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1、挪威大学留学个人的申请书挪威高校留学个人的申请书 Dear _, Ever since I have had the ability to understand it, I have been fascinated by the English language. As a child, I would either be writing, reading or telling stories and ever sine then, have read a wide variety of both fiction and non-fiction texts from a variety of
2、genres and eras. This passion for language has led me to many different extra-curricular activities. For the past four years, I have attended a Youth Theatre each week where we concentrate very much on both improvised and scripted drama but also have done work on stage management, stage make-up, sin
3、ging, and signed singing (an interest which begun with my learning of both violin and double bass to grade 4 standard). With this same organisation, I have volunteered for the past three years at one of the childrens groups where I work helping with drama, music and art. It was with this same organi
4、sation that I decided to learn Sign Language.I have recently gained my British Sign Language Level 1 certificate and am now beginning a Level 2 course. I began learning Sign Language at the same time as starting my A-Level in English Language and Literature, a course I have found extremely interesti
5、ng. Taking these two courses concurrently was very exciting for me as learning more about the linguistics of the English Language enabled me to make comparisons between the two languages. These interests have led me to this course which I not only feel suits my needs and interests aptly, but also ex
6、cites me in its course content. Although Ive enjoyed all of my A-Level English Language and Literature course but have found a few parts of it particularly interesting. I specifically enjoyed our coursework tasks for our AS Level as it included writing a piece of original fiction, an aspect of Engli
7、sh which I have always enjoyed. I also enjoyed the task of performing a monologue as I have missed not being able to study drama as a subject. I try to follow my interests outside of school and so attend a wide variety of theatre productions, art exhibitions, musical performances and subject related
8、 lectures. When studying psychology last year, I attended a large psychology conference with a variety of speakers which was both helpful and interesting. Last year I also attended an art master class organised with Middlesex University and with nine other students, it gave more opportunity for more
9、 detailed and involved discussions. I have not yet had the opportunity to attend an English related lecture but look forward to a study day in March which will aid me with my study of Shakespeares Antony and Cleopatra. Alongside this and my voluntary work with the drama organisation, I have worked i
10、n a variety of jobs which have all helped to develop my sense of responsibility as they were dependent on both teamwork and co-operation but also my use of initiative.I have chosen to defer my entry to 2005 as I plan to complete a voluntary teaching placement in Africa. The prospect of this placemen
11、t excites me as it will give me the opportunity to travel, to meet new people, to experience new cultures, and, above all, help out where much help is needed. I feel that taking a gap year is going to benefit me greatly as it will enable me to gain valuable life skills that will benefit me both at u
12、niversity but also in whatever I choose to do following university whether it be a postgraduate course or work. Yours sincerely, 申请挪威留学流程介绍 一、就是须要先确定自己的目标学校 挪威有几所比较出名的高校,比如奥斯陆高校,卑尔根高校,挪威科技高校等。大家可以依据自己的须要选择1-4所心仪的学校以及专业。在查找学校的时候要记得去_网站查找自己心仪的学校是否被中国承认。 二、确定要申请的专业 学校确定好后,就是去各个学校的去找寻自己想申请的专业。详细的各个院系及专业
13、简介可以去学校查到。 三、去查看所申请的专业须要打算哪些材料 1、确定好自己所要申请专业的起始和截止时间。 2、查看须要打算的申请材料。 注:对于我们中国的学生,我们的高校本科成果单以及毕业证、学士学位证都须要认证,并将认证报告干脆寄到学校。能进行认证的两个机构为:CHESICC和CDGCD。认证的过程也许须要1-2月,所以须要提前预留好时间,以免错过了提交申请的日期。 四、申请开放的日期就可以起先网申 五、出结果的日期 一般来说,第一批录用是在3月底或4月初就能收到offer。假如在那时候没有收到,也不要灰心,学校一般会有补录,所以其次批offer也许会在5月份发出来,要是6月还没有收到of
14、fer的话,那就可以起先着手等待下一次的申请了。 去挪威留学可以享受的福利 一、免费留学 首先大家可以享受的是目前留学少有的免学费,入学的学生只须要进行注册费的缴纳,就可以干脆入学享受国际化的教化,可以保证大家的学习不会在经济方面有很大的负担。 不过这仅限于入读公立高校的学生,通过考核的学生,可以干脆免费入学,而私立院校的学生,虽然学校不免学费,但是可以进行奖学金的申请,大家只要实力符合,也可以享受免除学费的福利。 二、国际住宿 留学生在进行住宿选择的时候,是有优先提交宿舍申请的资格的,供应的国际学生宿舍,新生可以无条件的申请,环境会比较好而且平安也会有保障,这对大家来说是很有优势的。 而后续
15、大家要想接着住宿舍,则须要满意肯定的要求,因为每年都会有新生入学,而宿舍会优先对他们进行发放,区分于老生的入学申请门槛的设置,只有成果优秀表现突出才有资格。 三、餐饮选择 在吃的方面,一般干脆去食堂解决日常的需求就可以了,总体来看性价比会很高,因为学校的餐饮会有严格的卫生标准,在配置上也会比较健康,不过都是西餐可能会不适应。 但是价格会比大家在外面吃便宜得多,而且也不须要提前进行打算,干脆去食堂然后现场选择,所以大家在打算的时候,可以考虑的事情会更多,能够省钱是大家共同的选择。 四、舒适环境 学习和生活,对环境都会提出肯定的要求,这部分须要大家入学起先学习和生活之后,才能够有比较真实的感受,可
16、以从自己熟识的小圈子起先,再参与联谊进行更多的社交活动。 环境优越对大家的优势还有可以自由出行,挪威有不少自然和人文的景观,大家可以干脆确认自己想要去的地方,学生出游许多景点还可以省钱,这会很适合大家的学习和生活。 挪威留学生活费用预算 一、住宿 由于挪威的热度并不算很高,所以学校的压力不会很大,基本上就读的留学生,都能够入住到学校支配的宿舍中去,不须要花钱额外自己租房,入住宿舍是性价比比较高的。 宿舍供应的房子类型有单间也有套间,基本上每个学生都会有自己的卧房,卫浴也基本上是单独的,整体的环境还是比较不错的,一个月也许在2500-4500元之间,包括了基础的水电费用。 二、吃饭 每天的餐饮解
17、决,在食堂内就可以完成,供应的虽然只有西餐,但是也是可以满意大家的需求的,而且适应了之后也是会变得真香的,因为口味其实是可以改变的,在这里可以享受很不错的生活。 供应餐饮服务的食堂,是可以节约大家的开销的,此外还可以自己做饭,简洁的中餐是不须要许多厨具的,很轻松就可以做出来,间或可以尝试,一个月打算好2000元也就足够了。 三、出行 要区分出短途和长途,一般在挪威境内学习期间,会选择公共类的工具,公交和地铁都是比较受欢迎的,而且学生还可以办卡,可以享受折扣,一般一个月打算好500元足够了。 而长途主要就是自己来回于国内的选择,一般来说是飞机,而学生的假期是出行的高峰期,所以价格会比较贵,单程的票价基本上都是在5000元以上,建议大家选择直飞。 四、购物 包括大家选购日用品和平常社交的开销,这部分须要大家提前做预算,因为要克制自己没有必要的开销,终归大家买的东西,尤其是衣服,大部分是不会带回去的,所以肯定要克制。 日常用品每个月的开销不会很贵,大家打算好500元就足够了,而其他的社交支出,包括自己买衣服等的开销,加起来一个月也不会超过1000元。 挪威高校留学个人的申请书