
《2021年云南职称英语考试真题卷(8).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021年云南职称英语考试真题卷(8).docx(17页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、2021年云南职称英语考试真题卷(8)本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.These programmes are of Uimmense/U value to old people.AnaturalBfatalCtinyDenormous 2.I dont quite Ufollow/U what she is saying.AbelieveBunderstandCexplainDaccept 3.That player is Ueternally/U arguing with
2、 the referee.AdesperatelyBconstantlyCeventuallyDextensively 4.A great deal has been done to Uremedy/U the situation.AmaintainBimproveCassessDprotect 5.The river Uwidens/U considerably as it begins to turn west.AtwistsBstretchesCbroadensDbends 6.These are their Umotives/U for doing it.AreasonsBexcuse
3、sCanswersDplans 7.I enjoyed the play- it had a clever plot and very (funny) dialogues.AlongBboringCoriginalDhumorous 8.n the process, the light energy (converts) to heat energy.AchangesBreducesCleavesDdrops 9.Patricia stared at the other girls with (resentment).AangerBdoubtCloveDsurprise 10.The thie
4、f was finally (captured) two miles away from the village.AcaughtBkilledCfoundDjailed 11.uch a database would be extremely costly to (set up).AtransferBdestroyCestablishDupdate 12.If we leave now, we should (miss) the traffic.AdirectBstopCmixDavoid 13.Hes spent years (cultivating) a knowledge of art.
5、AsharingB usingCdenyingDdeveloping 14.The two banks have announced plans to (merge) nest year.AcombineBsellCcloseDbreak 15.Many cities have (restricted) smoking in public places.AlimitedBallowedCstoppedDkept 16.I want to provide my boys with a (decent) education.AgoodBspecialCprivateDgeneral 17.What
6、 are my chances of (promotion) if I stay here.AretirementBadvertisementCadvancementDreplacement 18.Weve seen a (marked) shift in our approach to the social issues.AclearBregularCquickD great 19.Her father was a quiet man with (graceful) manners.A politeBsimilarCusualDbad 20.There was a (profound) si
7、lence after is remark.AproudBshortCsuddenDdeep 21.The document was (compiled) by the Department of Health.AwrittenBprintedCattachedDsent 22.The high-speed trains can have a major Uimpact/U on travel preferences.AforceBinfluenceCsurpriseDpower 23.UUp to now/U, the work has been easy.ASoBSo longCSo th
8、atDSo far 24.UAccordingly/U, a number of other methods have been employed.AThereforeBAfterwardsCHoweverDFurthermore 25.The report Uadvocated/U setting up day training colleges.AsupposedBexcitedCsuggestedDdiscussed 26.The union representative Uput across/U her argument very effectively.AexplainedBinv
9、entedCconsideredDaccepted 27.The Uoutlook/U from the top of the mountain is breathtaking.AviewBsightClookDpoint 28.Even in a highly modernized country, Umanual/U work is still needed.AphysicalBmentalCnaturalDhard 29.The fuel tanks had a Ucapacity/U of 140 liters.AfunctionBabilityCpowerDvolume 30.In
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- 2021 云南 职称 英语考试 真题卷
