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1、童年英文名言警句佳句赏析大全童年英文名言警句1 1、我会用我的爱心和耐性去关注每个孩子,让他们拥有一个欢乐华蜜的童年。 I will use my love and patience to pay attention to every child, let them have a happy childhood. 2、偶会惦念童年时间,不知愁味道,不用担责怪,不会为别人心碎,不知人间苦累。 Occasionally I miss my childhood. I don't know what it is like to be sad. I don't have to blame
2、. I don't feel heartbroken for others. I don't know the hardships of the world. 3、在全部人当中,儿童的想象力最丰富。 Of all the people, children have the richest imagination. 4、恒久是独一无二不行替代的事物:这是童年的回忆。 There is always something unique and irreplaceable: it is the memory of childhood. 5、儿童喜爱尘土,他们的整个身心像花朵一样渴求阳光
3、。 Children like dust, and their whole body and mind are as eager for sunshine as flowers. 6、童年的一天一天,暖和而迟慢,正像老棉鞋里面,粉红绒里子上晒着的阳光。 One day in childhood, warm and slow, just like sunshine in old cotton shoes and pink velvet. 7、举杯庆贺那个无忧无虑的黄金般的孩提时代,它就像冬夜里的星星,五月的晨露。 I raise my glass to congratulate the care
4、free golden childhood, which is like the stars in winter night and the morning dew in May. 8、真正的爱情始终和童年的情形相仿:轻率,冒失,放荡,逞着性子哭哭笑笑。 True love is always the same as childhood: reckless, bold, dissolute, crying and laughing. 9、人的童年过得非常缓慢,似乎满载的货车;老年的岁月转瞬即逝,如同夜空的流星。 Man's childhood passes very slowly, l
5、ike a truck full of goods; his old age passes like a meteor in the night sky. 10、童年是一首愁闷的诗,赤诚却不明媚,漂亮而不美妙,有时甚至是羞于见人的,却让每个人流连忘返。 Childhood is a melancholy poem, sincere but not beautiful, beautiful and not beautiful, sometimes even shy of meeting people, but let everyone linger and forget to return. 1
6、1、童年的雨天最是泥泞,却又是记忆里最干净的曾经。 The rainy days of childhood are muddy, but they are the cleanest in memory. 12、喜爱童话,是因为把它当成了童年。 I like fairy tales because I regard them as childhood. 13、童年的无知可爱,少年的无知可笑,青年的无知可怜,中年的无知可叹,老年的无知可悲。 The ignorance of childhood is lovely, the ignorance of youth is ridiculous, the
7、 ignorance of youth is pitiful, the ignorance of middle age is lamentable, and the ignorance of old age is sad. 14、儿童第一步走向邪恶,大抵是由于他那和善的本性被人引入歧途的原因。 Children's first step towards evil is largely due to the misguided nature of his kindness. 15、童年选择志向,青春埋藏志向,成年成就志向。 Choose ideal in childhood, bury
8、ideal in youth and achieve ideal in adulthood. 16、你在童年将尽时所幻想的事到了中年最终成真,这是胜利。其他的都是因为失控所致。 What you dreamed of when you were a child came true in middle age. It was a success. Others are caused by out of control. 17、童年,只有在回忆中显现时才成就了那么完备。 Childhood is perfect only when it appears in memory. 18、贫困的童年,令我
9、早早想找个年长、有地位的男人来爱护我;现在用靠男人,仍旧如此。 Poor childhood made me want to find an older, more prominent man to protect me; now it's still the same with men. 19、即便是流泪,也是一种纪念。就算是流泪,也回不到童年。 Even tears are a kind of commemoration. Even tears do not return to childhood. 20、假如没有贫困的童年,就没有我现在的绚丽笑容。 If there were n
10、o poor childhood, there would not be my present brilliant smile. 21、我坚决地认为,在童年、少年时期培育学生心理素养是特别必要的。 I firmly believe that it is necessary to cultivate students'psychological quality in childhood and adolescence. 22、神等待着人在才智中重新获得童年。 God waits for man to regain his childhood in wisdom. 23、人生最大的傲慢,就
11、是在成年时实现童年的幻想。 The greatest pride in life is to realize childhood dreams in adulthood. 24、孩子们无忧无虑的笑声,有如一股淙淙流淌的泉水,把那沉醉于生活魅力的动人的欢乐,送上了生活的祭坛。 Children's carefree laughter, like a flowing spring, brings the moving laughter intoxicated with the charm of life to the altar of life. 25、童年时的一场旅途是不是真的很短暂,距
12、离缩短了,时间拉长了,我们迷失了。 Whether a journey in childhood was really short, the distance was shortened, the time was prolonged, and we were lost. 26、呵,华蜜的年头,谁会拒绝再体验一次童年生活。 Oh, who refuses to experience childhood again in a happy age? 27、世界并不是牢房,而是一所虚无的儿童乐园,里面有千百万懵懵懂懂的孩子用积木错误地摆着上帝的名字。 The world is not a cell,
13、 but an empty paradise for children, in which millions of ignorant children mistakenly put the name of God in building blocks. 28、对一个作家最好的训练是不欢乐的童年。 The best training for a writer is an unhappy childhood. 29、回忆里,伴我度过漫长苦夏的珍宝,除了蒲扇、西瓜,剩下的便是那些遍布乡野,闪闪发亮的童年。 In my memory, besides Pufans and watermelons, t
14、he treasures that accompanied me through the long bitter summer are those shining childhoods all over the countryside. 30、孩子们是酷爱生活的,这就是他们最初的爱,遏止这种爱是不明智的。 Children love life. That's their first love. It's not wise to stop it. 童年英文名言警句2 children like dirt, while their whole body and mind crave
15、 forsunshine like flowers. 儿童喜爱尘土,他们的整个身心像花朵一样渴求阳光.(泰戈尔) i firmly believe, when children know about the world aroundthem, they should understand themselves and be filled with affection of selfapproval. selfapproval is the mother of selfeducation. selfesteemis one of the biggest sources of a persons
16、senses of honor, reputation and selfrespect of health. 我坚决地信任,儿童在相识四周世界的同时,应当相识自己,应当充溢一种深刻的自我确定的感情.自我确定是自我教化之母.自尊感是一个人的荣誉感、名誉、健康的自爱心的最强大的源泉之一.(苏霍姆林斯基) childhood is a period of life reprocess in which human being survives for good. 童年时代是生命在不断再生过程中的一个阶段,人类就是在这种不断的再生过程中恒久生存下去的.(萧伯纳) childhood is the mo
17、st wonderful period in ones life, the childthen is a flower,a fruit, dim intelligence, an endless activity and a burstof strong desire. 童年原是一生中最奇妙的阶段,那时的孩子是一朵花,也是一颗果子,是一片朦朦胧胧的聪慧,一种恒久不息的活动,一股剧烈的欲望.(巴尔扎克) i believe sages and heroes should not feel ashamed about theirchildhood. selfguilt is a fault.(鲁迅
18、) 我以为就是圣贤豪杰,也不必自惭他的童年,自惭,倒是一个错误. if my childhood can reappear, i will not waste time and l willmake good use of every minute reading. 要是童年的日子能重新回来,那我肯定不再奢侈光阴,我要把每分每秒都用来读书!(泰戈尔) if you do not cultivate lively children first, you will never turn out clever persons. 假如你不首先培育活泼的儿童,你就绝不能教出聪慧的人来.(卢梭) chil
19、dren were not born able to accept the restrictions oflearning. 儿童并不是生来就有接受学习学问的清规戒律的约束的.(泰戈尔) 童年英文名言警句3 童年呵!是梦中的真是真中的梦是回忆时含泪的微笑。 Childhood! It's the real dream in the dream, the tearful smile in the memory. 合理支配儿童每天的生活,使之总是忙于有益的事情避开无事生非或虚度时间。 Reasonable arrangement of children's daily life,
20、so that they are always busy with useful things to avoid doing nothing wrong or idling away time. 全部漂泊的人生都幻想着安静、童年、杜鹃花,正如全部安静的人生都幻想伏特加、乐队和醉生梦死。 All wandering lives dream of calm, childhood, azaleas, just as all peaceful lives dream of vodka, bands and drunken life and death. 因为失去童年,我们才知道自己长大。因为失去岁月,
21、我们才知道自己活着。 Because we lost our childhood, we learned that we grew up. Because we lost time, we knew we were alive. 眼泪,是我喜悦的童年;微笑吧!让难过事停留在昨天。 Tears are my joyful childhood; Smile! Let the sad thing stay in yesterday. 要是童年的日子能重新回来,那我肯定不再奢侈光阴,我要把每分每秒都用来读书! If the days of childhood can come back, then I
22、 will no longer waste time, I will spend every minute and every second reading! 假如你不首先培育活泼的儿童,你就绝不能教出聪慧的人来。 If you don't cultivate lively children first, you can never teach smart people. 学习不能超前,更不能速成,否则,孩子无童年,青年无青春,中年无乐趣,老年无安闲。 Learning can not advance, let alone accelerate, otherwise, children
23、 have no childhood, youth, middle age no fun, old age no leisure. 假如可以,请把我留在童年里,留在青春里,留在最好的时间里。 If you can, please leave me in childhood, in youth, in the best time. 嬉戏是儿童最正值的行为,玩具是儿童的天使。 Play is the most proper behavior of children, and toys are children's angels. 一个人在童年能进行精神上的自我教化、自我相识、自我熬炼、擅长
24、要求自己、指导自己是特别重要的。 It is very important for a person to carry out spiritual self-education, self-awareness, self-exercise, be good at demanding and guiding himself in his childhood. 从前丰富而长久的隐私其实正是童年时的自己,只是真正懂得时已晚了。 The rich and enduring secrets of the past are in fact the secrets of childhood, but it
25、is too late to really understand them. 我的心,是一座小城,没有杂乱,没有喧嚷,只有一团薄雾,一阵微风,装着童年的纯真。 My heart is a small town, no chaos, no noise, only a mist, a breeze, filled with childhood innocence. 只要是起先怕太阳晒,怕雨淋,怕风吹,怕肮脏了,你的童年就结束了。 As long as you start to be afraid of the sun, the rain, the wind and the dirt, your c
26、hildhood will be over. 牵过的手虽然已经分开,你却和童年一起,恒久住在我心里。你欢乐就好。 Although the hand that you held has been separated, you live in my heart forever with your childhood. Just be happy. 童年之所以欢乐,只因为不晓得过去,不知道将来。 The reason why childhood is happy is that we don't know the past and the future. 假如把童年再放映一遍,我们肯定会先
27、大笑,然后放声痛哭,最终挂着泪,微笑着睡去。 If we show our childhood again, we will laugh first, then cry bitterly, and finally fall asleep with tears and smiles. 童年时代是生命在不断再生过程中的一个阶段,人类就是在这种不断的再生过程中恒久生存下去的。 Childhood is a stage of life in the process of continuous regeneration, in which human beings live forever. 一个人全部的行为都受童年经验的影响,所以,一切的因果都要追溯到生命最起先的地方。 All one's actions are influenced by childhood experiences, so all causes and effects go back to the very beginning of life. 我惦念我的童年时间,无忧无虑,没有责任,没有心碎,没有难受。 I miss my childhood, carefree, no responsibility, no heartbreak, no pain. 童年英文名言警句佳句赏析大全