《高三毕业生丹麦留学申请书范例.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高三毕业生丹麦留学申请书范例.docx(6页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、高三毕业生丹麦留学申请书2021高三毕业生丹麦留学申请书2021 Dear _, After passing out of engineering college in 1999 with distinction and honors in my Bachelor of engineering, I had the opportunity to join an organization as an engineer in the production department. The company was well known world wide for its quality produc
2、ts and superior engineering. It was there that I realized that the primary objective of any industry was to generate profits by manufacturing products at a reasonable cost. Thus my interest started leaning more towards the financial aspect of the organization. Since then I have been enthralled by th
3、e role that finance plays in any industry. It was then that I decided to go in for an MBA in finance. The realization that the prospects for growth were enormous came to me during my two years on the shop floor. It always been my dream to work upwards in an organization and I believe that an MBA fro
4、m your esteemed institution will help me in achieving that goal. I believe that your institution can provide me a platform from where I can tackle all types of problems in my professional career. The opportunity I seek now is to build overall competence, maximizing my strengths and ionizing whatever
5、 weaknesses of youth and inexperience I may have. I want to specialize in Finance; to be in the forefront of modern knowledge in the field of specialization. I want to be trained in an institution that combines a high level of academic research with professionalism and expertise in modern methods of
6、 teaching and learning. And this must be in a country that has made innovative breakthroughs in technology, production, marketing management and finance the United States of America. I want to acquire analytical skills necessary for proper appraisal of financial problems for example, and develop a f
7、inancial culture suitable for a fast-growing economy which has got lot to catch up with-the Indian economy. The education I seek must be one that helps me make sensible investment and financial decision and perhaps teach others through the service of consultancy and counsel. I am looking for an inte
8、nsive learning environment where I can develop. (a) A critical understanding of the body of knowledge and research relating to business and management. (b) An ability to exercise judgment as to the appropriateness and potential value of concepts, models and techniques learned to the effective manage
9、ment of an organization backed I believe I have a gregarious personality and a propensity to learn; added to my innate curiosity will certainly provide opportunities. I am confident that I have the enthusiasm, commitment and ability to benefit from the opportunities and challenges provided. I hope y
10、our institution will grant me the opportunity to follow my dream Yours sincerely, xuexila 为什么选择丹麦留学 一、教学水平高 国内的高校都是由政府把关,教学质量高而且稳定,学历在国际上的认可度也比较高,在最新的U21 Ranking of National Higher Education Systems 2019中,丹麦是排在欧盟第一的位置的。 学校的教化不仅水平高,教学的模式也很独特,特别重视专业的课程教学,还特殊关注学生特性的发展,并且致力于潜力的开发,这样可以帮助大家积累在将来求职的时候的优势。
11、二、生活费用低 社会的整体物价水平不高,从住宿、餐饮,到出行、购物,一个一般的留学生一年打算10万绰绰有余,较低的生活成本,可以大大减轻学生在经济上的压力。 而且在校的学生,还可以申请兼职的工作,从事专业相关的工作,不仅能够赚钱,还可以帮大家积累工作的阅历;成果优异的学生还可以递交奖学金的申请,这样又有一笔钱进账。 三、社会平安 对公共场合的管理规范,可以有效地规避平安事故,大家只要平常远离灰色危急地带,基本上是不会遭受危急,当然大家还要了解一些基础的自保常识,爱护好自己。 社会的福利保障齐全,只要按时购买了医疗保险,大家就可以享受免费的医疗类服务,这样大家生病就医就不会成为很大的负担,而且也
12、会便利快捷得多。 四、英语授课 丹麦采纳英语授课,让学生不用学习其次门外语,就能在欧洲求学,这里拥有国际化的学习环境,超过90%的居民都会说英语。 五、移民便利 政府还支持教化移民的政策,即学生完成本科的学业,在丹麦连续居住满6年之后,就可以申请永居;硕士毕业后可干脆获得三年的工作签证,同时可以递交永居申请。 丹麦留学住宿指南 一、学校公寓 宿舍是大家熟识的方式,但是一般数量较少,公寓也是不错的选择,是学校和特地机构进行合作供应的住宿,一般来说会比大家干脆租要便宜一些,而且入住的都是学生,平安更有保障。 申请干脆在学校官网中进行,会给出申请的链接,大家干脆进入,提交自己的申请就可以了,资格会很
13、快确认下来,大家抵达之后带着证明干脆办理入住就可以了,特别便利。 二、独立公寓 而干脆申请公寓入住,大家会有更高的自主性,能够选择单人间或者多人间,提出自己更多的要求,会尽可能的满意,当然这样干脆申请,价格会贵一些,主要看大家的需求。 申请的话就干脆找到正式的网站就可以了,可以进行筛选看房,不焦急干脆定下来,先进行预定,等到了现场看了房子之后再签合同,自己的要求满意后再确认,会更有保障。 三、私人住房 还可以选择私人房东的房子,这样的房子一般通过中介租会更平安一些,因为干脆对接确认少了第三方的约束,而且对于新生来说,还是会有比较大的挑战的,终归语言就会是一个阻碍。 通过中介的话,可以干脆将自己的要求进行告知,后续筛选由他们进行,这样大家可以比较节约精力一些,而且在入住中途出现问题,也可以通过中介维权。 四、寄宿家庭 假如大家自理的实力比较差的话,可以申请本地的寄宿家庭,筛选会经过政府相关部门的审核,不用担忧平安的问题,而且是双向的选择,在入住中有问题是可以干脆沟通的。 价格凹凸取决于大家想要获得的服务,单住宿的话和大家租房的价格差不多,假如想要获得餐饮的服务的话,则须要加钱,不过会比大家在外面吃更便宜一些。 高三毕业生丹麦留学申请书2021