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1、初中语文必须掌握的150个成语1. 花枝招展:比喻姿态优美。招展:迎风摆动。花枝招展 ( hu zh zho zhn ) 解 释 形容打扮得十分艳丽。常用来形容妇女打扮得十分艳丽。 近义词 如花似锦、姹紫嫣红、花团锦簇 反义词 朴实大方 of women ) be gorgeously dressed 她打扮得花枝招展,好像是个十八岁的姑娘似的。She dolled herself up as though she was a girl of eighteen 她把珠儿打扮得花枝招展。Pearl was decked out with airy gaiety. 春天像小姑娘,花枝招展的,笑着,
2、走着。Spring is like a very beautiful girl, smiling and walking. 她打扮得花枝招展。She was dressed up fit to kill 娜拉打扮得花枝招展来参加聚会,她令人刮目相看。Nora arrived at the party dressed to kill, causing every head to turn in admiration.2. 不能自已:不能自已 发音 b nng z y 释义 已:停止。指无法控制自己,使激动的情绪平静下来。因你而不能自已: I lose my mind because of you
3、 她们让他情迷得不能自已: carried him away 我如此害怕,害怕不能自已: Im feeling insecure and think Im gonna lose my mind, 真到了要分开的那一天 我一定会痛哭地不能自已: Someday you ll say that word and I will cry 我一定会痛哭地不能自已 你的一声永别把我的心击成碎片: It ll break my heart to hear you say goodbye 人们往往沉溺于聚集财富而不能自已。People tend to amass possessions, sometimes
4、without being aware of doing so3. 忍俊不禁:rn jn b jn 成语:忍俊不禁 解释 忍俊:含笑;不禁:无法控制自己。指忍不住要发笑。同义词:笑不可抑捧腹大笑近义词:喜不自胜、哑然失笑、忍俊不住 cannot help laughing /smiling ,make some body smile, simmer with laughter 忍气吞声 submit to humiliation 她对他的错误忍俊不禁.She could not disguise her amusement at his mistake. 姿态古怪的牛羚常常叫人忍俊不禁。The
5、 antics of wildebeests are often clownish and entertaining antics 5AntIksn.滑稽的动作, 古怪的姿态 wildebeest 5wi:ldEbi:stn.羚羊的一种 clownish klaJnIFadj.滑稽的 entertaining entE5teiniNadj.愉快的, 有趣的n.招待, 款待 他想起来捉弄他们的事就忍俊不禁。He chuckled to himself when he remembered the thick hed played on them. chuckle 5tFQkln.吃吃的笑声vi.
6、吃吃的笑, 咯咯叫 thick Wikadj.厚的, 粗的, 稠的, 浓的n.最拥挤部份, 活动最多部份, 事物的粗大浓密部份 故事情节风趣而幽默,逗得观众们忍俊不禁。Salt and humorous story plot made audiences could not help laughing.而比赛同学的滑稽表演更让大家忍俊不禁,大笑连连。The humorous performances of the competitors made audiences burst into laughter again and again. 好有意思了!你知道,每次看见它,我都会忍俊不禁。Coo
7、l! You know, everytime I watch it, I am in stitches.4. 黯然神伤:形容心中伤感,情绪低落。 词目 黯然神伤 发音 n rn shn shng 释义 指心神悲沮的样子。黯然神伤 近义词 黯然泪下反义词 悠然自得feel dejected ,feel depressed, Total Eclipse of The Heart ,total eclipse n.天(日或月)全食 与爱绝缘 All out of love 当洛奇到医院探访查理时,看到妙芬正在侍奉汤药,黯然神伤。In the hospital, Rocky leaves when h
8、e sees Mildred taking care of Charlie.在一瞬间,往事突然再一次的激涌,百感交集,不觉又黯然神伤,你还好吗?In a flash, suddenly once emerged again for the past event, felt all sorts of feelings well up, feel dejected again unwittingly, how are you? 他或她不值得你黯然神伤,因为一个值得你为之落泪的人是不会让你流泪伤心的。 No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one
9、who is wont make you cry.5. 故弄玄虚:故弄玄虚 【发 音】 g nng xun x 【释 义】 故:故意;弄:玩弄;玄虚:用来掩盖真相,使人迷惑的欺骗手段。故意玩弄花招,迷惑人,欺骗人。【近义词】 弄虚作假 【反义词】 实事求是be deliberately mystifying 迪克是个骗子,他在你面前故弄玄虚。Dick was a juggler, who threw mists before your eyes.他的结论一是一、二是二,不故弄玄虚。His conclusions pull no punches. 我将很乐意和你共享我们时代典型的故弄玄虚的东西。
10、It will be my pleasure to share with you some of this double-talk so typical of our times.6. 呕心沥血:发音 u xn l xu 解释 呕:吐;沥:一滴一滴。比喻用尽心思。多形容为事业、工作、文艺创作等用心的艰苦。形容绞尽脑汁,用尽了心血。【近义词】煞费苦心【反义词】无所用心make painstaking efforts 我感到这份奖赏不是授予我个人而是授予我的工作的授予我一生从事关于人类精神的呕心沥血的工作。I feel that this award was not made to me as a
11、 man, but to my work, a lifes work in the agony and sweat of the human spirit. 感激呕心沥血教育我、培养我的老师。To be grateful to our teachers who work heart out to teach and cultivate me.他日复一日呕心沥血地从事着音乐创作。He composed his musical works day after day in painstaking fashion.7. 想入非非:( xing r fi fi ) 解 释 非:虚幻的境界。想到非常玄妙
12、虚幻的地方去了。形容完全脱离现实地胡思乱想。思想进入虚幻境界,完全脱离实际,胡思乱想。近义词 胡思乱想、痴心妄想 反义词 脚踏实地、四平八稳 have a maggot in ones head v.想入非非 allow ones fancy to run wild ,maggot 5mAEtn.空想, 蛆如果你认为一下子就能学会花样溜冰,那你就是想入非非了。 If you think you can learn to figure skate in one lesson, youre off your trolley. off ones trolley adv.丧失理智 他好想入非非, 觉得
13、自己赢了一块金牌. He liked to fantasize that he had won a gold medal ,不要在想入非非中虚度你的人生。Dont dream away your life! ,dream away 虚度,build castles in Spain 抱幻想, 存梦想,她把大部分时间都用来想入非非了。She spends most of her time building castles in Spain .have a mark on v.喜欢, 爱好 have a mad on v.大怒 ,异想天开whimsicalitya kick in ones gal
14、lop ,-gallop 5AlEpn.疾驰, 飞奔vi.飞驰, 急速进行, 急急忙忙地说vt.使飞跑, 迅速运输,have bats in the belfry-belfry 5belfrin.钟楼, 钟塔=bell tower ,a jolly dog n.快活的人 a Judas kiss n.口蜜腹剑,犹大之吻。a kick in the teeth n.突然的挫折 a kings ransom n.一笔巨款 8. 不速之客:发音 b s zh k 释义 速:邀请。指没有邀请突然而来的客人。【反义词】特约嘉宾 an/the unexpected guest 不速之客 简明汉英词典cra
15、sher,uninvited guest ,scare up v.凑合-格雷斯给一些不速之客张罗了完饭。Grace scared up a supper for unexpected guests9. 人声鼎沸:发 音 rn shng dng fi 人声鼎沸详解 释 义 鼎:古代煮食器;沸:沸腾。形容人群的声音吵吵嚷嚷,就象煮开了锅一样。近义词 热闹非凡a babel of voices 广场上人山人海,人声鼎沸。The square was a sea of people and a hubbub of voices bubbled up. 花了45分钟穿过这个城镇,跟别的中国城镇一样这里早
16、上也是人声鼎沸。It took me about 45 minutes to walk through the town, which was bubbling as Chinese towns do in the early morning.10. 置之度外:( zh zh d wi ) 解 释 度:考虑。放在考虑之外。指不把个人的生死利害等放在心上。近义词 置之不理、置若罔闻、漠然置之 反义词 耿耿于怀、念念不忘 have no regard for ( personal safety , interest etc .) v置之不问 /pretermit/ v置之度外 /disregard
17、/ 置之死地而后快 简明汉英词典will be content with nothing less than sb.s destruction ,她能够把烦恼置之度外而依旧保持笑容。She can shrug off her troubles and keep smiling.11. 流光溢彩:形容色彩丰富,光亮夺目。 雨中的解放公园路流光溢彩。Jiefang Park Road in the rain was shiny with colors and lights,东方商埠时尚水都,华灯闪烁,流光溢彩。This oriental port and fashionable waterfron
18、t city becomes more attractive when night falls.-waterfront 5wC:tEfrQntn.水边地码头区, 滨水地区12. 人迹罕至:( rn j hn zh ) 人的足迹很少到达。指荒凉偏僻的地方。迹:足迹。罕:稀少。 人迹罕至的: untraversed | unfrequented untraversed untrod | unfrequented/untraversed 孤独的, 寂寞的, 偏僻的, 人迹罕至的: lonely ,他住在一个人迹罕至的林区里。近义词 荒山野岭、穷乡僻壤、荒无人烟反义词 人来人往、人山人海、络绎不绝He
19、 lived in a solitary woodland.它在偏僻和人迹罕至的山里冲撞坠毁了。It crashed landed in remote and inaccessible mountains.我们沿着一条人迹罕至的小径到达了寺庙。We reached the temple through an unfrequented mountain track.13. 随声附和: su shng f h 和:声音相应。自己没有主见,别人怎么说,就跟着怎么说。 【近义词】: 随波逐流、见风使舵、人云亦云【反义词】: 独具匠心、独出心裁、各抒己见echo what others say 、ech
20、o,chime in v.插话 not know chalk from cheese v.不辨黑白,spinach 5spInIdV; (?) 5spInItFn.菠菜, 胡说八道,他没有主见, 只是随声附和他父亲的意见.He has no original opinions; hes just his fathers echo. 他靠随声附和而升官发财了。He secured office and riches by swimming with the stream.14奔走相告:bn zu xing go 释义 指有重大的消息时,人们奔跑着相互转告。一边奔跑,一边告诉别人。 【反义词】 秘
21、而不宣spread the news in a hurry ;go round telling everyone that15一张一翕:形容呼吸时一张一合。 翕:和,聚,和顺。16异想天开:读音 y xing tin ki 异:奇异;天开:凭空的超越常规的活动,(思想精神等)焕发、奔放。指想法很不切实际,非常奇怪。 近义词 胡思乱想、浮想联翩、想入非非 她对社会改革有些异想天开的想法.Shes got some starry-eyed notion about reforming society17相映成趣:互相衬托。 form delightful contrast 公园景色与庭院建筑珠联璧
22、合,相映成趣。Enchanting gardens and the buildings are built in hormony, each representing a beautiful ornament to the other.-enchanting in5tFB:ntiNadj.迷人的, 迷惑的, 妩媚的18祸不单行:hu b dn xng ) 解 释 祸:灾难;行:到来。指不幸的事接二连三地发生。【近义词】 多灾多难、福无双至、雪上加霜【反义词】 时来运转、双喜临门 it never rains but it pours 祸不单行 简明汉英词典Misfortunes never c
23、ome singly Great minds think alike 英雄所见略同 Misfortunes never come alone 祸不单行 祸不单行。祸不单行的外文版本。Fate is not satisfied with inflicting one calamity. - Publilius Syrus 祸不单行。(灾难接踵而至。)One woe does tread upon anothers heels. 19触目伤怀:ch m shng hui 看到(家庭败落的情况)心里感到悲伤。怀:心。ch m shng hui 释义 看到某种情况而内心伤悲。 他触目伤怀,自然情不能自
24、已。情郁于中,自然要发之于外;家庭琐屑便往往触他之怒。他待我渐渐不同往日。His temper became worse and worse , too. Sometimes even some bagatelles could enraged him . So did his attitude to me .-bagatelle 7bAE5teln.微不足道的东西, 琐事, 小事, 弹子球戏的一种, (指钢琴的)小曲 触目惊心 发音 ch m jng xn 释义 看见某种严重情况,心里感到震惊。触目惊心-shocking by the sight, a ghastly sight ,经过这场
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