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1、高中英语教学案例分析 词汇(优秀) 中学英语教学案例分析 Vocabulary learning in smart ways 二.课型:学习方法探究课 二.教材分析 : 1.教学内容: SEFC Book 6必修 阶段性词汇学习方法探究 (见文末) 2.教材处理: 这是一堂笔者依据新的课程标准,结合本人对词汇教学方法的实践积累和思索进行设计的一堂探究课。该课创建性地选择了授课内容,对运用性较强的词汇方法进行了整理与补充,变更注意传授学问的倾向,采纳“任务型”教学模式,进行了一次试验和探究。 该课的中心话题是“三鹿毒奶事务”,内容引发学生对食品平安的关注和思索。该课旨在启发学生去思索自我梳理学问
2、和自主学习的模式,让学习过程有一个持续的趋势。同时,供应一次实际运用英语表达沟通思想的机会,增加运用英语的信念。 三、学情分析: 笔者首先考虑为什么和怎么上这节课,使教学目标的设计实在可行。 笔者的授课对象是属于三流水平的一个互助结对县中学,这个班为一般平行班,英语基础较差,但是大部分学生的思维活动、学习热忱、表现欲望和合作精神是可以在平常的教学中不断提高和培育的。怎样使得一节课对学生今后的学习有所思索和帮助,也是笔者要考虑的问题。综上因素,依据学情,笔者采纳活动式的教学方法上一堂关于词汇学习的课,期盼对今后的学习中新旧学问的连接有所帮助;同时留意运用鲜活真实的语言材料吸引学生,提高学生答题的
3、爱好,同时便于设题。兼顾设计内容简洁化,便于调动全班学生的主动性,在互动中实现教学任务和目标。 四、教学目标 1、学习并改善词汇学习的效果; 2、能依据词汇的构成特点,归纳整理学习和记忆的方法; 3、增加社会责任感,关注和谐社会的发展。 五、设计理念: 中学英语新课程标准加强了对词汇的要求,中学阶段从原来的18002000个增加到3300个单词和400500个习惯用语或固定搭配,词汇量驾驭的多少在肯定程度上制约着学生运用语言实力的凹凸。 英语单词的学习既是一种挑战,又是一种磨练。新教材的词汇的特点大致可以概括为新,长,杂,多。学生投入大量的时间和精力但是效果不甚志向,影响了学习的信念和主动性。
4、怎样继承传统的词汇教学的精华,把行之有效的方法介绍给学生是笔者始终思索的问题。驾驭生词和短语除了坚忍不拔的毅力之外,还须要两样东西:已经驾驭的单词和短语和不同的记词法。因此,将生词与熟词以各种方式捆绑记忆,是诀窍之一。心理学探讨表明,经过归类的学问要比零散的学问记得坚固。因此,综合运用多种记忆法,将词汇以链式或发散式的形式联系,而非一盘散沙,是诀窍之二。这样,既可以系统整理要记忆已经学会的词汇,又可以使其以有效的方式扩展词汇量。 六,教学手段:多媒体协助教学 七、教学过程: Step I leadin Skill one: the diversion of words part of spee
5、ch Greet with a typical tongue-twister.1.Greet with a tongue twister to the students and then let the students practice some tongue twisters.2.Arrange a competition among the students.3.Explain a specific example to arouse their attention to the diversion of words part of speech- Skill one: the dive
6、rsion of words part of speech 设计说明:一起先以一则英语绕口令和绕口令竞赛活跃课堂气氛,激发学习爱好;详细分析一个典型,挖掘例子中的同词不同词性的特点,引出第一种词汇学习和记忆方法词性转化法;同时,引入课题,起先引导学生去探求总结不同的方法。 Step II Whileteaching Skill two: meaning-gueing 1.Turn to the hottopic: “Sanlu- milk event” and create a chance to gue the meaning of the phrase “step- mother”. 2.
7、Provide some examples to give more skill instruction in the skill of meaninggueing and then practice it. 设计说明: 1.引入热门话题-“三鹿毒奶”事务和网络热评: “三鹿奶粉,后妈的选择.” 给予课堂教学真实情景,通过对“stepmother”,的揣测,顺势导入其次种方法词义揣测法。 2.在学生课堂练习里设计融入各种词义揣测技巧:同义词,反义词,定义揣测,标点符号,详细例子,利用上下文提示猜词义等。 3.新课改强调从学生的学习爱好、生活阅历和认知水平动身,设计教学步骤,让学生在体验、实践、
8、参加和沟通中发展语言运用实力。引用这一生动的生活实例,激起学生的表现欲和求知欲。 Skill 3: Trunks 1.List some trunks for the students to discu, complete and find out the meaning.2.Put the trunks in use in a short paage related to the central event talked ahead.(How do doctors help the suffering kids?) Teacher: Milk is one of the neceities
9、of babies.( “neceities” appears in the sentence of the exercise the students have just finished.)But, sadly some of them are suffering because of the poor-quality milk.Who help them in aches and pains? Students: Doctors help the children suffering aches and pains.3.Work together with the students to
10、 list more trunks (uncompleted ones) related to this event.4.Pair work: find the meaning of the trunks. 设计说明:持续“三鹿奶粉”的话题,过渡到词块学习法,借此话题,排列一组常用的词组,留出空格,让学生回顾,探讨,补充完整;依据意思, 围绕中心话题,以一篇描述医生救治患儿的文章填空形式敏捷运用此方法。 Skill 4: affix 1.Give an example to show the way wordforming.2.Help to make the students familia
11、r with the skill by making a short speech “Mothers worry”. Teacher: This event has aroused great attention among the public and it has been a long time after it is exposed.But even today I still cant believe it.I think its unbelievable. Teacher: The milk event impreed me with its harm on my son.The
12、harmful effect left terrible impreion on me.Where is harmle milk? Encouragement is what I need to face it.Well, this event is really impreive. 设计说明:以一句评价的话-母亲的忧虑为切入点,引出中学阶段运用频率很高的词汇学习和积累法-词缀法,包括通过前后缀的改变,变更词性和词义;并通过话题的深化“一个乳制品生产者的许诺“ ,设计练习加以强调和巩固。 Skill 5: idioms 1.Expre the concern for the affected
13、kids in the “Sanlu” event containing an idiom about “foot”. 2.Tell a story in which idioms about “foot” were used.3.Help the students match the Chinese version with the appearing English ones.T: I hope the affected kids will soon “be back on their feet.” Teacher: Practice makes perfect and also idio
14、m will also help. 设计说明: 1.围绕主题,以母亲的角度给出评价句子,引起学生对事务的思索,自然地过渡到习语学习法。 2.一则短小精炼的故事,编入一组有关“foot” 的习语,使简洁的习语方法生动生活化,引起对方法的关注;探讨和揣测又为理解和运用做好打算。 Skill 6: Eay appreciation 1.Present an eay to the students audiovisual for appreciation.2.Emphases new words and phrases contained. Teacher: During the event, my
15、worry about the milk safety never stopped.My best friend comes and comforts me showing her great concern for me.She is always so kind and caring to me.Holding this kind of friendship is really a good fortune and bleing in my life. 设计说明: 1.一篇美丽的散文,学生在观赏过程中体会到语言的美丽。 2.说明出现的生词和词组,归纳最终一种方法-阅读法。引导学生优化手头的
16、阅读材料,运用精读或泛读积累词汇。 Step III.Summary 1.Students recall all the skills displayed in the proce and make a summary.2.Write down the skills on the blackboard. Step V.Aignment Teacher has some exercise delivered to the students to discu and finish after cla. 八,课后反思: 1.此次探讨课笔者贯穿了一个提纲挈领的中心线索,即以话题为中心, “关注食品平安
17、,创建和谐社会”为主线,围绕“三鹿毒奶出现婴幼儿身心受害 医生救死扶伤母亲诚惶诚恐-乳品生产者慎重许诺-孩子复原健康”的连贯思路的细心创设,为整堂课的教学互动供应了一个载体。一首动人的歌曲,要有一条美丽的主旋律。一堂有了教学主线的课,学生的留意力和思维活动就会集中和紧密。 2.新的中学英语课程标准程提倡任务型的教学模式。学生在老师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参加和合作等方式,实现任务的目标。此模式中的“任务”就是老师所设计的各项课堂活动。假如能使活动的中心内容来自生活,有肯定的真实性,活动者就乐于参加;细心组织的课堂活动就会摆脱松散,连贯地达到预期的教学目标。虽然学生的基础较弱,但是这堂课
18、气氛很活跃,学生表现出很高的热忱和主动性;学生们的发言和表演展示了学生们的闪光点。笔者认为,合理把握课堂活动的难度,难易结合,让不同层次的学生都得到机会是授课前应当仔细思索的问题。有参加和展示自己的机会,没有任何一个学生甘愿把自己置身事外。有梯度的改变的活动,将课堂“还”给了学生,也体现了“以学生为主体”的教学理念。 3学生的学问学习的过程是一个老师引领下的自我思索和探究的过程。老师应当更多地思索:怎样培育中学阶段的自学实力即获得和处理信息、分析和解决问题的实力。对于英语,重在提高语言表达和运用实力;为将来发展和终身学习奠定良好基础。笔者认为仅凭一堂课不行能解决问题,但可以启发并激励学生主动尝
19、试与发觉。“授人以鱼,不如授人以渔”,自我思索和探究的学习习惯才让学生终生受益。这一学习模式也最大地体现课改对英语教学的目的:使学生具有终身学习所必备的英语语言基础学问,基本技能和肯定的自主学习的愿望和实力。这共同的语言实力基础应成为一般中学教化为每个学生将来发展所创设的平台和机会。 参考文献: 1 王笃勤2002.英语教学策略论。 M.北京: 外语教学与探讨出版社 2 束定芳 2003 外语教学改革:问题与对策 (FLT in China: Problems and suggested solutions) 上海外语教化出版社 3李志欣 .新课程背景下的中学英语词汇教学方法 J.中小学外语教
20、学2007年第12期 4 张文武 浅谈创设英语课堂“教学主线”,组织有效的小组学习互动 奉化市锦中学 315500 5 谢家成 中学英语教材词汇语料库调查 J.中小学外语教学2008年第1期 6中学英语新课程标准 附:教材内容 Step I leadin Lead-in tongue twister: I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I wont wish the wish you wish to wish.More practices: How many
21、cookies could a good cook cook? If a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies. Step II Whileteaching Skill 2: Meaninggueing Examples and exercises: 1.Their friends laughed at them,and my sisters felt wretched, very unhappy 2.During of
22、fice hours he looked very tense, but on weekends he was quite relaxed.3.She wanted boiled beans for her appetizer, the first course of a meal.Practices: 4.Jack looked dazed-shocked, as if someone had told him bad news.5.The old has weak eyesight, so he put on man put on his spectacles and began to r
23、ead.6.The government promises to give earthquake victims the neceities in life - housing, health facilities, and job opportunities. Skill 3: Trunks 1.trunks: day and night back and forth rain and wind iron and steal hale and hearty young and old 2.paage Seeing the children in aches and pains, the do
24、ctors work day and night to help them.They repeatedly went back and forth to living area to investigate and visit the sick kids despite rain and wind and their footsteps cover those places far and near.Not made of iron and steel, they often feel tired, however, on and off their finding make the trut
25、h clear to the public.Thanks to their hard work, the affected children became hale and hearty as before and enjoyed their free and easy life.People young and old are greatly thankful. Skill 4: affix suggested words: uncertain unable unacceptable unattractive Mothers worries: Completely shocked, I fe
26、el unsettled.Although the related departments have made investigation, their explanation is still .Now Im confused and about which brand (品牌) of milk to choose for my kid.The advertisements are .and .to persuade us to pay for them.Teacher: The milk event impreed me with its harm on my son.The harmfu
27、l effect left terrible impreion on me.Where is harmle milk? Encouragement is what I need to face it.Well, this event is really impreive. Skill 5: idioms T gives a short story containing some idioms about “foot” and Ss read and gue the meaning.Story: Sam is a quiet boy.He never speaks a single word i
28、n English, but one day he got a foot in the door.He told me he will compete in the English speech contest.But when the day came, he got cold feet and let the chance slip for a lack of confidence of speaking English before a large audience.Finally, after my encouragement he took part in it.I suggeste
29、d he practice repeatedly before the competition, which helped to put his best foot forward to the jury.We often feel afraid to speak with a native speaker.But thats the best way to learn: when you meet an American, try a few words-jump in and get your feet wet. Skill 6: Eay appreciation Eay: The onl
30、y rose without thorns in the world is friendship.A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave and impoible to forget.One friend in a lifetime is much, two are many, three are hardly impoible.Fate chooses our relati
31、ves; we choose our friends.Strive to make friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island.To find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune; to keep him is a bleing. Step III Summary Step IV Aignment 中学英语教学案例分析 词汇(优秀) 中学英语教学案例 中学英语教学案例 中学英语词汇教学案例 中学英语写作教学案例分析 中学英语教学案例分析 高二报刊阅读 一个中学英语教学案例 中学英语写作教学案例分析材料 中学英语语法教学案例分析 中学英语教学反思案例 本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第15页 共15页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页