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1、食品品质评价课程编号10142课程简介学分:1.5学时:36理论:24试验:12本课程包含以下几个方面内容食品品质评价相关理论、方法和在食品生产、开发中的应用。课程性质专业选修课食品科学类课程的解释、分析和例证;食品加工类课程的有力补充;意义课程对学生知识体系构成的完整性具有重要的意义;为即将工作的学生提供行业专有技术教育;为从事研究的学生提供深入学习方向的指导。内容食品品质评价简介食品品质评价理论基础食品品质评价方法食品品质评价在食品生产和开发中的应用学习本门课程所需基础知识食品科学原理食品工艺学食品感官评价有无参加认证培训经历参考书nAutomation for Food Engineer
2、ing Food Quality Quantization and Process ControlnHandbook of indices of food quality and authenticity针对不同产品有质量评价指标nInstrumentation and sensors for the food industrynRapid and on-line instrumentation for food quality assurance有具体质量检测方法nRheological Methods in Food Process Engineering有例nRheology Essen
3、tials of Cosmetic and Food Emulsions关注乳化,有例子,对研究方法很关注nRheology of Fluid and Semisolid Foods Principles and Applications重理论,有方法,还有谈到对感官评价的影响nWoodhead,.Stability and Shelf-Life of Food有案例,有感官评价的应用1. 食品品质评价简介食品品质评价含义主要内容食品品质评价主要指标食品品质评价的含义食品是多种成分组成的复杂体系,具有多种特征,这些特征共同构成了食品的品质。变现为色、香、味、形和质地等等。食品品质评价:依据科学
5、外在:颜色、透明度等等新技术及相关问题机器视觉技术、电子鼻技术和电子舌技术传感器的灵敏度和选择性、合适的数据分析方法、如何建立起完整的检测数据库关键问题标准方法量化系统分析1.1 食品品质:食品工业主要关注点食品质量对于食品工业和消费者同样重要消费者的需要:安全、卫生和优质高质量的产品可以确保在整个链中的任何一个部分都获得利益,保证企业的收益。但产品的任何问题可能导致产品的返回、投诉甚至法律纠纷。产生问题的原因可能是多方面的,包括包装、变味、臭味 、腐败、变色、包装不完整、过期和致病等等。食品工业必须生产品质复合要求并一致的产品,才能保证产品的竞争力和在市场上获利。1.2 食品品质评价的两类方
6、法主观方法基于人的主观判断。需要评价员对研究目标产品参照定性、定量值给出观点。通常是包含感官(质构、风味、气味、颜色和触觉)方法。随经训练,但仍存在不稳定的现象。1.2 食品品质评价的两类方法客观方法基于不含人评价观点的观察(科学测试)。食品品质评价的结果与种植者、加工者和消费者的利益紧密相连,并可用于质量控制。因此需要客观方法,保证结果一致并耗费低。可分为两类物理方法,测定大小、质构、颜色、稠度和不完整性等。化学方法,测定酶、水分、纤维、pH和酸度等。与营养价值和质量等级相关。客观方法的优点和适用性一旦方法建立,不受身体状况和心理因素影响,结果一致性良好;便于自动化,在工业上具有重要意义1.
7、3 食品品质量化量化:信息以数字形式表示优点:便于自动化在必要的条件下,量化的性能(有效性、代表性)可以通过与感官、分类或机械和化学特性的测定比较来校正。l图1.11.3 食品品质量化食品品质量化的过程(1)取样需预先制定计划,采样量需充分,可能需要相关处理。(2)数据获取采集、记录数据并存储以备后续分析(3)数据处理和分析关系分析(4)建立模型利用输入输出数据建立模型(5)分类及预测利用模型对样本进行分类和预测感官、机械和化学特性。验证方法。1.4 食品质量评价的典型案例问题(自动化评定)产品变异带来的问题(牛肉)基因、品种等带来的分割、分类问题气味的测定(电子鼻)人体难以适应强度和种类问题
8、连续油炸食品品质评价(自动控制过程难度大)产品生产过程的复杂性及产品质量一致性的要求。需要控制水分、油含量和油炸程度等等。过程自动化问题、传热、传质和产品质地问题都需要关注。工程参数如油入口、出口温度、油流速、入口出口水分,油含量。部分有关品质、质量的术语Food handler Any person who directly handles packaged or unpackagedfood, food equipment and utensils, or food contact surfaces and istherefore expected to comply with food
9、hygiene requirements (CodexAlimentarius, 1997).Food hygiene All conditions and measures necessary to ensure the safetyand suitability of food at all stages of the food chain (Codex Alimentarius,1997).Food safety The assurance that food will not cause harm to the consumerwhen it is prepared and/or ea
10、ten according to its intended use(Codex Alimentarius, 1997).Food suitability Assurance that food is acceptable for human consumptionaccording to its intended use (Codex Alimentarius, 1997).Grade Category or rank given to different quality requirements for products,processes, or systems having the sa
11、me functional use (ISO9000:2000).Hazard A biological, chemical, or physical agent in, or condition of, foodwith the potential to cause an adverse health effect (Codex Alimentarius,1997). A biological, chemical, or physical agent that is reasonablylikely to cause illness or injury in the absence of i
12、ts control(NACMCF, 1997).Hazard analysis The process of collecting and evaluating information onhazards and conditions leading to their presence to decide whichare significant for food safety and, therefore, should be addressedin the HACCP plan (Codex Alimentarius, 1997). The process ofcollecting an
13、d evaluating information on hazards associated withthe food under consideration to decide which are significant andmust be addressed in the HACCP plan (NACMCF, 1997).Hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) A system that identifies,evaluates, and controls hazards that are significant for food
14、safety(Codex Alimentarius, 1997). A systematic approach to the identification,evaluation, and control of food safety hazards (NACMCF,1997).HACCP, which is recognized for its science-based approach,consists of a set of seven principles that have been adopted internationallythrough the work of the Cod
15、ex Alimentarius Commission.HACCP plan A document prepared in accordance with the principles ofHACCP to ensure control of hazards that are significant for foodsafety in the segment of the food chain under consideration (CodexAlimentarius, 1977). The written document that is based on theprinciples of
16、HACCP and that delineates the procedures to befollowed (NACMCF, 1997).An HACCP plan is obtained after an HACCP team has carriedout the activities required by the seven principles of HACCP.HACCP system The result of the implementation of the HACCP plan(NACMCF, 1997).HACCP team The group of people res
17、ponsible for developing, implementing,and maintaining the HACCP system (NACMCF, 1997).Histogram A bar chart representing a frequency distribution of a processvariable or product characteristic (ASQ, 1998). A graphic summaryof variation in a set of data. It is one of seven tools of quality (QP,2002).
18、ISO 9000 family of standards A coherent set of four quality managementsystem standards facilitating mutual understanding in nationaland international trade (ISO 9000:2000).The standards have been developed by the International Organizationfor Standardization to assist all types and sizes of organiza
19、tionsto implement and operate effective quality managementsystems. ISO 9000:2000 Quality management systems Fundamentalsand vocabulary describes fundamentals of quality managementsystems and specifies and defines the terminology usedin these systems. ISO 9001:2000 Quality management systems Requirem
20、ents specify the requirements for the quality managementsystem of an organization that needs to demonstrate its ability toprovide products that meet customer and regulatory requirements,and aims to enhance customer satisfaction. ISO 9004:2000 Qualitymanagement systems Guidelines for performance impr
21、ovementsprovides guidelines that address the effectiveness and efficiencyof quality management systems to improve organizationalperformance and the satisfaction of customers and other parties.ISO 19011:2002 provides guidance on auditing quality managementsystems and environmental management systems.
22、Project Unique process consisting of a set of coordinated and controlledactivities with start and finish dates, undertaken to achieve anobjective conforming to specific requirements including the constraintsof time, cost and resources (ISO 9000:2000).Qualification process Process to demonstrate the
23、ability to fulfil specifiedrequirements (ISO 9000:2000).Quality Degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirements(ISO 9000:2000). The totality of characteristics of a product or servicethat bear on its ability to satisfy stated and implied needs(ASQ, 1998).Quality assurance (QA)
24、 Part of quality management focused on providingconfidence that quality requirements will be fulfilled (ISO9000:2000). All those planned or systematic actions necessary toprovide adequate confidence that a product or service will satisfygiven needs (ASQ, 1998). All the planned and systematic activit
25、iesimplemented within a quality system that can be demonstrated toprovide confidence a product or service will fulfill requirementsfor quality (QP, 2002). See also: quality control.Quality audit See: audit.Quality characteristic Inherent characteristic of a product, process or systemrelated to a req
26、uirement (ISO 9000:2000). See also: characteristic.Quality control (QC) Part of quality management focused on fulfillingquality requirements (ISO 9000:2000). The operational techniquesand activities that sustain a quality of product or service that willsatisfy given needs; also the use of such techn
27、iques and activities.(ASQ, 1998) The operational techniques and activities used to fulfillrequirements for quality (QP, 2002). See also: quality assurance.Quality improvement Part of quality management focused on increasingthe ability to fulfill quality requirements (ISO 9000:2000). See also:continu
28、al improvement.Quality management Coordinated activities to direct and control an organizationwith regard to quality (ISO 9000:2000).The totality of functionsinvolved in the determination and achievement of quality(ASQ, 1998). See also: total quality management.Quality management system Management s
29、ystem to direct and control anorganization with regard to quality (ISO 9000:2000). A formalizedsystem that documents the structure, responsibilities and proceduresrequired to achieve effective quality management (QP, 2002).Quality manual Document specifying the quality management system ofan organiz
30、ation (ISO 9000:2000).Quality objective Something sought, or aimed for, related to quality (ISO9000:2000).Quality plan Document specifying which procedures and associated resourcesshall be applied by whom and when to a specific project,product, process, or contract (ISO 9000:2000) A document or set
31、ofdocuments that describe the standards, quality practices, resourcesand processes pertinent to a specific product, service or project (QP,2002).Quality planning Part of quality management focused on setting qualityobjectives and specifying necessary operational processes and relatedresources to ful
32、fill the quality objectives (ISO 9000:2000).Quality policy Overall intentions and direction of an organization relatedto quality as formally expressed by top management (ISO9000:2000). An organizations general statement of its beliefs aboutquality, how quality will come about, and what is expected t
33、o result(QP, 2002).1.5 食品品质和食品安全的区别食品品质(质量)相关食品特征满足所有已建立要求的程度食品安全是有关于可能对人体健康产生危害,致病或伤害的特征或特性要求的满足程度某些食品质量特征如菌落总数也可作为食品安全的指示,但却不是食品安全的特定指标。 对二者作出区别,目的在于强调某些问题对于安全的重要性。不符合食品安全需要,必定不符合食品品质(质量)需要;复合食品安全需要,不一定符合其它食品质量要求。食品工业中,食品安全的原理和实践已经集成到食品质量保证或质量控制中,或者存在于质量管理系统。管理程序同时关注食品质量和食品安全。1.6 食品品质特征(不含安全特征)u相关
34、标准的一致性 (例如标准化的食品)u总量或净含量 (重量或体积) u成分含量u外观(大小、形状、颜色)u风味u香味u质地u黏度u货架期稳定性u作为食品的适用性u有益健康的u掺杂u包装u标签某些特征包含在食品法规中,不符合一致性、质量、成分和标签声明,被认为是“误说”、“误标”或“欺诈” 。食品酸败、恶化或分解被认为不符合适用性或有益健康的标准。不会产生问题的外源物质通常也被认为不符合标准。消费者根据自身的需要同样建立质量标准。1.7 食品品质系统和程序像其它工业一样,食品工业使用基本的质量控制程序,更复杂的质量保证程序和质量管理系统。为满足食品质量,某些食品公司使用ISO 9000 质量管理系
35、统标准。这些程序和系统可能包括食品安全的部分。 例如,GMPs and the HACCP system 可以集成到食品工业、质量管理系统或用于检查、监测原料、产品,成为食品质量控制程序的一部分。基于T_T_T理论检测冷冻冷藏食品品质的方法.pdfUnavailablelProduction Practices and Quality Assessment of Food Crops. Vol. 3, Quality Handling and Evaluation lAuditing in the Food Industry: From Safety and Quality to Enviro
36、nmental and Other Audits lQuality in the Peoples Republic of China lClassroom Assessment: Enhancing the Quality of Teacher Decision Making lTotal Quality Management lChoosing a Quality Control System lStatistical Methods for Quality Improvement lTotal Quality Management in Education lProduction Prac
37、tices and Quality Assessment of Food Crops. Vol. 4, Proharvest Treatment and Technology lFruit and Vegetable Processing: Improving Quality DOE: Response Surface Methods响应面方法Response surface methods (RSM)是决策相关的主要研究分析方法 (1)对工程化系统输入输出关系作出相对精确地预测(2)对设计的系统进行调整、优化品质评价举例http:/ 品质评价举例http:/.tw/ec/ecjnlarticleView.aspx?atliid=610136&issueiid=42417&jnliid=1508采用物性测试仪通过对果酱、酸奶、蜂蜜等粘稠状样品的粘稠度的测量,仪器探头的选择,测试方法参数的比较,建立粘稠状样品质构的测试方法。结果表明,样品的粘稠度可用物性测试仪科学测量,随着粘稠性的不同可选用不同的探头和附件,从而为品质控制、产品研发、标准建立提供测量依据和参考。