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1、2022新西兰留学本科申请书2022新西兰留学本科申请书 Dear _, From a very early age I remember pondering questions that were, to me, seemingly unanswerable: what existed before the Big Bang? Why is a paperclip attracted to a magnet? Now that I am older and have a wider knowledge of current physics, I can contemplate other,
2、more involved questions. How is it possible that a cat can be alive and dead at the same time? What exactly is holding an atom together? I am fascinated by these ideas and am hungry to learn the theories needed to attempt to explain them. I welcome the prospect of spending time and effort working wi
3、th the scientific community to achieve a wider appreciation of the world we live in and trying to attain a level of understanding as high as is possible in a single lifetime. My main interest within physics lies in quantum mechanics. About two years ago I was shown a video on the Internet by an asto
4、unded friend that explained the results of Youngs double slit experiment (using electrons) in relatively simple terms. I was stunned to see that a single electron can pass through two slits at once, but as soon as its path is observed it decides to act in a completely different manner! My ignorance
5、of the topic created a desire for me to learn more about this astonishing idea and so I read Quantum: A Guide for the Perplexed by Jim Al-Khallili. From this brilliant book I learnt about the way in which the electron transforms into a probability wave or “wavefunction” and interferes with itself af
6、ter diffracting out of the slits. The book then introduced me to complex applications of this experiment and, along with various magazine and Internet articles, I clarified for myself intricate ideas such as Schrodingers cat and quantum entanglement. I also read The Trouble with Physics by Lee Smoli
7、n in which he describes previous attempts at unification of various ideas in physics, such as the successful unification of electricity and magnetism, or the unsuccessful unification of light and sound. He then goes on to explain one of the current attempts at the unification of all known forces and
8、 particles string theory. I feel that reading on these topics has prepared me well for undergraduate physics and I am excited at the prospect of studying at a higher level. To familiarise myself with how physics can be used practically, I requested a visit to the Quantum Optics and Laser Science Res
9、earch Group at Imperial College London. I assisted a PhD student and his supervisor every day for three weeks in their ion-trapping project that aimed to shed light on quantum computing. My main job was to build a circuit to power an electron beam. The beam was used to form ions from calcium atoms,
10、as ions are more easily manipulated. However, the circuit had to be built in such a way that it would automatically adjust the intensity of the beam to form just the right number of ions. In my spare time, I am generally found playing the drum kit. After passing Grade 8 with distinction I have taken
11、 up teaching and play in four different music groups: a concert band, a jazz group, a brass band and my own funk fusion band. I enjoy performing in and around London and annually touring European countries with the school concert band. To keep fit I play football and table tennis with friends. Compe
12、titively, I have represented my school on a number of occasions in football, rugby and athletics competitions. Studying all three sciences and maths at A-level has given me the opportunity to explore a wide range of different theories, techniques and problems and has provided me with a broad scienti
13、fic training base from which I wish to develop further. All of these subjects pose exciting challenges, but my main passion is for physics. I very much look forward to immersing myself in the subject in future years whilst enjoying other challenges of university life. Yours sincerely, xuexila 新西兰留学本
14、科申请条件及优势 一、新西兰本科申请条件 英语要求:去新西兰读预科要求雅思成果达到5.5分,并且单项成果不低于5.0分;读本科要求雅思成果达到6.0-6.5分(部分专业对英语要求更高);若申请者无雅思成果或者雅思成果不符合要求,则须要先读语言课程。 学历要求:对于完成高二或者是高三课程的学生,有资格申请新西兰8所国公立高校,新西兰高校本科学制为3年,个别的专业学制为4年。在此须要强调的是,完成高二或者是高三课程的学生必需先读预科课程。对于那些已经完成国内高校一年级课程或者完成3年大专课程的学生,则可干脆读新西兰本科,不须要读预科课程。 二、新西兰本科留学优势 1、新西兰本科留学可免雅思入学,学
15、历全球认可,升学转学简单; 2、新西兰有着“世界上最适合居住的国家”之一的称号,英语环境好; 3、新西兰汇率低,留学学费较合理,是性价比高的留学国家; 4、新西兰拥有世界上条件的移民政策和工作许可证; 5、新西兰设有海外留学生权益爱护 法,保障留学生的利益; 6、申请新西兰留学签证的手续便利,周期短;工作及移民机会高。新西兰留学硕士课程结业后更加具有新西兰移民就业优势。 申请新西兰留学高校举荐 1、新西兰奥克兰高校 “国宝级”高校奥克兰高校在新西兰八所公立高校中排名,拥有新西兰极大的图书馆,也是新西兰极大的一所从事教学探讨且拥有最多专业的综合性高校,享誉全球。该高校拥有新西兰七个优秀探讨中心之
16、中的四个,这些优秀探讨中心能够享受政府的特殊资助,从而拥有世界顶尖级的探讨设备。 2、新西兰奥塔哥高校 奥塔哥高校有10座图书馆,藏书总量南半球。拥有新西兰第一所医学院,的牙医学院,也是南岛起先药理学的院校。奥塔哥高校的医学院有很强的科研实力,是第一个将试管婴付诸实践的医学中心,在海内外享有盛名。 3、新西兰林肯高校 林肯高校位于基 督城郊外,距离基 督城市中心约20公里,于1878年成立,一度曾是坎特伯里高校的农学院,主要教授好用农业科学,后几经变迁,现已于1930年成立为独立的综合性高校。 4、新西兰坎特伯雷高校 坎特伯雷高校的工科课程是新西兰最完善的,也是世界著名的。坎特伯雷高校的工程系
17、被认为是世界上的高校工程系之一,所以势的专业是工程学。学校主要提倡全球化教化培训理念,激励培育拥有国际视野和领导力的新型人才。长期有来自牛津和剑桥等高校的学者在此举办讲座,间接推动着高校在教化和科研上的进展。 5、新西兰奥克兰理工高校 奥克兰理工高校建成于1895年,2000年1月被新西兰政府正式授予国立高校的地位,从而成为新西兰八所国立高校中最年轻、最有活力的高校,她同时也是新西兰的理工高校。 6、新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚高校 维多利亚高校是新西兰最古老的高校之一,有着足以骄傲的优良传统,是以探讨为基础向学生供应高质量教化的高校。维多利亚高校由建筑学院、教化学院、人文社会学院、商业与管理学院、法学院和科技学院这六个学院组成。 7、新西兰梅西高校 梅西高校是新西兰极大的一所教化和探讨学府,也是新西兰一所真正的全国性高校。由于学校教学注意实际,与工商企业和社会各界联系紧密,因此课程的设置敏捷好用,探讨气氛活跃。学校有不断发展和创新的传统,所从事的科研项目每年以15%的速度增长。每年培育出的博士生数量居全国之首。 8、新西兰怀卡托高校 怀卡托高校的探讨领域很宽泛,该高校很多探讨学者都在他们的领域走在时代的前沿,包括在全球暖化、人口探讨、生物科技、电子商务和基因变组方面的探讨。 2022新西兰留学本科申请书