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1、2020雅思口语话题题库范文大全(part2)2020雅思口语话题题库范文1 题目: Describe an experience that you visited a friend You should say: Who you visited What you did Why you visited him or her And how you felt about it 范文: 去年秋天,我探望了好挚友Iris。她的父亲在我家旁边开了一家四川餐馆,旁边只此一家,因此大家期盼 不已。当时正值开业前夕,我买了一束象征“蒸蒸而上”的向日葵送给餐馆,祝生意兴隆。我和Iris一边聊 天一边帮着摆放
2、桌椅和放置装饰品。我们分工明确,工作进度很快。我很快乐,因为和Iris一起劳碌的这天 让我想起,以前我家搬家的时候Iris也来帮我父母一起打扫了屋子。没想到,一转瞬我们已经长大。 Last summer I paid a visit to my friend, Iris. Her father was opening a new Sichuan cuisinerestaurant in the neighborhood. It is a Chinese tradition that the friends who are in any wayconnected to the owner of
3、the restaurant are obliged to wish congratulations in person at theopening ceremony. Therefore, I prepared a bunch of sunflowers, which stand for prosperity in theChinese culture, hoping that Iris dad makes a good fortune through the booming business.However, I arrived, while the tables and chairs w
4、ere not yet laid, and decorations were not done.Iris exhausted face suddenly turned radiant the moment she saw me. It was the first time I wasseeing her since we had separated half a year ago. Like any two friends meeting up after a while,we wished to have more time to chat. However, we were urged t
5、o be chop-chop, because thosetables, chairs and flowers were waiting for a place to stay. We made use of every possibility totalk. “See how beautifully I arranged the roses!” “Dont you think that chair matches better withthis table?” or something like that. The hustle and bustle in the restaurant re
6、minded me of the far?away days we had spent decorating my small room, bickering and self-pleased over the layout ofthe furniture. How time flies. In the blink of an eye we have grown up and come to the age ofnostalgia. Im sure those days will live in my memory forever. 2020雅思口语话题题库范文2 题目: Describe a
7、 time you were sleepy but had to stay awake You should say: When it happened Why you were sleepy Why you had to stay awake And how you stayed awake 范文: 我记得在中学的时候,我为了期末考试复习熬夜到很晚。那天我上了好多课,回到宿舍已经是晚上八到九点,我觉得又累又困,特殊想要躺床上好好休息一下。可是,我其次天还有数学考试,我的数学成果始终 不太好,我很胆怯在班上落后甚至是挂科。于是,我拿出书和上课做的笔记,复习概念、公式和练习题。 其实,我觉得数学
8、困难又无聊,为了不在复习时睡着,我喝了好几杯咖啡,拿着书在宿舍里走来走去。此外,遇到我不会的问题时,我向我的室友求助,突然间我发觉,当我们一起探讨解决方法时,就不会觉得很困了。 I remember when I was in high school, I once burned the midnight oil to prepare for my final exam.I had many classes that day, so it was already eight or nine p. m. when I got back to my dormroom宿舍. That had mad
9、e me extremely极其 tired and sleepy. I really felt like having a good rest inbed. But I couldnt! Because I had a maths exam the next day. I didnt perform well表现不好 inmath classes, so I was afraid of falling behind 落 or even failing the exam挂科. In order to do agood job为了表现精彩 in the coming exam, I took o
10、ut my math book and the notes I took in classand then I began to review all the important concepts概念, formulas公式 and exercises. Actually, Ifind it very tedious to我觉得很无聊 review the complex math problems and I almost fell asleepseveral times. To stay awake, I drank cups of coffee and walked around the
11、 dorm room with thebook in my hands. Plus, when I came across遇到 some questions I couldnt work out解决, I turnedto my roommate for help. Suddenly, I realized that when we were discussing the solution together,we both wouldnt feel so sleepy. That really helped me a lot and I got a good grade on the exam
12、.Thats all. Thank you. 2020雅思口语话题题库范文3 题目: Describe a free day when you did not need to study or work You should say: When it was What you did Who you were with And how you felt about it 范文: 夏天的时候因为台风影响下暴雨,结果意外放了一天假。于是就和室友在宿舍里玩新买的刷卡式大富翁, 不亦乐乎。三餐都是点外卖,虽然玩得很快乐但是也很心疼外卖小哥。 Just this summer, we had this
13、typhoon(台风) problem, which led to continuous rains. I mean it waslike, it rained whole day, every day, throughout the month. Then there was this Wednesday, I guess,when the rain just poured down, like a waterfall, and everywhere was flooded, we learnt from ourmentor that we got an unexpected day off
14、. Since going out wasnt really an option, my flatmatesand I just decided to play Monopoly(大富翁) in our dormitory. Believe it or not, these days you donteven need to hold your token money when playing Monopoly, cuz it is actually equipped with aPOS machine(POS机), and everybody has a toy bank card that
15、 can be read by it. Imagine that! Soof course, we had so much fun. The problem was, it rained so hard, to the point that even if youwant to go to the canteen(食堂), which we can actually see through the dorm window, youdprobably need to swim there. At first, we decided that whoever lost the game would
16、 have to buyfood and drinks for everyone. Then, although Lucy accepted her loss and prepared to go, we allthought it was too dangerous. So we had all our meals that day through online orderingapplications, like, you know, you can just place your order(下单) and they will deliver very soon toyour doors
17、tep(很快送货上门). We all had a marvellous day, yes, in the meanwhile, though, we all feltbad for those poor delivery guys, who had to travel in that kind of weather. 2020雅思口语话题题库范文4 题目: Describe an experience that you got bored when you were with others You should say: When it was Who you were with What
18、you did And explain why you were bored 范文: 在外地读书的表妹上周回来探亲,我带她去吃甜点,结果她始终在玩手机。问她她说在和同学闲聊,后 来尽然玩起了手机嬉戏。我一个人没话找话,她也不怎么理我,特别无聊。 Last week, my cousin came back to visit us, you see, she goes to high school in another city, anddoesnt really come back a lot. She arrived on a Thursday, when my parents were p
19、retty busy, somy mum asked me to take her somewhere and welcome her on their behalf. Anyway, there was anewly-opened dim-sum(点心) shop that has become a sort of a local cewebrity(网红), and I justtook her there. I bought her some pancakes(班戟), and also some smoothies(奶昔), and tried tostart some convers
20、ations. You see, we didnt really grow up together, but since she came to visit, Idecided to get to know her, and probably give her some advice if possible. You know, I was justtrying to be nice. The problem was, she just cant stop looking at her mobile phone, even when Iwas talking to her, which, I
21、believe, was not very polite. At first, I thought she might have someurgent issues to attend to(须要处理的急事), and just carried on. Then after about half an hour,shes still doing that. So, I just asked her what she was doing, and she said she was talking to herclassmates. At that point, I was already not
22、 very pleased, but I still tried to change subjects,assuming that she wasnt interested in the previous ones I talked about(伴随状语结构). However,throughout the three hours in the shop, her eyes were on the screen all the time. She even playedsome phone games, which made me super awkward(尴尬) and bored. Th
23、en after a short while, Ijust had to take her home. 2020雅思口语话题题库范文5 题目: Describe a food made from the region you come from You should say: What it is Where you can get the food Who will buy the food And explain why people like the food 范文: 上海的小笼包在全中国都特别出名。你可以在几乎任何一家上海菜餐厅吃到上海小笼包。许多上海本地人,特殊是老一辈的人,都很喜爱
24、下班之后买一笼小笼包,回家与家人共享。小笼包的外形精致而有特色,味道鲜美,而且承载了很多上海人的记忆,所以始终特别受欢迎。所以,每次有外国的挚友来探望我的时 候,我都会带他们去家楼下的小笼包店,去品尝最正宗的上海味道,一起共享我与小笼包的美妙记忆和故事。 Whenever anyone talks about the most famous food in my hometown, Shanghai, I think ofXiaolongbao. Shanghai's Xiaolongbao is one of the most famous dishes in China. The
25、preparationprocess of Xiaolongbao is very delicate. Normally, the filling is made from pork leg, and the chefuses chicken soup and pork skin to make the meat jelly-like(猪腿肉为馅料,鸡汤,猪皮做成了肉冻).After steaming, the Xiaolongbao looks crystal clear(晶莹剔透). If you take a bite, you can taste theextremely delici
26、ous soup. The soup is what differentiates it from normal buns (Baozi). You can findShanghai Xiaolongbao at almost any Shanghai restaurant. My best recommendation are the localfood stands. When you come to Shanghai for the first time, I highly reccommend you visitNanxiang Xiaolongbao restaurant becau
27、se they have the most famous Xiaolongbao in the entirecountry. Many local Shanghainese, especially those of the older generation, like to buy Xiaolongbaotake-out and share it with their families after work. The Xiaolongbao not only has a beautiful anddistinctive look, but is also delicious, carrying
28、 the memories of many Shanghainese, so it hasalways been very popular. Everytime, I see Xiaolongbao, it reminds me of the good old timeswhen(提示我过去的美妙时间) my mother brought home a lot of snacks and dinner after work as wellas the warm-hearted family time. I will always take my foreign friends to the X
29、iaolongbao placenear my home to taste the original flavor of Shanghai(上海的原汁原味), and, to share my storiesand memories of Xiaolongbao. 2020雅思口语话题题库范文6 题目: Describe a situation when you celebrated your achievement You should say: What you did When you celebrated it Who you celebrated it with And how yo
30、u felt about it 范文: 上学期我完成了一个期末小组报告,我和我的组员花了两个月的时间,最终我们以优异的成果获得了年级总评第一。在报告发表日结束的当天晚上我和我的组员们就确定去庆祝一番。我们包了一个通宵的KTV包厢,又叫了许多烧烤炸鸡等许多外卖。唱累了就吃点东西,吃饱了接着唱,就这样持续了整个晚上。我很快乐,因为打算报告期间我们压力始终很大,这种努力过后可以看到的成果让我觉得很有成就感。 Well for this topic I would like to share how I celebrated after finishing my final group report
31、lastsemester. As this report was a significant fraction(确定性的部分) of our academic year GPA, myteam member and I went all out(倾尽全力) on this report. Starting from the initial data collection,we spent two months brainstorming, extending research orientation and setting up multi-angledata analytics. Event
32、ually, sure enough, “Hard work pays off.(付出得到回报)” We won the first?grade with excellent results. To celebrate our achievement, right after the presentation finished wemade a prompt decision to book an overnight KTV box, and of course, with skewers(烤物), friedchicken and beers ordered. Boys sat behind
33、 and swallowed the meat down(狼吞虎咽) while girlsjust grabbed a bite and started to sing. In a word, everyone was immersed in the rotation ofdrinking, eating and singing, which lasted all night. Although waves of drowsiness ran over andover(一阵阵的困意来袭), nobody left early and we all stayed out until all h
34、ours(撑到结束). I feltrelieved and thrilled at that moment. As you know, we were kept under great pressure during thepreparation process. Therefore, when the result turned good, it fulfilled my sense of achievementto a large extent. But on the other hand, to tell the truth, that nights singing was reall
35、y exhausting.I went into a trance(昏睡) throughout the afternoon the next day, I never want to do that again. 2020雅思口语话题题库范文7 题目: Describe an occasion that you borrowed something from friends or family You should say: What the thing was When you borrowed it Whom you borrowed it from What you did with
36、it And explain how this happened 范文: 去莫干山玩时,爬山时手机没电了,但是前1分钟正好看到妈妈发来微信,让我回个电话,我有点担忧妈妈有什么急事找我,于是我问小伙伴借了电话打给妈妈。妈妈说只是有点想我了,儿行千里母担忧,以 后出门肯定要刚好和父母联系。最好做好打算,带好移动电源。 Id like to talk about an occasion when I borrowed a mobile. Once I travelled to the Moganmountain with friends during the summer vacation. Mog
37、an mountain is situated in nearbyShangHai. It was convenient for us as we studied there. Before the trip, we bought the bus ticketsand booked the hotel online, and I scheduled(安排) our travel plan. We were well-prepared(做好打算). So after the final exam, my friends and I departed immediately. When we ar
38、rived at the bottomof the mountain, we were really excited as we all loved mountain-climbing(登山). We decided to goclimb the mountain. Halfway up the mountain, I found out that my phone ran out of charge(没电了)and it turned out that my mom called me a few times. I didnt think much about it and continue
39、dgoing up to the peak with my friends at the time. We were so tired that I almost forgot about thephone call from my mother until we came back and I saw my friend using her phone, whichreminded me of my mom. So I borrowed a phone from my friend and called my mom. She wasworried about me and got angr
40、y, I explained the situation to her and apologized for(致歉) mycarelessness. After this, I have learned that wherever we are, we should always think about ourfamily who really cares about us, and be grateful for it. 2020雅思口语话题题库范文8 题目: Describe an interesting conversation you had with a stranger You s
41、hould say: Who this person was What the conversation was about Why you had this conversation And how you felt about it 范文: 在机场候机,人比较多,一个外国老爷爷用中文问我旁边有没有人坐,我告知他没人之后他就坐了下来。我夸他中文说得好,然后我们就起先闲聊。一起先我们用英语聊,后来他提出让我帮他练习中文,我们就换成用中文闲聊。闲聊中知道他是一个语言学教授,这次是利用假期巡游中国,我还向他举荐了几个景点。原来觉得候机很无聊,没想到能和一个外国人用中文聊这么多,感觉很好玩。 Wel
42、l, this happened last year, about July, when I was flying home alone from my university. Youknow, airports can be really crowded at that time, cuz, well, plenty of students were flying home.So yeah, I just got all the issues dealt with and found myself a seat, waiting to get aboard. Thenthere came t
43、his gentle old papa, who was about. I guess, around sixty. And he was in a greyhunting jacket(猎装). He came to me and politely asked me if the seat next to me had been taken,in fluent Mandarin(一般话). That was a bit mind-blowing cuz he looked very much foreign to me. Ofcourse there was no one sitting t
44、here, and he got seated after getting my answer, and thanked me.We started talking in English, cuz. I dont know, I just supposed that it would be easier for him totalk in English. Then he suggested we can use Mandarin, and he actually wanted me to help himpractice. Through our conversation, I learnt
45、 that he is actually a professor of linguistics from theUS, and was taking a tour around China during his sabbatical(美国高校给老师的七年一次的假期). Irecommended several cities to him, like Chengdu and Guangzhou, well, for their food mainly, andculture. He actually put my advice down on his notebook, which was, y
46、ou know, quite surprising tome. The thing is, Ive never expected waiting in the departure lounge(动身大厅) can be so muchfun, you know, talking to an American in Mandarin, totally not what you can experience every day. 2020雅思口语话题题库范文9 题目: Describe the happiest day you had You should say: Where you were
47、Who you were with What you did And explain why you think it was the happiest day 范文: 最快乐的一天要数去年我妈妈的生日了。那天我们在家里给妈妈过生日。我们一家三口还邀请了小姨一 家。我和爸爸提前选购好了食材,亲自下厨为妈妈做了一桌拿手菜。妈妈在挚友圈写到:华蜜如此简洁。 能让妈妈华蜜就是我最大的欢乐,那一刻让我觉得很满意很华蜜。 When it comes to(说起) the happiest day, I can't help thinking about my mother's birthday last year.It was such a coincidence that(强调句) my mother's birthday fell exactly on Mother's Day. So myfather and I decided that we should do something extra special on this memorable(值得纪念的) day.Having come up with(提出) several ideas, we finally made up our mind t