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1、1 灵感与创意的结晶,用颇具雕塑感的外表演绎出现代美之内涵,并且保持人体工学理论的元素。2 完美的手工,典雅别致的设计和不断提升的品质,赢得各方青睐,赞誉四起。3 大自然资源丰富蕴藏无限生机,也赋予了设计师独特的灵感;脱胎于自然的本质,转化家具之中的一样角色。4 梦的季节,天真奇幻,红白争艳,无处不露盛华人的创意风采。5 简约、时尚、经典瞬间铸成,彰显生活的惬意质感,弹奏一首和谐的前卫之歌,在梦中静静的品位永恒的艺术6 设计前卫时尚,色彩鲜艳,个性鲜明,为阁下的起居室注入活力动感的元素。7 在都市生活的紧张、喧嚣中,我们太需要一块宁静的小天地来澄清心灵了,有时候,就是需要那样一种朴实透露理性与
2、静思的生活态度。8 生活在喧闹的都市中,向往一份简单、自然与纯净。明亮、温馨、简洁的线条,仿若海上翻起的阵阵碎浪。涤荡着世间的一切烦杂。拥有一个诗意的卧室,感受潮起潮落的惬意。9 生活的真谛,艺术的气质,是我们阐述的主题。感谢您对我们品牌的信任和支持, 不断创新,我们会以更好的产品回报于社会。10 面对温馨的家,从容自信于心底长腾而起,也许生活中太多的感动来自于这样平凡的家。11 以人为本的设计理念,崇尚视觉与触觉的完美结合,难以觉察的精巧细节,透出优雅与高贵。12重访经典、缤纷色彩、创新追求=唯快乐主义,别处有家园。It is heavy to visit the classic, riot
3、ours color and set up to pursue=but happy doctrine, there is home another place.炫目新品与媚惑之间的经典Classical charm between brand-new and attractive.2004家具的又一惊喜2004,Another surprise to furniture profession.美的凝聚与辐射Mei de ning ju yu fu she.传达个性生活,展现魅力自我。她,向往自由地呼吸;她,喜欢自然的颜色。思想顿悟时节传统思维汲取灵感进发一个眼色,即心领神会导致一个完美的合作,
4、经得起岁月珍藏。In the time of free thoughes to seek inspiration in tradition and then understadns tacitly with a hint of a tip leading to one kind of perfect cooperation with years to enjoy.简单之中蕴含精致,洒脱、雕琢之处不失简约。It contain exquisite in being simple free and easy, place that chisel and carve lose brief.极富创意的
5、结构设计已令人叹为观止,在制作工艺上更值得您细细品味,从细节中您亦可得到产品的品质和品味。It is surprised to have sutructre desing.And the technology is while being appropriated .From the details,you can find out the quality and graceful taste of products.提炼中西艺术精华,不经妆前的朴素,突破传统设计思维,展现合壁后优越气息,予人安定富足感。To absorb and purify the artistic soul of chi
6、na and the western with simple simplicty, and breakthrough of traditonal deesign to demonstrate the spirit of combination and present sense of stability and affluence.品味人生 享受生活To taste life and to enjoy life时尚帮派的华丽传奇Luxury & Fashion Tone无限的自由空间La Fndation cartier;Un Espace vivant pour Art comtempora
7、in.美丽可以如此自由Inner beauty out beauty时装家具的引导者East red rose.生活因我而精彩Life becose wodnerful for the sake of your.完美的手工,典雅别致的设计和不断提升的品质,赢得各方青睐,赞誉四起。Due to perfect handicraft, elegant & outstanding design and consecutively promoted quality. Classic sofa is popular and wins the honor both at home and overseas
8、.时尚与前卫的融合原创主义者与理想主义者Original greativity & Industrial Designer Pedro Silva Dias.主张生活极简主义从我的生活开始,个性超越风格设计,家具的灵魂品位,体现了主人的审美取向和意趣。灵感演现,建筑的三个前世创作意境精神艺术家的创作讲究竟境。艺术家对个人空间的营造同样讲究意境。独特的格调和品位,体现了主人的审美取向和意趣。夜幕下的视觉享受实力品牌 信心在握我的语言令你悸动为生活添质素New lifestyle outlet雍容华贵 跃燃生色立足时尚 高人一点自由态度 一种现代的传说,流线与金色的完美结合。自然恬静随和亲切Nat
9、ural and tranquil,friendly and agreea ble.典雅时尚Elegant style充满艺术气息,又不舍生活原素。超越自我,放眼未来。此情景只在东京Tokyo,in living colour.没有新概念就没有新生活A whole new car gane设计界内的动态变化日新月异,让人目不暇接。一组崭新的厨房设计物,带着一种全新的视觉观念,正悄然出现。典雅的造型,明快的色彩,营造出致雅的情调。The elegant shape and bold vigorous jointly create an elegant and graceful romance.超
10、时代的美感和出类拔萃的气派Superera aesthetic feeling and super eminent manner.设计独具风格,尽显高雅尊贵之气。The uinque design fully reveals elegance and noblenss.简约 永恒的时尚深色 精致优雅艺术 彰显个性空间原木 呼吸自然的灵韵个性家具 代言人给陶瓷注入生命尊贵典范 信心标志崇尚经典 追求自然只有您用挑剔的眼光, 才能发现圣保路确实与众不同。更完美的空间,更真实的感受演泽欧陆经典,展现名品风范创新潮流,灵气体现对话新家园,聆听人与建筑的和声智慧生活 品味所居现代空间 都市绿园令人神往的
11、轻松自如的基调,赋予办公空间新的生命和个性,在不息演变的资讯时代,秉承一份执着不衰的现代主义。Featured with background,the table furnishes your office with new life personalitg keeps on replenishing it with an unfading modernisn spite everchaging information.经典中的精英,将研制者一贯的精良品质,精湛技术,严密的质量把关发扬。Rated among the best of masterpieces,its a good exampl
12、e of the designers merites, excellent technique andstringent quality control.汇集中外精华 展现天然风采身边的艺术The art around展现仿古文化精神 融汇休闲时尚魅力时尚家居Vogue of furniture休闲态度,动感生活舒适不是一种流行,她只是一种生活态度,当所有的摩登都擦肩而过时,只有自由仍执着地畅想岁月的滋味。理想是一种收获执理想的手,我风去远航,停泊在秋天的岸,收获一份丰厚的辉煌,将所有的黄金都照亮。境界境界是一种高深莫测的称谓,我们不能改变我们的定位,但可以调整我们在自己心中的高度。成功是一种
13、幸福成功是一种精神的复苏,生活中的一种契机被触动,引发生命中不可抑制的激情,刹那,泪如泉涌。科技改变生活,生活享受科技。传统生产工艺和现代的科学制作技术相结合,充分体现科技融于生活的时尚理念。The technology changes life, the life enjoy the techology .Scient that tradition produce the craft manufactures the technique to combine with the moderns, cent now the technology melt in the living vogue
14、prinnciple.随意舒展 科技领先Arranging to your likng, enjoyjng a leading technology.舒适自然,令您有贴心贴背的感觉。Staff chair series, comfortable and natural,give you the feeling of up close attachment. 成功人士之首先,王者风范,气派非凡。The first choice for the successful people, majestic manner, exceptional style. 舒服、美观、尤如进入大自然之境界。Comfo
15、rtable Beautiful Just Like going into the nature,give you the feeling of up close attachment. 生活源自这里的精彩舒适每一分,精彩每一天生活这里演泽,艺术在这里蔓延内部结构严谨妥贴、外型洒脱奔放、格调明媚、演泽现代家居生活迷人的魅力。品味源于追求沙发之经典 潮流之代言品味时尚家具 尽享个性空间 感受休闲家居生活,放开自我,回归自然,自由的空间,自由的风,让休闲得到充分的释放。The most comfotable lives,open youself and back to nature,free wi
16、nd, completely relax yourself.让光线靠近情感Lets close light with emotion点亮心灵暖意Warm feeling格调源自气质The best patten from temperament自然环保新睡眠主义New reposism for nature and environmen tal protection品味时尚家居 尽享个性空间Tasty vogue furniture enjoy the character spact 领略简朴自然,体验优越时尚。To feel the nature and to experience a mo
17、dern life.艺术,无须过多的装饰,就已经打动人心的深处。拘一格的会议台设计,让你在忙碌中享受一份完美的心情。Art can attract any one without any excessive decoration.Our special designed meeting table can surely offer you a delighted working mood.各式新款班台,配以独具想象力的设计,展现新时尚的轮廓,让你在澎湃的事业生涯中扬翅高飞。For any help we can do in your marvellour career,we prepare a
18、ny office tables tables with modern and imaginative design. 追求完美空间,经典人生乍现。To pursue a perfect space for a classical life.缔造舒适环境,触发生活灵感。To create comfortable working environment and to lead to inspiration for life.悠长的岁月中,独特的传统创作,幻变各类经典艺术,休闲舒适,为你营造一个不同凡响的办公氛围。In your long-term struggle history,our spe
19、cial traditional works with comfortable and classical design can create a marvellous working environment for you.专业生产沙发、会议椅、转椅等系列办公家具。We are specializing in producing sofa,meeting chair, swivel chair and office furniture.时尚的设计,款式打破传统的格局,设计出崭新的意念,洋溢时尚风彩,令素雅的空间,燃点出现代的光彩。The popular design and unconven
20、tional patterns refresh you with new idea and fill you home latest trend, making it radiating the splendor of era.居-祥和温馨,外围环境不可以随心改变,但室内居家环境可以由心而设,生活之趣味,全在于您投入其中去寻找、挖掘与品味。每个家都是一道不同的风景。从热情洋溢的客厅到温馨细腻的卧室,从艺术化的厨房到时尚化的卫生间,全方位地展现个性的魅力和现代化的文明,流淌着个人的品味和对生活的理解。Dwellings remind us of the peace and coziness in
21、 our homes.However, we may modify the internal surroudings but not the external as we like. From welcoming living rooms to cozy and refined bedrooms, and trom the artistic kitchens to stylish toilet rooms,eath honsr preaent with us a distinctive landscape, distinctive landscape, displaying a panoram
22、a of humanistic attraction and the modern civilization, and embodying the taste of individuals and their interpretation their of lives.采用全新英国ISCOFAEX人体压力测试系统,内置活连锁式弹簧内胆,拉力强劲,配置8000个透气孔道,散热防潮表面。结合比利时提花织锦,为您缔造传世佳品。Provided with complete new British ISCOFAEX body pressure test system,built-in chain spr
23、ing with strong tension, 8000 ventilating pores, heat-radiating and damp-proof surface, as well as Belgium jacquard fabric, providing a product that will be handed on from age to age.采用100%美国超级环绕独立弹簧床网,经18000磅的高压稳定测试,保证30年永不变型,配上1.5cm厚的天然弹力纤维及柔软的海棉,为您缔造一个舒适、健康、安全环保的睡眠环境。Provided with 100% American s
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