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1、2022年计算机软件水平考试考试考前冲刺卷(3)本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.在浏览Web页面时,发现了自己需要经常使用的Web页面,为了方便以后IE浏览器访问该页面,可以将该Web页面 (5) 。A保存并加入到“历史记录”BIE地址加入到“地址簿”CURL地址加入到“收藏夹”D另存为Cookies文件 2.在某学校的综合管理系统设计阶段,教师实体在学籍管理子系统中被称为“教师”,而在人事管理子系统中被称为“职工”,这类冲突被称之为 (59) 。A语义冲突B命名冲突C属性冲
2、突D结构冲突 3.在数据处理过程中,人们常用“四舍五入”法取得近似值。对于统计大量正数的平均值而言,从统计意义上说,“四舍五入”对于计算平均值 (65) 。A不会产牛统计偏差B产生略有偏高的统计偏差C产生略有偏低的统计偏差D产生忽高忽低结果,不存在统计规律 4.如果子网掩码是255.255.192.0,那么主机 (66) 必须通过路由器才能与主机147.69.144.16通信。A147.69.127.224B147.69.130.33C147.69.148.129D147.69.191.21 5.除了I/O设备本身的性能之外,影响操作系统I/O数据传输速度的主要因素是 (24) 。ACache
3、存储器性能B主存储器的容量CCPU的字长D系统总线的传输速率 6.C语言属于 (30) 程序设计范型,该范型将软件程序归结为数据结构、算法过程或函数的设计与确定,程序的执行被看做是各过程调用的序列。A函数式B过程式C面向逻辑D面向对象 7.通常MAC地址固化在计算机的 (25) 中。A高速缓冲区B内存C网卡D硬盘 8.2007年1月,信息产业部发布了具有自主知识产权的多声道数字音频编解码技术规范。这是一个 (18) 。A行业标准B国家标准C企业标准D项目规范 9.将多项式28+25+24+21+20表示为十六进制数是 (7) 。A133HB463HC893HD998H 10.以下叙述中,说法正
4、确的是 (45) 。A若对象A可以给对象B发送消息,那么对象A、B相互可见B对象间不能共享类定义的变量,但可通过类名访问静态变量(类变量)C封装反映了类间的一种层次关系,而组合反映了一种整体与部分的关系D单身模式能够保证一个类仅有一个实例 11.已知x=-105/128,若采用8位机器码表示,则x补= (6) 。A10010111B11010101C11101010D10100111 12.当一次函数调用发生时,对它的执行过程正确的描述是 (28) 。A分配一个栈帧复制实参变量的值控制流转移到该函数的起始位置开始执行该函数控制流返回到函数调用点B控制流转移到该函数的起始位置复制实参变量的值分配
5、一个栈帧开始执行该函数控制流返回到函数调用点C控制流转移到该函数的起始位置分配一个栈帧复制实参变量的值开始执行该函数控制流返回到函数调用点D复制实参变量的值控制流转移到该函数的起始位置分配一个栈帧开始执行该函数控制流返回到函数调用点 13.以下关于编程风格的叙述中,不应提倡的风格是 (32) 。A使用有清晰含义的标识符,并对程序语句进行注释B不要直接进行浮点数的相等比较C使用括号以改善逻辑表达式和算术表达式的清晰性D尽量用计数方法来判断一个文件的结束 14.当二叉树的结构形如_时,其后序遍历序列和中序遍历序列相同。 15.设线性表(59,53,46,48,37,31,25)采用散列(Hash)
6、法进行存储和查找,散列函数为H(Key)=KeyMOD 7(MOD表示整除取余运算)。若用链地址法解决冲突(即将相互冲突的元素存储在同一个单链表中)构造散列表,则散列表中与哈希地址_对应的单链表最长。A2B3C4D6 16.对长度为n的有序表进行二分(折半)查找时,无论查找指定的一个元素是否成功,最多只与表中的_个元素进行比较即可。Alog2n-1Blog2n+1Cn/2Dn-1 17.对于具有n个元素的关键字序列(K1,K2,Kn),当且仅当满足关系KiK且2ikik2i+1时称为大根堆。据此可以断定_不是大根堆。A59,53,48,46,37,31,25B59,46,53,48,37,31
7、,25C59,37,53,25,31,46,48D59,53,48,31,25,46,37 18.输入受限的双端队列是指只有一端可以进行入队操作而从两端都可以进行出队操作的队列,如图123所示。对于输入序列1 2 3 4,经过一个初始为空且输入受限的双端队列后,不能得到的输出序列为_。A1 2 3 4B4 3 2 1C1 2 4 3D4 2 1 3 19.设递增序列A为a1,a2,an,递增序列B为b1,b2,bm,且mn,则将这两个序列合并为一个长度为m+n的递增序列时,当_时,归并过程中元素的比较次数最少。AanbmBanb1Ca1b1Da1bm 20.若二维数组arr1.8,1.6的首地
8、址为base,数组元素按列存储,且每个元素占用4个存储单元,则元素arr5,5在该数组空间的地址为_。Abase+(4*8+4)*4Bbase+(5*8+5)*4Cbase+(4*6+4)*4Dbase+(5*6+5)*4 21.已知某带权有向图G(顶点数为6,顶点编号为1至6)的邻接表如下所示,其中表结点的结构为: 则图G中含有的弧数为_。A9B11C15D18 22.Every valid character in a computer that uses even_must always have an even number of 1 bits.AparityBcheckCtestDc
9、ompare 23.We can use the word processor to_your documents.AeditBcomputeCtranslateDunload 24.GIF files are limited to a maximum of 8 bits/pixel,it simply means that no more than 256 colors are allowed in _Aan imageBa fileCa windowDa page 25._is a device that converts images to digital format.ACopierB
10、PrinterCScannerDDisplay 26.C+fully supports_programming.AvisualBobject-orientedClogicDnatural language 27.In C language,one method of communicating data between functions is by_。AargumentsBvariablesCmessagesDconstants 28._is the sending and receiving of the messages by computer.It is a fastlow-cost
11、way of communicating worldwide.ALANBPost officeCE-MailDInterface 29.A typical peripheral device has_which the processor uses to select the devices internal registers.AdataBa controlCa signalDan address 30.The_in e-mail messages has affected almost every computer around the world and has caused the d
12、amage of up to US$1 billion in North America.AillnessBvirusCweaknessDattachment 31.The line of computing jobs waiting to be run on a computer system might be a_.The jobs are serviced in the order of their arrival,that is,the first in is the first out.AqueueBstackCarrayDrecord 32.In C language,a_is a
13、 series of characters enclosed in double quotes.AmatrixBstringCprogramDstream 33._:A location where data can be temporarily stored.AAreaBDiskCBufferDFile 34._processing offers many ways to edit text and establish document formats.you can easily insert,delete,change,move and copy words or blocks of t
14、ext.ADataBDatabaseCWordDFile 35.When a string constant is written in C program,the compiler creates_of characters containing the characters of the string,and terminating it with“0”.AagroupBan arrayCa setDa series 36._is a clickable string or graphic that points to another Web page or document.ALinkB
15、AnchorCBrowserDHyperlink 37.As an operating system repeatedly allocates and flees storage space,many physically separated unused areas appear.This phenomenon is called_AfragmentationBcompactionCswappingDpaging 38.Each program module is compiled separately and the resulting_files are linked together
16、to make an executable applicationAassemblerBsourceClibraryDobject 39.Unit testing refers to that each_is tested to ensure that it operates correctly.AsubsystemBdeviceCapplicationDmodule 40._is not a linear structure.AGraphBQueueCStackDI-dimension array 41._:The process of identifying and correcting
17、errors in a programADebugBBugCFaultDDefault 42._are those programs that help find the information you are trying to locate on the WWW.AWindowsBSearchEnginesCWebSitesDWebPages 43.Which one of these statements about connecting to the Internet is true_AThe Internet can only be used to link computers wi
18、th same operating systemBThe Internet can be used to connect computers with different ISPCYou must have a modem to connect to the InternetDYou must have a telephone line to connect to the Internet 44.A programmer must know about a functions_to call it correctly.AlocationBalgorithmCinterfaceDstatemen
19、ts 45.In_programming,the user determines the sequence of instructions to be executed,not the programmer.Atop-downBstructureCdata-drivenDevent-driven 46.The Internet is an open systemand most information is available to everyoneIt is very important to add_to existing system for protecting the secret
20、information.AWeb pagesBmodemCsecurityDnetwork 47.In C language, (100) variables have to be defined outside function,this (101) actual storage for itAinternalBoutputCexportDexternal 48.In C language,the increment and decrement_can only be applied to variables,so an expression like x=(i+j、+is illegalA
21、operationBoperateCoperatorDoperand 49.In C language,_are used to create variables and are grouped at the top of a program blockAdeclarationsBdimensionsCcommentsDdescriptions 50.The following suggestions increaseprograms (88) and make them easier to (89) 1)Use a standard indention technique,blank lines,form feeds,and spaces. 2)Insert plenty of comments into your code.AreliabilityBsecurityCreadabilityDusability第18页 共18页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页