
《难忘的背影中考优秀英语作文带翻译篇2.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《难忘的背影中考优秀英语作文带翻译篇2.docx(4页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、Word难忘的背影中考优秀英语作文带翻译篇2 夕阳普照的河畔边,栀子花早已怒放。像一缕缕破裂的素帛。斑斑驳驳印满汾河。远去的雁阵是一行平白直露的日子。秋香来临。飘落一地的往事乘着秋风,与金黄的叶子一同起舞,飘飘撒撒,飘进了我的心中。栀子花的缕缕暗香箱在空气中酝酿。带着回忆的气息。一点一点传送着。在特别寒冷到可比肩冬天的秋天。将那个背影,推到我的眼前。给我带来了无限的暖和。 By the Bank of the river where the sun sets, gardenias are already in full bloom. Like broken silk. The Fenhe Ri
2、ver is mottled and printed. The wild geese array in the distance is a day of plain white and straight dew. Autumn is coming. Floating in the past, riding the autumn wind, dancing with the golden leaves, floating and scattering, floating into my heart. The continuous fragrance box of gardenia is brew
3、ing in the air. With the smell of memories. Bit by bit. In the autumn of unusually cold to comparable winter. Push that back to my eyes. It brings me infinite warmth. 那是一个栀子花香随风充满的秋日的傍晚,三班级的我整理起书包极不情愿的起身离开我最爱的地方学校。回到我最不情愿的地方家。回了家。弟弟的大哭大叫叫,老妈手机里电视剧的大闹声,老爸处理公务,打电话的说话声简直一团糟!闻着栀子花香得我昏昏欲睡,一点儿精神也没有。拖着沉重步伐
4、的我一步一步走向校门。 It was an autumn evening with gardenias fragrance. I picked up my schoolbag and left my favorite place, school, reluctantly. Back to my most reluctant place - home. Back home. My brothers crying, my mothers cell phones TV drama, my fathers handling of business, talking on the phone Its a
5、 mess! Im drowsy with the fragrance of gardenias. I have no spirit at all. Dragging a heavy step, I walked to the school gate step by step. 出门,忽觉有人在叫我。我一抬头,却谁也没有看到。过了一会,我才在人群中看到了那个显得疲乏不堪的父亲,提着公文包,白发与青丝交杂在一起。让三十多快到四十的父亲显得无比苍老。但是他却微笑着。我被吓了一跳,太阳从西边出来了吗?老爸竟然来学校接我了?我问老爸:今日单位不忙吗?咋来接我了。老爸只说了一句:不忙,走。便把我抱了起来
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- 难忘 背影 中考 优秀 英语 作文 翻译
