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1、乌克兰高三毕业留学申请书乌克兰高三毕业留学申请书 Dear _, Unlike most of people start their interests through achievements, my interest in accounting started with the failure of the ERP competition. When the Ill-planed budget caused the capital strand breaks, all of our strategies failed to work and the different part of te
2、am which suppose to be one fall apart. That's the moment I realized the accounting and controllership system is the soul of a company and began to take every chance to learn about it. After taking the courses in Accounting, Taxation, Corporate finance, in which class I won the only Best Report P
3、rice, the three-time cold-visit to a company Subordinated Petrol China (top500) won me an internship in the finance department. The state- owned PRICNPC has a really complicated company structure with 5 research centers, 2 wholly owned subsidiary companies, 8 oversea offices. But the same regulation
4、s and set rules in accounting and controllership they shared help every department be independent as well as co-operate with each other. I find out that it is the well designed internal control system and the continue updating accounting software that make sure that everything under control. That
5、9;s exactly what I'm seeking for and what Chinese companies need! Then there came a chance to exam my findings. In the Challenge Cup National Entrepreneurship Competition for College Students, being a leader of my team with 8 team members from 5 different majors and 4 different grades I designed
6、 a work mode of systematization and noted the deadlines of the phases then presented them with a flowchart. I emphasized the communication with our accounting department regularly and give feedbacks to me so I can adjust the procedure just in time. The efficiency of work was promoted and at the fina
7、lly we save 400 RMB and 15days compared to other teams. The Prize was the Silver Meddle and a lifetime career I would like to pursue. To further combine knowledge I learned from classroom and competitions with the real-world cases, I applied to become RA of Vice President of Modern Management Resear
8、ch Center. Take advantage of Nankai university's best reputation in academic circle in China as well as the great location (similar to Seattle in US), Our five-member team keep close contact with managers of the local companies and solve accounting and financial problems for them. By taking the
9、advice of introduce an unified Inventory management system based on classification and grading of the warehouse model , HuiYuan, the top1 fruit juice maker in China reduced inventory costs and enhance their market competitiveness. I strongly believe that the internal control quality has an economica
10、lly significant effect on the performance of the company. However, from the study of many similar cases in my RA experience, I realized that the accounting systems in China are far from perfect and much improvement is needed. This August, when HuiYuan was bought by Coco-Cola, my desire of becoming a
11、n accounting professional and a leader in the field got stronger. What people saw was just another case of MA, but I and my co-workers knew that HuiYuan didn? Yours sincerely, xuexila 乌克兰留学有哪些好处 1、中乌两国学历互认 依据中华人民共和国政府和乌克兰关于相互承认学历、学位证书的协议,中华人民共和国承认乌克兰高等院校颁发学历证书和乌克兰学位委员会颁发的学位证书。 2、高等教化资源丰富 乌克兰是一个教化、科技
12、、文化极为发达的国家,其中,基辅高校、乌克兰哈尔科夫国立经济高校、乌克兰国立科技高校、乌克兰国立航空高校、柴可夫斯基音乐学院、乌克兰国立医科高校等均为世界。乌克兰的航空航天、造船和新材料技术属世界一流水平。 3、高等教化模式先进 乌克兰作为前苏联教化、科技和文化中心,沿袭了前苏联的优良教化模式,又融合了欧洲现代教化体制,高等教化与欧洲接轨。人才培育模式多元化、教学方法敏捷多样,高水平师资团队和现代化教学模式适合各国留学生来乌学习,学生可以享受专家小班教学待遇,授课老师学术专业背景深厚,可采纳英语、俄语、乌克兰语等多种语言教学。 4、留学语言门槛较低 乌克兰留学无需通过语言考试,学校为无语言基础
13、学生设置了预科系,设有乌克兰语、俄语预科。选择英语教学专业的学生,校内中国留学生服务中心为中国留学生特地开设英语辅导班,保障学生语言水平满意英文教学要求。 5、留学成本相对低廉 据统计,欧美和亚洲主要国家每年留学费用(人民币)约为:美国30万、英国25万、澳大利亚20万、加拿大25万、新西兰15万、日本15万、新加坡20万,而乌克兰留学费用仅为英美澳加留学费用的四分之一。留学乌克兰生活费与国内读书大致相当,且生活水平远高于本国学生。 6、留学签证胜利率高 近年来,欧美留学国家签证越来越难、费用越来越高,办理乌克兰留学签证手续简洁、胜利率高。 7、医疗社保制度完善 乌克兰沿袭了前苏联医疗制度,乌
14、克兰为外国留学生统一办理医疗保险,供应留学期间健康保障。医疗保险包含学生免费就诊、免费医疗、免费救援车救援、免费手术和包扎、免费住院和住院期间饮食免费等。学生去医院就诊携带护照、学生卡、医疗保险卡,即可享受全免费医疗。 8、留学环境平安友好 中乌两国人民拥有友好的传统,乌克兰国民素养普遍较高,待人接物落落大方,社会治安状况良好,学生可以在友善宽松的环境中完成学业。 9、就业发展前景良好 “一带一路”开启了中乌沟通合作新篇章,将来须要大批熟识两国国情和文化的专业人才。在两国关系空前友好的大背景下,中石油、中国银行、建设银行、中信、华为、中兴等国内知名企业快速入驻乌克兰。 乌克兰留学专业选择指南
15、一、个人实力 任何的确定都须要立足于自己的实力,这里主要是自己的中学文理科或者本科的专业类别,虽然乌克兰的学校,对申请者没有跨专业申请的限制,但也不能随意选。 大家拥有相关的学习经验,在学习中所受到的阻力会相对较小,这样更有助于大家实现自我,所以大家须要对个人的实际状况,进行全方位的把握。 二、爱好爱好 当然也不能够忽视主观的能动性,终归爱好可以记得程度上调动起学习的主动性,大家会对自己喜爱的专业和课程,协助更多的经验,从而也更简单学到学问。 所以大家在一起先的时候,就须要激发出自己学习的热忱,这样才能够在很长一段时间内,都保持有学习的热忱,这样的状况下,能够帮助大家更快实现自己的价值。 三、就业前景 当然市场的需求也是不能够忽视的,目前社会上比较受欢迎的专业,自然会影响到大家的选择,但是大家要有远见,从学习起先到学成,会有好几年的时间,这期间的改变是日新月异的。 所以大家还须要有远见,将自己的眼光放长远,假如能够大胆的进行合理的预料,将会有意想不到的收获。 四、其他因素 目前大热的专业中,计算机应当是最有潜力的,因为信息时代应当还会持续很长时间,虽然更新换代快,但是基础的技能还是会产生很深远的影响的。 而一些社会需求量大的专业,如教化、医疗等,虽然在收入等方面没有很大的优势,但是基本上不用担忧就业问题;而大胆选择冷门专业,也很有可能稀奇制胜。 乌克兰高三毕业留学申请书