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1、精品名师归纳总结.子总结1. .业。I dont have any homew.ork today.2. 也 。I dont eithe.r .3. .视机吗? May I turn on the TV.4. .它的? How do you turn it on.5. .音调低的? How do you turn it down.6. 欢.视节目吗?.欢迎的.员。Do you like this TV show.No. I think hes a bad actor.7. 欢的节.目 什么? What is your favou.r ite show.8.欢.员?What actor do y
2、ou like best in Dinosa. ur Days.欢. 员.员欢.员。I likethe yellow. actorbetter . than the blue actor,but I likethe green actorbest.9. .员 好的.员。He think.s this actor is the best actor.10. .。.。This is a piano. Danny is playin. g the piano.11. 什么.拉二胡。What can you play. I can play the erhu.12. 二胡.音乐。The piano,
3、guitar. , violin . and erhu make music.13. 也 音乐.。 Singi.n g is music, too.14. 欢.。欢.。欢.。可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结15. .它的缘由。 Thats why I play it.16. .好。 Steve.n plays bette.r than Danny.17. .次 ?周三次。How often does Steven . play.Three times a week.18. 好.。次.周.次。Jenny plays best.She plays once a day. thats
4、 seven times a week.19. .音机。 Lets liste.n to the radio.20. .。I hear singi.n g.21. .欢迎的.手。 I think hes a bad singe.r.22.播节目吧。Lets find a differ. ent radio show.23. 它24.欢音.乐吗? 的.来的。Its a piano and a violi.n.欢欢.国音乐。Do you like Wester. n music. Yes, I like it, but I like Chines.e music better. .25. 。Lis
5、te.n to this.26. 什么 音机.播 国.音乐。Why is the radio playi.n g Chine.se music.27. 国.加拿大。 There are many Chine.sepeop.le in Canad.a.28. .播节.目。Thank.s for findin. g this radio show.29. 什么.长耳朵? Why dont dinos.a urs have ears.30. .同的。 Dinosa. urs and peop.le are diffe.r ent.31. .的.。I think dinos.a urs and peo
6、p.le are the same.32. 音机.音调低.That radio is too loud. Turn it down, pleas.e.33. 音.调低。 Im turnin. g it down now.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结35. 音调.高。Im going to turn it up.36. 耳.朵吗?的耳朵。Dont you have ears.No. I dont have ears.37.。Li Ming, Danny and Jenny are going to the movie theatr. e to watch a movie.38
7、. 什么.?欢.飞车。What movie do you want to see. I like Drive a Fast Car.39. 么.的.周.。How do you know.I saw it last Friday. .40. 学. 飞车好. 好 。Baby Goes to School . is better. than Drive a Fast Car, but Dinosa. ur Daugh.t er is thebest .41.。I think Dinosa. ur Daugh.t er is too scary.42. .可怕吗.Do you feel scare.d
8、 at a scary movie.43. .票。Jenny, Danny and Li Ming buy ticket. s for the movie.44. 大.吃 。Now she eats a big white rabbit. for lunch.45. 欢什么.? 子 来.欢欢.食。What did you like best. I liked the dinosa. ur better . than the rabbit. , but liked the snacks. best.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结47. .奶。I would like a ham
9、bur. ger, French . fries and milk, please. .48. 国.同.的吗?Are Chines. e clothe . s and Wester. n clothe . s differ . ent.49. .音乐 国音.乐 同的。We know that Wester. nmusic and Chines . e music are differ. ent.50. . 的 视节目 .吗.Do you know any Wester. n TV shows.51. 它国的. 视节目.同的吗.Are they differ. ent from Chines . e TV shows.52. .。 There are many peop.le at the resta.urant.53. 的.?高.的 。Who sings first.A tall, thin woman.54. .大 .柔 。She can sing high.But she sings too softly. .55. 矮 胖。大.欢.迎。He is short and fat. He sings loudly. , but he is a bad singer.56. .动 。 I think she sings beau.ti fully.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载