-!四级听力技巧目录 1. 四级听力技巧总结 2. 短对话的补充场景 3. 短对话听力的原则 4. 短对话十大场景及一般思路 5. 语段题的做提步骤 6. 语段题10大解题原则 7. 长对话十大类标志词. 四级听力技巧规律总结 (完整版) 四级听力的三个思路: 1 学习基于学生的角度,一定是抱怨学习 2 生活poor,很穷。 Student ID 学生证 用于discount 打折, bargain 讨价还价 3 学习vs 生活忙,忙于学习 (就是说,解题从这三个思路出发,如果听不清题目说什么,就用这三个思路往上套) Part I 短对话 一But 题型 形式:A: B:,but . 重点听第二个说话人B说话,but 后面所说的话为重点,出题点往往在but后面。四级听力题中,But 后面的为重点的占95%,之前的为重点的占5%。 e.g. (这题是反例,考的居然是but之前的内容,不过这种情况很少出现的) A: I suppose youve bought some gifts for your family. B: Well, Ive bought a shirt for my father and two books for my sister. But Ive not decided what to buy for my mother. Probably some jewels. Question: Who did the man buy the book for? Answer: His sister. 二. 场景题 (1) 每一类场景,常考出题思路用于解题 (2) 线索词 场景题选项特点: (1) 介词结构in/at somewhere (2) To do开头的(问的是purpose目的) (3) Doing/ Theyre doing/Theyre ing. (4) A and B(人之间的关系relationship) e.g. Students and teacher. 场景题提问方式: (1) what (过去,现在,将来) (2) Where is the conversation taking place? / Where does the conversation take place? (3) When is the conversation taking place? (4) Whowhere (location) 问人是谁,可以从他所在的地方来判断。 各类场景(把各类场景容易出现的词给记住,选选项时往常考思路上靠) 1.抱怨的作业: 1)paper a.论文 b.=newspaper 报纸 c. document文件 d.纸张 写论文的步骤: a. choose a topic选题 area: The area is too board for me. 题目的范围太广了 narrow the topic down 把题目范围缩小 b. do some research 做调查 (去图书馆library 做调查) c. type it out打印 typewriter打字机,computer, lap top手提电脑, printer打印机, laser printer激光打印机, ribbon色带 2) presentation口头演讲oral form = speech = report = address a.时间性 20分钟,一般演讲18-19分钟,留下几分钟时间别人发问 b.正式着装formal clothes change(穿的衣服不合适就要换) You cant go like that. You need a change.你这样穿不行,要换一套衣服。 c.内心感受nervous (演讲前心里很害怕) 3) Reading assignment / list 阅读作业/清单 Do you think the reading list is enormous? 你觉不觉要读的书太多了? 4) Research Financial Aid经济资助 a. Tuition wavier学费减免 b. RAResearching Assistant助研 TATeaching Assistant 助教 Fellowship奖学金 2餐厅 1)cafeteria学校饭堂:meal card/ticket饭卡/饭票,helping一人份 2)restaurant: fancy高档的, menu菜谱, order, manager经理, waiter book/reserve预订 ,make a reservation预定 上菜顺序:soup汤 main course主菜 salad沙拉(chef salad招牌沙拉) dessert甜点 (pudding布丁, cheese , fruit) 赞美人家做菜好吃: 1) Even my mothers cant match this.即使我妈妈做的也比不上这个好吃。 2) I took the last one and it was out of the world.(太好吃了以至于)我把最后一块也吃掉了。 3) You wouldnt have to force me to help another one. 你不用叫我吃,我自己也会拿来吃的。 3. 罚款 fine 校内:library里面,书过期 校外: break the traffic rules违反交通规则,go speeding超速 各种费用: fare交通费(车费,船费), fee杂费, tuition学费, tuition and fee学杂费,rent 房租, utilities水电费,rate 按比例收取的费用, post rate=postage邮资 4.机场 常考思路: 1) 票已售完 2) 接人(飞机)晚点 3) 送人伤感 see somebody off 常见线索词: airplane, flight 航班, direct flight直航,transfer转机,seat-belt=safety belt安全带, first class头等舱, economy class经济舱,take off 起飞,land降落,circle 盘旋 wing: a.建筑物的附属楼 b.飞机的翅膀 c.鸡翅 terminal: a.终端(机房里面 Should I use this terminal?) b. =final station公交站最后一站 c.候机大厅 domestic terminal国内候机大厅,international terminal国际候机大厅 5.交通 常考思路: 1) 交通堵塞 traffic jam back up: a.作业堆积如山 b. 车辆很多 c. back somebody up支持某人 2) 交通违章fine罚款 break the traffic rule违反交通规则, go speeding超速 3) 晚点 behind schedule 6.打电话 常考思路: 1) 约人约不到 2) 约会去不了 sth comes up/ Id like to reschedule/ Could you fit me in (the doctors schedule)? 3) 电话打不通(包括打错电话) 线索词: run out of coins(在公共电话亭里)没钱了,cut off被迫断线,hang up主动挂断电话,receiver听筒,slot 电话上的小投币口,yellow pages黄页,dial拨电话,hook(以前旧式电话上面的)钩, operator接线员 打电话步骤: Look up the number in the yellow pages.在黄页里查找电话。 Drop the coins in the slot.把硬币投入投币口。 Then dial the number you want it.然后拨打你所需要的电话。 7医院 常考思路: 1) 医生难找 2) 病情如何(getting better/worse) 3) 有病耽误课miss the class 线索词: treat治疗(表过程), cure治疗,治愈(表结果) infirmary / students help center学校的医院,clinic诊所,hospital, ward 病房,prescribe开药方,prescription处方 Send him to Ward Three. 把他送去3号病房。 Send him toward three.把他送到东方去。(因为时钟三点指向东(上北下南左西右东) ) fill the prescription按方抓药, refill the prescription继续按方抓药, cough咳嗽, fever , influenza(flu)流感 8.缺课 缺课原因: 1) get ill 由于生病而缺课 2) oversleep睡过头了 3)traffic jam交通堵塞/ (car)break down车抛锚 9. 买东西 1) supermarket超级市场: supplies生活用品,price tag价格签,special offer/ on sale打折,cart手推车,vender售货员,cashier收银员 2) department store百货商店: appliance家用电器, costume服装, floor 层, mens 男装区, sports goods体育用品, for sale 热卖中,待售中, discount打折,折头,70% off 三折, produce 农产品, product工业产品,production产品(总称) 10. 修理东西 TV, refrigerator(fridge)冰箱, oven电烤炉 11.关于工作 常考思路: 1) 找到工作高兴 2) 失去工作伤心 a.被解雇 b.离开旧工作 3) 拒绝工作令人感到奇怪 线索词 找工作的过程: 1) 信息来源 a. classified ads分类广告 help and wanted section供求关系栏 b. bulletin board公告栏 c. flyer传单 2) make a phone call Is the position still available? 工作职位还仍然空缺吗? 3) resume个人简历 certification 学历证, ID身份证,qualification资历, recommendation letter推荐信 fill out= fill in = fill up填表格 4) interview面试 12人性的缺点 1)健忘 forgetful, absent-minded, slip ones mind Hes forgetful. / Isnt he forgetful? / How forgetful he is! 2) 害羞 shy害羞, embarrassed尴尬, self-conscious自信, keep ones mind/ thought to oneself=keep to onself 13. 租房子 常考思路 1) 房难找 2)房太贵 3)房太嘈 线索词 for rent房子出租,house , living-room厅,rest-room厕所 14. 理发 线索词 cut大剪,trim小修剪,bang男生刘海,parting分头(I want parting to the left.我想要左分头。) plait 辫子,fringe女生刘海,pigtail麻花辫,ponytail马尾辫,ripple 波浪卷发 三.重复反问题型 形式:A: B:(形容词,重复A部分的话),. Q: 直接把B所说的形容词加深程度的选项为正确选项 例1:A:Its a little bit warm out today. B: Warm. You could fry an egg on the sidewalk. 正确选项应是强调warm的。 例2:A: Mary sees happy with her grades. B: Happy. She could hardly contain herself.她简直乐翻了。 正确选项应该是强调happy的。 四态度方向题 Yes/ No? A:讲述一个idea/opinion(一般疑问句) B:Yes/No,(阐述理由) 选项特点: 有两个两两相反的选项(另外提醒一下,在听力题四个选项中,如果有其中两个选项说的内容刚好是相反的,那么正确答案必定为其中一个) 复习前面笔记关于表示yes, no 含义的答句。 五建议题 A:trouble(讲述一个trouble) B1: Advice. B2: Dont worry. / Calm down. / Take it easy. B: 先安慰,后给advice. 表示建议的表达方式 You should./ shouldnt. You ought to. Why not/ why dont? If I were you, I would. How about doing/ What about doing? Its (about/high) time that (用过去时)。 在四级考试题中 1) apple pie 一定好吃, pizza 一定不好吃 因为苹果批是traditional American的, The picnic is as American as apple pie.这是一个地道的美式野餐。 另外,apple pie virtue=traditional American virtue表美国人乐观等好品德 2) film通常是不好看的,concert通常是好的 film: waste of time/money It has got an awful review.影评书评说它很差很烂。 Concert: worth the price of admission 虚拟语气: 1)might have, could have, should have本应该 2)表与现在相反If I were you, I would =You should. 语气词 1)表示糟糕的语气 Its too bad. / Its tough. / Oh, no. / What a pity. / Tough luck. / Uh-oh.小麻烦 2)表示惊讶的语气 Boy. / Oh, boy. / Oh, mine. / My God. / My Goodness. / WOW!非常惊讶 3)表示赞美的语气 Wonderful. / Terrific. / My favorite. = My fav.我的最爱。 / Cool. / Super cool. 酷呆了。/Ultra cool.酷毙了。 4)表示肯定的语气 Yeah. = Yes. / You bet. / Uh-huh. / And / Ill say. / You said it. / You can say that again. / And how. / Isnt it (though). / Arent they (though). 5)表示否定的语气 nope.(升调)=no./ But. / Are you kidding? / Are you joking? / Are you serious? / No kidding. / no joking. / Who told you that? / Says who. / Says you. 老外特点: 1) 不谦虚 2) 崇尚个人奋斗 体现在场景里面是借钱或借笔记,老外通常是不会借的 Dont look at me. 别指望我。/ Do you think I was made of money? / Do you think I inherited a fortune? 你以为我继承了一笔财产啊? 3)老外好象很有钱的原因 a. 外国福利好 b. 可以向银行贷款 c. 由于生活习惯(如付小费不吝啬) 4)表达思想非常直接 注: 长对话是短对话的扩展,所以以上技巧也基本上适合长对话。 Part II段子题 一文章类型 1介绍性 (1) 讲故事 (2) 说明性对现实生活的影响 2讨论性 conclusion说出一个结论 3. 对比性my opinion.讲述我的观点 二解题思路 1结构 2行文 3思维 1) 题目分布(题目出题顺序一般按照顺序原则,也就是出题顺序与行文顺序相一致) 2) 选项长短 3) 提问角度 4) 题目间关系 三解题步骤 1听之前看选项 1)看选项长短 2)找出选项中的相同词以便确定文章的内容和范围 3)找数字题年代,时间,数目,金钱(听到什么选什么) 注意:在第一部分短对话中,听到什么不选什么,一般都要通过运算才能的出正确结论。这一点与段子题刚好相反。 2抓两头 1)听到结尾回忆结尾的一两句话 2)重复词(重复出现的词就是文章所讲述的重点内容),同时提示文章快要结束了 3)As a result, so , therefore, thus均提示文章快要结束了 3中间抓小词 1)要牢记以下七个小词: first, most , because出现,99%会出考题 only, just也会出考题 but, however也会出考题 2)常考的逻辑关系: 并列:and 因果:because 转折:but , however 递进:the more ,the more 让步:despite, although, though
- 资源描述:
1. 四级听力技巧总结…………
2. 短对话的补充场景…………
3. 短对话听力的原则…………
4. 短对话十大场景及一般思路………
5. 语段题的做提步骤……………
6. 语段题10大解题原则…………
7. 长对话十大类标志词………….
1. 学习——基于学生的角度,一定是抱怨学习
2. 生活——poor,很穷。
Student ID 学生证 用于discount 打折, bargain 讨价还价
3. 学习vs 生活——忙,忙于学习
Part I 短对话
一.But 题型
B:……,but …….
重点听第二个说话人B说话,but 后面所说的话为重点,出题点往往在but后面。四级听力题中,But 后面的为重点的占95%,之前的为重点的占5%。
e.g. (这题是反例,考的居然是but之前的内容,不过这种情况很少出现的)
A: I suppose you’ve bought some gifts for your family.
B: Well, I’ve bought a shirt for my father and two books for my sister. But I’ve not decided what to buy for my mother. Probably some jewels.
Question: Who did the man buy the book for?
Answer: His sister.
二. 场景题
(1) 每一类场景,常考出题思路——用于解题
(2) 线索词
(1) 介词结构in/at somewhere
(2) To do开头的(问的是purpose目的)
(3) Doing……/ They’re doing……/They’re …ing.
(4) A and B(人之间的关系relationship) e.g. Students and teacher.
(1) what (过去,现在,将来)
(2) Where is the conversation taking place? / Where does the conversation take place?
(3) When is the conversation taking place?
(4) Who——>where (location) 问人是谁,可以从他所在的地方来判断。
1)paper a.论文 b.=newspaper 报纸 c. document文件 d.纸张
a. choose a topic选题
area: The area is too board for me. 题目的范围太广了
narrow the topic down 把题目范围缩小
b. do some research 做调查 (去图书馆library 做调查)
c. type it out打印
typewriter打字机,computer, lap top手提电脑, printer打印机, laser printer激光打印机, ribbon色带
2) presentation口头演讲——oral form = speech = report = address
a.时间性 20分钟,一般演讲18-19分钟,留下几分钟时间别人发问
b.正式着装——formal clothes
You can’t go like that. You need a change.你这样穿不行,要换一套衣服。
c.内心感受——nervous (演讲前心里很害怕)
3) Reading assignment / list 阅读作业/清单
Do you think the reading list is enormous? 你觉不觉要读的书太多了?
4) Research
Financial Aid经济资助
a. Tuition wavier学费减免
b. RA——Researching Assistant助研
TA——Teaching Assistant 助教
1)cafeteria学校饭堂:meal card/ticket饭卡/饭票,helping一人份
2)restaurant: fancy高档的, menu菜谱, order, manager经理, waiter
book/reserve预订 ,make a reservation预定
上菜顺序:soup汤——> main course主菜——> salad沙拉(chef salad招牌沙拉)——> dessert甜点 (pudding布丁, cheese , fruit)
1) Even my mother’s can’t match this.即使我妈妈做的也比不上这个好吃。
2) I took the last one and it was out of the world.(太好吃了以至于)我把最后一块也吃掉了。
3) You wouldn’t have to force me to help another one. 你不用叫我吃,我自己也会拿来吃的。
3. 罚款 fine
校外: break the traffic rules违反交通规则,go speeding超速
fare交通费(车费,船费), fee杂费, tuition学费, tuition and fee学杂费,rent 房租, utilities水电费,rate 按比例收取的费用, post rate=postage邮资
1) 票已售完
2) 接人(飞机)晚点
3) 送人伤感 see somebody off
airplane, flight 航班, direct flight直航,transfer转机,seat-belt=safety belt安全带, first class头等舱, economy class经济舱,take off 起飞,land降落,circle 盘旋
wing: a.建筑物的附属楼 b.飞机的翅膀 c.鸡翅
terminal: a.终端(机房里面 Should I use this terminal?)
b. =final station公交站最后一站
domestic terminal国内候机大厅,international terminal国际候机大厅
1) 交通堵塞 traffic jam
back up: a.作业堆积如山 b. 车辆很多 c. back somebody up支持某人
2) 交通违章——>fine罚款
break the traffic rule违反交通规则, go speeding超速
3) 晚点 behind schedule
1) 约人约不到
2) 约会去不了
sth comes up/ I’d like to reschedule/ Could you fit me in (the doctor’s schedule)?
3) 电话打不通(包括打错电话)
run out of coins(在公共电话亭里)没钱了,cut off被迫断线,hang up主动挂断电话,receiver听筒,slot 电话上的小投币口,yellow pages黄页,dial拨电话,hook(以前旧式电话上面的)钩, operator接线员
Look up the number in the yellow pages.在黄页里查找电话。
Drop the coins in the slot.把硬币投入投币口。
Then dial the number you want it.然后拨打你所需要的电话。
1) 医生难找
2) 病情如何(getting better/worse)
3) 有病耽误课miss the class
treat治疗(表过程), cure治疗,治愈(表结果)
infirmary / students’ help center学校的医院,clinic诊所,hospital, ward 病房,prescribe开药方,prescription处方
Send him to Ward Three. 把他送去3号病房。 Send him toward three.把他送到东方去。(因为时钟三点指向东(上北下南左西右东) )
fill the prescription按方抓药, refill the prescription继续按方抓药,
cough咳嗽, fever , influenza(flu)流感
1) get ill 由于生病而缺课
2) oversleep睡过头了
3)traffic jam交通堵塞/ (car)break down车抛锚
9. 买东西
1) supermarket超级市场: supplies生活用品,price tag价格签,special offer/ on sale打折,cart手推车,vender售货员,cashier收银员
2) department store百货商店: appliance家用电器, costume服装, floor 层, men’s 男装区, sport’s goods体育用品, for sale 热卖中,待售中, discount打折,折头,70% off 三折, produce 农产品, product工业产品,production产品(总称)
10. 修理东西
TV, refrigerator(fridge)冰箱, oven电烤炉
1) 找到工作高兴
2) 失去工作伤心 a.被解雇 b.离开旧工作
3) 拒绝工作令人感到奇怪
1) 信息来源
a. classified ads分类广告
help and wanted section供求关系栏
b. bulletin board公告栏
c. flyer传单
2) make a phone call
Is the position still available? 工作职位还仍然空缺吗?
3) resume个人简历
certification 学历证, ID身份证,qualification资历,
recommendation letter推荐信
fill out= fill in = fill up填表格
4) interview面试
1)健忘 forgetful, absent-minded, slip one’s mind
He’s forgetful. / Isn’t he forgetful? / How forgetful he is!
2) 害羞 shy害羞, embarrassed尴尬, self-conscious自信,
keep one’s mind/ thought to oneself=keep to onself
13. 租房子
1) 房难找
for rent房子出租,house , living-room厅,rest-room厕所
14. 理发
cut大剪,trim小修剪,bang男生刘海,parting分头(I want parting to the left.我想要左分头。)
plait 辫子,fringe女生刘海,pigtail麻花辫,ponytail马尾辫,ripple 波浪卷发
例1:A:It’s a little bit warm out today.
B: Warm. You could fry an egg on the sidewalk.
例2:A: Mary sees happy with her grades.
B: Happy. She could hardly contain herself.她简直乐翻了。
四.态度方向题 Yes/ No?
选项特点: 有两个两两相反的选项(另外提醒一下,在听力题四个选项中,如果有其中两个选项说的内容刚好是相反的,那么正确答案必定为其中一个)
复习前面笔记关于表示yes, no 含义的答句。
B1: Advice.
B2: Don’t worry. / Calm down. / Take it easy.
B: 先安慰,后给advice.
You should…./ shouldn’t….
You ought to….
Why not…/ why don’t…?
If I were you, I would….
How about doing…/ What about doing…?
It’s (about/high) time that …(用过去时)。
1) apple pie 一定好吃, pizza 一定不好吃
因为苹果批是traditional American的,
The picnic is as American as apple pie.这是一个地道的美式野餐。
另外,apple pie virtue=traditional American virtue表美国人乐观等好品德
2) film通常是不好看的,concert通常是好的
film: waste of time/money
It has got an awful review.影评书评说它很差很烂。
Concert: worth the price of admission
1)might have, could have, should have本应该
2)表与现在相反If I were you, I would …=You should….
It’s too bad. / It’s tough. / Oh, no. / What a pity. / Tough luck. / Uh-oh.小麻烦
Boy. / Oh, boy. / Oh, mine. / My God. / My Goodness. / WOW!非常惊讶
Wonderful. / Terrific. / My favorite. = My fav.我的最爱。 / Cool. / Super cool. 酷呆了。/Ultra cool.酷毙了。
Yeah. = Yes. / You bet. / Uh-huh. / And… / I’ll say. / You said it. / You can say that again. / And how. / Isn’t it (though). / Aren’t they (though).
nope.(升调)=no./ But. / Are you kidding? / Are you joking? / Are you serious? / No kidding. / no joking. / Who told you that? / Says who. / Says you.
1) 不谦虚
2) 崇尚个人奋斗
Don’t look at me. 别指望我。/ Do you think I was made of money? / Do you think I inherited a fortune? 你以为我继承了一笔财产啊?
a. 外国福利好
b. 可以向银行贷款
c. 由于生活习惯(如付小费不吝啬)
注: 长对话是短对话的扩展,所以以上技巧也基本上适合长对话。
Part II段子题
(1) 讲故事
(2) 说明性——>对现实生活的影响
2.讨论性 conclusion说出一个结论
3. 对比性my opinion.讲述我的观点
1) 题目分布(题目出题顺序一般按照顺序原则,也就是出题顺序与行文顺序相一致)
2) 选项长短
3) 提问角度
4) 题目间关系
3)As a result, so , therefore, thus均提示文章快要结束了
first, most , because出现,99%会出考题
only, just也会出考题
but, however也会出考题
转折:but , however
递进:the more ,the more
让步:despite, although, though