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1、Word关于冬天的校园真美英语作文500字带翻译精选篇 一月5日,下了一次五十年未见过的大雪,我的学校也结了一层无色的冰,冰上也铺了一层厚厚的雪,整片校内像铺了一层白色的面纱,特殊神奇,非常迷人。 On January 5, there was a heavy snow that I havent seen in 50 years. My school was also covered with a layer of colorless ice. The ice was also covered with a thick layer of snow. The whole campus was
2、covered with a layer of white veil, which was very mysterious and charming. 走到我们的大操场,上面雪被同学挖走了,只留了一层冰在上面,大家都在上面滑,并且常有人摔跤,冰面简直变成了我们的滑冰专用场地。 When I came to our playground, the snow was dug away by my classmates. There was only one layer of ice left on it. Everyone was skating on it, and people often w
3、restled. The ice became our special skating ground. 我们的假山喷水池也结了一层厚厚的冰,我感觉,池里的小鱼可能都冻得颤抖了,似乎在说:天纳,真冷啊!我们真冷啊!真盼望白雪公主早点走,让春姑娘早点送来暖和吧! Our rockery fountain is also covered with a thick layer of ice. I feel that the small fish in the pond may be shivering with cold, as if they are saying: Tianna, its so c
4、old! How cold we are! I wish Snow White would leave early and let spring girl bring warmth earlier 我们学校的大松树真是又挺立又坚韧,总是象一个高大的卫兵,在那傲慢骄傲的保卫着,夏日里,它象一把撑开的伞,在那里为我们遮太阳,让我们感觉到凉快;雨天,它为我们遮雨,不让我们变成落汤鸡;现在,它为我们遮挡鹅毛大雪这颗坚韧的松树,像水火不入似的,挺立的矗立在那里,每天陪伴着我们。 The pines in our school are really tall and tenacious. They are
5、 always like a tall guard. In the summer, they are like an open umbrella. They cover the sun for us and make us feel cool. In the rainy days, they cover the rain for us and prevent us from becoming drowned chickens. Now, they cover the snow and goose feather for us This tenacious pine, like water and fire, stands tall and straight there, accompanying us every day. 我走到校内的石榴树旁,石榴树全枯萎了,可是还能感觉到它身体里隐藏的沸腾,新的生命立刻就要呈现出来似的 I went to the pomegranate tree in the campus, and the pomegranate tree was withered, but I could feel the boiling in its body, and the new life was about to show 2