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1、holiholi day, pensiday, pensi on aon andnd health, cultural and creative exhealth, cultural and creative experience,perience, sportsport s healts healt h, farming, rural bed ah, farming, rural bed and brend bre akfasts in neakfasts in new formats. Three iw formats. Three is thes thebrand tbrand t o
2、create articles.o create articles.XX agriXX agri cultcult ural comural com parative advantage iparative advantage into full planto full play, especially the excly, especially the exclusive ausive a dvantagesdvantages of climate, mountains aof climate, mountains andnd sea resourcesea resource s, tos,
3、 to create a group of thecreate a group of thecity, the provicity, the provincence s calleds called XX seafood, snack foods aXX seafood, snack foods and safe agrind safe agricultcult ural products braural products brand characterind characteristics. Meanwhilstics. Meanwhil e, new ie, new i ndustry g
4、uindustry gui dance, support more farmers todance, support more farmers toparticipartici pate in entrepate in entrepreneurship,preneurship,promotipromoting large-scaleng large-scaleprojeproje cts such as bed and breakfasts, farm, seed breects such as bed and breakfasts, farm, seed breeding baseding
5、baseconstruction. Four iconstruction. Four is the mes the me chachanism innovation of the artnism innovation of the artcle. Deepecle. Deepe n agricultural reform, focusin agricultural reform, focusing on supporting foster prng on supporting foster professiofessi onal major, family farms, cooperative
6、s, enterprional major, family farms, cooperatives, enterprises ases a ndnd other new subjeother new subje cts of agricultural management, imprcts of agricultural management, improve agricultural prove agricultural productioducti on aon and operation of largend operation of large-scal-scal e, profess
7、ional level. Ae, professional level. Advance the reform of prdvance the reform of property right system ioperty right system in rural areas, tn rural areas, to pay specio pay speci al attention to land rights, imal attention to land rights, improve the functiprove the functionon of property rights t
8、radingof property rights tradingcenter tcenter t o oguide laguide la nd mand ma nagement to professional users, family farms, cooperatives, leanagement to professional users, family farms, cooperatives, leading eding e nterprinterpri ses ises i n circulation. Sn circulation. Spare no effort to prpar
9、e no effort to promote theomote the proviprovi ncence s Trinity farmer cooperative economy organizatis Trinity farmer cooperative economy organizationon system reform of Countysystem reform of County builbuil dingding, and actively ex, and actively explore tplore t he Trinityhe Trinity of productiof
10、 producti on, supply aon, supply a ndnd marketing, creditFarmer cooperative emarketing, creditFarmer cooperative ecoconomy organinomy organization system, realzation system, realorganicorganicaggregates up to all kiaggregates up to all kinds of businds of busi nessnessentities, clentities, closely l
11、iosely linked to tnked to t he all ahe all aspespects ofcts of productiproducti on aon and marketing. (B) to make the countryside mnd marketing. (B) to make the countryside more beaore bea utiful.utiful. PromotiPromoting theng theconstruction of neconstruction of new toww tow ns ans a ndnd newnew co
12、untrysicountrysi dede reactions togetreactions together, strengtheniher, strengthening theng theconstruction of rural econstruction of rural ecoco-envir-envir onmeonme nt, create tnt, create the behe beautifulautiful countrysicountrysi de constructide constructionon upgrades, makingupgrades, making
13、rural areas m rural areas more livablore livable, suitable for ie, suitable for industry, and travel. A focusndustry, and travel. A focuson ron r ural envirural environment imonment im provement. As far as the rural, tprovement. As far as the rural, the mosthe most basibasi c is to make the ec is to
14、 make the environmenvironment cleant clea n and orn and or derly. Polderly. Pollution to extelution to extensively mobilize the massesnsively mobilize the massesconticonti nue tonue tocarry water,carry water, clear rivers,clear rivers,down vidown violations, treatmentolations, treatmentof bleaof ble
15、a chichi ng, such as wang, such as wa ste reduction,ste reduction,flowering tree big six, vigorouslyflowering tree big six, vigorouslycarry out wacarry out wa ste reduction, resource recoverste reduction, resource recovery, impry, impr ove the clove the cleanieaning mechanism, eng mechanism, e nhanh
16、ance the levelnce the level of meticulous management of the villof meticulous management of the village. Second, we mustage. Second, we must pay spepay spe cial attenticial attention to ton to t he beahe beautiful resiutiful residentialdential builbuil ding. Adhere to the plding. Adhere to the plann
17、ing ahead,anning ahead,becabecause villuse vill ge system, combige system, combi nation classification implemenation classification implementation, demolitintation, demolition, alteration simultaneon, alteration simultaneously poliously policy, vigcy, vigorously implement torously implement t he fiv
18、e hundred behe five hundred beautiful countryside construction, activeautiful countryside construction, actively promote bely promote be autifulautiful house pilhouse pil ot expansion. Around 104 national road,ot expansion. Around 104 national road,Ling RoaLing Roa d, longjindadad, longjindadao, sea
19、 ro, sea road, Juoad, Ju XI Liao road to catch tXI Liao road to catch the five sideshe five sidesof the main roaof the main roads ids i n about 200 vin about 200 villages, beautifulllages, beautifulcountrysicountrysi de features boutide features boutique villque village created, good job on plaage c
20、reated, good job on planninning, envirng, envir onmentalonmental protectiprotecti on,on,cultcult ural heritage, iural heritage, industrial development, crafting lindustrial development, crafting lines tones tocreate the beautiful rcreate the beautiful rural sceural sce nernery, boutique villagey, bo
21、utique villagebreedbreed characteristics. No matter whichcharacteristics. No matter which摘要: 在市场竞争愈加激烈的今天,核心员工的流失已成为目前大部分国有企业的突出问题,同样也将企业可能面临的严峻挑战,这足以引发我们对核心员工管理及激励的关注。关键词: 核心员工激励有效措施一、企业核心员工界定及一般特点核心员工是指能够帮助企业实现公司战略目标和保持、提高公司的竞争优势,或能够直接帮助主管提高管理业务能力、经营能力和抵御企业管理风险能力的员工。 一般来讲, 企业 80% 以上的价值和利润是由最核心的 20
22、% 员工创造的, 这些员工是企业核心能力的根本来源, 是企业发展壮大和获得持续竞争优势的动力。从企业创造价值的来源来讲,核心员工大致可分为三类。第一类,具有专业技能的员工。第二类,具有广泛外部关系的员工。第三类,具有管理技能的员工。对比企业内的普通员工,核心员工具有比较鲜明的群体特征。1. 流动性高。从外部动因来讲,核心员工是企业间争夺的对象;从内部动因来讲,核心员工希望企业可以为他们创造更加宽松、自由的工作环境。2. 乐于学习,勇于创新。核心员工所面对的环境通常都是多变的,不确定和具有挑战性的,工作内容和模式不可以简单复制,这使他们养成乐于学习、勇于创新的习惯。3. 独立性强,工作自主性高。
23、核心员工对企业的依赖性较小。在工作态度上,他们较为自觉主动;在工作方式上,通常较有主见和看法,不容易被他人和传统的做法所左右。4. 高自我价值实现。与普通员工相比,核心员工往往对事业有着更执着的追求,喜欢把挑战性的工作视为一种乐趣。他们更多的追求来自工作本身的满足感和成就感,并强烈期望得到社会的承认与尊重。二、激励及激励理论激励是指通过高水平的努力实现组织目标的意愿,而这种努力以能满足个体的某些需求为条件。关键因素是努力、组织目标和需要。实际上激励过程就是一个满足需要的过程。激励理论根据激励的角度不同,可分为两类,一类是内容型激励理论,包括需要层次理论,激励保健理论等;另一类是过程型激励理论,
24、包括期望理论和公平理论等。1. 需要层次理论马斯洛需要层次理论提出 5 个需求层次:生理需要、安全需要、社会需要、尊重需要和自我实现需要。他认为,当人在一种需求得到满足后, 下一种需要就会成为主导需要。因此,企业如果想有效激励核心员工,就必须首先了解核心员工的需求层次,然后才能采取不同方法满足员工需要,充分调动员工积极性。2. 激励保健理论赫茨伯格认为满意的对立面是不满意,消除工作中的不满意因素并不必然带来工作满意。因此管理者消除不满意因素,可能会达到安抚员工的效果,但却不一定能有激励作用。因此,要激励员工努力提高绩效,就必须改善激励因素。3. 期望理论美国耶鲁大学教授维克多弗隆姆认为, 一种
25、行为倾向的强度取决于个体对这种行为可能带来的结果的期望强度以及这种结果对行为者的吸引力。当员工认为努力会带来良好的绩效评价时,他就会受到激励,进而付出更加的努力。三、建立核心员工有效激励的措施美国经济学家舒尔茨曾估算而人力投资增加3.5倍,利润将增加 17.5倍。当今公司对核心员工进行激励时要考虑他们的个性和心理预期,针对不同的情况,采取不同的激励办法,只有这样才能激发他们的主动性和创造性,从而产生更大的生产力。笔者认为激励包括“薪酬激励、氛围s longs long as theyas theycaugcaught up peaht up pea ch Lake ach Lake a nd
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