《内蒙古包头市耐大气和土壤重金属污染的园林树种选择研究-李馨.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《内蒙古包头市耐大气和土壤重金属污染的园林树种选择研究-李馨.docx(63页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、内蒙古农业大学 硕士学位论文 内蒙古包头市耐大气和土壤重金属污染的园林树种选择研究 姓名:李馨 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:森林培育 指导教师:常金宝 20080501 摘 要 随着近代工业的发展,厂矿、 -居民区、现代交通工具等所排放的废渣、废气和废 水越来越多,扩散范围越来越大,再加上现代农业因大量使用农药化肥等化学物质, 引起残留的有害物质的增加,环境污染日趋严重。 环境污染不仅直接危害人类的健康与安全,而且对植物生长发育带来很大的危 害,如所有重要的经济作物都会由于环境污染而显著减产。污染物的大量聚集,可以 造成植物死亡甚至可以破坏整个生态系统。 环境污染可分为大气、水体、土壤和生物污染
2、。其中以大气污染和水体污染对植 物的影响最大,不仅范围广,接触面积大,而且容易转化为土壤污染和生物污染 “ 本 文通过对包头市园林树种生长状况全面调査,对立地主导因子重点研究,对树木耐重 金属元素、耐污染能力和净化大气能力进行专项研究,选择抗逆性强、保健功能好、 经济效益高,同时具有丰富历史文化底蕴和地方特色的植物材料用于城市林业建设 中,可显著提高 城 市 园 林 绿 化 的 科 技 含 量 和 综 合 效 益 。 该 研 究 得 出 以 下 结 论 :“ 1 通过对包头市 9 个针叶树种 42 个阔叶树种 29 种花灌木共 6873 株树木生长情 况的调査,发现樟子松、黑皮油松、杜松、白榆
3、、洋白蜡、大叶白蜡、桑树、丝绵木、 山楂、山杏、山桃、山丁子、暴马丁香、文冠果、 白株等 15 个树种生长表现好,对 各种不利因素适应性强;白皮松、油松、云杉、侧柏、加杨、小叶杨、银白杨、钻天 杨、箭杆杨、新疆杨、河北杨、二青杨、白皮杨、大叶榆、垂榆、柳树、国槐、龙爪 槐、复叶槭、刺槐、山皂角、沙麥、黄藥、核桃揪、山梨、海棠、李子、黄太平、臭 椿生长表现和适应性居中;落叶松、桧柏、北京杨、毛白杨、垂柳、龙须柳表现差, 适应性弱,灌木除锦带花、雪柳、南蛇藤外,其他 26 种均生长良好。 2 不同树种对大气污染的抗性不同,柽柳、白榆、丝绵木、加杨、胡枝子抗性 最强;国槐、玫瑰、黄刺玫、刺槐、旱柳抗
4、性较强,皂角、白蜡、白枠、大叶榆、青 杨、珍珠梅、接骨木、复叶槭、丁香、银白杨、新疆杨、河北杨居中,榆叶梅、毛楼 桃、山葡萄、小叶榆、啤酒花抗性最弱。 3 大气中 S02被树木吸收后,在针叶树种和阔叶树种体内的积累不同,新疆杨 和丁香在 5 月以前叶片中 S 含量较低且不稳定, 6 至 7 月份相对稳定, 8 月起不断增 加,落叶前达到最高;杜松在 6 月前含 S 量较高, 6 至 8 月较低, 9 月份起逐渐升高 ; 白蜡叶片吸收大气 S02 后在叶内积累较多,向体内转移很少仅为叶片积累量的 6.48%。 侧柏转移则较多,达 24.9%9 4 树木叶片中氟积累量在低浓度时,随大气氟化物浓度增
5、高而增大,高浓度时 随浓度的增高而降低,呈二次抛物线型。在最适浓度下,针叶树云杉叶中氣含量最高 , 其次是杜松,油松和侧柏居中,桧桕最低。阔叶树垂柳、旱柳最高,其次是河北杨、 新疆杨、山桃、白蜡、国槐、丝绵木、垂榆、刺 槐、龙爪槐居中,白榆和加杨最低。 灌木中沙地柏最高,榆叶梅、连翘、黄刺玫居中,丁香最低。从最大吸收总量看,针 叶树云杉最高,侧柏最低,阔叶树河北杨、新疆杨、旱柳最高,垂榆、龙爪槐最低, 灌木丁香最高,黄刺玫最低。 5 树木叶片中 S 的积累量随大气 S02浓度的增加而增大,呈直线型,从直线斜 率看针叶树侧柏最大,其次是桧柏、云杉和杜松,油松最小;阔叶树旱柳、垂柳最大, 其次是河
6、北杨、丝绵木、加杨、白蜡、国槐、刺槐、山桃、白榆、龙爪槐、新疆杨居 中,垂榆最小;灌木沙地柏最高 ,其次是珍珠梅、丁香,连翘最小。与叶生物量相乘 后,针叶树侧柏最高,油松最低;阔叶树河北杨、旱柳最高,垂柳、龙爪槐最低;灌 木丁香最高,黄刺玫最低。 6 包头市土壤中重金属元素平均含量排序为 MnCrCuCoNiZn Pb。 7 植物体内重金属 Mn 元素的分布规律为叶部 枝部;重金属 Zn、 Cu 元素的分 布规律为枝部 叶部;重金属 Cr 元素在植物体的枝、根部才有分布;新疆杨、小叶 杨、玫瑰可以作为指示 Mn 元素的植物;旱柳可以作为指示 Zn 元素的植物:榆树、珍 珠梅可以作为指示 Cr
7、元素的植物。 8 包头市土壤中重金属元素两两之间有显著相关关系,其中 Ni 和 Cu, Ni 和 Zn 相关性最大,都为 0. 9997 左右。 9 包头市土壤中重金属元素含量与土壤 PH 值有显著相关关系,与 Cr 元素的相 关性最大。 关键词:大气污染;重金属污染;植物抗性:园林树种选择 Study of garden tree species selection regarding air and heavy metal pollution resistance in Baotou,Inner Mongolia Abstract With the development of modem
8、 industry, the waste, emissions and sewage made by factories, residence and transport become more and more, the influence is extensive. And the heavy use of fertilizer and other chemical substances in modem agriculture induces the increase of residual poisonous substances. Environmental pollution is
9、 increasing seriously. Environmental pollution not only harms human health and safety directly, but also brings great harm to plant growth and development, such as all the important economic crops will reduce output observably because of pollution. A large number of collective pollutants can cause t
10、he plant death, even damage the entire ecosystem. Environmental pollution can be divided into the air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution and biology pollution. In which, air pollution and water pollution affect the plant most. Besides their wide range, they are easily transformed into soil p
11、ollution and biology pollution. Based on a comprehensive investigation on the growth of the garden tree in Baotou City, this paper focus on the research of dominant factors of the habitat the resistance of trees to heavy metal elements, the resistance to pollution and the ability to purify the atmos
12、phere. The purpose is to choose the plants that have strong resistance, health protection capability, high economic profits, as well as with rich historical and cultural foundation and the local characteristics, to use into urban forestry development. This can significantly improve the scientific an
13、d technological content and integrated benefits of urban landscape. Following conclusions reached from the study: 1 All of 6873 trees which belong to 9 conifers,29 shrubs and 42 deciduous species were classified into 3 groups according to their growth status and adaptabilities to environment. 15 spe
14、cies were growing well and perfonned as most extensively adaptable,such as Pinus syivestris var.mongolica.tabulaefomis var.mukdensisjuniperus regida, Ulmus pumila, Fraxinus pennsylvartaca, Morns albauonymus bungeanus, Crataegus pinnatifidaMalus baccatarunus sibericarunus davidianayringa amurensis, X
15、anthoceras sorbifolia and Betula platyphylla respectively. And Pinus bungiana, P.tabulaeformis, Pica meyeijlatycladus orientalis, Populus CanadensisJsimonii, P.alba, P.nigra var.italica, P.cathayana, P.cana, Ulmus laevis, U.pumila var.pendula, Acer negundo, Salix babylonica, Sophora japonica, Sophor
16、a japonica cv.pendula, Robina pseudoacacia,Gleditsia japonicaaegnus angmistifoliaJPhyllodendron amurense, Juglans mandshuricayrus ussuriensisMalus prunifolia Prunus salicina, M.pumila cv.and Ailanthus altissima performed moderately. But 6 tree species including larix principis-repprechtii, Sabina ch
17、inensis, Populus pekinertsis, P.tomentosaJSalix babylonica and S.matsudana cv.tortulsa belonged to the category of bad growth and weak adaptability.All 26 shrubs performed well except Weigela jloridajontanesis forthunei and Celestrus robiculatus. 2 The capacity of pollutant-resistance was variable w
18、ith tree species.7amara chinensis,Ulmus pumilauonymus bungeanusopulus canadensis and Lespedeza bicolor were higher in pollutant-tolerance,and Gledtsia sinensisJFraxinus chinensisJBetula platyphylla, Ulmus macrocarpaopulus cathayanaJSorbatia JdrilawiiJSambucus williamsii, Acer negundojSyringa reticul
19、ata var.mandshuricaJPopulus alba.bollaena and P.hopeinsis were at the middle,whereas the capacity of pollutant-tolerance of Prunus triloba, P.tomentosaimpelopsis brevipedunculata,Ulmus spp.And Humulus lupulus were the weakest serial. 3 S 2 accumulation in leaves of tree was different with coniferous
20、 and deciduous species.The content of S in leaves of Populus bollaena and Syringa vulgris remained at lower level and unstable before May.lt was relatively stable from June to July,Increased gradually after August,and reached the highest level before defoliation.But the content of S in leaves of Jun
21、iperus regida kept a relatively high level before June,dropped down from July to Augustjand increased again after September.A little of S 2(only 6.48%)which was absorbed and accumulated by leaves of Fraxinus pennsylvanica was transmitted into branches and bulk.The transmission was higher for Platycl
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- 内蒙古 包头市 大气 土壤 重金属 污染 园林 树种 选择 研究