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1、Word关于欢庆六一儿童节的英语作文500字带翻译 小鸟在前面带路,风啊吹向我们,我们像春天一样早上,我们化完妆,便随着班主任任老师走向体育馆。我们一路上唱着欢快的歌儿,不知不觉来到学校体艺馆。 The birds lead the way, the wind blows to us, we are like spring - in the morning, after dressing up, we walked to the gym with the head teacher Ren. We were singing happily all the way, and unconscious
2、ly came to the school sports hall. 哇,体育馆被老师们装扮得漂美丽亮,舞台上挂满了很多五颜六色的气球,舞台的后面还有一块巨大的宣扬海报,上面印着:童心爱祖国,欢快庆六一几个大字。表演开头了。首先上场的是三(二)班的舞蹈中华少年志,然后是三(四)班的英语小话剧丑小鸭,还有拉丁舞爵士舞民族舞,童话新编,经典诵读他们每个人都满面笑容,仔细表演着他们的绝活,我沉醉在其中的欢快之中。 Wow, the gymnasium was dressed up by the teachers. There were many colorful balloons on the st
3、age. There was a huge propaganda poster at the back of the stage, which was printed with childlike love for the motherland, happy celebration of 61. The show began. The first one is the dance of class 3 (2), then the English drama of class 3 (4), then the Latin jazz dance, the new fairy tale and the
4、 classic reading. Each of them is smiling and performing their unique life. I am intoxicated in the joy. 不知过了多久,轮到我们出场了,只听主持人报幕道:下面有请五(一)班给我们带来的经典诵读中华少年!我急得像热锅上的蚂蚁团团转。我忐忑地跟着同学们走上合唱台,领诵的同学站在前面两侧,伴舞的同学在舞台两侧候场。望着下面的一千多双眼睛,我不禁冒出一身冷汗,这时音乐响起,我心想:怎么办,怎么办,要是演砸了,那可怎么办?经过一会儿的自我劝慰后,我英勇地张开了嘴。尽管我鼓起了士气朗诵,还是朗诵得结结巴
5、巴的。看到台下一张张笑脸,我发觉我并没有出什么错误,慢慢的,我的声音越来越大,越来越嘹亮:我们是中华的少年,中华的少年朗诵完毕。台下响起了热闹的掌声,我的脸上也露出了笑容,回想着动听的音乐和美丽的舞蹈、动情的朗诵渐渐退场。 I dont know how long later, its our turn to come out, just listen to the hosts report: now, lets welcome class 5 (1) to read the classic Chinese youth to us! Im like ants in a hot pot. I f
6、ollowed the students to the chorus platform with trepidation. The students who led the recitation stood at the front two sides, and the students who accompanied the dance waited at both sides of the stage. Looking at more than 1000 pairs of eyes below, I could not help sweating. At this time, the mu
7、sic started, and I thought to myself: what to do, what to do, and what to do if it fails? After a while of self comfort, I opened my mouth bravely. Even though I had the courage to recite, I was still stuttering. Seeing the smiling faces under the stage, I found that I didnt make any mistakes. Gradually, my voice grew louder and louder: we are the youth of China, the youth of China - recited. There was warm applause and a smile on my face. I thought about the music, the dance and the emotional recitation. 这就是属于我们的六一儿童节,欢乐的六一儿童节! This is our 61 childrens day, happy 61 childrens Day! 3