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1、大学生幽默感、情绪智力与其心理健康的关系研究专业名称:教育硕士申请人:田昕承指导教师:余欣欣论文答辩委员会委员举氆鍪大学生幽默感、情绪智力与其心理健康的关系研究研究生姓名:田昕承学科专业:教育硕士 研究方向:导师:余欣欣心理健康教育 年级:2013级摘要幽默感是一种积极的心理品质,强调的是个体通过感知和运用幽默以适应环境的特质或能力,即对外界输入的信息进行乐观、积极的重新解读,从而帮助个体缓解情绪压力,转化个人的认知和想法,积极地面对环境的变化。情绪智力,则是加工和处理情绪信息的能力或素质,与个体的情绪感知、情绪调节、情绪行为反应等方面的能力有着密切的关系,而幽默感在个体的情绪信息加工和处理过
4、康总分及其分量表得分在不同家庭来源之间存在不同程度的显著性差异;心理健康总分及其分量表得分在不同性别、不同专业之间,不存在显著性差异。(4)大学生的幽默感、情绪智力及其心理健康水平之间存在显著的两两相关关系。(5)大学生的幽默感对其心理健康有着显著的预测作用,大学生的幽默感对其情绪智力也有着显著的预测作用,大学生的情绪智力在其幽默感对其心理健康的预测作用中有着部分中介作用。关键词:大学生情绪智力幽默感心理健康IIResearch on me relationship between sense of humor,emotional hltelligence and mental healthA
5、uthor:TiaIlncheng Supervisor:Prof:YrunXiIl Grade:2013Major:M舔ter of education orientation:Mental HealmAbstractSense of humor is a positiVe psyCholo百cal quali劬the emphasis is indiVidualperc印tion and throu曲the use ofhuInor or abil时to adapt to the charact面stics ofthe enviroment,that is outside the inpu
6、t information for optimiStic and positivereinterpretation, to help eause the emotional s臼ess of individual, personaltralIlsformation cognitive and ileaS,active in the face of changes in theenvimnmentEmotionalintelligence is the emotion酊information processing andhandling ability or quality,emotional
7、and indiVidual perc印tion,emotion regulation,emotional behavioral response capabilities a11d other aspects are closely related,but a sense of humor to play in the emotionalinf0衄ation processing and handlingof individuals a sign墒cant roleAt the s锄e time,the 1evel of individual emotionalintelligence an
8、d sense of humor 1evel,individual changes in the surroundingenviroInent,processing aIld handling process,maintain their mental health playsan imp嘣ant role,there is a subtle b毗inlp嘣ant relationship between themThisstudV was designed to explore whether the mental health of c011e2e students will beaf!E
9、-ected by t11eir emotional intelligence,sense of humor level,to provide new ideasand new ways to promote the upgrading of college stIldentsmental healmIn this study,GuaIlgxi Nomal University,Guilill UniVersity of Techn0109y,East China No咖al University and other colleges and universities use of”Emoti
10、onal Intelligence Scale,” ”pluralistic sense of humor questio仰aire,”“general mental health questionnaire“were used to measure the subiectsemotionalintelligence level, sense of h唧or level ,mental health 1evel, got 450 validquestio皿aires were tested For the questiormaire measured data,mainly usingSPSS
11、200 and Lisrel87 stmctural equation model for data processing and analysisThe main conclusions of this studv are as f0llows:(1)a sense of humor scores and each subscale score significantly difrerentdegrees of difference bet、)l,een different f-amily sources of c011ege stlldents:but theIIlsense of hum
12、or score and each subscale scores were not slgnlficant dl丘erencebetween different gender,grade,professional(2)The锄otional self regulationhas significant difference b咖een di疏rentgrades,different gender,and in the emotionalintelligence scores and other sub-scalescores did not exist significaIlt di虢reI
13、lces between di腩rent grades,di饿rerltgender;emotional perception scores,self emotion regulation score and total score of锄otional intelligence has the significant difrerclnce between difrerentprofessional,while me use of锄otion regulation ability,regu】ate othersemotionscore between di丘erent professiona
14、l does not exist si趴ificant di舒erences:emotional intelligence score and each subscale scores have no significantdi圩erence be俩een di腩rent缸ily sources(3)self ammation exists significant di脏rences锄ong di脏rent鲥es,andd印ression,anxie吼mental healm scores be呐een the di旋rent伊ades dontexist;mental health scor
15、e a11d subscale scores are signi6cantly diff-erent degrees ofdifference between different f-锄ily sources;mental health score and sllbscalescores has no significant difference between dif:Ierent gender,different professional(4)there are pair wise significant correlations between College Studentssense
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- 大学生 幽默感 情绪 智力 与其 心理健康 关系 研究 田昕承