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全国 公共 英语四 级考纲 词汇 辞汇 资料
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A a(an) abandon abdomen abide ability able abnormal aboard abolish about above abroad abrupt absence absent absolute absorb absorption abstract absurd abundance abundant abuse academic academy accelerate acceleration accent accept acceptable acceptance access accessory accident accidental accommodate accommodation accompany accomplish accordance according accordingly account accumulate accuracy accurate accuse accustomed ache achieve acid acknowledge acquaint acquaintance acquire acquisition acre acrobat across act action activate active activity actor actress actual acute A.D. ad adapt adaptation add addition additional address adequate adhere adjacent adjective adjoin adjust administer administrate administration admiration admire admission admit adolescent adopt adoption adult advance advanced advantage advantageous adventure adverb adverse advertise advice advisable advise adviser advocate aerial aerospace affair affect affection affiliate affirm affirmative afford afraid Africa African after afternoon afterward again age agency agenda agent aggravate aggressive agitate ago agony agree agreeable agreement agricultural agriculture ahead aid aim air aircraft airline airmail airplane airport alarm alcohol alert alien alike alive all allege alleviate alliance allied allocate allow allowance alloy ally almost alone along alongside aloud alphabet already also alter alteration alternate alternative although altitude altogether aluminum always am AM amateur amaze ambassador ambiguous ambition ambitious ambulance amend America American among(st) amount ampere ample amplifier amplify amuse amusement analog analogy analysis analyze ancestor anchor ancient and angel anger angle angry animal ankle anniversary announce announcer annoy annual anonymous another answer ant Antarctic antenna anticipate anxiety anxious any anybody anyhow anyone anything anyway anywhere apart apartment apologize apology apparatus apparent appeal appear appearance appendix appetite applaud applause apple appliance applicable application apply appoint appointment appraisal appreciable appreciate apprehension approach appropriate approval approve approximately April apt Arabian arbitrary arch architect architecture Arctic are area argue argument arise arithmetic arm army around arouse arrange array arrest arrival arrive arrow art article articulate artificial artist artistic as ascend ascertain ash ashamed ashore Asia Asian aside ask asleep aspect assault assemble assembly assert assess assign assignment assimilate assist assistance assistant associate association assume assumption assurance assure astonish astronaut astronomy at athlete Atlantic atmosphere atmospheric atom attach attack attain attempt attend attendance attendant attention attentive attitude attorney attract attractive attribute audience augment August aunt aural Australia Australian author authority automatic automation automobile autumn auxiliary avail available avenue average avert aviation avoid await awake award aware away awful awfully awkward ax Axis B baby bachelor back background backward bacon bacterium bad badge badly badminton bag baggage bake bakery balance bald ball balloon ban banana band bandage bang bank bankrupt bankruptcy banner bar barber bare barely bargain bark barn barrel barrier base baseball basement basic basin basis basket basketball bat batch bath bathe bathroom battery battle bay BC be beach beam bean bear beard beast beat beautiful beauty because become bed bedroom bee beef beer before beforehand beg begin beginner beginning behalf behave behaviour behind being belief believe bell belong beloved below belt bench bend beneath beneficial benefit bent berry beside besides best bet betray better between beware bewilder beyond bias Bible bibliography bicycle bid big bill billion bind biography biology bird birth birthday birthplace biscuit bit bite bitter black blackboard blame blank blanket blast blaze bleak bleed blend bless blessing blind block blood bloody bloom blossom blouse blow blue blunder blunt blush board boast boat body boil boiler bold bolt bomb bond bone bonus book boom boot booth border bore born borrow bosom boss both bother bottle bottom bough bounce bound boundary bow bowl box boy boycott brace bracket brain brake branch brand brandy brass brave bravery bread breadth break breakdown breakfast breast breath breathe breed breeze bribe brick bride bridegroom bridge brief bright brilliant brim bring brisk Britain British brittle broad broadcast brochure broken bronze brook broom brother brow brown brush brutal bubble bucket bud budget buffet bug build building bulb bulk bull bullet bulletin bump bunch bundle burden bureau burn burst bury bus bush business busy but butcher butter butterfly button buy by bye-bye bypass byproduct C cabbage cabin cabinet cable cafe cafeteria cage cake calculate calendar call calm camel camera camp campaign campus can Canada Canadian canal cancel cancer candidate candle candy cannon canoe canteen canvass cap capable capacity capital capitalism capsule captain captive capture car carbon card care career careful careless cargo carpenter carpet carriage carrier carrot carry cart cartoon carve case cash cashier cassette cast castle casual casualty cat catalog catch category cathedral catholic cattle cause caution cautious cave cease ceiling celebrate cell cellar cement census cent center centigrade centimeter central century ceremony certain certainly certainty certificate certify chain chair chairman chalk challenge chamber champion chance chancellor change changeable channel chaos chapter character characteristic characterize charge charity charm charming chart charter chase chat cheap cheat check cheek cheer cheese chemical chemist chemistry cherish cherry chess chest chestnut chew chicken chief child childhood childish chill chimney chin China Chinese chip chocolate choice choke choose chop chorus Christian Christmas chronic church cigar cigaret cinema circle circuit circular circulate circumference circumstance circus cite citizen city civil civilian civilization civilize claim clap clarify clarity clash clasp class classic classical classification classify classmate classroom clause claw clay clean clear clerk clever client cliff climate climax climb cling clinic clip cloak clock clockwise close cloth clothe clothes clothing cloud cloudy club clue clumsy cluster clutch coach cal coarse coast coat cock code coherent coil coin coincide coincidence coke cold collaborate collapse collar colleague collect collection collective college collide collision colonel colonial colonist colony colour column comb combat combination combine come comedy comfort comfortable command commemorate commence commend comment commerce commercial commission commit committee commodity common commonplace commonwealth communicate communication communism communist community commute compact companion company comparable comparative compare comparison compartment compass compatible compel compensate compensation compete competent competition competitive competitor compile complain complaint complement complete completion complex complexity complicate complicated complication compliment comply component compose composition compound comprehend comprehension comprehensive compress comprise compromise compulsory compute computer comrade conceal conceive concentrate concept conception concern concerning concert concession concise conclude conclusion concrete condemn condense condition conditional conduct conductivity conductor confer conference confess confidence confident confidential confine confirm conflict conform confront confuse confusion congratulate congratulation congress conjunction connect connection conquer conquest conscience conscientious conscious consciousness consensus consent consequence consequently conservation conservative consider considerable considerate consideration consist consistent consolidate conspicuous constant constituent constitute constitution construct construction consult consultant consume consumption contact contain container contaminate contemporary contempt contend content contest context continent continual continue continuous contract contradict contrary contrast contribute control controversial convenience convenient convention conventional conversation conversely conversion convert convey convict conviction convince cook cool cooperate cooperation cooperative coordinate cope copper copy cord cordial core corn corner corporation correct correspond correspondence correspondent corresponding corridor corrupt cosmic cost costly cottage cotton couch cough could council counsel count counter counterpart country countryside county couple courage course court courtesy courtyard cousin cover cow coward crab crack cradle craft crane crash crawl crazy cream create creative creature credit creep crew cricket crime criminal cripple crisis crisp criterion critic critical criticism criticize crop cross crossing crow crowd crown crucial crude cruel cruelty crush crust cry crystal cube cubic cucumber cue cultivate culture cunning cup cupboard cure curiosity curious curl currency current curriculum curse curtain curve cushion custom customary customer cut cycle cylinder D dad daily dairy dam damage damp dance danger dangerous dare daring dark darling dart dash date datum daughter dawn day daylight daytime dazzle dead deadline deadly deaf deal dealer dear death debate debt decade decay deceit deceive December decent decide decided decimal decision decisive deck declaration declare decline decompose decorate decorative decrease dedicate deduce deed deem deep deepen deeply deer defeat defect defend defense deficiency deficit define definition deform deformation defy degenerate degree delay delegation delete deliberate delicate delicious delight deliver delivery demand democracy democratic demonstrate denial denote dense density dentist deny depart department departure depend dependence dependent depict deposit deposition depress deprive depth deputy derive descend descendant descent describe description desert deserve design designate desirable desire desk desolate despair desperate despise despite dessert destination destiny destroy destruction destructive detach detail detain detect detective detector deteriorate determine develop development deviate device devil devise devote devotion dew diagnose diagram dial dialect dialogue diameter diamond diary dictate dictation dictator dictionary die diet differ difference different differentiate difficult difficulty diffuse dig digest digital dignity dilemma diligent dim dimension diminish dine dinner dining-room dip diploma diplomatic direct direction directly director directory dirt dirty disable disadvantage disagree disappear disappoint disaster disastrous disc discard discern discharge discipline disclose discount discourage discover discovery discriminate discuss discussion disease disgrace disguise disgust dish dishonour dislike dismay dismiss disorder dispatch disperse displace displacement display displease disposal dispose dispute disregard dissatisfy dissolve distance distant distill distillation distinct distinction distinguish distort distract distress distribute district disturb disturbance ditch dive diverse diversion divide division divorce dizzy do dock doctor doctrine document documentary dog doll dollar domain dome domestic dominant dominate donate donkey doom door doorway dorm dose dot double doubt doubtful dove down downstairs downtown downward doze dozen draft drag dragon drain drama dramatic drastic draw drawback drawer drawing dread dreadful dream dress drift drill drink drip drive driver drop drought drown drug drum drunk dry dubious duck due dull dumb dump duplicate durable duration during dusk dust dusty duty dwell dwelling dye dying dynamic dynamical dynasty E each eager eagle ear early earn earnest earnings earth earthenware earthquake ease easily east Easter eastern eastward easy eat echo eclipse ecology economic economical economics economy edge edible edit edition editor editorial educate education effect effective efficiency efficient effort e.g. egg eight eighteen eighth eighty either eject elaborate elastic elbow elder eldest elect election electric electrical electrician electricity electron electronic electronics elegant element elementary elephant elevate elevation elevator eleven eleventh eliminate elite eloquent else elsewhere embark embarrass embassy embody embrace emerge emergency emigrate emission emit emotion emperor emphasis emphasize empire empirical employ employee employer employment empty enable enclose enclosure encounter encourage encyclopaedia end endanger ending endurance endure enemy energetic energy enforce engage engagement engine engineer engineering England English Englishman enhance enjoy enjoyment enlarge enlighten enormous enough enquire enrich enroll ensure enter enterprise entertain entertainment enthusiasm enthusiastic entire entitle entrance entry envelope environment envy epidemic episode epoch equal equality equation equator equip equipment equivalent era erase erect erosion erroneous error erupt escape especially essay essence essential establish establishment estate esthetic estimate etc. eternal Europe European evaluate evaluation evaporate eve
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