃地说(表示抱怨牢骚)、grunt哼嗤(表示恼怒、轻蔑)、mumble咕哝地说(言
3、语不清)、chuckle轻笑,嘿嘿自笑、whimper啜泣,呜咽、whisper耳语等。这些词模仿人的不同说话声、笑声和哭泣声,表达出人的不同感情和语义。表示人发出的不同的动作声音有:clap拍手声、patter急促的脚步声、ban碰碰敲击声、clatter嘡嘡脚步声等。 Johnhie had seen him too and ran to the gate. Then clatter, clatter up the stairs, Johnnie knocked at the door. (大学英语第一册)约翰尼也看到了他邮递员),就向大门口跑去。然后约翰尼嚓拉嚓拉地走上楼来,敲着她的门。
4、*句子中的两个clatter生动形象地描写出了Johnnie上楼的脚步声,读者仿佛也在楼上,具有同样的感受。 Presently Ben Rogers came in sight. He was eating an apple, giving a long, melodious whoop at intervals, followed by a deep-toned ding-dong-dong, ding-dong-dong, for he was personating a steamboat. ( Mark Twain: The Glorious Whitewasher )忽然Ben R
5、ogers从远处走来,他一边啃着大苹果,一边不时地发出阵阵悦耳的嘟嘟声,接着他模仿着轮船低沉的笛声,叮当当,叮当当走了过来。*文中三处拟声词生动逼真地刻画出了Ben Roger的天真、括泼、可爱的形象。 There she sat listening to the chatter and comment about her. ( Carrie Sister )她坐在那儿,听他们对她评头评足;呱拉呱拉地咬舌头。 “What be ye looking at?” asked a man who had not observed the incident. “Ho-ho-ho!” laughed d
6、ark Car. “Hee-hee-hee!” laughed the tippling bride, as she steadied herself on the arm of her fond husband. “Heu-heu-heu!” laughed dark Cars mother, stroking her moustache as she explained laconically. “Out of the frying-pan into the fire.” ( Thomas Hardy: Tess of the Durbervilles ) “你们在看什么呀?”有一个男人注
7、意到了这个动作。 “嗬嗬嗬!”黝黑的卡尔笑了。 “嘻嘻嘻!”歪歪倒倒的新娘子也笑了,一把抓住她深情的丈夫的手臂稳住自己。 “咻咻咻!”卡尔的母亲也笑了,一面抹着上唇的胡髭,一面简明扼要地下了注脚,“才出了煎锅,又掉进大火!” *该例引自哈代小说德伯维尔家的苔丝:苔丝与乡亲去镇上娱乐,深夜回家途中不慎得罪了几个酗酒放荡的女人,遭到她们的嘲笑与欺负,只得接受别有用心的富家公子德伯维尔的帮助,骑上马随他离群而去。作者用三个拟声词描写三个不同女人的嘻笑,绘声绘色,妙不可言。 I chatter over stony ways, In little sharps and trebles, I bubbl
8、e into eddying bays, I babble on the pebbles. ( Alfred Tennyson: The Brook ) 我在石路上潺潺而谈, 唱出高音串串, 我注入湾里的涡旋, 弹响卵石的琴弦。 *诗人采取拟声与拟人并用的修辞手法,使诗句生动形象,妙趣横生。2)模仿动物的声音 这类动词或名词较多,常见的有狗叫声yap, bark, howl; 马的嘶鸣声neigh, whinnies; 母牛的哞叫声moo,boo; 公牛的吼叫声bellow; 狮子的吼声roar; 虎啸声growl; 驴叫声bray; 猪叫声grunt; 猫叫声mew; 鸭子呱呱叫quack;
9、 喜鹊的喳喳声chatter; 鸽子的咕咕声Coo; 布谷鸟的布谷声cuckoo; 青蛙的蛙叫声croak; 蜜蜂的飞鸣声hum; 蛇的嘶嘶声hiss等。Apes gibber. 猿吱吱声。 Asses bray (heehaw). 驴叫。 Cocks crow (cock-a-doodle-doo). 雄鸡喔喔啼。 Chickens cheep. 小鸡叽叽叫。 Elephants trumpet. 象吼叫。 Wolves howl. 狼嗥叫。All was quiet again in Han Mansion except for some people snoring, the horse
10、 chewing mash, and the geese crackling at intervals. 暴风骤雨韩家大院的屋里屋外都静悄悄的。光听见人的鼾息和马嚼草料的声音,此外还有几声鹅叫声。The moment the hawker rushed in, the white geese set up an excited quacking, to be joined by hens chucking, dog barking. 暴风骤雨叫卖的小贩一跑进去,鹅都嘎嘎地高声大叫起来,随着鸡也叫,狗也叫。*句子中一连用了hawker, quacking, chucking和barking四个拟
11、声词,勾画出了人、禽和狗齐鸣的热闹场面。The moan of doves in immemorial elms,And murmuring of innumerable bees.鸽子在古老的榆林中呻吟,成群的蜜蜂在低声飞鸣。Bow-wow, says the dog,Mew, mew, says the cat,Grunt, grunt says the hag,And squeak goes the bat.Tu-whu, says the owl,Caw, caw, says the crow,Quack, quack, says the duck,And what cuckoos s
12、ays you know. 狗儿汪汪咬,猫儿咪咪叫,猪凡呼噜噜, 蝙蝠唧唧叫。嗬嗬猫头鹰;哇哇鸟雅鸣, 嘎嘎鸭子声,你知道布谷鸟啥叫声。 *这首儿歌把各种动物的叫声描写得生动形象,朗朗上口。英语中的拟声词有些比较逼真,有些不够逼真,而汉语中的拟声词都十分逼真形象。 3)模仿金属器械等发出的声音的拟声词 bang (枪等) 砰声;boom (大炮等的)轰隆声;pop (枪等)砰声;rattle (窗等的)嘎嘎声;rumble (风、雷、炮、车辆等的)轰隆声;clink (金属、玻璃等的)叮当声;clank (铁链、刀枪等的)叮当声;clack (刀叉、碗碟、机器等的)铿锵声;click (剪刀、
13、门、按钮等的)咔嚓声;tinkle (铃等的)叮当声;ding-dong丁当声;toot (火车、汽车、轮船等汽笛声)嘟嘟声;ticktack (钟、表等发出的)滴嗒声;ticktock(有摆锤的大钟的)滴嗒声;clash (刀、剑、钹撞击时的)铿锵声;clang (敲金属时的)当啷声;等。 As you approach it, a tinkling and banging and clashing begins to impringe on your ear.你一走近这里,叮叮当当、乒乒乓乓、噹噹啷啷的敲打声和铜器的撞击声就开始传进你的耳鼓。*文中三个拟声词把铜匠的工作勾画得淋漓尽致,简练
14、而又生动形象。Ancient girders creak and groan, with the squeaking and rumbling of the grinding wheels, and the occasional grunts, and sight of the camels. 古老的大梁发出吱吱嘎嘎声,还有磨轮的轧轧咕噜声,骆驼偶尔发出的呼噜叹息声,响成一片。*廖廖数语,用了几个拟声词就把原始的榨油作坊的榨油景象写得栩栩如生。 The night shift had already begun and the air was vibrating with the hum an
15、d clatter of machinery. 夜班已经上工,空中荡漾着机器开动的嘈杂响声。While Miss Martha was reaching for bread there was a great tooting and clanging, and a fire engine came rumbling. Martha小姐去拿面包时,突然听到一声巨大的嘟嘟声和噹噹声,接着就听到一辆救火车隆隆地开过来。 The ticking of the clock was the only sound that greeted him, for not a soul remained. ( Th
16、omas Hardy:The Return of the Native ) 迎接他的只有滴答的钟声,因为再也没有一个人留下了。4)模拟自然界的各种声音 自然界从春到冬,气象万千,变化多端,人们可以听到淙淙的流水声babble, murmur; 波浪的汩汩声swish; 微风的沙沙声whisper; 强风的嗖嗖声whirl; 暴风的怒吼声roar; 下雨的滴嗒声spatter; 震耳欲聋的雷鸣声crack,rumble等。模仿水等液体声音的拟声词有:splash水的溅泼声;bubble发出的气泡声;hiss沸水发出的嘶嘶声;sizzle (油炸食物时)发出的丝丝声;drip-drip滴滴嗒嗒声等
17、。The ice was here, the ice was there,The ice was all around:It cracked and growled, and roared and howled,Like noises in a swound! ( Samuel T. Coleridge: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner ) 这里是冰,那里是冰, 到处是冰墙重重。 崩裂、咆哮、吼呜、嚎啸, 真个是震耳欲聋。 *诗人连用四个拟声词模仿冰裂的响声,逼真地再现了大海上冰山崩裂,波涛汹涌,惊天动地的奇特景象。My souls, how the wind
18、did scream along! And every second or two thered come a glare that lit up the white-caps for a half a mile around, and youd see the islands looking dusty through the rain, and the trees thrashing around in the wind, then comes a h-wack! -burn! bum! bumble- umble- um-bum-bum bum and the thunder would
19、 go rumbling and grumbling away, and quitand then rip comes another flash and another sockdolager. ( Mark Twain: The Adventures of Hucklekerry Finn ) 天哪,大风尘叫着一阵吹过去,那股劲儿可真够瞧的!每过一两秒钟,就会有一股闪电的光,把前后左右半英里以内的一片白浪照得透亮,这时候你就会透过那大雨瞧见那些小岛上好像尘土满处飞似的,那些树也让大风刮得东歪西倒;跟着就是哗的一声,轰隆!轰隆!轰隆隆、轰隆隆、轰隆、轰隆、轰隆、轰隆隆雷就这么呼隆隆、扑通通越
20、响越远,后来就不响了,一会儿又是挺亮的一闪,跟着又是一阵响得要命的劈雷。 *作者借助拟声词模仿不同的雷声,惟妙惟肖地描绘了一场惊心动魄的暴风雨。如果不用这些拟声词,描写将大为失色。The only sounds were wind outside the window, the spatter of snow on the ground. 只有窗外的风声和雪花飘落的声音。 The waters of the Wangpoo splashed and gurgled around the laughing, wine-flushed party on deck. 拔拉拨拉的黄浦江水怒吼着,甲板上
21、那儿几位半酒醉的老板们都仰起了脸哈哈大笑。*这是子夜中的一句话,splash是波浪与水击的声音,gurgle表示悲伤流泪的声音,这里作者勾画出了半封建半殖民地的旧上海买办资产阶级的花天酒地和劳苦大众的痛苦与愤怒。5)声音象征词(Sound symbolism) 这类词也被语言学家看成是一种拟声词。如:字母S象征着风的嘘嘘声、水的沙沙声、蛇的嘶嘶声;M象征着低沉的声音,如海啸、昆虫的营营声,鸽子的嘟哝声等;R象征着刺耳的声音或凶兆,B、P的发音象征着水的激动声;等。正因为如此,文学家在自己的作品中往往使用这些字母开头的词(即声音象征词)来表达某种概念、意境或气氛,使读者引起联想。如在河流的景物描
22、写中多采用boil, bubble, drip, drop, 1ap, plop, ripple等一类词来加强表达效果。 最后谈一下英语拟声词的构成。王力先生在谈到汉语拟声词的结构时说:“单字拟声法,所拟的往往是短促而突然的声音。由此类推,凡短促的声音相连,就用两个单字;同样的声音相连就用叠字;先短促而后连续,就用单字加叠字;如果是连续不断的一串声音,就用双叠字。”英语拟声词的结构与此很相似。英语中一次音(也指一次动作)一般用单音节拟声词表示,如pop, crack, crash, rap, toot, bang, whack, thud等等;多次音(也指动作的重复)一般用重叠式或三重叠式拟声
23、词表示,如: crack-crack, pom-pom, quack-quack, rat-rat, puff-puff, tick-tick, thud-thud, flick-flick, zip-zip, clack-clack-clack, toot-toot-toot等等。拟声词重叠时还会产生变音。如:ding-dong, pitter-patter, tick-tack, tick-tock, clip-clop, ping-pong, flip-flap, crick-crack, hee-haw, splish-splosh, pit-a-pat, pit-pat, drip-drop,snip-snap, rub-a-dub, rat-tattat,hurly-burly,hurry-scurry等等。 一般英语单音节拟声词都可作名词、动词、副词用。重叠式拟声词作动词时,其词尾变化与单音节拟声词相同,即规则变化,click-clicked (过去时态),clickclicked,(过去分词),click-clicking (现在分词)。 专心-专注-专业