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1、GRE阅读出题的6种形式GRE阅读出题的6种形式 详细形式详细分析才是上上策 1.GRE考试阅读题型之中心思想题 中心思想题是GRE考试中唯一带有主观色调的题型,它考察你对文章大意和总体结构的把握实力。前面我们说过,GRE阅读涉及的内容特别广泛,考古,生物,文学和社会科学几乎无 所不包。那么,是否就没有技巧可谈了吗?肯定不是。文章内容可能千差万别,但文章的写 作方式却只有寥寥的两种,即记叙文和争论文。记叙文是对某一件事,某一个现象或者某一个人的描述,即对客观事物的纪录和叙述,其中没有或者几乎没有作者自己的观点。记叙文 有时间依次和空间依次两种组织形式。而争论文是作者依据某一客观事物或观点发表自
2、己的 看法,并用例子或者理由来证明作者自己的观点。这3大问题可导致GRE阅读意外扣分 依据文章的内容,争论文可以分成立论和 驳论两种。而依据文章的组织形式,争论文可以有3种组织结构,分别为:从详细到概括模 式,从概括到详细模式以及递进模式。 在GRE阅读中,没有真正的记叙文。也就是说,阅读文章基本上都是争论文,作者总是试图 让你接受他的某一个观点。在证明自己的观点时,作者总是应用一些例子,即论据。这些论 据和论点之间的有机结合就成了典型的GRE阅读文章。 驾驭中心思想的技巧在于文章每个段落的第一句。 标准化的考试确定了文章组织结构的严谨 性,即条理清楚和结构完整。条理清楚表现为写作模式不是详细
3、到概括模式就是概括到详细 模式,或者递进模式,而且承上启下的过渡词汇都出现在每个段落的第一句;结构完整表现 为内容的完整性和单一性,即每一篇文章都能向你传达一个而且只有一个有意义的观点或者 论点,不会让你读后感觉到不知文章所云为何物。 2.GRE考试阅读题型之复述题 复述题是最简洁的题型,但也是GRE阅读部分出现得最多的题型。只要你能定位原文,问题就迎刃而解。题目问的内容中都已经在原文干脆提到,只是用同义词或者不同的语言组织改 写而已。常见的改写方式有形容词与副词之间的改写,动词与动名词之间的改写。技巧在于 找寻词根。 复述改写题提问的是文章中的某个细微环节,如组织结构词(缘由,特点),学科术
4、语,行业术 语,比方,符号或者详细的数字。只要你能精确定位,这些题都比较简洁,因为只是对原文 的复述或改写: According to the passage/author. The author states that. The author mentions which one of the following as. 一般说来,这些题都会告知你很干脆的定位线索,如“在文章中的第几行”或者和文章结构亲密相连的词或短语。 你或许记得我前面告知你的“跳过阅读理解文章中的细微环节部分而将重点放在文章的主题,范围和作者的用意上。”这看起来似乎和特别细微环节的复述改写题相冲突。事实上,文章中有很 多
5、许多细微环节,而这么多的细微环节当中只有很少的一部分在以后问题中问及。惊奇的是这些被考 到的细微环节你很快就能在文章中定位,因为有一部分你在阅读时已经记住;问题会告知你在文章中的哪一行;或者为了回答这些问题你必需自己找到这些细微环节. 3.GRE考试阅读题型之示意推理题 在你选出答案以前,其实你并不知道这是示意推理题,你的概念或许只有细微环节题,即除了中心思想题以外全部题都是细微环节题。事实上,在真正做题时,你也不必事先推断它是属于哪一 类题型,我们将其归类的目的是为了让你对考试的题型有一个准确的把握。也就是说,假如 你遇到某一道“细微环节题”,顺当地将关键词定位以后,你仍旧不能很快地确定究竟
6、是哪一个 选项正确时,你不要灰心,因为有一种比复述题略微困难一点的题,即示意推理题。这一过 程,我们的题型分类就起作用了,因为它事先给了你思想打算,即对未知的考题有一个合理 的期盼。但是,我们却可以通过示意推理题的基本问法来事先推断它是否属于示意推理题: It can be inferred from the passage that. The passage/author suggests that The passage/author implies that. 解密:示意推理题是阅读中较难的题型。假如说复述题要脑子转一次弯的话,那么示意推理题就须要转两次弯。ETS,包括全部的美国人将这称
7、为一个人的“intelligent ability”, 即智力。这种题在阅读题中出现的概率是0.3,每3道题中就会出一道,即也许每篇阅读出一 道。 4.GRE考试阅读题型之列举题 列举,顾名思义,就是符合某种条件的几个例子,例子可以是某几个事务,动作,状况或者人物。列举题有两种形式,一种是列举非,它问你四个选项中哪一个原文中没有提及。应对 的方法仍旧是定位原文,然后采纳解除法,直至找到正确答案。其次种列举题要你在四个选 项种找出哪一个选项在原文中提及,应对的措施仍旧是依据关键词定位。其实,列举题并不难,出现的概率也比较大,每篇阅读也许出现一题。 5.GRE考试阅读题型之作者思路题 假如说中心思
8、想题要你做的是归纳文章大意的话,那么在作者思路题中你所要做的是识别文章的组织结构。大意和组织结构构成了文章的框架。假如你能顺当地总结文章的大意,即中 心思想,你也能顺当的求解作者思路题。作者思路题包括段落用意和举例佐证两种。解题的方法在于信任这样一个原则,文章的每一个词,每一句,和每个段落都是和文章论题有关的,不是用来证明作者观点的论据就是作者要批判的论据。 6.GRE考试阅读题型之逻辑题 在GRE的阅读理解中,有时也会出现像逻辑推理部分里的那些逻辑题。这些逻辑题包括类比和推理缺口题。有幸的是,这些逻辑题往往都比真正的逻辑题简单。只要你能顺当找到和归纳题干所描述的在文章中出现的推理,你就很简单
9、发觉这些推理(作者论点和论据)的缺口或者推理方式。 以上就是新GRE阅读题型解析,无论新GRE阅读部分怎么考,都离不开这几种新GRE阅读题型。只有驾驭好这6种题型,信任你的阅读部分分值不会低。 GRE考试阅读专栏逻辑题及答案整理 Although several ancient cultures practiced mummification, mummies from ancient Egypt are generally more well-preserved than mummies of similar antiquity from other cultures. One possib
10、le explanation for this difference is that the mummification techniques or material used by ancient Egyptians were better than those of other cultures. A second, more likely, explanation is that the extremely dry climate of ancient Egypt was largely responsible, given that dryness promotes the prese
11、rvation of organic remains generally. 12. Which is the following provide the most support for the argument? A. The materials used by ancient Egyptians for mummification were not used by any other ancient culture that practiced mummification B. Some ancient Egyptian mummies are better preserved than
12、other ancient Egyptian mummies form around the same time. C. No ancient people living in very damp areas practiced mummification. D. Bodies from ancient Egyptian tombs dating from before the practice of mummification began are almost as well preserved as ancient Egyptian mummies. E. Ancient mummies
13、discovered in places other than Egypt have typically not been as well protected from the elements as ancient Egyptian mummies were. 答案: D GRE考试阅读专栏逻辑题及答案整理 The economy of Colonia has been in recession for the past eight years. Most companies that have not been forced into bankruptcy have survived th
14、anks to the high efficiency of the employees they retained, which helped the companies control costs. In recent months, however, the Colonian economy has begun to recover, and companies are beginning to expand their workforces. Colonia, therefore, will soon experience a drop in average worker effici
15、ency, since _. 13. Which of the following, if true, most logically complete the argument? A. people who have been employed throughout the recession will, no doubt, continue to be employed B. Colonia is expected to begin importing more goods from other countries C. most companies will find that few o
16、f the workers available for hiring are as efficient as those they retained during the recession. D. during the recession, workers did not receive any raise in their pay. E. many companies that were forced into bankruptcy in the past eight years had a fair number of efficient workers. 答案:C GRE考试阅读专栏逻
17、辑题及答案整理 A hoard of coins recently unearthed at an ancient Carthagian site bear an image of a face in profile with what appears to be a large mole on the cheek. Pointing out that an artist would be unlikely to include such a specific detail in a generalized portrayal of a face, some archaeologists ha
18、ve concluded that these coins portray an actual individual rather than an idealized type. However, this conclusion is unwarranted, since _. 14. Which of the following most logically completes the argument? A. archaeologists cannot determine the actual identity of the individual portrayed just from t
19、he likeness that appears on the coins B. it cannot be established with certainty that Carthagian artists were on the whole less skillful at portraying human face than artists of other cultures C. none of the other designs of Carthagian coins that have been discovered features a face with a mole on i
20、t D. in ancient times it was quite common for the money circulated in a city or country to include coins that originated in other jurisdictions. E. the relatively soft metal used for Carthagian coin molds sometimes resulted in the production of series of coins with unintended bumps 答案:E GRE考试阅读专栏逻辑题
21、及答案整理 People widely believed that the controlled use of fire originated 200,000 years ago with the human species Homo sapiens. However, a site containing a deposit, estimated to be nearly 500,000 years old, consisting of charcoal, burned animal bones, and charred rocks, has recently been found. Alth
22、ough homo sapiens did not exist at that time, this discovery provides no basis to the claim that the controlled use of fire preceded the Homo sapiens, since _. 15. Which of the following most logically completes the passage? A. the use of fire might have originated independently in several different
23、 parts of the world B. it is possible that fire was used much earlier than 500,000 years ago C. the charred rocks found in the deposit included several different kinds of stone, all of which are common in the immediate vicinity of the site D. animal bones could have been discarded in a fire used for purposes such as protection or heat rather than for cooking E. it is impossible to determine whether a charred deposit dating from so long ago resulted from a fire caused by lightening or from the purposeful use of fire 答案: E