《GRE作文分数重要吗精品.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《GRE作文分数重要吗精品.docx(10页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、GRE作文分数重要吗GRE作文分数重要吗? 很多人可能都觉得,作文独立计分不算入总分,可能其分数重要性并不是太高。这种想法其实是存在很大错误的,缘由主要有两点: 1. 文科专业重视GRE作文分数 众所周知,GRE考试作为一门探讨生阶段入学的综合实力测试,其考试成果可以用来申请全美各高校校的大部分探讨生专业和项目。理科项目一般不须要作文得分,更看重的是GRE总分和GRE数学部分的成果。而文科项目除了总分和语文部分成果外,对于作文也往往会提出特地的分数要求,在这一点上越是优秀的学校越是明显。而假如考生想要申请的是排名靠前,在TOP20以内的顶尖文科名校,那么GRE作文至少也须要考出4分以上的成果才
2、能过关。依据官方发布的最新数据显示,2016年中国考生的GRE作文平均成果仅为3分,因此大家想要获得优秀文科院校的青睐,就须要在作文方面获得超过大部分考生的平均水准的成果。 2. 作文分数常用于初期筛选申请人 同时,由于目前很多顶级名校的申请人数过多,招生官在初步筛选申请者时,往往会实行先依据GRE得分一刀切的方式,把肯定分数线以下的考生干脆解除。而在剩下的考生中,哪怕你的GRE总分超过别人不少,但假如作文分数偏低,那么你的被录用可能性就会降低。可以说,在GRE总分处于同一水平的状况下,考生GRE作文得分凹凸将成为衡量考生水平的重要参考指标。 GRE写作提分从这些角度入手 因此,GRE考生假如
3、申请的是文科类院校专业,那么作文成果就必需要进行提升,而提分的详细侧重要点可以归纳为以下四个方面: 1. 整体结构 文章的整体结构框架是一篇作文好坏的最重要标准。一般来说,一篇标准的GRE高分作文,根据开头,结尾加上中间三个段落的五段式写法是比较常见的。因此,考生对于一篇文章的写作,至少要列出3个分论点,确保中间三段言之有物,同时开头结尾也须要发挥出各自相应的引导和总结作用。 2. 逻辑论证 GRE作文有两篇,而无论是立论文ISSUE还是驳论文ARGUMENT,其本质都属于争论文,因此让文章显得有劝服力就成为了关键所在。无论是让自己的论点能够站得住脚,还是让对方的观点显得错误百出,都须要考生通
4、过逻辑论证来得以实现。因此,逻辑论证的合理性、对观点挖掘的深度,以及分论点之间的的连贯性,都考生须要在写作中体现出来以支撑逻辑论证。 3. 遣词造句 一篇好作文自然离不开词句上的运用。合理正确没有语法错误只能算是达标,想要让GRE作文得到4分以上的评价,考生就须要在达标以上进一步进行遣词造句的优化运用。句式运用上须要多样化,避开简洁句的连续出现,但也不能过度堆砌长难句而让文章显得累赘。词汇运用上不能重复运用相同词汇,要体现出肯定的改变呈现词汇量,但也要确保所用词汇的正确表达,不能为了追求新奇而滥用生僻词汇,也须要避开词汇间错误搭配的问题。 4. 字数篇幅 虽然GRE考试对于作文字数篇幅从来没有
5、提出过明确要求,但依据官方公布的各类高分范文来看,一般来说字数在400-600字是最佳范围。这是因为篇幅过短的文章,简单给考官留下考生写作实力不足,无法表达出自己想法的印象,但篇幅太长同样会给人留下啰嗦累赘的感觉。因此把文章的篇幅字数限制在400-600字是最为合适的做法。 综上所述,哪怕是GRE作文成果不计入总分,大家也不能对作文备考掉以轻心。特殊是对于想要申请文科的考生来说,足够优秀的作文成果才能帮你在达成申请目标胜利拿到OFFER的道路上走得更远。 GRE写作高分范文:竞争利弊问题 题目: Competition is ultimately more beneficial than de
6、trimental to society. 归根结底,竞争对于社会是利多弊少。 正文: Darwin suggested that the process of evolution is one based on competition. This deadly competition weeds out the weak and only the fittest of the species survives. Humans, being the product of millions of years of evolution, are by nature, competitive bei
7、ngs. Yet, humans are also social beings. Like the bees in the hive, we are not very successful living completely on our own. We need to cooperate with other individuals for our survival. Thus, a conflict ensues, between our innate competitiveness, and our need to cooperate. There are pros and cons a
8、ssociated with both. However, it is my belief that overall, competition, is more detrimental than beneficial to human society. First, let us try to identify why there is competition in the first place. In an environment abundant with resources, where supply outstrips demand, there is very little nee
9、d for the inhabitants to fight with each other over them. This is not the case on planet earth. Resources are limited, and there is constant jostling to get to the front of the queue to get acquire them. For example, thousands of prospective students apply to gain entrance to top universities around
10、 the world, but there are only a handful of places in those universities. Thus, there is competition to get into to these hallowed institutions of higher learning.From a utilitarian perspective, competition is a good thing. In evolution it is responsible for the elimination of weak genes. In the bus
11、iness environment, it gets rid of the weaker players. In politics, it weeds out unpopular candidates. In academia, it gets rid of weak students. Furthermore, competition leads to self improvement. Businesses will strive to offer better products and services at lesser prices. The consumer reaps rich
12、rewards from this competitive spirit. Politicians strive to do the utmost for the people, so they would get reelected. Students excel in there studies, trying to outdo each other. Thus, ostensibly, competition is responsible for the betterment of the society as a whole. However, this is just the sup
13、erficial view. Underneath the surface, competition, in every aspect, is slowly eating away at the very fabric of the society. While it is true to say that competition in corporate world has brought great benefits to the consumer, the society as Missed A herewhole is playing a great price for it. Mos
14、t businesses are exploiting cheap labour in the third world to maximise their profits. There are thousands of sweatshops run by well known western corporations in countries like Indonesia, Bangladesh and China. People are forced to work in squalid conditions, often 16 hours a day. They are lucky to
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- GRE 作文 分数 重要 精品