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3、客户价值为导向的客户获利能力分析研究 以X建筑装饰材料公司为例摘 要“以顾客盈利和顾客满意相结合”为重点是企业理论逐渐发展至今的阶段性成果 ,企业当前最关注的中心就是既让客户得到满意的服务又能使自身盈利,是企业理论逐渐发展的结果,企业关注的中心经历了五个阶段,在“以顾客盈利和顾客满意相结合”阶段之前分别有“产值中心论”、“销售中心论”、“利润中心论”以及“顾客满意中心论”。 “80/20”法则是“以顾客盈利和顾客满意相结合”为重点的阶段的核心理论,即只有顶部20%的顾客为企业创造了80%的利润。80/20/30 法则是威廉谢登在“80/20”法则基础之上发展而来的,即顶部 20%的顾客创造了占
4、企业 80%的盈利,但企业中最不盈利的 30%的顾客会消耗掉这份盈利的一半。因此,企业无法也没有必要使所有的顾客都满意,因为企业的资源是有限的,而且并不是每一个顾客对企业来说都是盈利的。区分哪些客户盈利,哪些客户亏损是企业必须要做的,因此如何合理度量并有效管理客户的盈利性具有重要的意义。综合来看以往的学者对客户获利能力分析的研究,我们发现要分析企业客户的获利能力,必须从客户的当前价值与潜在价值两个维度进行分析。客户的当前价值代表客户现在能给企业带来的利益,是已经实现的价值,客户的潜在价值代表这个客户在未来一段时间内预计会给企业带来的价值量,客户的潜在价值不仅与客户当前的价值有着密切的联系,而且
6、算,而潜在价值则根据对影响因素的识别与考察预测客户的潜在价值,估计客户日后将会给企业带来多少价值。我们采用作业成本法来分析客户的当前价值,按照作业成本法“作业消耗资源,订单消耗作业”的总体思路,我们必须先确定各项资源,然后找出资源动因将资源所耗费的费用分摊到 12 个作业中心中去,然后根据作业动因进一步确定订单的成本。有订单成本汇总得出每一企业客户的成本,进而得出客户的获利能力。最后笔者得出结论,一个企业不应该也没有足够的能力去满足所有客户的需求, 因而必须区分不同客户的盈利能力以区别对待,这就需要我们进行客户获利能力的分析,笔者利用 X 企业的现有数据,通过作业成本法计算得出企业的当前4价值
7、,利用客户的一些相关指标初步预测客户对企业的未来潜在价值,从而利用客户的潜在价值高低与剩余收益的正负将企业的客户进行了分类,希望企业能在自身所拥有的有限的资源内首先满足盈利性最强的客户,以实现企业的利润最大化。关键词:客户价值;客户当前价值;客户潜在价值;作业成本法;客户获利能力分析5Customer profitability analysis oriented by customer value-to X company as an eXampleAbstractEnterprises pay close attention to the center of the eXperience
8、of the valuedilemma, sales dilemma, profit dilemma , customer satisfaction andcustomer profitability and customer satisfaction . The representative theory ofthe last stage is 80/20 rule, that only the top 20% customers create 80% of theprofits for the enterprise. William ,on this basis, revised this
9、 theory to 80/20/30law, means that the top 20% customers create 80% of the profits for enterprise,but the non-profit customers lost 30% . Therefore, the enterprise cant satisfyall the customers, and it is unnecessary. For enterprises resources are limited,and not every customer is profitable for ent
10、erprises. It is very important forcompanytodistinguishwhichcustomerisprofitable, andhowtoreasonablely measurethe customers value and effective management of customer profitability.According to the studys on customer value evaluation,we can sum up that thecustomer value evaluation system has two aspe
11、cts, one is the customer current valueand the other is customer potential value. In judging the customers value, theenterprise should notonly refertothecustomer current valueperformance,customerpotentialvalueisveryimportanttoo.Customercurrentvaluedeterminesthecurrententerprise profitability, it is a
12、n important aspect of customer value perception.Customer long-term potential valueisrelated totheenterprises long-term profits,directly affect the customer life cycle value,which is a important factor tocompanies continue to invest in a customer relationship or not. In this article,the author use X
13、company as an eXample, analysis the customer profitability in twoaspects :customer current value and potential value .X company is a new comepany located in a high and new technology industrialdevelopment zone.It is committed to develope and innovate the new materials, itintroduce the patent named p
14、lant fiber materials/architecture , produce the newbuilding decoration materials which integrate environmental protection, energysaving, light weight, insulation, seismic and etc . According to the survey of theenterprise, the accounting data is full and detailed, but the customers data islacked. th
15、erefore, the author preliminarily calculate customer current value withthe ABC cost method directly, and the customer potential value can be got accordingto the eXploration on the influence factor and prediction on enterprises futurecustomer value .Weusetheactivity-based costtoanalyzethecustomerscur
16、rentvalue,accordingto the activity-based cost method activities consume resources, products consumeactivity, we first determine the various resources, then find out the resourcemotivationg to spend our resources cost-sharing to 12 activities center, and thenaccording to the work motivation to furthe
17、r determine the cost of the order. Tosummary all order cost ,it is concluded that thecost of each customer, so customerprofitability are obtained.Finally, the author concludes that an enterprise can not and do not have enough6capacity to meet all needs of every customer, so customer profitability an
18、alysismust be conducted.The author calculates the X enterprises customer current valueand customer potential value, the author classify X enterprises customers by thepotential value and current value, the company need to take different managementstrategy by different types of customers.Key words: cu
19、stomer value; Customer current value; Customer potential value;Activity-Based Costing of management; Customer profitability analysis7目 录前言 . 11 文献回顾 . 11.1相关范畴 . 11.1.1客户价值 . 11.1.2客户获利能力分析. 21.1.3剩余收益 . 31.2客户价值计量模型综述 . 31.2.1客户当前价值计量模型综述 . 31.2.2客户潜在价值计量模型综述 . 41.2.3 模型参数的选择. 51.3客户获利能力分析. 62 客户获利
20、能力分析模型构建. 82.1 客户当前价值的计量 . 82.2客户潜在价值的计量. 102.2.1客户潜在价值的客观因素 . 112.2.2客户潜在价值的主观因素 . 112.2.3客户潜在价值的调查表设计 . 122.3客户获利能力分析模型 . 133 X公司简介 . 143.1 X公司基本情况 . 143.2 X公司客户获利能力分析分析现状 . 153.3 X公司客户获利能力分析存在的问题及原因分析 . 154 X公司客户获利能力分析模型的应用过程. 154.1客户当前价值的计量. 1684.2客户潜在价值的计量. 294.2.1潜在价值各个影响因素的权重设计 . 294.2.2 客户潜在
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- 客户 价值 导向 获利 能力 分析研究 建筑 装饰 材料 公司 pdf doc