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1、皮肤性病学真题皮肤性病学真题选择:25*2问答:4 题病例:4 题问答和病例有英文的,但是可以中文回答,哪种回答方式无殊。(后两者分值不定)问答:1、急性湿疹和急性接触性皮炎的鉴别(Describe the differences between acute eczema and contact dermatitis.)2、皮肤科外用药的原则(英文)3、药疹的治疗原则(Briefly describe the therapeutic measure of drug eruption)4、R-H 三联征的表现(英文)病例:1、皮肌炎,具体病例我就不多说了,回答两个问题:诊断是什么?治疗方案是什么
2、?2、患者,男,40 岁。全身起红斑、手足心起褐色斑点 1 周,不痛、不痒。于 2 个月前阴茎包皮远端至冠状沟处曾起一指甲盖大暗红色结节,不痛,自行破溃,外用红霉素眼药膏 3 周后愈合。近 1 周来躯干、四肢相继出现红斑,双手、足心出现豆大褐色斑,不痒。曾服抗过敏药物治疗无效。原无手足癣史。近 1 个月来无全身用药史。已婚,发病前 3 个月左右有夜游史。性伴侣及爱人情况不清。体检:躯干、四肢可见泛发云豆、蚕豆大淡红斑,表面无脱屑,压之褪色;双手、双足掌跖处散发云豆大褐色角化斑,表面有少量脱屑。阴茎末端包皮与冠状沟联接处可见一指甲盖大瘢痕。右侧腹股沟可触及一个直径 2cm 大小的淋巴结,无压痛。
3、生殖器其他部位、肛门、口腔未见异常(1)诊断?(2)需进一步做什么检查来确诊?(3)治疗方案?二期梅毒3、Case2 A 40-year-old male patient, asymptomatic rose pink papules and erythematous plaques recurrent occurred on the trunk and extremities for ten years. Areas that are subjected to external stimulation, such as the elbows, patellae, scalp and butt
4、ocks are most commonly involved. The eruptions usually exacerbate in winter and relieve in summer.Physical examination, Sharp demarcated rose pink papules and erythematous plaques of 5 mm to 40 mm diameter occurred on the scalp, extensor aspect of trunk and extremities. Thick, silver-gray scales adh
5、ere to the surface of the erythematous plaques. Auspitz phenomenon (+)(1)Diagnosis? (3 分)(2)Therapeutic regimen? (4 分)寻常型银屑病4、A female patient, redness and itching of scalp after hair dyed, erythromycin p.o administeration cant ease the syptoms. 2 days later, the patients eyelids and face has diffuse rash, bullosa, exudation , accompanying severe itching, with yellow scab on the scalp.,(1)Whats the diagnosis? (3 分)(2)And how to manage this case? (4 分)接触性皮炎