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1、山东导游考试英语导游词(4)三仙山 三仙山景区坐落在蓬莱市北端,与长山列岛隔海相望,景区内有奇石20多万吨,古树3000多棵,是国家5A级景区。 首先我们看到的是三和大殿,包括和气殿,和合殿,和顺殿。正殿和气殿中有一团和气图。 三仙山指蓬莱、方丈、瀛洲三座仙山。 蓬莱仙岛以蓬莱仙境图为蓝本建成,共六层,里面供奉着“慈航道人”、千手观音、张道陵、王重阳、麻姑、西王母和玉皇大帝。 方丈山主要呈现儒、释、道三教合一的思想。第一组大成殿供奉孔子,呈现儒家文化,其次组供奉三清,呈现道教文化,第三组大雄宝殿,供奉释迦牟尼。山中有飞阁复道,堪称中国最早的高架桥。 瀛洲仙境主要呈现儒家文化。其展示的一套编钟,
2、其音阶结构与现今国际上通用的C大调、七声音阶属于同一音律。 卧佛殿里供奉的是镇园之宝世界上最大的水白玉冰种释迦牟尼卧佛,由一整块水白玉精雕而成,重108吨,长12.86米,整座佛像晶莹剔透,秀相宜24k金,3000多颗红蓝宝石、翡翠。 十一面观音由缅甸自然水白玉制成,重260吨,高11米,全身共镶嵌各种宝石11990颗。 与三仙山遥相对应的是八仙过海景区。 八仙过海景区坐落在蓬莱城北,与丹崖山隔海相望。整个景区呈宝葫芦状横卧在海上,三面环海,一面连陆。景区紧密联系道教文化和蓬莱仙境神话,以八仙传闻为主题,拥有我国目前最大的海上奇石林,最长的海上长廊,最高的海上楼阁。 第一道牌坊正面的 “八仙过
3、海口”和背面的“人间仙境”都是苏轼的墨宝。 其次道牌坊上的“云外仙都”四个大字是大书法家米芾所题,背面“得道成仙”四个大字是大书法家黄庭坚所题。 仙源楼上的“仙源”二字是唐太宗李世民所题.门两旁的楹联是欧阳中石先生游此地时有感所题. 望瀛楼,匾额上的“望瀛楼”三个字是当代书坛泰斗启功先生所题。楼中有一段古木是山枣古木,树龄1700多年,当属山枣之王。楼中还有衣服群仙祝寿图呈现的是群仙给王母娘娘祝寿实行蟠桃盛会的场景,由1888块翡翠、象牙、玉石精嵌而成。 八仙祠:眼前这座建筑便是八仙祠。匾额是由当代闻名书法家刘炳森先生题写的。八仙祠正中供奉着漂洋过海的八仙. 环海长廊是长达1000米的环海长廊
4、,共设有九座亭子,八位神仙到此各据一亭,正中间的亭子叫“颐心亭。 拜仙坛位于景区最北端。当年秦皇汉武到东海访仙,求长生不老药,特地设坛,并实行盛大的拜仙仪式。 会仙阁:我们眼前的这座高达42米气概磅礴的古建筑就是会仙阁。会仙阁的意思是众仙相聚、会合仙宾,也是凡人与神仙会面的地方。匾额和楹联“是由欧阳中石先生题写. San Xian Shan is located in the northern end of the city of Penglai,than 200 thousand tons of special rocks, and 3000 old trees.It is the nati
5、onal 5A scenic spot.First thing we can see the Three Hall, including the Heqi Hall, Hehe Hall and Heshun Hall.There is a picture “Yi Tuan He Qi”, which means keeping on good terms, in the main Hall. San Xian Shan refers to three fairy mountains, Penglai, Wangzhang and Yingzhou. The Penglai mountain
6、is modeled on Penglai fairyland map, divided into six floors, which is dedicated to the Taoist Chi Hong , Avalokitesvara , Zhang DaoLing , Wang Chongyang , Magu , the Queen Mother of the West and the Jade Emperor .The Fangzhang mountain mainly shows the united thoughts of Confucianism, Buddhism and
7、Taoism.The first group, Dacheng Hall, is dedicated to Confucius , showing Confucian culture.The second group is dedicated to Sanqing, showing the Taoism culture.The third group of the Main Hall, Grand Hal, is dedicated to the Buddha.The Ying Chou Wonderland major shows Confucian culture.There is a s
8、et of bells, the musical scale structure of which belongs to the same rhythm of modern C major.Reclining Buddha Hall is dedicated to the town park treasure - the worlds largest Sakyamuni Buddha with ice- water species of white jade, carved from a single piece of white water jade, 108 tons and 12.86
9、meters long, decorated by 24k gold and more than 3,000 pieces of red sapphire, emerald .The 11-side Avalokitesvara is made of Burmese natural water jade, 260 tons and 11meters high, decorated by 11990 pieces of precious stones.The scenic spot further corresponding to San Xian Shan is Ba Xian Guo Hai
10、, eight immortals croing the sea.The whole area is like magic gourd lying on the sea, three sides surrounded by the sea and one side connecting the land.Taoist culture and scenic closely Penglai fairyland myth, the legend to the theme of the Eight Immortals , has Chinas largest offshore rocks forest
11、 , the longest sea promenade, the highest maritime pavilion . The words “Ba Xian Guo Hai Kou” and “Ren Jian Xian Jing” on the front and back of the first memorial arch are inscribed by Su Shi. The words “Yun Wai Xian Du” on the second memorial arch is inscribed by the great calligrapher Mifu.The wor
12、ds “Ren Jian Xian Jing” on the back is inscribed by the great calligrapher Huang Tingjian. The two words “Xian Yuan” on Xian Yuan Pavilion Xianyuan is inscribed by Li Shimin, the Emperor Ti Zong of the Dang Dynasty.The couplets beside the door is inscribed by Mr.Ou Yang Zhoushi. The plaque of Wang Y
13、ing Pavilion is written by the contemporary calligraphy master Mr.Qi Gong.There is a 1700-year old ancient tree of jujube, which is doubtly the king of jujube.And there is a picture of Qun Xian Zhu Shou Tu, which shows the Queen Mother entertaining the immortals fot her birthday of and holding the G
14、rand Feast of Peaches.The picture is composed of 1888 pieces of emeralds , ivories and jades. Ba Xian Temple is dedicated to the eight immortals croing the sea.The plaque is inscribed by contemporary calligrapher Liu BingSen. Bai Xian Altar is located in the northern end of scenic spot.Thousands yea
15、rs ago, when the Emperor Shi Huang of Qin and the Emperor Wu Di of Han sailed to the east, seeking immortality of life, they specially set up the altar to hold a grand ceremony worshiping the immortals. 山东导游考试英语导游词(4)三仙山 三仙山导游词 山东导游考试英语导游词刘公岛英文导游词 山东导游考试英语导游词山东蒙山景点导游词 万仙山导游词 山东导游考试英语导游词(5)台儿庄 山东导游考试英语导游词(11)崂山 山东导游考试英语导游词(9)五四广场 新乡万仙山的导游词 万仙山景区导游词 本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第7页 共7页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页