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1、奥地利博士留学申请书范文写法奥地利博士留学申请书范文 Dear _, I first realized I wanted to study Psychology when studying Drama, because in order to portray characters I had to understand their mind and develop their personality. I found the differences in characters were so vast that it made me want to understand these varia
2、tions. Since beginning the course in College I have been truly captivated by all areas of psychological theory and research, and am eager to contribute to the understanding we have about the behaviour of human and non-human animals. In particular, I am fascinated by the fundamental debates in Psycho
3、logy, for example the nature nurture debate. A Forensic and Investigative Psychology conference I attended, presented by Professor David Canter, caught my attention as I found it intriguing that people can behave in such a way that will offend others and often feel little or no remorse. After readin
4、g his book, Mapping Murder, my interest in abnormality and psychopathology rapidly increased, as his book and conference allowed me to understand the psychology behind this type of behaviour, amplifying my interest in the subject. I enjoy reading about different studies that have been conducted in t
5、he past, which I can analyze and evaluate to obtain a more advanced understanding of behaviors exhibited. As a peer mentor, my job was to attend to the needs of younger or more vulnerable students and to offer them full support. This job requires patience and compassion, along with willingness to he
6、lp and motivate others. I have received certificates and awards for good behaviour, attendance, punctuality and performing arts, demonstrating my enthusiasm in everything I do. My work experience in the retail industry has given me the chance to develop critical skills which are essential such as; g
7、ood communication with others, a strong determination to achieve my best and dedication to all work I undertake. As an A2 Psychology student, I received the Student of the Month award for my outstanding enthusiasm, effort and achievement. Drama Theatre Studies has given me an alternative perception
8、of human behaviour, the intensity of emotions and the variations inherent in that. Music Technology has helped me develop my analytical and concentration skills. I am also a member of the Student Council, where I represent my fellow students and have a great responsibility to ensure that their views
9、 are heard and acted upon. Yours sincerely, 奥地利留学博士申请要求介绍 一、教学体制 博士的培育采纳的是高度机构化的方式,教学采纳的是上课和授课结合的方式,理论的学习是接受教授的课程,实践阶段则须要给学生进行上课。 一年的学习分为两个阶段,夏季学期从三月起先到七月结束,冬季学期从十月起先到一月结束,博士的学习一般都是四年,大家须要支配好时间。 二、留学费用 博士严格意义上,属于半工半读的学习阶段,而且是学校支配的学习模式,所以在奥地利,大家既须要交学费,又可以拿工资,这两项相抵消,基本上就花不了多少钱了。 此外大家还有奖学金可以申请,奖学金一般都是须
10、要大家出示自己的探讨成果,或者须要参与相应的探讨项目,领取正规单位发放的资助和经费。 三、申请要求 须要大家取得相应专业的硕士学位,然后出示自己在硕士阶段的成果单和学术探讨成果,这里学术论文和试验数据,都可以成为大家的佐证材料。 而语言的打算,依据大家申请的专业有不同,英语和德语是主要的授课语言,大家须要达到不错的语言水平,至少英语IELTS分以上,德语TestDaF要在四级以上。 四、申请流程 大家要先向学校递交申请,须要打算好学术和语言的材料,然后在等待期间,还须要和教授进行联系,确定下自己的探讨方向和课题,这样入学后可以干脆起先。 步骤总结为两部,申请学校和联系教授,其中尤以后者更为重要
11、,因为能够干脆影响到申请的结果。 奥地利留学平安须知 一、财产平安 个人财产的保管应当要尤其留意,终归出门在外没有签收不行的,而大额的现金不宜留在自己身上,可以干脆存进银行,这样会更加保险,而且也可以当做一笔理财。 所以大家抵达奥地利之后,就要尽快前往当地的银行,办理一张属于自己的银行卡,然后将大部分的现金存进银行,银行卡肯定要留意保管。 二、居住平安 尤其是打算在校外租房的同学,在进行位置的选择的时候,肯定要考察清晰周边的环境,不要因为租金便宜而去租一些位置偏平安没保障的房子。 而即便是住在学校的宿舍,安保相对齐全,也不能够忽视,因为外部虽然有了保障,但是内部的隐患是防不胜防的,出门肯定要记得锁好房门。 三、生命平安 而自身的生命平安,更须要尤其留意,遵守两不原则,从源头起先避开危急,比面对危急后在进行处理要简洁得多,终归不须要正面交锋。 不要前往有平安隐患的地区,尤其是名声在外的治安不好的地方;不要在夜晚外出,黑暗更简单滋生犯罪行为,出门的话肯定要找人陪伴。 四、交通平安 最终就是交通平安方面,这是距离大家最近的平安问题,大家须要了解交通规则,并且要严格遵守,这样可以避开一般的交通事故。 而假如你自己有车的话,尤其要留意不要疲惫驾驶,也不要酒后驾驶,保持自己的留意力集中,对他人的生命负责。 奥地利博士留学申请书范文写法