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1、级新生开学典礼双语讲话稿与级新生开学典礼致辞 2022级新生开学典礼双语讲话稿 dear freshmen, ladies and gentlemen: good afternoon! its a big ceremony for our school today: its joyous and memorable, for you, the new students, young and fresh, have e to join us.the constant leave and arrival of students verify the unique vitality of the u
2、niversity.here on behalf of our school- school of international studies, i extend our warm wele and expre our gratitude to all the freshmen, no matter whether you willingly or reluctantly chose to e to our school, to bee members of our big family. you may have aumed that the university is the place
3、where you are to be prepared for your future career, just as james duderstadt, profeor, educator and former president of michigan university claims: one of the universitys aims is to equip the students with knowledge and ration, in order to make them fine citizens and enable them to have a meaningfu
4、l life.true, the university does that thing.but more important, as mr liang qichao explained, what an university really does is to have students “learn to be a man”, that is , to be “a knowledgeable man free from perplexity, a benevolent man free from worry, a courageous man free from fear” .to him,
5、 all the disciplines and knowledge the university provides for you are “just means for the makings of man, but not the end in themselves”.then, a question may be asked: how to be a man free from perplexity, worry and fear, a man useful for human kind, the country and your family? in chinese culture,
6、 the traditional value has it: aspiration makes a man.my first word of advice to you, therefore, is asperation.wang yangming, a chinese scholar of ming dynasty, believes : “without aspiration, one can reach no where.” mr.yang changji, teacher of mao zedong, told mao and his clamates: “ones final ach
7、ievements depend largely on his aspiration.aimle, a born-talent will end up a mediocrity; aspirated, a mon person can turn into a great man.” all of us have witneed their final acplishments.young learners as we are now, we should also set up great aspiration for our life , as early as poible, for am
8、bition can guide us forward toward our goal despite any obstacles, distractions and difficulties, so that we can make best use of university stay time, during which we are supposed to be most vigorous in vitality, thirsty for knowledge, powerful in creativity, and flexible in character shaping, to e
9、nrich ourselves by reading as much as poible, to achieve “great knowledge”, and form “great vision”, so as to lay a sound foundation for our future career.yu guangzhong , well-known chinese poet, believes: “aspiration makes a man outstanding”, which was proved by mr.ma yun who once told the students
10、 of qinghua university when he was making a speech there: congratulations to you, for you were taken in by a very good university in china-only second to hangzhou teachers college.ma set up his ambition when he was a student at hangzhou teachers college, and finally rose to bee one of the most succe
11、ful businemen in the country.this proves a fact: succe belittles ones background.now, as students of sis, we might as well cherish such lofty conviction: “we are mere students of foreign languages today, we are certain to bring honour to our alma mater someday.” the actualization of aspiration calls
12、 for perseverance which is my second word of advice for you.benjamin franklin wrote: “i have never seen a man who is up early in the morning, hard-working, prudent and honest plains that the fate is unfair for him.the one who has fine characters, good habits, and strong will-power can never be defea
13、ted by such thing known as fate.” again, ma yun met his failure 16 years ago at new york, but he did not give up his effort, and 15 years later in XX, he brought the biggest transaction of ipo to new york stock market ever in its history.perseverance is the driving force for the realization of ones
14、expectation.confronted by todays materialistic trends and temptations of all kinds, the more determined one is with his aim, the more likely he is to be succeful.perseverance means constant effort, which finds no substitute.succe of any sort can be obtained only through hard work, just as nietzsche
15、put it: “if there is really a miracle in the world, it is only another name for exertion.” ones patience can predetermine his pursuit level: he who expects immediate return of his every effort can only be suitable for hourly worker.perseverance also means some abandons: to give up those things or do
16、ings that hinder the achievement of ones goal.lets review the the teaching of makarenko, famous educator of soviet union: “strong will does not necearily mean the ability to acquire what one desires.it also means the ability to force oneself to give up something when neceary.” we may ask ourselves,
17、therefore, whether such bad habits of procrastination, idlene and undue hedonism, monly seen among youngsters today, have been corrupting our will and forming obstructions to the realization of our aspiration? motse says “aspiration is mobilized by action”, which means aspiration will be effective o
18、nly if it is put into practice, thus leading up to my third word of advice: action.the four years of college life is merely a flick meanwhile time flies.modern society is petitive in nature, and that the state of inertia is terrible enough, but what is more terrible is the fact that other peers who
19、are equally excellent or ever more excellent are taking action, quicker than you.by action, we mean we should begin acting at the right place, in other words, “do right things in a right way”.you should set the correct goal as early as poible, and work out your learning schedule by first leaving out
20、 those peripheral, unworthy things in order that you make best use of every minute of your college time.you should not idle away all your time in phone games, weibo, wechat, and qq.your action plan for four years must be framed with the guide of your mentors, the earlier the better, with every move
21、logically and rationally scheduled, the principle being “specific time for specific use”, to achieve the best result of action. thus es to the conclusion: aspiration makes a man aim high, perseverance makes a man stand out excellent, and action makes a man push forward. girls and boys, a university
22、is a place where knowledge and thoughts converge and are distilled, a magnificent stage where you learn to demonstrate your value in life.the faculty of sis will be your dedicated panion all the way to your destination, going all out to help you in your pursuit of “unity in diversity in languages an
23、d cultures, excellence for learning, career and life”.we sincerely hope you will be able to release your dream here, and make your adolescence a pletely worthy stay with us in four years time. thank you! 敬爱的同学们,挚友们: 下午好!今日是我们学院令人兴奋而难忘的重要日子。我们迎来了又一批年轻而富有朝气的年轻学子。高校就是就是在这样迎来送往的更迭中,彰显着自己活力。在此,我代表xx文理学院外
24、国语学院全体教职员工,表达对你们的热情欢迎,并感谢你们选择了,无论是志愿的还是牵强的,来到我们学院成为我们这个大家庭中的一员。 你们肯定认为,高校就是培育你们为今后的生涯做好打算之地。 正如美国密西根高校前校长,教化家杜德斯达所说,高校的一个目的,“就是用学问和理性来武装学生,使其成为良好的公民并过上有意义的生活。”的确如此。不过它的确还有更重要的功能。梁启超说过,上高校最重要的目的是“为了学做人”,学习成长为“知者不惑,仁者不忧,勇者不惧的人”。高校里全部学科的学习,学问的吸取,都只不过是“做人所须要的手段,不能说专靠这些就能达到做人的目的”。他认为,高校这几年,就能确定“你成不成人”。那么
25、如何成为一个不惑、不忧、不惧,对社会、国家及家庭都有用的人呢? 中国传统文化的价值观是:欲做人,先立志。所以,我要给大家的 年轻学子而言,也需早立高远志向,因为它可以引导我们无论身处何处,都会解除干扰,克服困难,在我们生命力最旺盛、求知欲最剧烈、创建力最勃发又最具可塑性的高校时间,博览群书,追求“高校问”,练就“大视野”,为最终实现自己的人生志向打下坚实的基础。余光中说:“志向会使人出众”,马云用自己的行为生动地诠释了这句话。他在清华高校讲演时对那里的学生说:庆贺你们考进了一所仅次于杭州师范学院的好高校。马云立志于杭州师范学院,最终成为全国商界翘楚,可谓有志者,胜利不为出处所困。我们今做外语学
26、院学子,是否也具有“今为文理外语人,他日载誉报母校”的豪情? 有了志向,还须坚守。所以我给大家的 2022级新生开学典礼致辞 老师们、同学们: 大家好,在这秋高气爽的美妙季节,xx职业技术学院机械与电子信息工程系又迎来了XX届的各位中专新同学的到来,我代表全体学生及学生干部对你们的到来表示热情的欢迎!说实话.我对你们的到来有着不一样的亲切,因为在3年前我跟你们一样是从中专升入我院的,所以看到你们仿佛看到了3年前的自己,我希望你们能够坚持!在这里我把我在校3年的生活学习阅历与大家沟通.希望能对你们有所帮助! 今日的你们生逢盛世、风华正茂,我希望你们能够充分领悟我校“淳德、力行”重专业强实践!“团
27、结、进取、勤奋、求实”校风之内核,“自信、独立、自强”,树立远大志向,励志成才,把自己打造为德才兼备、全面发展的有用之才。 生活是美妙的,美妙的生活要靠自己去创建。过去,家庭对你们的生活赐予了无微不至的关切和照看,一切都不用自己操劳。现在,生活要靠你们自己料理,因此,你们要培育独立生活的实力,这是一个熬炼。一方面,要学会自己料理自己,支配好衣食起居。一方面,要加强体育熬炼,使自己拥有一个强健的体魄。高校阶段是一个长大成熟的过程,不仅要学会学习,学会生活,更重要的是要学会做人。每一位同学都应当争取做一个诚恳、和善,遵纪遵守法律的人,做一个光明正大,胸襟宽广的人,做一个仔细负责,脚踏实地的人,做一
28、个与人为善、乐于助人的人,做一个朝气蓬勃、酷爱生活的人,做一个吃苦耐劳、勇于进取的人,做一个孝敬父母、敬重师长的人,做一个自主、自强、自尊、自爱的人。 学习是一种看法、一种理念、一种生活方式、一种思维习惯;它博大精深、历久弥新。同学们在学习和驾驭本专业学问和技能的同时,应当博览群书,广泛涉猎对专业起支撑作用的著作和读物,扩大自己的学问面。大、中专阶段的学习任务是繁重的,努力学习是国家、是社会、是父母、是老师对同学们的殷切希望,也是同学们将来立足社会的基本要求。中学阶段,同学们曾经起早贪黑,勤学苦读。进入大、中专阶段,仍旧不能放纵自己,丢失斗志,抛弃刻苦,迷失方向。因为大、中专只是一个新的起点,
29、人生的道路还很漫长,从学问型社会、终生学习的要求来讲,人生的道路有多长,学习的道路就有多远。俗话说,行为确定习惯,习惯确定性格,性格确定命运。好的学习习惯是终身的财宝,要把良好的学习行为渐渐变成习惯。学习要有目标、要有安排,目标是方向,安排是蓝图,根据安排踏踏实实去努力,胜利就会成为必定。学习要主动,要有效率。大中专的学习内容、学习形式与中学有很大的差异,同学们要尽快适应,要找到适合自己的学习方法。人生有限,学海无涯,因此学习还要有选择,讲效率,只有这样才能事半功倍。 级新生开学典礼双语讲话稿与级新生开学典礼致辞 级新生开学典礼致辞与级新生开学典礼讲话稿(院长) 级新生开学典礼双语讲话稿与级新生开学典礼讲话稿(院长) 级新生开学典礼讲话稿 级新生开学典礼致辞 级新生开学典礼致辞 级新生开学典礼致辞 级新生开学典礼讲话 级新生开学典礼 级新生开学典礼 本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第12页 共12页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页