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现代 大学 英语 中级 写作 课程 教案
-` 《现代大学英语中级写作》,徐克容, 外语教学与研究出版社 英语写作中级(上) 课程教案 I 授课题目:Unit One We Learn As We Grow 一、教学目的、要求: (一)掌握:1、To learn the basics of exemplication: → Definition → Kinds of examples → Sources of examples 2、To learn to outline expositive essays 知识点: → The definition and introduction of exposition and essay. → Exposition is explanatory writing. It’s purpose is to explain or clarify a point. → An essay is a related group of paragraphs written for some purpose (二)熟悉: → Practice the basics of exemplification → Practice outlining 知识点:→ Patterns of exposition, the choice of examples, the choice of appropriate examples, the organization of an exemplification essay: →Types of essays, basic structures of an expositive essay, elements of the expositive essay → Types of outline, rules concerning outline (三)了解:→Patterns of exposition, types of essays, types of outline process analysis, cause-effect analysis, Comparison and contrast, classification, definition and analogy, narrative essays, descriptive essays, expositive essays and argumentative essays 二、教学重点及难点: 重点:Exemplification, types of outline; 难点:Sentence outline and topic outline 三、课时安排:共4课时 四、授课方式:讲授、课堂快速阅读练习、课堂提问、写作实践讲解 五、教学基本内容 第一課 Exemplification 第一課 Elements of the Essay: Outlining 六、参考书目:《英语写作手册》,《美国大学英语写作》 七、作业和思考题: 第一次:Read on the subject and write an example paper of 200-250 words on the given topic. 第二次:Read on the subject and write an essay of 200-250 words on the given topic, using either a single extended example or two or three short ones to develop your thesis statement. 第三次: Ask students to practice outlining 八、课后小结:Emphasis on the writing procedure → Prewriting-choosing a topic and exploring ideas → Drafting: getting your ideas on paper → Revising: strengthening your essay → Editing and proofreading: eliminating technical errors II 授课题目:Unit Two I Made It 一、教学目的、要求: (一)掌握:1、To learn the basics of process analysis → Definition → Uses → Types → Methods 2、To learn to write thesis statement 知识点:→ The definiton and introduction of process analysis → The function of process analysis → The differences between thesis statement vs. topic sentence (二)熟悉: → The areas the process analysis is usually used. 知识点: → Functions of process analysis:giving instructions, giving information and giving the history → Major types of process analysis: directive analysis, informative process analysis → Writing an effective thesis statement (三)了解:The basics of process writing and thesis statement 二、教学重点及难点: 重点:Organization of a process paper, practice of effective thesis statement; 难点:Guidelines on process analysis, writing effective thesis ststement 三、课时安排:共4课时 四、授课方式:讲授、课堂快速阅读练习、课堂提问、写作实践讲解 五、教学基本内容 第二課 Process Analysis 第二課  Elements of the essay: The Thesis Statement 六、参考书目:《英语写作手册》,《美国大学英语写作》 七、作业和思考题: 第一次:Read on the subject and write an informative process paper describing how you succeeded in doing something 第二次:Read on the subject and write a directive process paper telling first-year students how to adjust to life at college. 第三次:Ask students to practise writing the thesis statement 八、课后小结:Emphasis on the writing procedure → Prewriting-chossing a topic and exploring ideas → Drafting:getting your ideas on paper → Revising: strengthening your essay → Editing and proofreading: eliminating technical errors 授课题目:Unit Three College Is Not a Paradise 一、教学目的、要求: (一)掌握:1、To learn the basics of Cause-Effect analysis → Definition → Uses → Patterns 2、To learn to write an introduction to expositive essays → What to include in the introduction → How to write effective introduction 知识点:→ The definiton and introduction of cause-effect analysis → The function of cause-effect analysis → The writing of effective introduction (二)熟悉: → The functions and areas the cause-effect analysis is usually used. 知识点: → Functions of cause-effect analysis: explaining why certain things happen, analyzing what will happen as a result → Major types of cause-effect analysis: focusing on cause and focusing on effects, → How to start and write effective introduction (三)了解: the basics of cause-effect analysis and writing effective introduction 二、教学重点及难点: 重点:How to focus on cause or effects, How to start and write effective introduction; 难点:How to focus on cause or effects, How to start and write effective introduction 三、课时安排:共4课时 四、授课方式:讲授、课堂快速阅读练习、课堂提问、写作实践讲解 五、教学基本内容 第三課 Cause-Effect Analysis 第三課  Parts of the essay: The Introduction 六、参考书目:《英语写作手册》,《美国大学英语写作》 七、作业和思考题: 第一次:Read on the subject and write an essay on any of the given topics analyzing cause. 第二次:Read on the subject and write, from your own experience, an essay analyzing the effects of anthing taught in class. 第三次:Ask students to practise writing the introduction 八、课后小结:Emphasis on the writing procedure → Prewriting- chossing a topic and exploring ideas → Drafting: getting your ideas on paper → Revising: strengthening your essay → Editing and proofreading: eliminating technical errors 授课题目:Four What Makes the Differences 一、教学目的、要求: (一)掌握:1、To learn the basics of Comparison and Contrast → Definition → Uses → Patterns → Methods 2、To learn to develop the body of expositive essays → What its structure looks like? → What it includes 知识点:→ The definiton and introduction of Comparison and Contrast → The function of cause-effect analysis → The writing of effective introduction (二)熟悉: → The functions and areas the comparison/contrast is usually used., the general structure of the body of an essay 知识点: → Functions of comparison/contrast: clarifying something unknown, bringing one or both of the subject into sharper shape → Three patterns of comparison/contrast: subject by subject, point by point, mixed sequence → Familiarity of the general structure of the body of an essay (三)了解: The basics of Comparison and Contrast and the general structure of the body of an essay 二、教学重点及难点: 重点:Three patterns of comparison/contrast: subject by subject, point by point, mixed sequence General structure of the body: Beginning, Body and End 难点: How to organize a comparison/contrast essay, How to develop body paragraphs 三、课时安排:共4课时 四、授课方式:讲授、课堂快速阅读练习、课堂提问、写作实践讲解 五、教学基本内容 第四課 Comparison/Contrast 第四課  Parts of the essay: The Body 六、参考书目:《英语写作手册》,《美国大学英语写作》 七、作业和思考题: 第一次:Read on the subject and write a subject-by-subject essay of comparison/contraston any of the given topics 第二次:Read on the subject and write a point -by-point essay of comparison/contraston any of the given topics 第三次:Ask students to practise writing the body of the essay 八、课后小结:Emphasis on the writing procedure → Prewriting-chossing a topic and exploring ideas → Drafting:getting your ideas on paper → Revising: strengthening your essay → Editing and proofreading: eliminating technical errors 授课题目:Unit Five It Takes All Sorts to Make a World 一、教学目的、要求: (一)掌握:1、To learn the basics of Classification → Definition → Uses → Methods 2、To learn to write the conclusion of expositive essays → What is classification? → What is classification used for? 知识点: → The definiton and introduction of classification → The function of classification → The writing of effective classification (二)熟悉: → The functions and areas the classification is usually used., the conclusion of expositive essays 知识点: → Functions of classification: To organize and perceive the world around us To present a mass of material by means of some orderly system To deal with complex or abstract topics by breaking a broad subject into smaller, neatly sorted categories. → The general pattern of classification → sentence patterns in classification → Familiarity of the the conclusion of expositive essays (三)了解: The functions and areas the classification is usually used., the conclusion of expositive essays 二、教学重点及难点: 重点:some sentence patterns in classification the conclusion of expositive essays 难点: Parts of the conclusion: a summary of the main points, or restatements of your thesis in different work. 三、课时安排:共4课时 四、授课方式:讲授、课堂快速阅读练习、课堂提问、写作实践讲解 五、教学基本内容 第五課 classification 第五課  Parts of the essay: The conclusion 六、参考书目:《英语写作手册》,《美国大学英语写作》 七、作业和思考题: 第一次:Read on the subject and write a classification essay on any of the given topics 第二次:Write an essay of 200-250 words on any of the given topics. 第三次:Ask students to practise writing the conclusion of the essay 八、课后小结:Emphasis on the writing procedure → Prewriting-chossing a topic and exploring ideas → Drafting:getting your ideas on paper → Revising: strengthening your essay → Editing and proofreading: eliminating technical errors 授课题目:Unit Six What Does It Mean 一、教学目的、要求: (一)掌握:1、To learn the basics of Definition → Definition → Types → Methods of Organization 2、To learn to write the title of expositive essays → What is definiton → Types of definition 知识点: → The Standard /Formal Definition → The Connotative/Personal Definition → The Extended Definition (二)熟悉: → The functions and areas the definition is usually used., the title of expositive essays 知识点: → Functions and patterns of definition: → The Standard /Formal Definition is used to explain a term or concept your audience or reader may not know or understand, → The Connotative/Personal Definition is used to explain any word or concept that doesn’t have the same meaning for everyone. → The Extended Definition is used to explore a topic by examining its various meanings and implications. (三)了解: How to write an extended definition How to organize an extended essay 二、教学重点及难点: 重点:Functions and patterns of definition How to write an extended definition How to write the title of an expositive essay 难点:How to organize an extended essay How to write the title of an expositive essay 三、课时安排:共4课时 四、授课方式:讲授、课堂快速阅读练习、课堂提问、写作实践讲解 五、教学基本内容 第六課 definition 第六課  Parts of the essay: The Title 六、参考书目:《英语写作手册》,《美国大学英语写作》 七、作业和思考题: 第一次: Read on the subject and write a definition essay on any of the given topics 第二次:Write an essay of 200-250 words on any of the given topics. 第三次:Ask students to practise writing the title of the essay 八、课后小结:Emphasis on the writing procedure → Prewriting- choosing a topic and exploring ideas → Drafting: getting your ideas on paper → Revising: strengthening your essay → Editing and proofreading: eliminating technical errors Unit Six Task One Definition I What is definition? In talking with other people, we sometimes offer informal definitions to explain just what we mean by a particular term. That is, to avoid confusion or misunderstanding, we have to define a word, term, or concept which is unfamiliar to most readers or open to various interpretations. Suppose, for example, we say to a friend:” Forrest is really an inconsiderate person.” We might then explain what we mean by “ inconsiderate” by saying, “He borrowed my accounting book overnight but didn’t return it for a week. And when I got it back, it was covered with coffee stains. Definition is the explanation of the meaning of a word or concept, and it is also a method of developing an essay. II. The ways to define a word or term There are three basic ways to define a word or term A. To give a synonym For example: ‘ To mend is to repair.” Or “ A fellow is a man or a boy.” B. To use a sentence (often with an attributive clause) For example, ink may be define in a sentence: “Ink is colored water which we use for writing.” C. To write a paragraph or even an essay But a synonymy or a sentence cannot give a satisfactory definition of an abstract term whose meaning is complex. We have to write a paragraph or an essay with examples or negative examples (what the term does not mean), with analogies or comparisons, with classification or cause-effect analysis. III. When we give a definition, we should observe certain principles: 1. First, we should avoid circular definitions. “Democracy is the democratic process.” And “astronomer is one who studies astronomy” are circular definition. 2. Second, we should avoid long lists of synonyms if the term to be defined is an abstract one. For example: By imagination, I mean the power to form mental images of objects, the power to form new ideas, the gift of employing images in writing, and the tendency to attribute reality to unreal things, situations and states. (picking up words, expressions from a dictionary , in the hope that one will hit) 3. Third, we should avoid loaded definition, Loaded definitions do not explain terms but make an immediate appeal for emotional approval. A definition like:’ By state enterprise, I mean high cost and poor efficiency.” is loaded with pejorative emotional connotation. Conversely, “ By state enterprise, I mean one of the great blessing of democratic planning” is loaded with favorable emotional connotation. Such judgements can be vigorious to a discussion, but they lead to argument, not clarification, when offered as definition. IV. Types of definition 1. Standard/ Formal definition---denotation is a word’s core, direct, and literal meaning. 2. Connotative/Personal meaning---Explains what you mean by a certain term or concept that could have different meanings for others. On the other hand, connotation is the implied, suggested meaning of a word; it refers to the emotional response stimulated by associations the word carries with it. A. For Americans, Water gate is associated with a political scandal that means dishonesty. And more words are created with the suffix—gate to mean some scandal in English now, thus, Iran Gate, Intelligence Gate B. Dogs, in Chinese culture, may be quite a negative image. It is insulting to call someone a dog. What about the western people? In their eyes, dog is lovely and has good associated meanings. They say “ Love me, love my dog.” C. Imperialism means to us Chinese quite negative. Some of the western people may be proud of being imperial and imperialism itself. D. People everywhere may also share some connotations for some words. They are general connotations. Mother means love, care, selfless, etc. E. Let’s get the gang tog
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