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1、雅思大作文写作技巧之审题的重要性今天小编和大家分享雅思大作文写作技巧之审题的重要性,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思大作文写作技巧之审题的重要性雅思大作文审题第一步:抓住题干信息虽然考生写作时间有限,但是题目一定要读清楚。尤其是主干信息看清楚,题目说的是什么,核心重点关键词一定要拎出来。举个例子:The environment problems facing today s world are so great that there is little ordinary people can do to improve the situation. Governme
2、nt and large companies should be responsible for reducing the amount of damage being done to the environment. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?题目很长,但是第一眼考生就能看到的关键词是environment problems、ordinary people和Government and large companies.题目问的是什么呢?那就是环境问题究竟由谁负责。说的是普通人做不了,所以环境问题应该
3、是由政府机构和大公司去解决,但是作为环境问题制造者,每个人都应该对现在的环境问题负责。接下来我们脑爆一下:环境污染问题绝对不是依靠民众、政府或者大企业单独解决的。那么每个责任方各种承担多少呢?我们对环境污染进行一下分级:全球气候变暖、酸雨、能源问题,土地荒漠,这些方面需要考人力财力充足、组织完善的政府和企业来解决;垃圾和资源浪费则是民众需要做的事。这样,顺着这个思路写下去就好了。雅思大作文审题第二步:确定写作结构雅思大作文议论文一般有5中形式的问法:Discuss both (these) views and give your own opinion.(To what extent) Do
4、you agree or disagree?Do you agree or disagree?Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?What is your opinion/ view?雅思大作文写作一定要观点明确,可以一边倒,可以折中,但绝对不能模棱两可。具体方法如下:第一段:题目改写,表明观点;第二段:先抑后扬,陈述事实,给出正方观点及理由;第三段:给出反方观点及理由,论点1,2,3;第四段:总结强调观点。还有一种大作文写作类型:原因及解决方法分析What are the causes/ reasons/ factor
5、s for this?What problems?How cansolve/overcome the problem?What measures can be taken?具体方法第一段:介绍背景+改写题目,陈述原因,现象等;第二段:分析原因、影响;第三段:给出具体解决方法1,2,3;第四段:总结。最后,小站雅思君再总结一下,审题一定要抓住主干信息,再确定写作结构,做好这两步之后,再考虑语法,词汇和表达上的发挥。一旦偏题或结构散乱,将直接影响考生的作文分数。雅思写作话题语料库:关于食品安全话题的分析雅思写作话题语料库:Food has become cheaper and food produ
6、ction has increased thanks to enlarged manufacturing capacity, the use of fertilizers and better machinery. However, some people believe that this will do harm to the health of humans and the local community as a whole. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(农业工具,产能,化肥等技术的进步让食物变得更加便宜,有些人认为对身体健康和当地
7、环境造成伤害,你怎么认为?)【关键词分析】这道雅思写作话题语料库中题目的关键词要落脚到food上,而不是科技提高这个方面。很多考生很容易忽视。对于food的理解,我们不仅需要知道日常生活所吃到的产品,还需要扩展思维,像渔业,种植,畜牧业生产出来的都可以叫为food. 然后相对应的话题就是健康问题,这里的health是与人类居住的环境相关的,也就是说农业的快速发展是否会对生活环境,食品品质产生影响。【结构与思路】关于雅思写作话题语料库中食品类的话题,考生需要从三点方向进行考虑:第一点就是食品和生态环境的联系,过多耕种土地导致森林面积减少等。第二点就是食品和科技发展的练习,科技发展带来了很多合成香
8、料,甚至产生人造肉,这个现象是否可以。第三个就是食品和经济全球化的练习,物流和交通的发展,让更多人体会到来自各地的食品,丰富生活。考生可以按照上述思路进行扩展。上述雅思写作真题,考生既可以认为确实造成不利影响,又可以说好的影响。小站君不建议考生阐明一些中立的观点,尤其是遇到agree or disagree这类雅思写作题目。第一段考生可以陈述一下现在农业科技发展导致食品产生的隐患,除了能够带来物质的极大丰富之外,品质是否能保持一致,并表现对该类问题的担忧。第二段考生可以说明一下现代化农业的危害,例如畜牧业中常会添加抗生素和激素,转基因技术,或者由于价格的下降导致人们不健康的饮食习惯。第三段可以
9、讨论农业发展造成生态环境的恶化。例如土地面积的增加导致森林面积下降,化肥的滥用导致土地盐碱化,或者转基因作物对生态系统产生的影响,违背自然法则等。最后总结上述不利影响,得出一个结论,用自己的担忧作为结尾,更好的期盼能够出相对应的措施等。雅思大作文写作范文网购与实体店,你更支持哪个?题目:Online shopping is now replacing shopping in store. Do you think it is positive or negative development?网购和实体店,你更支持哪个?范文:Such is nature to own what our hear
10、ts desire that is why many modern people like to spend their hardly earned money on their favorite goods. The contrivance of the Internet has profoundly revolutionized modern peoples option of consumption in many aspects. People have been debating the pros of cons of on-line shopping without reachin
11、g any definite agreement. Personally speaking, the merits of shopping on line prevail over its possible demerits.开头写出当代社会人们倾向于消费,尤其是年轻人倾向的网上进行消费。对于是网购,还是逛商场进行线下消费更好,人们已经争论很久,作者认为网购的好处远远大于它的弊端。Seen from the positive aspects, many benefits could be gained by selecting and buying our favorites on line.
12、 The most glaring merit is that on-line shopping not only surmounts the geographical barrier,economizes great amounts of time, but also improves the flexibility of consumption. In this sense, those who select on-line shopping have more time to embark on more worthwhile things such as focusing on wor
13、king or building up physique. Another advantage coming from on-line consumption is that it adds spice to our dull routine of daily life. A case in point is that a lot of fashionable ladies take pleasure in browsing various on-line shops, comparing different prices and bargaining with the owners of o
14、n-line shops. They usually end up buying their desirable goods. Last,on-line shopping will exert a beneficial influence on ones financial budget due to the fact that on-line shops, in most cases, do not need to rent spacious places or employing many salesgirls, therefore, the price of on-line mercha
15、ndise is, comparatively speaking, economical and reasonable, which indicates that we can buy more desirable goods even though we are hard-pressed for money.从积极的方面来看,在网上选择和购买我们的最爱可以获得很多好处。最明显的优点是网上购物不仅超越地理屏障,节约大量的时间,但也提高了消费的灵活性。从这个意义上说,那些选择网上购物的人有更多的时间去从事更有价值的事情,比如集中精力工作或锻炼身体。网上消费的另一个好处是,它为我们枯燥的日常生活增
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- 精品 雅思 作文 写作 技巧 审题 重要性
