. 采矿工程专业英语词汇手册 (Glossary of Special English in Mining Engineering ) 采矿工程专业内部讲义 二零零七年三月 . Content Chapter 3 .1 Mining method.2 Chapter 3.2 Mine preplanning.3 Chapter3.3 Mine development.4 Chapter 4.1 Wall mining introduction5 Chapter 4.2 Ground control aspects . 6 Chapter 4.3 Roof support system .7 Chapter 4.4 Longwall coal-getting machine8 Chapter 4.5 Convey system.8 Chapter 4.6 Mine Vetilation.10 Chapter 5 Pillaring system.11 Chapter 6 Roadway excavation and support.12 Chapter 7 Novel methods of mining.16 . Chapter 3 .1 Mining method mining method 采矿方法; mining operation 采矿作业; transportation 运输; ventilation 通风; ground control 顶板管理; the cost of per ton of coal 吨煤成本; recovery 回采率; subside v. subsidence n.地表沉陷; subsidence control 地表沉陷控制 cover 覆盖层; overburden 上覆地层; immediate roof 直接顶; floor 底板; dip (Pitch) 倾角; hardness 硬度; strength 强度; cleavage 解理; gas,methane 瓦斯 daily operation 日常工作 single operation 单一工序 unit operation 单元作业 auxiliary operation 辅助作业 cutting n. 切割,掏槽; blasting n. 爆破 loading n. 装煤 haul v. 运输,搬运 drainage n.排水 power n. 动力 power Supply 动力供应 communication n. 通讯 lighting n.照明。 disruption in production 停产; reduction in production 减产; compromise 折衷 room and pillar 房柱式 by far 到目前为止 in common with 和一样 underground mining 井工开采 outcrop 露头,露出地面的岩层; crosscut 联络巷、石门; drift 平硐; entry 平巷; development stage 开拓阶段; production stage 生产阶段; face 工作面。 continuous miner 连续采煤机; haulage capacity 运输能力; main entry 主巷。 barrier pillar 隔离煤柱; butt entry 区段平巷; property line 矿井边界线。 shearer 滚筒采煤机 planer,Plow 刨煤机 surface mining 露天开采 auger mining 螺旋钻开采 rapid excavation 快速掘进 hydraulic mining 水力采矿 underground gasification 地下气化 ocean mining 海洋采矿 Chapter 3 .2 Mine Preplanning Hercules【希、罗神】赫尔克里斯, 大力 神- Herculean, adj. 力气极大的;需要 大力气的。herculean effort 巨大的努力 inadequacy n.不足,缺乏。 transportation facility 运输设备 inflationary adj. 通货膨胀的,通货膨胀引 . 起的-inflation n.胀大, 通货膨胀, (物价)暴 涨-inflate v 膨胀,充气。 inflationary process 通货膨胀过程 drive up 抬高,提高 drive into 掘进 到 be faced with 面临 monumental adj. 用以加强语气非常的, 极端的-monument n.纪念碑 coal reserve 煤炭储量 electromechanical adj. 机电的 electro(电子的)+mechanical(机械的) electromechanical mine operation 矿井机 电作业 staff v. 雇用,聘用 season v 适用,适应 coordinate n. 坐标。v. (使)互相配合, (使)协调, 调整。 a multitude(n. 多数,多量) of 大量 capital investment 基本建设投资。 foremost 最主要的,最重要的, 1Billion = 1,000,000,000 即 10 亿。 Mt metric ton 公吨。 453.5Mt = 500 million tons 0.907Mt = 1 million ton put into operation 投产,投入使用 raise 筹集 the life of the property 矿产/井的使用年 限。 commercial value 市场价值,商业价值。 for convenience 为了方便其见 minability 可采性 marketability 适销性,可销性 coal reserve 煤矿 nominal,名义上的,极小的。 option 买卖选择权,优先购买权 enter upon 开始 preliminary examination 初步调查 operating mine 生产矿井 to the extent that 达到这种程度以致. ; 就.来说;在.方面来说; adjacent to 邻近的 surface topography 地面地形,表面地形 coalfield 煤田 measure 层组 coal-bearing measure 含煤地层 feature 特征;地貌。 structural feature 构造特征 surface improvement 地面上的改造 tilled area 耕地 reservoir 水库 power line 电力线,输电线 reservation n.保留地;自然保护区 on record n.留有记录的,记录在案的 preferred 优先 选用的,首选的 traverse 导线。 traverse with compass 罗盘定位。 system surveying 系统测量 sampling 采样 have a bearing on 对有影响,与.有关 available 有效的,可用的 pricing schedule 定价方案 preparation treatment 洗选加工 selective adj.有选择性的,选择的 a master plan of operation 总体生产计划。 serve as 用作,作为,起到作用。 basis 基础,根据,依据 since 引导原因状语从句 justify 调整,证明,证明是正确的, prospecting 勘探 drilling pattern 钻孔布置,钻孔图式 basic map 底图,基本地图 log sheet 钻孔柱状图 tabular adj. =table tabular record 表格记录 operating management 经营管理部门,经 营管理 . life expectancy 预期使用年限,使用寿命 delivery of supplies 材料供应 estimate of the cost 成本估计 sales department 销售部 Chapter 3.3 Mine development portal 井筒 expected life of the mine 矿井的设计使用年限 rail haulage 轨道运输 as well as 即又 be of n. 具有(性质) drift 平硐 shaft 立井,竖井 slope 斜井 main shaft 主立井 auxiliary shaft 副立井 air shaft 风井 transfer house 中转煤仓 headframe 井架 hoist house 提升机房,绞车房 skip 箕斗 cage 罐笼 car dump 卸煤设备 storage bin 井底煤仓 deplete 耗尽、衰竭 whetheror是还是 pressure drop 压降 net effect 净效应,有效效应,实际结果 capital cost 基建费用 Chapter 4.1 Walling system introduction working face 工作面 coalface:采煤工作面 interconnection:切眼 panel entry:区段平巷 gate entry:工作面顺槽 head gate:区段皮带巷,运输巷 tail gate:区段轨道巷,回风巷 headentry:工作面运输巷(下顺槽) tailentry:工作面回风巷(上顺槽) bleeder entry:区段回风巷 cross-cut:联络巷 gob, goaf:采空区 end:端头 Longwall mining 长壁采矿法 Shortwall mining 短壁采矿法 pillar system. 柱式系统 longwall mining on strike 走向长壁采煤 方法 mining in advance / wall advancing mining 前进式采煤方法 . mining in retreat / wall retreating mining 后退式采煤方法 inclined longwall mining 倾斜长壁开采 underhand mining 俯采 overhand mining 仰采 Coal mining machine, coal-getting machine 采煤机; Shearer,滚筒采煤机 Plow,planer 刨煤机 Face conveyor 工作面运输机 Pan line,”溜子” Chain conveyor 链式运输机 Scraper chain conveyor 刮板输送机 Armored chain conveyor 铠装运输机 Roof support system:顶板支护系统 Friction props:摩擦支柱 Friction metal props:摩擦支柱 Hydraulic prop:液压支柱 Single/Individual hydraulic prop 单体液 压支柱 Hydraulic powered self-advanced support: 液压自移式支架 roof support 顶板支架 stage loader:转载机 panel belt conveyor 区段皮带运输机 electrical control 电力控制装置/设备 hydraulic pump 液压泵站 blast mining technology 爆破采煤工艺 conventionally mechanized mining technology 普通机械化采煤 fully mechanized mining technology 综合 机械化采煤 fully mechanized mining with sublevel caving technology 综采放顶煤方法 Chapter 4.2 Ground control 工作面周围地层: Overlying strata 上覆地层: Main roof 老顶,基本顶 Immediate roof 直接顶 Gob 采空区-Facerib(煤壁) Floor 底板 Underlying strata 下伏地层 Ground control 顶板处理方式: (1)Caving; (2)Pack。 Stable 切口,机窝 dead work 准备工作,非生产性工作。 Mobile belt conveyor 可移式胶带运输机 No exception 无一例外 regular maintenance n.日常修理,定期检修 Downtime 停工期(由于损坏、修理等原 因造成的停机时间),停工时间,停机时间 Clearance 空隙 Immediate area of the face:工作面的直接 区域 Rib line 煤壁线,腰线 heading 掘进头,平巷 up to dip 沿倾斜上行 Compression strength 压缩强度 Underlying strata 下伏地层 bed separation 离层 On strike 沿走向 Rad radian,弧度 Cleat 解理 Hold true 有效,适用 Half butt cutting 半垂直切割 Angle of attack 冲角 virgin conditions 原始条件; Harder roof strata Softer coal seamuniformly distributed . stress,the overburden weight Harder floor strata induced by mining 采动引起的 Stress distribution 应力分布 Deflect 偏斜,偏转,挠曲,下垂 Cave in 冒顶,垮落 Front abutment pressure 前方支承压力 Side abutment pressure 侧向支承压力 Rear abutment pressure 后方支承压力 前方支承压力: 分布范围: 150m first felt/occur 出现,有反应,有感 应; 4560m pick up slightly 略有增长,略有 加速; 1521m increase rapidly 迅速增长; 1.5-5m 支承压力峰值 peak abutment pressure magnitude of the peak abutment pressure 峰 值大小:1.5-5 overburdern weight 后方压力:vertical pressure face area:far below the cover load gob area:gradually increase at last:the cover load 范围:0.3-0.4 the overburden thickness. No abutment pressure Side abutment First felt:At the same time as the front abutment pressure 范围:from the rib to 1/3 or 1/4 h largest at the ribside, decrease exponentially with distance from rib position of peak pressure:0.015h Magnitude depend on the thickness and length of the immediate roof hanging in the gob. Gob area 采空区 稳定-slip, sag, separate-cave in Face area 工作面区 Support the immediate roof Solid coal 实体煤 Chapter 4 .3 Roof support system Face-to-gob distance 控顶距,工作面到 采空区的距离。 Yield pressure 屈服压力 support resistance 支架阻力 Face-to-tip distance 端面距 Precut 预切割 Frames 节式支架 Stroke 行程 Chock support 垛式支架 Double-acting ram 双作用千斤顶 Web cut 截深 Shields 掩护式支架 Double link 双键 Lemniscates 双纽线,四联杆 Roof canopy 顶梁 Chock-Shield 支撑掩护式支架 leg,prop 立柱 canopy 顶梁 forward canopy 前梁 rear canopy 尾梁 caving shield 掩护梁 flipper,spauling shield 护帮板 slider, jack board 插板 ram ,cylinder,jack 千斤顶 hose 油管 emulsion 乳化液 valve 阀 support yielding 支架卸载 . Chapter 4.4 Longwall coal-getting machine miner,mining machine 采煤机 continuous miner 连续采煤机 shearer 滚筒采煤机 motor 电动机、马达 electric motor 电机 haulage gearcase 牵引部 gearhead 传动部 cutter drum gearcase 滚筒截割部 bedplate 底盘、底座 control unit 控制装置 chain 链条 reducing gear box 减速箱 pillboard 挡煤板 cowl 挡煤板 bit 截齿 drum 滚筒 ranging-arm 摇臂 gear 齿轮 track 轨道 gear track 齿轨 gearcase n.齿轮箱 Rotor 转子 Chapter 4.5 Conveying system flexible flight conveyor / face chain conveyor 工作面可弯曲刮板输送机 main components 主要部件 drive head 机头部 electric motor 电动机 Hydraulic coupling 液力联轴器 speed reducer 减速器 chain wheel / sprocket 链轮 drive head frame 机头架 middle sections 中间部 line pan 溜槽 flight / scraper 刮板 link chain 刮板链 endless chain 无极链 机尾部 tail end 机尾架 Drive end frame 链轮 sprocket 附属装置 auxiliary drives/units 挡煤板 spillboard / spill plate (cowl 罩, 外壳) 铲煤板 ramp plate 千斤顶 jack chain drive 链式传动: classification according to chain arrangement 双边链 double strand outboard chain 三链 triple strand chain 单中链 single middle chain 双中链 double middle chain 新型刮板输送机 侧卸式 side-loading fight conveyor 垂直转弯式 roller-curve fight conveyor 转载机 Transfer conveyor A short heavy flexible flight conveyor 桥式转载机 (bridge ) stage loader 区段皮带输送机 Main components 皮带 belt 托辊 roller 支撑托辊 supporting roller 机架 frame 传动装置 drive unit 电动机 electric motor 联轴器 coupling 减速器 speed reducer 滚筒 drum 卸载滚筒 unloaded drum 机尾导向滚筒 tail guide drum . 拉紧滚筒 take-up drum 机尾导向滚筒 guide drum 拉紧装置 take-up units 制动装置 Braking devices 采区运输系统: 上山 rise 下山 dip Dip angle 15 belt conveyor 15Dip angle25 chain conveyor Dip angle25 ceramic conveyor 水平运输系统 水平运输大巷 horizontal haulage entry belt conveyor 矿车 trolley wagons 机车 locomotive 电力机车 trolley locomotive 蓄电池机车 battery locomotive 矿车 wagon 固定箱式矿车 Fixed box wagon Tipping bucket wagon Front unloading wagon 底卸式矿车 Bottom-dump wagon 立井提升系统 矿井提升系统 Mine hoist system 提升机 Engine hoist 钢丝绳 wire rope 天轮 head sheave(n.滑轮) 箕斗 skip 辅助运输 auxiliary transportation Transportation of material, equipment, waste and personnel 材料、设备、矸石、 人员 副井 Auxiliary shaft Similar to main shaft 罐笼 Cagehoist container 斜井 Slope In the slope, material and equipment are usually transported by direct rope hoist and endless rope hoist. While the waste is transported by skip and train according to the dip angle. The personnel are transported by a special man-car in the slope. 水平运输大巷 horizontal haulage entry Electric locomotive haul the wagons to transport material, equipment, waste. Electric locomotive haul the special man- cars to transport miners. 采区上下山 district rise and dip 1)有极绳提升 Direct rope hoist dip angle:8-22 钢丝绳的一端与矿车相连,通过绞车 (winch)放出和收回。 2)无极绳提升 Endless rope hoist dip angle:10 区段运输 Tail entry:wagons wire rope Overhead monorail 单轨吊 Overhead endless rope hoist Transfer conveyor 转载运输机 Stage loader 桥式转载机 Roller curve conveyor 滚轴转弯运输机 Chapter 4.6 Ventilation system 风机:Ventilation fan 回风井:Return shaft 进风井:Intake shaft Working face Intake working 回风巷道:Return roadway 新鲜风:Fresh air Air flow 乏风:Dirty air 回风系统: . 抽出式通风:Exhaust ventilation 负压 negative pressure 压入式通风:Forced ventilation 正压 Positive pressure 风机类型: 离心式风机:Centrifugal fan; 轴流式风机:Axial flow fan。 通风设施:Ventilating structures 风墙:Ventilation wall 风门:Air door 风桥:Air bridge Air regulator 防尘、灭尘:Dust suppression water spray 洒水,mist spray 喷雾 固定滚筒双向截割采煤机 fixed-drum bi- directional shearer 单滚筒可调高采煤机 single-drum ranging-arm shearer 双滚筒可调高采煤机 double-dram ranging-arm shearer 矿井瓦斯:mine gas 瓦斯:gas,methane,firedamp All hazardous gases in underground coal mines, its major component is CH4. Colorless, odorless, nonpoisonous, Combustible. Its density is less than that of the air, so it often accumulates near the roof. Gas/methane control 瓦斯控制 Gassy mine 高瓦斯矿井 Chapter 5 Pillar system Two distinct phases of operation: First rooms and pillars are developed in a section. The second is mining pillars. Two basic mining methods: Conventional mining method.普通采煤方 法 Cutting 掏槽 at the bottom of the coal seam a horizontal slot is 6-9 inch, 5-7feet deep Drilling 钻眼 the optimum number and location of boreholes coal fragments after blasting neither too big nor too small for efficient loading. Blasting 爆破 explosives are loaded into each borehole and detonated n.起爆 Loading 装煤 shuttle carsection belt conveyor. Two shuttle cars are used. roof bolting 顶板锚杆支护 为了充分发挥设备和人员的能力,至少 同时掘进 5 个平行的巷道。 由于生产环节多、分散,逐渐被连续采 煤方法取代。 Continuous mining method.连续采煤方法 I continuous miner shuttle car 连续采 煤机梭车工艺 section belt conveyor roof bolting 间断运输工艺 II continuous miner (intermediate) conveyors 连续采煤机输送机工艺 section belt conveyor roof bolting 连续的运输工艺 Pillar recovery 回收煤柱 There are three methods of extracting pillars, open-end method, pocket and wing method and splitting method. open-end method 开端式 pocket and wing method 袋翼式 splitting 劈柱式 pillarblockslifts/slices 煤柱 . 块切块 Coal property 煤矿 Area 盘区 Set of entries 巷道群 Engineer vt.设计 Slough 脱落,剥落,碎落;崩落,坍塌, 滑坍 Crush 压碎 A function of 是的函数,随而变。 Relative strength 相对强度 Clearance 净空 Block of coal Room work Cutting consequence 切割顺序 Face mining cycle 工作面开采循环 Mining practice 开采 Colloquial kE5lEukwiEl adj.口语的, 通 俗的 Dictate 规定,制定 Outline 形成轮廓 Incorporate as Ample 充足的,丰富的 solid work chain pillar 巷道煤柱 lessen 减少,减轻 lift 小煤块、 slice 切块 physical condition n.实际条件 post 柱子,支柱 stump 煤柱 slab 平板 fender 煤柱,窄煤柱 hand loading 人工装载 common practice 惯例 concurrently n.同时发生地,并行地 in place 就地,原地;在地层内 ride over 骑马来,跨在上 masonry n.砖石工程,砖石建筑 砌筑。 Masonry stopping 砌筑风墙 Canvas stopping 帆布风帘 Line Brattice 纵向风障 Loading station 装车点 Chapter 6 Roadway excavation and support 1 Roadway section 巷道断面 掘进 drive, tunnel, excavate 平巷掘进 Drifting 巷道掘进 roadway excavation 平巷掘进 n. drifting 沉井,凿井 n. sinking 上山掘进 n. raising 下山掘进 n. 1)The shape of roadway section 断面形状 巷道断面形状主要取决于地层条件、服务年限和支护材料。 The shape of roadway section depends mainly on strata conditions,the serving life and supporting materials. 井筒 Shaft , circular 大巷 Main entry , arched, horseshoe . 上山 rise, ladder-shaped, trapezoidal 顺槽 Gateway , ladder-shaped, trapezoidal 2)The size of roadway section 断面尺寸 巷道断面尺寸主要取决于巷道的用途。 The size of roadway section depends mainly on its use. 它取决于运输或提升设备或其它设备的尺寸,还要根据通风要求对巷道断面尺寸加以 修改。 It is dependent on haulage or hoisting equipment or other devices used,and it is modified according to the ventilation requirement. 净宽,net width;净高 net height;净断面面积 net section area。 2 Roadway excavation in rocks 岩巷掘进 炮掘,爆破掘进:blasting excavation 装岩,除渣:mucking 掘进工艺包括主要作业和辅助作业,其中主要作业包括破岩、装岩、运输、支护,辅 助作业包括通风、铺设轨道、挖掘排水沟、铺设管线等等。 The excavation technique consists of main operations including breaking, loading, haulage and support, and auxiliary work including ventilation, laying the track, digging ditches and laying pipes etc. 1)Breaking 破岩 打眼放炮是目前应用最广泛的破岩方法。 Drilling and blasting is the most widely used method of rock breaking at present. (1)drilling Drill n. 钻机 气动轻型钻机,风钻 Air-jackleg 气腿式钻机 Air-jack leg drill 架式钻机 Drifter 钻车,凿岩台车 Jumbo, drill carriage 湿式钻进 Wet drilling 干式钻进 Dry drilling 钻孔 borehole (2)Blasting 爆破 炸药:Explosive 装药:Load explosive in the borehole, charge 起爆:detonate雷管:detonator;电雷管:electric detonator 炮眼布置方式:drilling pattern 掏槽眼:cut hole 辅助眼:auxiliary hole 周边眼:trim hole 顶眼:roof hole 帮眼:flank hole . 底眼
- 资源描述:
.\ 采矿工程专业英语词汇手册 (Glossary of Special English in Mining Engineering ) 采矿工程专业内部讲义 二零零七年三月 .\ Content Chapter 3 .1 Mining method…………..……………………………………….………..……2 Chapter 3.2 Mine preplanning…………………………………………………………..……3 Chapter3.3 Mine development…………………………………………………………….…4 Chapter 4.1 Wall mining introduction…………………………………………………………5 Chapter 4.2 Ground control aspects ….. ………………………………………………………6 Chapter 4.3 Roof support system ….………………………………………………………..…7 Chapter 4.4 Longwall coal-getting machine……………………………………………………8 Chapter 4.5 Convey system…………………………………………………………………..8 Chapter 4.6 Mine Vetilation………………………………………………………..………....10 Chapter 5 Pillaring system..........……………………………………………………………....11 Chapter 6 Roadway excavation and support……………………………………………....…...12 Chapter 7 Novel methods of mining…………………………………………………..……....16 .\ Chapter 3 .1 Mining method mining method 采矿方法; mining operation 采矿作业; transportation 运输; ventilation 通风; ground control 顶板管理; the cost of per ton of coal 吨煤成本; recovery 回采率; subside v. subsidence n.地表沉陷; subsidence control 地表沉陷控制 cover 覆盖层; overburden 上覆地层; immediate roof 直接顶; floor 底板; dip (Pitch) 倾角; hardness 硬度; strength 强度; cleavage 解理; gas,methane 瓦斯 daily operation 日常工作 single operation 单一工序 unit operation 单元作业 auxiliary operation 辅助作业 cutting n. 切割,掏槽; blasting n. 爆破 loading n. 装煤 haul v. 运输,搬运 drainage n.排水 power n. 动力 power Supply 动力供应 communication n. 通讯 lighting n.照明。 disruption in production 停产; reduction in production 减产; compromise 折衷 room and pillar 房柱式 by far 到目前为止 in common with … 和…一样 underground mining 井工开采 outcrop 露头,露出地面的岩层; crosscut 联络巷、石门; drift 平硐; entry 平巷; development stage 开拓阶段; production stage 生产阶段; face 工作面。 continuous miner 连续采煤机; haulage capacity 运输能力; main entry 主巷。 barrier pillar 隔离煤柱; butt entry 区段平巷; property line 矿井边界线。 shearer 滚筒采煤机 planer,Plow 刨煤机 surface mining 露天开采 auger mining 螺旋钻开采 rapid excavation 快速掘进 hydraulic mining 水力采矿 underground gasification 地下气化 ocean mining 海洋采矿 Chapter 3 .2 Mine Preplanning Hercules【希、罗神】赫尔克里斯, 大力 神--> Herculean, adj. 力气极大的;需要 大力气的。herculean effort 巨大的努力 inadequacy n.不足,缺乏。 transportation facility 运输设备 inflationary adj. 通货膨胀的,通货膨胀引 .\ 起的<--inflation n.胀大, 通货膨胀, (物价)暴 涨<--inflate v 膨胀,充气。 inflationary process 通货膨胀过程 drive up 抬高,提高 drive into 掘进 到… be faced with 面临 monumental adj. [用以加强语气]非常的, 极端的<--monument n.纪念碑 coal reserve 煤炭储量 electromechanical adj. 机电的 electro(电子的)+mechanical(机械的) electromechanical mine operation 矿井机 电作业 staff v. 雇用,聘用 season v 适用,适应 coordinate n. 坐标。v. (使)互相配合, (使)协调, 调整。 a multitude(n. 多数,多量) of 大量 capital investment 基本建设投资。 foremost 最主要的,最重要的, 1Billion = 1,000,000,000 即 10 亿。 Mt metric ton 公吨。 453.5Mt = 500 million tons 0.907Mt = 1 million ton put into operation 投产,投入使用 raise 筹集 the life of the property 矿产/井的使用年 限。 commercial value 市场价值,商业价值。 for convenience 为了方便其见 minability 可采性 marketability 适销性,可销性 coal reserve 煤矿 nominal,名义上的,极小的。 option 买卖选择权,优先购买权 enter upon 开始 preliminary examination 初步调查 operating mine 生产矿井 to the extent that 达到这种程度以致... ; 就...来说;在...方面来说; adjacent to 邻近的 surface topography 地面地形,表面地形 coalfield 煤田 measure 层组 coal-bearing measure 含煤地层 feature 特征;地貌。 structural feature 构造特征 surface improvement 地面上的改造 tilled area 耕地 reservoir 水库 power line 电力线,输电线 reservation n.保留地;自然保护区 on record n.留有记录的,记录在案的 preferred 优先 〔选用〕的,首选的 traverse 导线。 traverse with compass 罗盘定位。 system surveying 系统测量 sampling 采样 have a bearing on 对…有影响,与...有关 available 有效的,可用的 pricing schedule 定价方案 preparation treatment 洗选加工 selective adj.有选择性的,选择的 a master plan of operation 总体生产计划。 serve as 用作,作为,起到…作用。 basis 基础,根据,依据 since 引导原因状语从句 justify 调整,证明,证明…是正确的, prospecting 勘探 drilling pattern 钻孔布置,钻孔图式 basic map 底图,基本地图 log sheet 钻孔柱状图 tabular adj. <==table tabular record 表格记录 operating management 经营管理部门,经 营管理 .\ life expectancy 预期使用年限,使用寿命 delivery of supplies 材料供应 estimate of the cost 成本估计 sales department 销售部 Chapter 3.3 Mine development portal 井筒 expected life of the mine 矿井的设计使用年限 rail haulage 轨道运输 as well as 即…又… be of +n. 具有…(性质) drift 平硐 shaft 立井,竖井 slope 斜井 main shaft 主立井 auxiliary shaft 副立井 air shaft 风井 transfer house 中转煤仓 headframe 井架 hoist house 提升机房,绞车房 skip 箕斗 cage 罐笼 car dump 卸煤设备 storage bin 井底煤仓 deplete 耗尽、衰竭 whether…or…是…还是… pressure drop 压降 net effect 净效应,有效效应,实际结果 capital cost 基建费用 Chapter 4.1 Walling system introduction working face 工作面 coalface:采煤工作面 interconnection:切眼 panel entry:区段平巷 gate entry:工作面顺槽 head gate:区段皮带巷,运输巷 tail gate:区段轨道巷,回风巷 headentry:工作面运输巷(下顺槽) tailentry:工作面回风巷(上顺槽) bleeder entry:区段回风巷 cross-cut:联络巷 gob, goaf:采空区 end:端头 Longwall mining 长壁采矿法 Shortwall mining 短壁采矿法 pillar system. 柱式系统 longwall mining on strike 走向长壁采煤 方法 mining in advance / wall advancing mining 前进式采煤方法 .\ mining in retreat / wall retreating mining 后退式采煤方法 inclined longwall mining 倾斜长壁开采 underhand mining 俯采 overhand mining 仰采 Coal mining machine, coal-getting machine 采煤机; Shearer,滚筒采煤机 Plow,planer 刨煤机 Face conveyor 工作面运输机 Pan line,”溜子” Chain conveyor 链式运输机 Scraper chain conveyor 刮板输送机 Armored chain conveyor 铠装运输机 Roof support system:顶板支护系统 Friction props:摩擦支柱 Friction metal props:摩擦支柱 Hydraulic prop:液压支柱 Single/Individual hydraulic prop 单体液 压支柱 Hydraulic powered self-advanced support: 液压自移式支架 roof support 顶板支架 stage loader:转载机 panel belt conveyor 区段皮带运输机 electrical control 电力控制装置/设备 hydraulic pump 液压泵站 blast mining technology 爆破采煤工艺 conventionally mechanized mining technology 普通机械化采煤 fully mechanized mining technology 综合 机械化采煤 fully mechanized mining with sublevel caving technology 综采放顶煤方法 Chapter 4.2 Ground control 工作面周围地层: Overlying strata 上覆地层: Main roof 老顶,基本顶 Immediate roof 直接顶 Gob 采空区--Face—rib(煤壁) Floor 底板 Underlying strata 下伏地层 Ground control 顶板处理方式: (1)Caving; (2)Pack。 Stable 切口,机窝 dead work 准备工作,非生产性工作。 Mobile belt conveyor 可移式胶带运输机 No exception 无一例外 regular maintenance n.日常修理,定期检修 Downtime 停工期(由于损坏、修理等原 因造成的停机时间),停工时间,停机时间 Clearance 空隙 Immediate area of the face:工作面的直接 区域 Rib line 煤壁线,腰线 heading 掘进头,平巷 up to dip 沿倾斜上行 Compression strength 压缩强度 Underlying strata 下伏地层 bed separation 离层 On strike 沿走向 Rad = radian,弧度 Cleat 解理 Hold true 有效,适用 Half butt cutting 半垂直切割 Angle of attack 冲角 virgin conditions 原始条件; Harder roof strata Softer coal seam――uniformly distributed .\ stress,the overburden weight Harder floor strata induced by mining 采动引起的 Stress distribution 应力分布 Deflect 偏斜,偏转,挠曲,下垂 Cave in 冒顶,垮落 Front abutment pressure 前方支承压力 Side abutment pressure 侧向支承压力 Rear abutment pressure 后方支承压力 前方支承压力: 分布范围: 150m first felt/occur 出现,有反应,有感 应; 45-60m pick up slightly 略有增长,略有 加速; 15-21m increase rapidly 迅速增长; 1.5-5m 支承压力峰值 peak abutment pressure magnitude of the peak abutment pressure 峰 值大小:1.5-5 overburdern weight 后方压力:vertical pressure face area:far below the cover load gob area:gradually increase at last:the cover load 范围:0.3-0.4 the overburden thickness. No abutment pressure Side abutment First felt:At the same time as the front abutment pressure 范围:from the rib to 1/3 or 1/4 h largest at the ribside, decrease exponentially with distance from rib position of peak pressure:0.015h Magnitude depend on the thickness and length of the immediate roof hanging in the gob. Gob area 采空区 稳定--slip, sag, separate--cave in Face area 工作面区 Support the immediate roof Solid coal 实体煤 Chapter 4 .3 Roof support system Face-to-gob distance 控顶距,工作面到 采空区的距离。 Yield pressure 屈服压力 support resistance 支架阻力 Face-to-tip distance 端面距 Precut 预切割 Frames 节式支架 Stroke 行程 Chock support 垛式支架 Double-acting ram 双作用千斤顶 Web cut 截深 Shields 掩护式支架 Double link 双键 Lemniscates 双纽线,四联杆 Roof canopy 顶梁 Chock-Shield 支撑掩护式支架 leg,prop 立柱 canopy 顶梁 forward canopy 前梁 rear canopy 尾梁 caving shield 掩护梁 flipper,spauling shield 护帮板 slider, jack board 插板 ram ,cylinder,jack 千斤顶 hose 油管 emulsion 乳化液 valve 阀 support yielding 支架卸载 .\ Chapter 4.4 Longwall coal-getting machine miner,mining machine 采煤机 continuous miner 连续采煤机 shearer 滚筒采煤机 motor 电动机、马达 electric motor 电机 haulage gearcase 牵引部 gearhead 传动部 cutter drum gearcase 滚筒截割部 bedplate 底盘、底座 control unit 控制装置 chain 链条 reducing gear box 减速箱 pillboard 挡煤板 cowl 挡煤板 bit 截齿 drum 滚筒 ranging-arm 摇臂 gear 齿轮 track 轨道 gear track 齿轨 gearcase n.齿轮箱 Rotor 转子 Chapter 4.5 Conveying system flexible flight conveyor / face chain conveyor 工作面可弯曲刮板输送机 main components 主要部件 drive head 机头部 electric motor 电动机 Hydraulic coupling 液力联轴器 speed reducer 减速器 chain wheel / sprocket 链轮 drive head frame 机头架 middle sections 中间部 line pan 溜槽 flight / scraper 刮板 link chain 刮板链 endless chain 无极链 机尾部 tail end 机尾架 Drive end frame 链轮 sprocket 附属装置 auxiliary drives/units 挡煤板 spillboard / spill plate (cowl 罩, 外壳) 铲煤板 ramp plate 千斤顶 jack chain drive 链式传动: classification according to chain arrangement 双边链 double strand outboard chain 三链 triple strand chain 单中链 single middle chain 双中链 double middle chain 新型刮板输送机 侧卸式 side-loading fight conveyor 垂直转弯式 roller-curve fight conveyor 转载机 Transfer conveyor A short heavy flexible flight conveyor 桥式转载机 (bridge ) stage loader 区段皮带输送机 Main components 皮带 belt 托辊 roller 支撑托辊 supporting roller 机架 frame 传动装置 drive unit 电动机 electric motor 联轴器 coupling 减速器 speed reducer 滚筒 drum ① 卸载滚筒 unloaded drum ② 机尾导向滚筒 tail guide drum .\ ③ 拉紧滚筒 take-up drum ④ 机尾导向滚筒 guide drum 拉紧装置 take-up units 制动装置 Braking devices 采区运输系统: 上山 rise 下山 dip Dip angle ≤15 belt conveyor 15<Dip angle≤25 chain conveyor Dip angle>25 ceramic conveyor 水平运输系统 水平运输大巷 horizontal haulage entry belt conveyor 矿车 trolley wagons 机车 locomotive 电力机车 trolley locomotive 蓄电池机车 battery locomotive 矿车 wagon 固定箱式矿车 Fixed box wagon Tipping bucket wagon Front unloading wagon 底卸式矿车 Bottom-dump wagon 立井提升系统 矿井提升系统 Mine hoist system 提升机 Engine hoist 钢丝绳 wire rope 天轮 head sheave(n.滑轮) 箕斗 skip 辅助运输 auxiliary transportation Transportation of material, equipment, waste and personnel 材料、设备、矸石、 人员 副井 Auxiliary shaft Similar to main shaft 罐笼 Cage――hoist container 斜井 Slope In the slope, material and equipment are usually transported by direct rope hoist and endless rope hoist. While the waste is transported by skip and train according to the dip angle. The personnel are transported by a special man-car in the slope. 水平运输大巷 horizontal haulage entry Electric locomotive haul the wagons to transport material, equipment, waste. Electric locomotive haul the special man- cars to transport miners. 采区上下山 district rise and dip 1)有极绳提升 Direct rope hoist dip angle:8-22 钢丝绳的一端与矿车相连,通过绞车 (winch)放出和收回。 2)无极绳提升 Endless rope hoist dip angle:≤10 区段运输 Tail entry:wagons + wire rope Overhead monorail 单轨吊 Overhead endless rope hoist Transfer conveyor 转载运输机 Stage loader 桥式转载机 Roller curve conveyor 滚轴转弯运输机 Chapter 4.6 Ventilation system 风机:Ventilation fan 回风井:Return shaft 进风井:Intake shaft Working face Intake working 回风巷道:Return roadway 新鲜风:Fresh air Air flow 乏风:Dirty air 回风系统: .\ 抽出式通风:Exhaust ventilation 负压 negative pressure 压入式通风:Forced ventilation 正压 Positive pressure 风机类型: 离心式风机:Centrifugal fan; 轴流式风机:Axial flow fan。 通风设施:Ventilating structures 风墙:Ventilation wall 风门:Air door 风桥:Air bridge Air regulator 防尘、灭尘:Dust suppression water spray 洒水,mist spray 喷雾 固定滚筒双向截割采煤机 fixed-drum bi- directional shearer 单滚筒可调高采煤机 single-drum ranging-arm shearer 双滚筒可调高采煤机 double-dram ranging-arm shearer 矿井瓦斯:mine gas 瓦斯:gas,methane,firedamp All hazardous gases in underground coal mines, its major component is CH4. Colorless, odorless, nonpoisonous, Combustible. Its density is less than that of the air, so it often accumulates near the roof. Gas/methane control 瓦斯控制 Gassy mine 高瓦斯矿井 Chapter 5 Pillar system Two distinct phases of operation: First rooms and pillars are developed in a section. The second is mining pillars. Two basic mining methods: Conventional mining method.普通采煤方 法 Cutting 掏槽 at the bottom of the coal seam a horizontal slot is 6-9 inch, 5-7feet deep Drilling 钻眼 the optimum number and location of boreholes coal fragments after blasting neither too big nor too small for efficient loading. Blasting 爆破 explosives are loaded into each borehole and detonated n.起爆 Loading 装煤 shuttle carsection belt conveyor. Two shuttle cars are used. roof bolting 顶板锚杆支护 为了充分发挥设备和人员的能力,至少 同时掘进 5 个平行的巷道。 由于生产环节多、分散,逐渐被连续采 煤方法取代。 Continuous mining method.连续采煤方法 I continuous miner + shuttle car 连续采 煤机+梭车工艺 + section belt conveyor + roof bolting 间断运输工艺 II continuous miner + (intermediate) conveyors 连续采煤机+输送机工艺 + section belt conveyor + roof bolting 连续的运输工艺 Pillar recovery 回收煤柱 There are three methods of extracting pillars, open-end method, pocket and wing method and splitting method. open-end method 开端式 pocket and wing method 袋翼式 splitting 劈柱式 pillarblockslifts/slices 煤柱―― .\ 块――切块 Coal property 煤矿 Area 盘区 Set of entries 巷道群 Engineer vt.设计 Slough 脱落,剥落,碎落;崩落,坍塌, 滑坍 Crush 压碎 A function of 是…的函数,随…而变。 Relative strength 相对强度 Clearance 净空 Block of coal Room work Cutting consequence 切割顺序 Face mining cycle 工作面开采循环 Mining practice 开采 Colloquial [ kE5lEukwiEl ] adj.口语的, 通 俗的 Dictate 规定,制定 Outline 形成…轮廓 Incorporate … as … Ample 充足的,丰富的 solid work chain pillar 巷道煤柱 lessen 减少,减轻 lift 小煤块、 slice 切块 physical condition n.实际条件 post 柱子,支柱 stump 煤柱 slab 平板 fender 煤柱,窄煤柱 hand loading 人工装载 common practice 惯例 concurrently n.同时发生地,并行地 in place 就地,原地;在地层内 ride over 骑马来,跨在…上 masonry n.砖石工程,砖石建筑 砌筑。 Masonry stopping 砌筑风墙 Canvas stopping 帆布风帘 Line Brattice 纵向风障 Loading station 装车点 Chapter 6 Roadway excavation and support 1 Roadway section 巷道断面 掘进 drive, tunnel, excavate 平巷掘进 Drifting 巷道掘进 roadway excavation 平巷掘进 n. drifting 沉井,凿井 n. sinking 上山掘进 n. raising 下山掘进 n. 1)The shape of roadway section 断面形状 巷道断面形状主要取决于地层条件、服务年限和支护材料。 The shape of roadway section depends mainly on strata conditions,the serving life and supporting materials. 井筒 Shaft , circular 大巷 Main entry , arched, horseshoe .\ 上山 rise, ladder-shaped, trapezoidal 顺槽 Gateway , ladder-shaped, trapezoidal 2)The size of roadway section 断面尺寸 巷道断面尺寸主要取决于巷道的用途。 The size of roadway section depends mainly on its use. 它取决于运输或提升设备或其它设备的尺寸,还要根据通风要求对巷道断面尺寸加以 修改。 It is dependent on haulage or hoisting equipment or other devices used,and it is modified according to the ventilation requirement. 净宽,net width;净高 net height;净断面面积 net section area。 2 Roadway excavation in rocks 岩巷掘进 炮掘,爆破掘进:blasting excavation 装岩,除渣:mucking 掘进工艺包括主要作业和辅助作业,其中主要作业包括破岩、装岩、运输、支护,辅 助作业包括通风、铺设轨道、挖掘排水沟、铺设管线等等。 The excavation technique consists of main operations including breaking, loading, haulage and support, and auxiliary work including ventilation, laying the track, digging ditches and laying pipes etc. 1)Breaking 破岩 打眼放炮是目前应用最广泛的破岩方法。 Drilling and blasting is the most widely used method of rock breaking at present. (1)drilling Drill n. 钻机 气动轻型钻机,风钻 Air-jackleg 气腿式钻机 Air-jack leg drill 架式钻机 Drifter 钻车,凿岩台车 Jumbo, drill carriage 湿式钻进 Wet drilling 干式钻进 Dry drilling 钻孔 borehole (2)Blasting 爆破 炸药:Explosive 装药:Load explosive in the borehole, charge 起爆:detonate雷管:detonator;电雷管:electric detonator 炮眼布置方式:drilling pattern 掏槽眼:cut hole 辅助眼:auxiliary hole 周边眼:trim hole 顶眼:roof hole 帮眼:flank hole .\ 底眼