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1、南京师范大学 硕士学位论文 南京市中小学教师心理健康现状及对策研究 姓名:桂祈蓉 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:教育管理 指导教师:赵凯 20061215 自教育部颁布了关于加强中小学生心理健康教育若干问题的意见后,学 生心理健康倍受关注,但是作为素质教育的推动者、新课程改革的实施者 一 教 师的心理健康问题却没有引起足够的重视 对教师心理健康的关注与研究,不仅 关系到学生的健康成长,更直影响教师自身的生活状态与生活质量。 本文通过对南京市 500名中小学教师心理健康状况的调査,了解南京市中小 学教师的心理健康状况,分析教师产生心理问题的主客观原因,并努力从组织和 个人两个层面探索优化教师心理素质
2、、疏导教师心理问题的有效实践操作模式, 从而提髙南京市中小学教师的心理健康水平,促进教师身心的和谐发展 研究发现,南京市中小学教师心理健康的总体水平不高,存在一定程度的心 理问题,其中男教师的心理健康状况不如女教师 小学教师的心理健康状况不如 中学教师,且差异明显。造成教师心理问题的原因错综复杂,主观上与教师的不 良人格特征、认知偏差 及成长经历有关,客观上与当前的教育评价制度尤其是对 教师的评价及管理方式、职业竞争、物质待遇等直接相关。对教师心理问题进行 有效干预,必须从组织和个人两个层面进行 : 前者包括改革教师评价制度、变革 管理方式、提高物质待遇等;后者主要借助于教师心理援助中心这样一
3、个支持系 统,为教师提供情感与专业支持,向教师宣传心理健康的知识、个人情绪的处理 技巧等心理徤康自我维护的方法,同时针对性地开展对教师团体的辅导、组织教 师的互助沙龙活动。这样里外兼治,才能有效地缓解教师的心理压力,疏导教师 的心理问题,优化教师的心理素 质。 对策 关键词:中小学教师 心理健康 ABSTRACT Ever since the promulgation of Suggestions on the Issues Concerning the Improvement of Middle and Elementary School Students* Psychological He
4、altti Education by Ministry of Education, much more attention has been givoi to students* psychological health. However, no enough attention has been ffvm to the psychological health of teadis who serve as the promoter of quality education and implements of new courses refonnatioiL AttentUm to and s
5、tudy of teachers psychological bealtb, not only relates to studoits healthy development but also directly affects the living conditions and living quality of teachers themselves. Throui a survey of die present psychological health situation of more than 500 Nanjing middle and elemaitafy school teach
6、es, a good undstanding of the situation of Nanjing middle and elementary school teachers as a whole has been obtained. Based on it, togedier with an analysis of the objective as well as subjective causes of teachers9 psychological problems, this thesis strives to explore from organization and indivi
7、dual levels the effective practice inodes to optimize teachers1 psychological health quality and to solve their psychological problems, with the aim to improve their psychological hedth and to promote the harmonious development of their body and mind. It is found througji study that as a whole, Nanj
8、ing middle and elementiuy school teachers1 present psychological health situation is at a low level, and psychological problems exist to some extent. Men teachers situation is worse than women teaches9 and elementary school teachers9 worse than middle school teachers*. The difference is obvious. The
9、 causes of teachers psydiological problems are complex. Subjectively, they are related to teachers, unhealthy personality, cognitive enor and development experience; wMe objectively, they are associated direcfly witti tlie current education evaluatioti system, pardcularly flie evaluatioii of teacher
10、s* performance and management of teachers, with career competition and material treatment, etc. Effective interference in teachers5 psychological problems must be conducted at two levelsorganization and individual. The former includes refonnation of the curroit evaluation system, refoimation of mana
11、gemit, and improvement of material treatment, etc; the latter refers to providing emotional and major support for teaches with the help of Teachers Psychological Support Center passing on psychological health knowledge to diem and teaching them some psychological self-protect methods sudi as techniq
12、ues of dealing with personal emotions, together with purposeful guidance given to teadi: groups and sdon activities aimed at helping each other. Only with the joint eforts at both oianizadon and individual levels can teachers1 psydiological problems be solved and psydiological quality be optimized w
13、ords: middle and elementaiy sdiool teachers; psychological health; strategy m 一、选题缘由及意义 ( )背景 自教育部颁布了关于加强中小学生心理健康教育若千问题的意见后,学 生心理研究倍受重视,学生心理健康教育活动蓬勃兴起,且曰益受到社会关注 但是作为素质教育的推动者、新课程改革的实施者教师的心理健康问题却没 有引起足够的重视 -近年来,随着教育改革的不断深入,新课程改革的全面实施, 社会对教师的期望从理想走向现实,从极端静止走向动态平衡。教师角色不仅要 有良好的受教育背贵,还必须有情感的大量投入,不但要有较高的 升
14、学率 , 还要求学生 全面发展 ,教师所承受的压力越来越大 f带来的问题也越来越多, 如大量优秀教师流失,来自教师的校园暴力时有发生,教师与同事、领导、学生、 家人的冲突事件不绝于耳,教师自杀的恶性事件也不罕见。 据国家中小学生心理健康课题组抽样调査, 168所学校的 2292名教师,有 51.2%的教师存在不同程度的心理问题。主要症状表现为:抑郁,精神不振,焦 虑,过分担忧,有说不出的不安感,烦躁,睡眠障碍等、 不可否认,南京市的学校心理健康教育一直走在全国前列。市教育局率先在 全省成立了 南京市学生心理健康教育指导中心 ,开通了学生心理问题咨询电 话 陶老师热线 近年来,教师的心理健康也
15、逐渐引起了教育行政部门的注意。 那么,南京市中小学教师的心理健康状况到底如何呢? 2003底,笔者主持的江 苏省教育科学十五规划课题南京市中小学青年教师心理问题的现状研究申报 立项,课题组对南京市中小学青年教师进行了抽样测试和调査,发现南京市青年 教师的心身健康水平也不容乐观 。 接近四成的人感到经常不舒服 , 18. 5%的人经 常失眠。三分之二的青年教师经常有 紧张 、 焦虑 、 烦恼 、 忧郁 等消极 情绪。造成这种状况的最主要的原因,半数以上的教师认为是工作因素导致的。 感到工作压力感程度较高的青年教师达 56.4%“ 教师的心理问题如果不能 #到及 时的疏导和缓解,无论对于教师个人还
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- 关 键 词:
- 南京市 中小学教师 心理健康 现状 对策 研究 桂祈蓉