《苍南县主要农产品与产地环境重金属污染调查及评价-丁能飞.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《苍南县主要农产品与产地环境重金属污染调查及评价-丁能飞.docx(68页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、浙江大学农业与生物技术学院 硕士学位论文 苍南县主要农产品与产地环境重金属污染调查及评价 姓名:丁能飞 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:农业推广 指导教师:田光明;傅庆林 20081101 摘要 本论文以苍南县十三个农产品基地作为研究对象,分析了农产品、 土壤与水环境的重金属污染状况并进行了评价,探明农产品受污染的成 因,叨确了土壤中重金属含量对农产品重金属污染的影响。本论文得到的 结论主要如下: 1.苍南县主耍农产品安全性状况:金乡、腾洋、马站与宜山等四个 水稻生产基地的稻米综合污染指数均小于 a 7,都属于清洁水平,稻米中 主耍污染因子为Pb。 4个蔬菜生产基地的蔬菜综合污染指数均小于 . 7,
2、 因此均为清洁蔬菜。,五个水产品生产基地中紫菜已经遭到中度污染,主耍 受到 As的污染,缢蛏尚清洁,但已经处于污染警戒等级,而鲢鱼属清洁 水产晶。 2“ 农产品产地环境质量状况:四个水稻生产基地环境质量达到清洁 水平,适合发展安全稻米生产。四个蔬菜生产基地环境质量达到清洁水平, 适合发展安全蔬菜生产,但金乡的土壤中汞污染指数达到了 1.0,处于污 染临界水平,己经受到萊的污染 威胁 .。五个水产品生产基地环境质量为清 洁水平,适合发展安全水产品生产,但大渔基地的养殖水汞污染指数已到 1.0, 正受到汞污染的危险。 3. 土壤重金属含量对农产品重金属污染的影响:稻米中 Hg、 As和 Cd 含量
3、分别与土壤中 Hg、 As和 Cd含量成显著正相关,稻米中 Hg、 As和 Cd 主要来源于土壤 ;蔬菜中 Hg和 As含量分别与土壤屮 Hg和 As含量没有显 著的相关性,表明蔬菜中 Hg和 As受其他因素的影响更多,土壤中 Pb和 Cd未被蔬菜吸收而产生污染;水产品与底泥中 Hg、 As、 Cu均没有显著相 关性, Cr、 Cd、Pb在底泥中有检出,而 Pb在水产品中都没有检出, Cr 和 Cd也在多个水产品样品中无检出,说明养殖区底泥的重金属不是水产 品中重金属的主要来源。 关 键 词 : 农 产 品 产 地 环 境 重 金 属 污 染 评 价 Abstract The situatio
4、n of heavy metal pollution of soil, water and agricultural products in 13 bases of agricultural products of Cangnan county was analyzed and evaluated. The aim of the research is to prove up the cause of heavy metal pollution of agricultural products and the impact of the heavy metal content of soil
5、on agricultural products. Following conclusions were achieved: 1. The quality condition of main agricultural products: the synthesis pollution indexes of 4 paddy bases (Jingxiang, Tengyang, Mazhan and Yishan) and 4 vegetable bases were under 0.7 which were under the safe-food standard. The main poll
6、ution element of paddy was Pb. The laver from 5 aquatic product bases had been polluted by heavy metal As. The razor clam and silver carp were still under safe-food standard while the razor clam had been polluted slightly. 2. The quality condition, of agricultural environment: The environments of 4
7、paddy bases and 4 vegetable bases were clean which can develop green-food. The Hg pollution indexes of soil in Jingxiang exceed 1.0 suggesting these spots had been polluted by heavy metal Hg. The environments of 5 aquatic bases were clean which can develop green-food. The Hg pollution indexes of Day
8、u exceed 1.0 suggesting these spots were in danger of heavy metal pollution. 3. The impact of the heavy melal content on agricultural products: There were significantly positive correlations between the concentrations of Hg, As and Cd in paddy and the content of them in paddy soils, which meant the
9、sources of Hg, As and Cd in paddy were paddy soil. There were no significantly correlations between the concentrations of Hg and As in vegetable and the content of them in vegetable soils which meant the main sources of Hg and As in vegetable were not soil. Pb and Cd in the soil had not been absorbe
10、d by vegetable on them. There were no significantly correlations between the concentrations of Cr, Cd and Pb in aquatic products and the content of them in aquatic soils. The content of Cr, Cd and Pb in aquatic soils had been tested while there were no Pb in all aquatic products and Cr, Cd in most a
11、quatic products, which suggested the heavy metal of soil were not the main source of heavy metal of aquatic products. Key words: agricultural product, environment, heavy metal, pollution, assessment 致谢 本研究在导师田光明教授和傅庆林研究员的悉心指导下完成的。论文从选题、设讣 到最后的论文撰写定稿,得到了两位导师的精心指导和修改。两位导师渊河的专业知识、 严茆的治学态度、认真负责和勤奋敬业的精神,
12、使我深受感动。值此论文完成之际,我 以最诚挚的心意向两位导师表示衷心的感谢! 在实地调査与采样过程中,得到了苍南县科技局、农业局、水产研究所领导的大力 支持,在此对他们表示衷心的感谢!在论文的撰写、资料查询和数据整理过程中得到了 林义成、郭彬、刘探、包崇来、胡天华同志的大力帮助,在此向他们表示诚挚的感谢! 在浙江大学学习期间,得到了林良夫老师、袁熙贤老师、马永芳老师和王晓燕老师 的义心和 帮助,在此向他们表示衷心的感谢! 衷心感谢所有支持和帮助我工作、学习与生活的老帅、领导、同事和別友们! 最后,向参加本论文答辩和评阅的各位专家、教授致以最诚挚的谢意! 丁能飞 2008年 11月 1文献综述
13、1.1重金属污染的现状 随着世界人口的快速增长、工业生产规模的不断扩大和城市化的快速发展,环境 污染问题已经被越来越多的人们所关注,特别是含有重金属的物质通过各种途径迸 入环境,参与土壤 -水体 -生物系统的循环,并通过食物链逐级富集进入人的食物链, 对人体的健康与安全构成严重的威胁。重金属是指密度大于 Sg/cm1*的一类金属元素, 人约有 45种,环境污染方而所说的重金属,实际上主要是指汞 (Hg)、 镉 (Cd)、 铅 (Pb)、 铬 (Cr)、 以及类金属砷 (As)等生物毒性显著的重金属,也包括具有一定毒性的一般重 金如如锌 (Zn)、铜 (Cu)、 钴 (Co)、 镇 (Ni)、
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- 苍南县 主要农产品 产地 环境 重金属 污染 调查 评价 丁能飞