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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上汉译英1. 按固定日期发送信息简报,让客户叹服你的敬业精神。(A)You dazzle your customers with your commitment by releasing the newsletter on fixed days.2. 安排这样的相互交流可以让你了解自己的公司实际是如何运作的,这常常需要对软件进行定制。(A)Arranging this interaction canteach youlessons in how your companyactually works ,and itoften calls for customized so
2、ftware.3. 安装防火墙能够禁止任何未授权的访客访问所有这些相关信息。(A)Installing a firewall can prohibit unauthorized sources from accessing all of this pertinent information.4. 必须考虑外在威胁以保护名誉免受损害。(B)External threats must be considered to protect the name and reputation from harm.5. 不要低估了高品质链接的价值。(B)Dont underestimate the value
3、of high quality links.6. 创建一个高质量,能够为访问者提供很好的信息和资源的网站。(C)Create a high quality website that offers excellent information and resources to those visiting the site .7. 除了购买和销售产品,电子商务同样也可以处理其他的传统业务。(C)In addition tobuying and selling products,e-business may also handle other traditional business aspects
4、.8. 从本质上讲,这就是一种网上支付的方法。(C)It essence,it is a way to take payments online.9. 电子商务面临的最棘手的安全问题之一是在黑客发起拒绝服务攻击时。(D)One of the most troublesome security issues facing e-business is when hacker launch a denial of service attack.10. 电子商务营销的悖论在于它比直接面向顾客的营销更为复杂,但在根本上却是一样的(D)The paradox of marketing in an e-bu
5、siness environment is that it is more complex than marketing directly to customers ,and but yet fundamentally the same11. 电子商务将会长久存在,我们必须学会适应,成为更精明的网上买家,卖家和企业家。(D)E-commerce is here to stay,and we have to adapt ourselves to become smarter online buyers and sellers and web entrepreneurs.12. 电子商务并非仅仅是
6、在网上从事传统商务。(D)E-business is not just traditional business being conducted online.13. 电子商务这一术语用来描述在因特网上运营的企业。(D)E-commerce is a term used to describe businesses run on the Internet.14. 电子商务计划书可用来确定客户维系策略,以确保顾客再次光顾。(D)E-business planscan be used to identifyretention strategies to ensure customersreturn
7、.15. 电子商务与移动商务之间的差距正在缩小。(D)The gap between e-commerce and m-commerce is going on decreasing. 16. 当提到在网上做生意时,很多人关心的一个主要问题就是财务信息。(D)One of the primary concern for a lot of people when it comes to doing business on the Internet is financial information.17. 但是网络营销的好处是你几乎可以实时监控和测量你的营销活动和结果。(D)But the ben
8、efit of online marketing is that you can monitor and measure your marketing efforts and results in near real time.18. 防止你的电脑和网上业务感染病毒,蠕虫或染上其它问题的最好方法就是安装杀毒软件。(F)the best way to prevent viruses, worms and other problems from infecting your computer and your online business to install anti-virus softwa
9、re.19. 发送一封确认函:对顾客表示感谢,并在电子邮件中列示其所购产品及价格。(F)Send a confirmation note thanks the customers, and listing all the products ,prices of the purchase in an email.20. 法律因素也应考虑进去。(F)Legal considerations should also be taken into account.21. 该公司倒闭是因为其管理层没有能力组织业务。(G)The company failed because of the inability
10、 of management to organize business.22. 该业务所属行业是否是未来的企业主熟知的领域?(G)Is the business in an industry the prospective business owner knows well?23. 给你的客户提供各种支付方式。(G)Keep all kinds of payment options available to your customers.24. 给买方提供免费礼品包装,个性化的信息或者免费的礼物。(G)Provide free gift wrapping,a personalized mess
11、age or a free gift for the purchaser.25. 根据一篇有关智能手机的博客文章,7月至9月的销售总计达到了470万部。(G)According to a blog post on smart phone, sales between July and September in 2010 amounted to 4.7 million units26. 根据emarketer 公司的数据,过去和未来几年各个地区的电子商务发展情况显示如下。(G)According to eMarketer,the e-commercescene in the past and c
12、oming years in various geographic zones is as follows.27. 各公司需求不同,其商业计划也迥异。(G)Business plans will vary from company reflecting their different needs.28. 黑客的动机各有不同,但其目标都是妨碍网站运行。(H)Hackers motives can vary, but the goal is to prevent a website from functioning.29. 尽管亿贝在很多国家占据市场支配地位,但是该公司对将来并未感到自满。(J)D
13、espite eBays dominant market position in many countries, the company is not complacent about the future.30. 较小的机构也可以利用网络公司提供的服务。(J)smaller organizationscan also take advantage of the services of dot-com companies.31. 技术支持人员能远程进入客户的计算机。(J)Technical support operators can remotely access customers comp
14、uter.32. 较大的公司在逐渐把订单履行环节外包给第三方。(J)Larger companies are gradually outsourcing order fulfillment processes to a third parties.33. 仅仅因为有人发觉存在一个商机,并不意味着这就是真正的商机。(J)Just because a person perceives that an opportunity exists does not mean that it is real .34. 较强大的搜索引擎能够进行多语言搜索,并以多种语言呈现搜索结果。(J)Larger searc
15、h engines are able to perform multilingual searches,which present search results in multiple languages.35. 将网上内容进行手工分类耗时太多,得到的搜索结果却不多。(J)The manual process of classifying material on the Web taks up too much time, resulting in very few search results.36. 将你的促销信息和产品信息散布于信息简报的内家之间.(J)Sprinkle your pro
16、motions and products in between the contents of the newsletter.37. 开业当天并不完全算是巨大的成功。(k)The opening day was not exactly a roaring success.38. 客户关系管理的目标是在机构的销售,市场营销和客户服务活动中创造协同效应,以赢得并留住客户。(k)CRWs goal is to create a syneate among sales, marketing, and customer service activities within an organization
17、in order to obtain and retain customers.39. 客户在你的网站上开始走结账流程,但是在支付网关的网站上完成支付。(k)The customer starts the checkout process on your site , but completes payment on the payment gateway site.40. 客户对于提供个人和信用卡信息还是持谨慎态度的。(k)Customers are wary of providing personal and credit card details.41. 每一个都可以整合销售,市场营销和
18、支持性团队的活动。(M)Each can integrate the activities of sales, marketing, and support t teams.42. 你必须建立备份协议来确保你的计算机上有数据和程序的新近备份。(N)It is imperative that you institute a backup protocol to ensure that you have a recent copy of the data and programs on your computer.43. 你不必开始时就大张旗鼓,你可以依靠有经验的客户接触管理公司,一小步一小步地向
19、全面的电子客户关系管理系统迈进。(N)You dont need to begin on a grand scale ;you can take small steps toward a comprehensive eCRM system with experienced contact management companies.44. 你应该了解目标市场的购买习惯和偏好。(N)You should understand the buying habits and preferences of your target market.45. 你的网店如何与众不同?(N)How will your
20、 online store differ from others?46. 你实际上可以根据人们搜索的关键词来定位潜在客户。(N)You can actually target potential customers based on the keywords they search for.47. 你应该表明你了解自身优势,了解商机。(N)You should demonstrate an understanding of your strengths and of market opportunities.48. 品牌强大可以让参与竞争的对手更少。(P)A strong brand resu
21、lts in fewer competitiveentrants.49. 钱会转到你的银行帐户上。(Q)The moneywill be transferred toyourbank account.50. 企业会利用其商业计划书来寻求资金。(Q)A business will use its business plans to seek funding51. 确定企业主是否有能力满足此需求。(Q)Determine the business owners ability to meet the need.52. 全球市场会使地理界线进一步收缩,从而产生更大的动力,催生更有利的网络环境。(Q)
22、The global market will shrink the geographic boundaries further-giving rise to further impetus for a favorable online scenario. 53. 企业在着手一项业务前必须确保法律认可其交易。(Q)A business must ensure there is legal recognition ofits trade before it commences a transaction.54. 如果你的生意有可能遭遇大量欺诈性交易,那么你应该确保所选择的网关有欺诈识别技术。(R)
23、If your business is susceptiible to a lot of fraudulent transactions then you should ensure your chosen gateway has fraud detection technology.55. 社会营销追随着社交网络的趋势。(S)Social marketing has followed the trend of the social networking.56. 随时通过电子邮件告知客户最新的订单状态.(S)Keep the customer updated of the order stat
24、us at all times by email.57. 十年前,一个出生于法国居住在加州的软件工程师从他的硅谷的工作中抽时间创立了一种新型的在线交易系统。(S)Ten years ago, a French born software engineer living in California took time out from his Silicon Valley day-job to create a new kind of online trading system.58. 售出的第一件物品是奥米戴尔先生自己破损的激光指示器,尽管它已基本上毫无价值,但仍以14美元成交。(S)The
25、first itemsold was Mr Omidyars own broken laserpointer,which went for $14 despite being essentially worthless. 59. 数据管理系统平行式的各自发展使得该领域缺乏集中统一的构想,不同搜索引擎之间也缺乏协作。(S)Individual and parallel development for database management systems has left this sector without a centralized vision and coordination betw
26、een the different types of search engines.60. 是否有潜在的,应引起你关注的销售渠道冲突?(S)Are there potential sales channel conflicts that you need to be concerned with?61. 通过创建一个强大的分销联盟计划,你可以让其他网站所有者和网络营销人员来提高你自己网站的销售和流量。(T)By creating a powerful affiliate program, you can enable other website owners and online market
27、ers to boots sales and traffic on your own site.62. 它的确是互联网热潮的范例。(T)Itis certainly a poster-child of the dotcom boom.63. 通常而言综合服务费用较高,但好处是店主获得了方便。(T)Generally the fees are higher for an integrated services, but the trade-off is simplicity for the shop owner.64. 网络聊天被当作是一种技术和客户支持。(w)Electronic chat i
28、s used as a form of technical and customer support65. 网络企业家需要知道如何创建一个盈利的网络公司。(w)The ontrepreneurs need to know how to launch a profitable online business.66. 为方便大宗交易,公司打算使网站的界面更加人性化.(w)The company intends to make the feedback mechanism to root out dishonest traders.67. 网络资产比实物资产更容易受到侵害。(w)Assets in
29、cyberspace are much more vulnerable than physical assets.68. 为了更好的保护你的电脑,定期更新维护防火墙与安装防火墙一样重要。(w)In order to further protect your computer, maintaining your firewall by updating it regularly is as important as installing it.69. 网络电子商务市场的这一增长必定会产生新的工作和商业机会。(w)Thisincrease in the online e-commerce mark
30、etis sure to generate new joband business opportunities. 70. 为得到更好的搜索结果,不仅需要提高搜索引擎技术,而且也需要改善用户界面。(w)In order to receive better search results,it is not only necessary to improvethe search engine technology,but also the user interface.71. 许可式电子邮件营销活动可以为你的公司带来巨大的销量得流量。(X)Opt-in email marketing campaig
31、ns can steer sales and traffic to your business overwhelmingly.72. 商业计划书的一个目的就是确定商机的市场可行性。(X)One of the purpose of a business plan is to determine the feasibility of a business opportunity in the marketplace .73. 许多大型和小型网上食品杂货零售企业已经倒闭或持续亏损。(X)Many large-and small-scale online grocery ventures have f
32、ailed or continue to lose money.74. 许多企业仅仅是始于一个好想法。(X)Many businesses simply begin with a good idea.75. 许多公司把电子客户关系管理看作是其呼叫中心的自然延伸.(X)Many companies see eCRM as a natural extension of their call centers.76. 新技术趋于改进专业领域中不同参与者之间的交流。(X)New technologies tend to modify communication communication between
33、 the different players in the professional word.77. 像所有实体企业一样,电子商务企业要想树立信誉,赢得名声,实现盈利,也需要一样的用心,专注和努力。(X)Like any real time business,e-business also needs the attention,focus and hard work to establish goodwill,reputation and profitability.78. 许多好主意和现实可行的提议在执行阶段就流于失败了。(X)Many good ideas and realistic
34、initiatives have failed in the execution stage.79. 需要具备员工招聘,管理,谈判,市场营销和财务管理等方面的商务技能。(X)Business skills in staff recruitment,management,negotiation,marketing andfinancial management are required.80. 选择客户关系管理解决办法也是审视自身业务活动的一个机会。(X)Choosing a CRM solution is also an opportunity to examine your business
35、 practices.81. 信息和数据检索的研究和发展致力于提高检索的有效性及检索效率。(X)The research and development in information and data retrieval is aimed at improving the effectiveness and efficiency of retrieval.82. 亿贝今年年初增加某些收费的举动在用户中激起了争议。(Y)Ebay stirred up controversy among users by increasing some of its fees earlier this year.
36、83. 亿贝崛起,跃居全球领先地位,却未能获得广泛一致的赞誉。(Y)Ebays rise to global prominencel has not met with universal acclaim.84. 一些用户反对网站依靠反馈机制来杜绝不诚信的商户。(Y)Some users object to its reliance has not met with universal acclaim.85. 一些电子商务企业运营的时候并没有网络店面。(Y)some e-business operate without an electronic storefront.86. 一旦电子商务计划书
37、全部完成,写一篇简明扼要的总结就会容易多了。(Y)Once the e-business plan has been worked through ,it will be easier to write a concise summary.87. 一旦所有这些都配置到位,你的企业就拥有了一个速度更快,影响范围更广的国际平台。(Y) Once all these are put in place your business has a global platform with a faster and wider reach .88. 一旦病毒进入你的在线商用电脑,它将以各种形式进行破坏。(Y)
38、Once viruses get into your online business computer, it can wreak havoc in a variety ways.89. 拥有企业资源计划系统的公司把电子客户关系管理看作是计算机辅助管理自然而然的一部分。(Y)Companies with corporate enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems see eCRM as a natural part of the computer-facilitated management .90. 因为你不需定制这些软件包,他们可以使你在几周内
39、上线而不是几个月。(Y)Because you dont need to customize these packages, they can make you online within weeks instead of months.91. 有三种基本的支付网关形式。(Y)there are three basic types of payment gateways.92. 有些风险源于环境的变化。(Y)Some risks arise from changes in the environment.93. 有必要按照重要性来排列信息。(Y)It is necessary to rank
40、information by importance94. 因此,需要有新的搜索模式以及能对网站自动进行分类的新软件。(Y)Therefore new paradigms of searching are needed as well as new software that is able to categorize Web sites automatically .95. 这方面的电子商务有时候叫做电子采购。(z)This facet of e-business is sometimes referred to as e-procurement.96. 中央服务器或电子邮件列表可作为发送必要
41、信息的一种有效方法。(z)A central server or email list can serve as an efficient method for distributing necessary information.97. 这种整合会防止你销售已经无货的产品或已经调价的产品。(z)The integration will prevent you from selling products that are no longer in stock or at prices that have changed.98. 这也会打消客户的顾虑,让他们确信你是真正关心他们个人信息安全的。(
42、z)This also will reassure your customers that you are truly concerned about the security of their personal information .99. 这就保证了顾客提供的数据信息不会落入不良黑客之手。(z)This guarantees that the data provided by your customer will not fall into the hand of a malicious hacker. 100. 在显著的位置把所有销售和售后服务条款都写清楚.(z)Write clea
43、rly and prominently all the sales and after-sales support terms.101. 这些公司的业务重点主要是销售队伍自动化。(z)Thesecompanies focusprimarily on sales-force automation.102. 这取决于你的服务条款。(z)It depends on the terms of yourservice.103. 这通常是最好的选择,因为它对购物者而言,是一个透明的体验。他们在掏钱的关键时刻,不是被转移到另一个网站。(z)this is generally the best option
44、as it is a transparent experiencefor the shopper ,rather than being transferred to another site at the crucial moment of taking the money.104. 这个选择唯一美中不足的是你将需要在你的服务器上安装一个安全证书。(z)This only catch with this option is you will need a secure certificate installed on your server105. 这是一个你可以登录上去手动处理交易还可做其它
45、操作的地方。(z)This is a place where you can log in and manually process transactions among other things.106. 在网络上经营企业具有一些与实体企业不同的安全和隐私问题。(z)Running a business online has some security and privacy issues that differ from a brick-and-mortar business.107. 注意网络入侵者并了解如何保护你的电子业务不被其破坏。(z)Be aware of online intr
46、uders and how you can protect your e-business from them.108. 这些法律要素相互关联,错综复杂。(z)These legal essentials relate to one another in a complex way.109. 在国际业务中,电子签名越来越得到认同。(z)Eiectronic signatures are becoming more acceptable in global transactions.110. 政府一惯乐意依照企业的诉求修正立法提案。(z)Government hava consistently
47、been willing to modify legislative proposals following representations from business.111. 在脸谱网和推特网之类的网站上树立你公司的专业形象。(z)Present your business as an expert in your field on sites like Facebook and Twitter.112. 在论坛,群组和社交网络上展示你的专业形象。(z)Showcase your expertise in forums,groups,and social networks.113. 这大大降低了利用因特网在世界范围内进行信息传播的潜力。(z)This strongly reduces the possibility of using the web as a source for the worldwide diffusion of information .114. 2001年亿贝安全度过互联网的萧条时期,超过亚马逊成为访问量最大的电子商务网站。Surviving the dotcom bust, eBay overtook Amazon as most visited e-commerce site in 2001专心-专注-专业