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1、2021优秀留学英文申请书格式2021优秀留学英文申请书 Dear _, Graphic Design is always around us, and learning how to communicate in a visual manner has inspired me to learn more about the subject. The words create and design have always sparked a sense of enthusiasm and excitement within me. From an early age I have always
2、 had a creative characteristic which I feel is my most dominant. For many years I have enjoyed designing logos, packaging and coming up with creative campaign concepts. Since learning that Graphic Design is something that Im driven towards I have gained an interest and spectrum of knowledge about gr
3、aphic designers such as Milton Glaser, Herb Lubalin and Paul Rand. Their works have inspired me to develop my own skills and have given me an insight as to how to establish a creative mind-set. Working within the Communications and PR, Film and Graphic Design Departments at Imperial College whilst o
4、n work experience, I was able to explore different ways of communicating through social media, film and print design. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the Graphic Design team where I was able to see how various softwares were used to develop banners for the university fair. During my placement I le
5、arnt how fundamental research is and how it is conducted during the whole design process. After the placement I was more decisive about wanting to delve into the world of Graphic Design, hence I set about finding a work placement that solely focused on Graphic Design. My second placement was at Virg
6、in Media, where I worked with graphic designers and UX designers and was introduced to the field of digital design. I attended meetings where briefs were being discussed and was able to follow the journey of the graphic designers to witness how they went about delivering the brief; and helping desig
7、n assets for the website. The placement allowed me to comprehend what digital design consisted of and learn about the works of alternative designers such as UX designers. My enthusiasm for Graphic Design made me want to expand my knowledge, hence I took a Graphic Design course at Central Saint Marti
8、ns. The course was completely different to my professional work placements. The course prohibited the use of computers and all artefacts were formulated from research trips and materials; making me realise the extent of graphic design. The manner in which I worked was refreshing from constantly coll
9、aborating with software. After the course I was able to understand that there are various methods of communicating which do not involve software. In my free time I self-teach myself Photoshop and Illustrator through tutorials. I also enjoy self-initiating briefs for myself, as well as briefs set by
10、agencies such as DAD, RSA and YCN which provide me with a creative challenge. For example I have restyled street style for ASOS, which was a brief set by DAD. I also voluntarily design logos for businesses, go to contemporary galleries, the Barbican Centre, research trips for my creative briefs and
11、work on my briefs. I also look forward to the annual London Design Week, where I have become educated about designers and new design processes and am able to draw inspiration upon. I have volunteered helping teach 6-9 year olds at my community art club, which I attended for 3 years. I have achieved
12、the Bronze D of E, had a part time job for one year at a high end retail store and was part of my local netball club where I trained and competed. Completing these activities has enabled me develop a strong sense of co-operation, teamwork, good social skills and commitment which would greatly benefi
13、t me whilst studying a degree. I try to seek all possible opportunities to help me advance my skills in Graphic Design, and feel that having the opportunity to take my admiration of design to degree level would be extremely rewarding. Im self-motivated and eager to start devoting my time and attenti
14、on to Graphic Design, and am positive university will help me excel in what I like doing best. Im self-motivated and eager to start devoting my time and attention to Graphic Design, and am positive university will help me excel in what I like doing best Yours sincerely, 法国留学新生社交指南 一、参与活动 学校就会有特地的爱好班
15、和课外的活动,还会有社团不定期举办的联谊和活动,大家可以只有选择参与,在这里有更大的几率,遇到和自己有一样的爱好的人。 假如大家住的是学校的宿舍或者公寓的话,这里还会定期的举办一些社交性质的餐饮活动,大家可以一起做饭一起玩乐,是比较适合大家的选择,平安性也会有保证。 二、听公开课 在高校内,会有规模比较大的公开课,课程虽然不定期举办,但是都会有提前的通知,大家可以依据自己的爱好选择参与,是不须要额外缴费的,而且名额一般都很足够。 大家可以提前去占座位,有机会相识和自己一样对课程感爱好的人,这类课程不会发放教材,大家可以带上笔记本去,是会有不小的收获的,要学会自己做笔记。 三、实行派对 假如大家
16、自己租了房子,或者和其他人合租了房子,可以在取得了其他人的同意之后,邀请挚友来家里开派对,实行不同主题的活动,这样会更简单拉近大家之间的距离,关系会变好。 而且由于是自己租的房子,不会有时间和其他方面的限制,大家可以自由的装饰,然后邀请挚友一起做饭一起吃饭一起玩嬉戏,可以用中餐来折服它们。 四、兼职打工 还可以选择打工兼职的方式,这样大家既能够赚钱,又可以和本地人进行沟通,这样可以获得很好的资源,而且还不会奢侈时间,是比较适合留学生的选择。 不过大家在选择目标工作的时候,肯定要根据正式的规定和要求来,不要打黑工也不要超时工作,这些都会对你的留学产生不利的影响。 法国留学误区一览 一、转专业很简
17、单 大多数学生在申请阶段,会更加注意学校,在选择的时候,会将专业的选择放在后面,终归专业不合适进行转换,要比学校不合适进行转换要简洁一些。 但是大家要留意的是,法国的高校对于学生的转专业申请的审核,是特别严格的,大家假如想要进行申请,须要在本专业表现特别不错,这样才能证明你的学习实力。 二、公立高校毕业很简洁 在法国的学校留学,没有哪一所学校的毕业是简洁的,因为学校实行的,都是宽进严出的政策,假如没有达到毕业的要求,那么大家就只能接着读下去。 所以大家不要想着进了公立的高校,就万事大吉了,还是须要努力学习,这样才能够取得比较好的成果,并且顺当的毕业,从而完成整个留学。 三、预科和语言班是一回事 几乎全部申请法国高校的学生,都须要在正式入学前,接受一个缓冲阶段的学习,有可能是语言的培训,也有可能是专业的熟识,这其中就有了预科和语言班的区分。 大家要去分清晰他们之间的差异,语言班股民私立是针对语言的培训;而预科则是专业的培训,其中也会有语言的教学,但是重心还是放在专业上。 四、选英语授课不须要学法语 英语授课如今在不少法国搞笑的专业中都有开设,但是即便大家选择了英语的授课,也是不能够忽视法语的学习的,因为日常生活还是须要接触法语的。 而且大家脱离了课堂之后,和同学、教授的沟通,还是会以法语为主,更何况,多学习一门语言,对大家的优势是特别大的。 2021优秀留学英文申请书格式