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1、托福阅读高分六大技巧托福阅读高分六大技巧 托福词汇要扎实 词汇的考察是英语考试的一大特色。托福考试中的词汇题,是让考生在所给选项中,找到贴近题目所给词汇意义相近的,而这些又没有一个固定的范围,能够让考生们去背诵记忆,所以就只能依靠考生平常的积累,特殊是学术类的词汇。 语法学问要了解 我们知道即便是你相识到文章中全部的单词词义,也可能不理解文章讲解的内容,缘由就在于英语语法,这时,我们须要运用语法学问对句子进行分析,句子的含义也随之而出。 逻辑关系要常记 英语句子中有很多逻辑关系,像是and,than,because,but等等,理清句子间的逻辑关系,才能够理清文章的整个脉络,答题时正确率会更高
2、。 快速阅读要加强 托福阅读的时间为6080分钟,有3656道题,可以说所给的时间是很惊慌的,所以阅读的速度也成为托福阅读的关键点之一,在视察学生阅读文章时,他们有着各种习惯, 如逐字逐句阅读,反复阅读等,都使得阅读速度变慢,而导致时间不够用,所以速度是托福阅读应当配备的一项技能。 整理归纳要培育 托福阅读有一道给句文章大意进行归纳总结,考察学生把握文章的实力。概括性的题型,重要的就是理解了所给内容的主旨,了解其中心含义,在用自己的语言表达出来,这几方面缺一不行,平常在练习时,注意归纳实力的培育,考试就不会畏惧此类型的考题。 阅读笔记要做好 托福阅读笔记并非非常必要,但我们要养成记笔记的习惯,
3、这对于我们的考试来说是很有帮助的。在阅读的过程中,记录主体段与主题句的关键词,例如时间、地点、人物、专出名词等,这些信息不仅可以让考生们驾驭文章大致内容,而且选择问题答案是也起到重要作用。 托福阅读背景材料:美国最早开拓城市波士顿 麻萨诸塞州的首府波士顿,乃是美国最早开拓的一个都市。1630年,八百名英国清教徒来到这里,建立村落,波士顿随之而产生。波士顿融合了保守与进步,在弥温历史性气氛中,渐渐发展成一个现代化工业都市。同时,设在该处的哈佛高校、麻萨诸塞理工学院、波士顿高校等最高学府,每年造就不少杰出人才,因而又以文化都市而著称。和其他美国都市有尽相同的是,它充溢了欧洲的轨迹。 彭加山纪念碑B
4、unkerHillMonument 1775年6月,由清莱斯科多上校指挥的独立军,被吩咐占据彭加山。独立军乃先攻占旁边的普利兹山。普利兹山形势除要,能俯瞰波士顿全市。英军为夺回该山。曾两度猛扑,均为独立军所击退,使英军死伤达1,000人。但英军续作三度攻击,独立军终因弹尽粮绝,不支后撤。这一场激烈的战役,使人们对独立军的战力刮目相看。就在那时候,乔治华盛顿被任命为独立军总司令。彭加山乃是美国独立史上最闻名的一个古战场。 老北教堂OldNorthChurch 是波士顿最古老的教堂,建于1723年。1775年4月,英军安排攻击位于波士顿郊外康可特的弹药库,事为鲍尔利维拉所悉,乃于该教堂尖塔上悬挂出
5、两盏石油灯示警,自己连夜骑马前往康可特和雷克辛顿方面报讯。雷克辛顿方面民兵(独立军前身)得以从容迎击翌晨出现的英军。这一仗揭开了美国独立战分的序幕。坚立在教堂前的骑马铜像,即为建有殊动的鲍尔利维拉。 法尼尔厅FaneuilHall 这一建筑物原由彼得法尼尔兴建,作为市场之用,但在独立斗争爆发前,波士顿市民即利用这一建筑物,以常集会,探讨独立与自由等大问题。因而获得“自由的摇篮”CradleofLiberty的别称。现在,市民们仍习惯性利用二楼大厅实行各类集会。一楼为市场,三楼则是波士顿炮兵团本部所属的博物馆。 葛兰奈莱墓地GranaryBuryingGround 过去是市区内的杂物仓库,现已变
6、成了公园,佛兰克林双亲、历任市长,以生于1770年的“波士顿大屠杀”的殉难者均长眠于此墓地。 波士顿图书馆BostonPublicLinrary 具有意大利文艺复兴时代风格,是一个颇有来头的建筑物。精致的壁画、雕刻,以及青铜的门等均值得细致鉴赏。馆内还保藏着古籍及珍本。创立于1895年。 托福阅读真题原题+题目 The observation of the skies has played a special part in the lives and cultures of peoples since the earliest of times. Evidence obtained from
7、 a site known as the Hole in the Rock, in Papago Park in Phoenix, Arizona, indicates that it might have been used as an observatory by a prehistoric people known as the Hohokam. The physical attributes of the site allow its use as a natural calendar/clock. The hole at Hole in the Rock is formed by t
8、wo large overhanging rocks coming together at a point, creating a shelter with an opening large enough for several persons to pass through. The northeast-facing overhang has a smaller opening in its roof. It is this smaller hole that produces the attributes that may have been used as a calendar/cloc
9、k. Because of its location in the shelter's roof, a beam of sunlight can pass through this second hole and cast a spot onto the shelter's wall and floor. This spot of light travels from west to east as the sun moves across the sky. It also moves from north to south and back again as the Eart
10、h travels around the Sun, the west-to-east movement could have been used to establish a daily clock, much like a sundial, while the north-to-south movement could have been used to establish a seasonal calendar. The spot first appears and starts down the surface of the wall of the shelter at differen
11、t times of the morning depending on the time of the year. The spot grows in size from its first appearance until its maximum size is achieved roughly at midday. It then continues its downward movement until it reaches a point where it jumps to the floor of the shelter. As the Sun continues to move t
12、o the west, the spot continues to move across the shelter floor and down the butte, or hill, toward a group of small boulders. If a person is seated on a certain one of these rocks as the spot reaches it, the Sun can be viewed through the calendar hole. This occurs at different times in the afternoo
13、n depending on the time of year. 1. What does the passage mainly discuss? (A) observations of the stars by ancient people (B) rock formations of Arizona (C) a site used by ancient people to measure time (D) the movement of the earth around the Sun 2. The word obtained in line 2 is closest in meaning
14、 to (A) acquired (B) transported (C) covered (D) removed 3. The word attributes in line 5 is closest in meaning to (A) changes (B) characteristics (C) locations (D) dimensions 4. The word its in line 10 refers to (A) roof (B) beam (C) hole (D) spot 5. The word establish in line 15 is closest in mean
15、ing to (A) create (B) locate (C) consult (D) choose 6. Which of the following is NOT true of the spot of light? (A) It is caused by sunlight passing through a hole. (B) It travels across the roof of the shelter. (C) Its movement is affected by the position of the Sun. (D) It movement could have been
16、 used to estimate the time of day. 7. From which of the following can be the time of year be determined? (A) The movement of the spot of light from west to east (B) The speed with which the spot of light moves (C) The movement of the spot of light from north to south (D) The size of the sport of lig
17、ht at midday 8. The word roughly in line 18 is closest in meaning to (A) finally (B) harshly (C) uneasily (D) approximately 9. The passage mentions that the Hole in the Rock was used as all of the following EXCEPT (A) a calendar (B) a home (C) a clock (D) an observatory 10. Which of the following can be inferred from the fourth paragraph? (A) The boulders are located below the rock shelter. (B) The person seated on the rock cannot see the shelter. (C) After it passes the boulders, the spot of light disappears. (D) The spot of light is largest when it first appears. PASSAGE 35 CABCA BCDBA 托福阅读