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1、2022荷兰简洁留学申请书完整版申请书专题”查看更多 2022荷兰简洁留学申请书完整版 Dear _, Whenever I have set a goal in life, my mind has always drifted to the example set by Lester Wunderman. Growing up poor amidst the Great Depression, he went on to become a marketing mastermind, responsible for innovative direct media techniques such
2、 as the insert card and Gold Box. Wunderman was never content to accept setbacks. When faced with a struggle, I have always sought to emulate him by emerging from obstacles - not with a sense of defeat - but with a renewed sense of determination and greater problem-solving skills. While at school, I
3、 underwent a two-day hospital procedure that caused me to miss a considerable amount of class; as a result, I fell behind in my studies and faced extensive makeup work. I quickly made a vow, however, not to allow my schoolwork to suffer. By spending many hours on my academics even while rebuilding m
4、y physical health, I continued to excel in school, achieving high grades in my GCSEs. After graduation, I decided to gain exposure to the insurance field, taking a position at Norwich Union Insurance. As a sales advisor, I primarily generated insurance quotes. After one year, I craved greater challe
5、nge, deciding to look for new opportunities. Transferring to the travel section, I assumed the position of Travel Executive, during which I performed many customer service tasks and managed the distribution of insurance certificates.Yet, I still yearned for more challenge, more risk and more opportu
6、nity. After two years of service at Norwich Union, I decided to enter the perpetually stimulating field of business. However, I wanted to pursue a business career after gaining a thorough mastery of the subject matter; therefore, I needed a university degree. During 200 , I immersed myself in thorou
7、gh preparations for business school, learning to write business plans, model businesses and carry out statistical tests. Through my self-directed study and experience in the Management position, Im thoroughly familiar with the concepts behind strategy, marketing. While an academic record can reveal
8、much about a persons character, illustrating traits such as discipline, determination, and responsibility, it does not provide the complete picture. Namely, grades and scores cannot detail lessons learned, challenges met and victories achieved. Throughout my life, I have always sought greater intell
9、ectual stimulation, and this search has typically entailed abandonment of the familiar to pursue the unknown. In my business pursuits, I will continue to adopt this risk-taking approach and will not rest until I reach my maximum level of and operations. I now wish to expand my proficiency in these a
10、reas on the MBA program. While an academic record can reveal much about a persons character, illustrating traits such as discipline, determination, and responsibility, it does not provide the complete picture. Namely, grades and scores cannot detail lessons learned, challenges met and victories achi
11、eved. Throughout my life, I have always sought greater intellectual stimulation, and this search has typically entailed abandonment of the familiar to pursue the unknown. In my business pursuits, I will continue to adopt this risk-taking approach and will not rest until I reach my maximum level of a
12、ccomplishment. By adopting the constructive, determined approach of business wizards such as Wunderman, I have a much better chance of getting there. Yours sincerely, xuexila 荷兰留学要知道的支付方式 1.支票 在荷兰,支票已经很少作为支付方式了。商业银行给客户供应Eurocheques,邮政银行供应Postcheques,或是Girobetaalkaarten。因为这是得到保证的(即不管你的账户上是否有钱,收到你的支票的
13、人都能拿到钱),所以肯定时期内,客户通常只有限定数额的支票可用,并且银行要为此收费,银行激励人们运用个人识别系统来代替支票,当你在欧洲旅游时,Eurocheques会很有用,因为你可以随时支付任何货币,并且可在任何银行兑现。 2.银行转账 账单通常是由银行转账支付的,在邮政银行被称作Giro系统。账单发送时,他们通常随附一份蓝色的Acceptgirokaart。你要填上你的账户号码,签上你的名字,并送到你的银行,以便从你的账户上扣除钱款,有些银行会供应给你免邮资的信封,来邮递转账单;现在,越来越多的学生选择网上银行(Internet Bankieren)来办理银行转帐(比如,缴纳学费,房租和电
14、话费等);网上银行的快速、便捷和易于限制的特性使学生能更好的理财。 3.自动提款机 你会在每家银行、邮局、火车站和其它公共消费场所找到Geldautomaat,即自动提款机(在邮局叫做Giromat);目前,提款机可以接受几乎全部的卡,你必需在提款机和你的卡上找到一样的标记。 运用自动提款机时,你把卡插入槽内,键入你的密码,你要提款的话就按JA,输入金额,确认金额,稍等片刻,你的卡片就会出来,然后是你的钱,假如提款机不工作,它会说Buitendienst;假如你键入错误密码超过一次,机器会吞掉你的卡,你必需去银行申请一个新卡。 4.银行的工作时间 商业银行的营业时间从周一到周五,通常从早晨9点
15、至下午5点。在晚上营业的商店旁边有很多银行,它们每周有一个晚上也开业一段时间,通常是在星期四或星期五,邮局(邮政银行)通常是周一至周五从早晨9点至下午5点,一些主要的邮局在周六早晨会开业几个小时,银行会在外面贴出营业时辰表。 荷兰留学生活阅历共享 一、饮食习惯 当大家抵达了荷兰之后,首先要做的,可能就是好好的吃一顿,这里的菜系属于欧洲菜系,大家看到的比较多的,是面包、三明治、披萨、牛排、沙拉、海鲜等,还是比较新颖的。 这是的大部分食材,在国内都不常见,但是大家也可以尝试着自己做,是比较简单的,中餐厅在这里也很常见,大家可以去下馆子感受正宗的中餐,甚至还会有火锅,价格会比国内贵一些。 二、住宿选
16、择 一般学生会优先考虑学校供应的宿舍和公寓,虽然须要和其他人共享部分空间,但是开销会便宜不少,性价比还是很高的,不过须要预定,才有机会办理入住,室友的相处法则,大家要提前打算。 不想住校的话,可以自己租房子住,事实上不少留学生在后期,都会搬出来住,和挚友一起合租,相处起来更融洽,在费用上也可以平摊,还可以享受更加舒适的住宿环境。 三、特色美食 大家抵达了荷兰之后,除了能够坎大比较大众的西餐种类之外,包括沙拉、面包、意面、牛排、汉堡、煎鱼、薯条、咖啡等,还有不少其他国家的特色美食,价格公道不算贵。 这里的特色是油炸,基本上全部的食材,在荷兰人的眼中,都是可以通过油炸来展示美味的,常见的丸子、薯条
17、,还有各种肉类;此外就是鲱鱼,在这里还会有大型的美食节。 四、日常出行 最突出的特色就是随处可见的自行车,荷兰的自行车数量可以说是让人震惊,几乎是人手一辆的比例,因为这里的城市聚集比较精密,大家平常出行假如不赶时间,自行车完全来得及。 而远距离的出行,可以根据距离一次选择公交、地铁、火车和飞机,共同的优势就是,留学生可以凭借自己的学生身份证明,享受肯定的折扣。 五、日常购物 这里有大中小型不同规模的购物场所,大型和中型一般会有比较大的规模,商品也会更加齐全一些,购物出行的时间会比较长,但是这里的折扣活动会更多一些,适合大型选购。 而小型的便利店,则会有更多的分店,遍布大小街道,很简单就能够找得到,店内的商品种类会较少,但是购物也会更快,不会很花时间,也是不错的选择。 六、旅游景点 人文景观就是历史沉淀的各种遗迹,古建筑和以及博物馆等地方,是保存的比较完好的,大家可以感受很深厚的文化和艺术氛围,这里的许多高校,前身就是宫殿或者庄园。 自然给予了它足够的阳光、沙滩、高山和森林花海,这里一年四季,都是拥有特别丰富的资源的,大家不管什么时候前往荷兰,都不会觉得枯燥,美妙的景色能够让大家放松自己。 2022荷兰简洁留学申请书完整版