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1、lGeographylClimatelCuisinebelongs to tropical monsoon climatetake Bombay(孟买 ) for exampletsunamidroughtThe main places of interest in IndiaTaj Mahal泰姬陵It was built for the wife of the king-Shahjahan沙贾汗 in Mughal dynasty(莫卧儿王朝).It was under the name of the title of the concubine妃子 .It means the first
2、 woman in Palace. Taj Mahal泰姬陵泰戈尔说:泰姬陵是“一滴爱的眼泪” 阿格拉城的泰姬陵,是印度建筑史上的一大奇迹,陵墓墙壁上处处镶嵌着红绿蓝宝石。泰姬陵高大宏伟,让人为之折服。比泰姬陵本身更吸引人的就是一段也堪称“世界奇迹”的爱情: 公元十六世纪,一位叫泰姬的美丽女人嫁给了印度莫卧儿王朝的皇帝沙杰汗,先后为他生养了十四个子女,并且与战乱中的皇帝同悲同喜,还帮助他夺回王位,却不幸在36岁那年因难产而死。 临终前,泰姬向皇帝道出三愿:一要皇帝善待子女;二要他不得续娶;三愿皇帝为她建造一座能和她的容貌匹配的最美丽的陵墓。皇帝悲痛无比,一一承诺。他除了每年征发二万多名印度民工
3、,还召来世界各地著名的设计师和工匠,历时22年,用印度西北的纯白大理石、斯里兰卡的蓝宝石、伊拉克的月长石、阿拉伯的珊瑚、波斯的紫水晶、俄国的孔雀石、中国西藏的翡翠耗资千万,终于创造了世界奇观。 痴情的皇帝还打算在泰姬陵的河对岸为自己建造一座相似的陵墓,用通体透黑的大理石对应通体透白的爱妃陵,寓示两人的爱情纯洁得没有丁点儿杂质。河面上还要用黑白两色的大理石建一座桥,连接两人纯黑纯白的陵墓。 然而皇帝的美梦未能成真,他的三个儿子迫不及待夺取王位,将年迈的他囚禁在阿格拉堡的一座角楼中,最后郁郁而死。这类结局并不陌生。历史上宫廷里为争夺王位,父子相残兄弟相戮的事例比比皆是。大概皇子们也有感于老爸对母亲
4、的痴情,虽然没有理睬他建筑“爱情桥”的遗愿,但总算把他的遗体送到了泰姬身旁。现在陵内存放着的两具嵌满宝石花卉的白色大理石石棺,小小的那具就是皇帝沙杰汗的棺椁。 Red Fort德里红堡 It was the palace of Mughal dynasty.(莫卧儿王朝). It was a typical Mughal style building. Nalan-da那兰陀The site of Buddhist holy lands.Buddhist holy landsCuisine-Food A vegetarian kingdom Milk and tea Mutton(羊肉) To
5、bacco(烟草) and alcohol are not popular No knife and forkfeaturesLemon teaIndian Chai 咖喱角,印度三角饼 ART&LANGUAGELANGUAGE&LITERATUREENGLISH AND HINDI (北印度语 )LANGUAGEDANCE Northern Indian dance Manny pooley dance Cuttack dance Southern Indian dance Bharatanatyam Getakeli dance Belly DancePAINTING The evolut
6、ion of India art style is affectednot only by the beauty of form autonomy (自治)law,but also restricted by the India religion (宗教;宗教信仰) ,philosophy(哲学) transmutation.(演变) Buddhist art(佛教) Hindu Art(印度教)ARCHITECTURE The India River and the Ganges River(恒河) are one of the ancient world civilization deve
7、loped area, is the birthplace of Buddhism, Brahmanism(婆罗门教) and Jainism(耆那教) ,later left a rich and colorful buildings.Social life of IndiaReligion Interesting social customs and traditions Ideas and beliefsJainism 耆那教耆那教Christianism 基督教基督教Buddhism 佛教佛教Sikhism 锡克教锡克教Islam伊斯兰教伊斯兰教 Hinduism 印度教印度教Vari
8、ous Religions Deeply influented by religions Religious diversity耆那教耆那教在汉译佛典中称为尼乾外道、无系外道、裸形外道、无惭外道或宿作因论等。印度有0.4%的居民信奉耆那教,该教徒的信仰是理性高于宗教,认为正确的信仰、知识、操行会导致解脱之路,进而达到灵魂的理想境界。同时该教是一种禁欲宗教,其教徒主要集中在西印度。耆那教徒不从事以屠宰为生的职业,也不从事农业。主要从事商业、贸易或工业。耆那教不讲究信神,但崇拜24祖。 锡克教(Sikhism)是15世纪产生于印度的一神教,主要流行于印度旁遮普邦,在南亚的巴基斯坦,东南亚的马来西亚
9、,北美的美国和加拿大也有少量信徒。锡克一词,来源于梵文,意思是学生、弟子、信徒。锡克教徒被称为锡克人,长发、梳子、钢箍、匕首、短裤是锡克教徒的五大信仰标识。尊崇十位上师并以上师们传授的阿底格兰特为经典,阿底格兰特象征第十一位上师。以公平正义、扶贫济弱和宗教自由为基本教义。宗教符号的圆圈代表没有始终的唯一真神,左右两边的弯刀象征捍卫真理与正义;中间的双刃刀代表做饭的刀具。锡克教神寺每天给穷人提供免费餐饮。圣城是阿姆利则,朝圣地是被称为神之所在的阿姆利则金寺。BUDDHISM佛教佛教 JAINISM耆那教耆那教CHRISTIANISM基督教基督教 SIKHISM锡克教锡克教HINDUISM印度教印
10、度教 ISLAM伊斯兰教伊斯兰教Hinduism(印度教) The 3rd largest The oldest extant religion More than 800 million adherents - 82% of peoplePolytheism多神论多神论 - more than 300 million deitiesCaste system种姓制度种姓制度 - Brahmin Kshatriya Vaishya SdraIdea - The souls of people are perpetual(永恒的)Shiva湿婆:印度教毁灭之神 Brahma 毗湿奴:印度教保护之神
11、 Vishun梵天 :印度教创造之神 3 lord(主/上帝) deities(神) of Hinduism The fane(寺庙) of Hinduism-Prambanam(普兰班南)We are HOLY CATTLE(家畜).图腾Symbol of HinduismEvery morning,many Hindus bath in the holy water of Varanasi Ganges River(瓦拉纳西恒河)Worship The fane of Jainism The fane of Sikhism - Daikin Temple The national flow
12、er of IndiaNational bird Traditional Social CultureThe influences of Hinduism and the tradition of the caste(种姓) system have created a culture that emphasizes established hierarchical(等级)-婆罗门,刹帝利,吠舍,首陀罗 relationships.Etiquettes and taboos l Just Cant Say NoIndians do not like to express no, An India
13、n would be considered terribly rude if you said “no”.Meeting EtiquetteNormal greeting :Hold hands, palms together, under the chin and say, Namaste, means peace. A light handshake is considered the most polite form of greeting in India. It is considered impolite to offer your hand first to shake with
14、 a women, because of religious beliefs. Washing with left handI am the “right” hand.It is polite to shake with your right hands .Dont touch!If you touch others head, you will make them unhappy.Holy head LikeDislike Historical events Ceremony Festivals India India Important Events In Indian HistoryIm
15、portant Events In Indian History 1.Partition of India & Pakistan (1947) 2. Framing of Constitution (1950) 3. Golden Temple Assault (1984) 4. Missile Launches and Green Revolution (20th century)Hindu Baby Naming Ceremony-Namkaran Mostly on the 11th or 12th day after delivery Female relatives gather a
16、round the cradle and sing traditional folk songs Bless the child and the mother together giving some gift items A feast for all the family membersWedding Bride always in red or white,with jewelry and long wreath with roses Three parts:foot washing,hand holding,scattering flower retals Eat traditiona
17、l candy After feast,the bride has a cryFuneral For many Hindus burying their dead,the most common practice is to cremate the body,collect the ashes,on the fourth day,disperse the ashes in a sacred body of water Popular Festivals in India NO.1 Diwali -Festival of Lights,(5 November). NO.2 Holi-Festival of Colors,(1 March). NO.3 Onam-Onam is a traditional ten day harvest festival that marks the homecoming of the mythical King Mahabali.(23 August) NO.4 Pushkar Camel Fair-An astonishing 50,000 camels converge on the tiny desert town of Pushkar.